Randall Wallace Talks About “Living the Braveheart Life”

Randall Wallace may not be a man you know by name, but you most definitely know his work. A prolific screenwriter, director, producer, and songwriter, he is most well known for writing the films Braveheart, The Man in the Iron Mask, Pearl Harbor, and Heaven is for Real. His Braveheart screenplay garnered him a Writers Guild of America Award and both a Golden Globe nomination and Academy Award nomination for Best Original Screenplay. In addition to writing, he is also the producer behind films such as We Were Soldiers, as well as being the director of Secretariat and Heaven is for Real, among others. I was lucky enough to sit down with Mr. Wallace to discuss the release of his upcoming book: Living the Braveheart Life: Finding the Courage to Follow Your Heart. The book itself is an interesting read, as it is both biographical and motivational, asking readers to ask themselves what it is they are willing to die for. Readers will learn the story behind the story of the Braveheart script, while learning about the man who wrote it.

You’ve written in quite a few different mediums- songs, books, screenplays- how does your writing process differ between them?

“I think about that a lot, and I never have a consistent answer. I think that everything that’s true is complicated. Everything that’s true has a paradox about it. You’re trying to find the most simple way to say something and finding that simplicity is what’s difficult. There has to be a great deal of courage to start the writing journey. Writing is an act of faith.”

You write a lot of stories of these epic adventures where the everyman steps up to become the hero. With that in mind, do you ever see your own story being turned into any sort of film in the future?

“I don’t know. (laughs) Robert Redford is a little old to play me now. Honestly, I think it would be a hard story to tell. I know it because I try to tell it in some ways in this book. I have three sons, and I wonder at times what their perception of me is because in some ways, their’s is the only one I care about. Everybody else’s opinion of me is whatever it is, but their’s matters, and it matters not so much in what it says about me, but what it says about them. You know, to them, I might sit down and scribble away on a piece of paper and get paid for it, but behind that there are the thousand rejections and nights of despair. I want you to know that I was as much alive when no one knew who I was as I am now. I hesitated about writing this book because really Braveheart is the story, and in movies, maybe you don’t need to see behind the curtain- why would you want to? In a certain way, I think my life is a movie- it’s called Braveheart, it’s called Pearl Harbor. In a way, I can express more of the truth of whatever is me through that stories that move me.”

What’s next for you? Are there any projects you can share?

“I’ve got a new project that is about military working dogs- the SEAL team dogs. The dogs are warriors too, and the interplay between not just human and canine but the sense that we all want to find what is essential in ourselves so that we can make contact with it. In Heaven is for Real, it was a really a deep exploration into spirit and faith. Now I want to do something that’s gritty.”

Randall Wallace’s Living the Braveheart Life: Finding the Courage to Follow Your Heart is available for pre-order now and will go on sale September 8, 2015.

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Lamb of God’s Randy Blythe talks about new album “Resolution” and his memoir “Dark Days”

Randall Blythe is probably best known for his work as lead singer of the band Lamb of God. In 2012 while on tour in support of their latest album “Resolution” Blythe was arrested upon entry into the Czech Republic as part of an investigation related to the death a fan at one of the bands shows 2 years prior. “Dark Days: A Memoir” is the first book release by Randy which details this ordeal from the days leading up to the arrest and the roller coaster ride which ensued during the preceding months. Media Mikes had the pleasure of talking with Randy recently about the book, what it was like reliving those experiences and also about the bands upcoming album and summer tour run.

Adam Lawton: What was it like going back through your journals and reliving those experiences during the writing of the book?

Randy Blythe: I think people were looking for me to have some sort of cathartic experience during the writing of this book and it just wasn’t. For the most part it was an unpleasant experience. It wasn’t fun while I was going through it and it wasn’t fun writing it. I think the story has value and there are some things in there that might help some people actually. I think this story needed to be told before my memories faded too much. I was thankful for the journals I had. It was weird to look back at them and read about this low point in my life. This wasn’t the first time I had looked back at journals where things weren’t going well but when I looked back at this specific journal and the fact that I was writing it while in a Czech prison was really heavy. There are some funny parts in the book but for the most part it was not a lot of fun going back. I learned a lot about the writing process through this whole thing but again it wasn’t very enjoyable.

AL: Did you have to do a lot of self editing when you were making your way through the chapters?

RB: I all heard was that we have to amputate things. (Laughs) That was more at the very end. Prior to that I was able to just write and write. When I write I am very clean and careful so there is not a lot of re-writing that has to be done. Aside from some grammatical era’s which the copy editors handled there wasn’t a lot of restructuring. When I first started I had this sort of romantic view of a writer/editor relationship as I had read stories about writers that I liked that had these intense relationships with their editors where they fought back and forth about what was going in the book. That’s what I was expecting but instead I got a lot of encouragement which is what I needed. I guess I wanted my hand held a little bit through the process but, I didn’t get that. (Laughs)

AL: Was there ever any worry about bringing further attention to these events and their relationship to the band?

RB: I had to examine that and certainly think about it for awhile. I don’t think there can be much more attention drawn to the situation that what has already happened. Anytime an article or something comes out whether its something it’s something as simple as going to Disney Land the events from the Czech Republic are going to be mentioned. No matter if it’s applicable or not it gets mentioned. There’s just so much misinformation out there about this that I figured if it’s going to be talked about I might as well set the record straight. If this brings the story to new people then at least they will know the real story. It won’t be something they found on the internet which needed to be put through Google translator or something like that. They get the straight dope from me. I wrote the book in a way that people from outside the metal scene will understand. I wanted people not from that world to read this as well. There is enough universal treatment and value related to personal accountability that no matter where you are in life you can relate to a degree.

AL: When this is all done do you feel you will be able to close the book on maybe just a small piece of that experience?

RB: Yes. I know I am going to be still continually asked about this but once press and everything is done for the book and it gets brought up later on I can just refer people to the 500 page book I wrote about it. That’s it. Just a very short answer as the book has everything people need to know about what happened.

AL: The first two songs from the band’s new album “512” and “Overlord” are quite different from one another can you tell us about that and if there was anything different in the creative process this time around for you guys?

RB: “Overlord” is actually the first song the guys have done where I can sing over the top of it. It isn’t a bid deal or something that was done consciously. One day Willie was playing some blues licks and I started humming along and that’s really all that happened. It just was very natural and organic. As far as how things were done with this album it was all the same. We have been doing this for 21 years now so we aren’t reinventing the wheel or anything like that. We have been doing this a long time and it is what it is. We just try and grow as musicians with each new album.

AL: The band kicks off a summer tour run in a few weeks can you tell us about that and any other plans you guys might have for 2015?

RB: We will be out on the road with Slipknot for 8 weeks. After that we have about a month off before heading over to South America for 3 shows. After that we head to Europe for about 5 weeks with Children of Bodom and then we will be in the UK with Megadeth.

AL: After what happened in the Czech Republic does traveling to these other countries every worry you at all?

RB: No. From time to time when I’m walking down the jet way I do get a little nervous. (Laughs) I have been around the world twice and it wasn’t ever like I was in hiding for two years or something like that. I was right back on the road immediately after everything was over.

Be sure to check out our review of “Dark Days: A Memoir” in the review section of the site.


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Dark Days: A Memoir Hardcover by D. Randall Blythe

“Dark Days: A Memoir”
Author: D. Randall Blythe
Hardcover: 496 pages
Publisher: Da Capo Press

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

Lamb of God vocalist D. Randall Blythe finally tells the world his story around the arrest, incarceration, trial and acquittal for the charge of manslaughter in the Czech Republic over the tragic and accidental death of a concertgoer. Riveting, bold and brutally honest “Dark Days: A Memoir” isn’t your everyday rock and roll memoir.

Having followed the story from when it first broke that Lamb of God singer Randy Blythe was arrested in the Czech Republic on charges of suspected manslaughter related to a death following the bands concert 2 years prior, this book was a no brainer for me to check out. This is not your typical tell all memoir filled with debotcherous tales from the road. Instead you get the inside story from the man who lived these terrifying events. Blythe recounts his experiences in such a way that you almost feel the emotion coming from the words on the pages.

From the days leading up to his unexpected arrest to the accounts of dealing with the arduous process of understand the Czech legal system all the while trying to recount the events of what was thought to be just another day on tour from 2 years ago. Spliced in between chapters related to the events in Czech Republic Blythe talks about his struggles with alcoholism and his recent rehabilitation and how his rough past growing up as an outcast teen in Richmond, VA shaped who he is today and how he handled himself throughout this horrific ordeal.

“Dark Days” is not just for fans of Lamb of God or heavy metal. The book is a must for anyone interested in a unique story of injustice and the long arduous journey one man took to clear his name by returning to a foreign country to stand trial against the charges set forth by a country that clearly wanted to make an example of this individual.


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Book Review “You’re Making Me Hate You” by Corey Taylor

“You’re Making Me Hate You: A Cantankerous Look at the Common Misconception That Humans Have Any Common Sense Left”
Author: Corey Taylor
Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: Da Capo Press

Our Score: 2 out of 5 stars

“You’re Making Me Hate You: A Cantankerous Look at the Common Misconception That Humans Have Any Common Sense Left” or “You’re Making Me Hate You” for short is the third book from Slipknot/Stone Sour front man Corey Taylor. The book is a no punches pulled critique of the strange world in which we find ourselves as documented by the one and only Mr. Taylor himself.

Never one to shy away from his opinions or thoughts Corey Taylor delivers and honest and in your face account of daily occurrences that well as the title suggests makes him hate you. The first few chapters are fun and fairly enjoyable to read however as the book progresses I quickly lost interest as the chapters became predictable and somewhat repetitive. At times Taylor seems to ramble off on side topics which may or may not directly relate to the chapters unique title and no matter how much was or wasn’t related to the initial topic the stories lost my interest.

Fan’s of Taylor’s will surely want to check out the book if not just to have but to also take a little peek into the writers interesting thoughts however if you are looking for some sort of tell all behind the scenes like Taylor’s previous works then you may want to skip this one


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Book Review “The Art of Mad Max: Fury Road”

Author: Abbie Bernstein
Hardcover: 176 pages
Publisher: Titan Books
Release Date: May 19, 2015

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

“Mad Max: Fury Road” is easily one of the best films to date for 2015. When you watch this film it is like watching a video game live action. You can also see in the film that there is very little visual effects in this film and a lot of practical effects were used. I couldn’t wait to dive into the making of book for this film. Kicked off with an amazing foreword by creator/director George Miller. This guy is extremely passionate about “Mad Max” and this intro really gets you in the mood for this.  “The Art of Mad Max: Fury Road” is another winner from Titan Books.

Official Film Premise: Max Rockatansky returns. Haunted by his turbulent past, the wandering Road Warrior becomes swept up with a group fleeing across the Wasteland in a War Rig driven by an elite Imperator, Furiosa. Seeking escape from the tyranny of Immortan Joe, what follows is a high-octane Road War – and a chance for redemption.

“The Art of Mad Max: Fury Road” is jam packed with super high res production stills, some really cool behind-the-scenes photos and my favorite concept art. You can tell that a lot of planning and details went into making this film and it is well represented here in this book. They deliver another winner. Author, Abbie Bernstein knows here making of books having worked on “Fantastic 4: The Making of the Movie”, “The Guild: The Official Companion” and “The Cabin in the woods: Official Visual Companion”. She really sums up what any reader is looking for after soaking in this crazy film. A must read for any “Mad Max” fan!


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Book Review “The Art of Inside Out”

Series: The Art of
Hardcover: 176 pages
Publisher: Chronicle Books

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

Personally Disney•Pixar really hasn’t WOWed me recently with their sequel/prequels from “Cars 2” to “Monsters University”, it is really excited to see them going back to an original movie like “Inside Out”, especially with Academy Award-winning director Pete Docter (“Monsters, Inc.,” “Up”) taking lead. This film looks to be one of the best projects to come out the doors of the studio recently. This film really looks to examines the depths of the mind and the powers of emotion and imagination. In terms of “Art of” books, this one is a one of the better to come from the Disney series.

Official Premise: Growing up can be a bumpy road, and it’s no exception for Riley, who is uprooted from her Midwest life when her father starts a new job in San Francisco. Like all of us, Riley is guided by her emotions – Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Sadness. The emotions live in Headquarters, the control center inside Riley’s mind, where they help advise her through everyday life. As Riley and her emotions struggle to adjust to a new life in San Francisco, turmoil ensues in Headquarters. Although Joy, Riley’s main and most important emotion, tries to keep things positive, the emotions conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house and school.

“The Art of Inside Out” gives the reader an exclusive inside look into the hard work that went into the making of this vibrant film. It features tons of eye-catching and very colorful concept art including sketches, collages, color scripts. There is also a great foreword by actress Amy Poehler and also an introduction by the film’s writer and director Pete Docter. Actually speaking of text, there is not much text here at all, which is a big of a minus but the tons of great photos really make up for that shortage. Now the only problem after reading this book is that I want to see this movie 100% times more now! Can’t wait!

Book Reviews “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse/Sofia the First: Board Book Box Sets”

Age Range: 3 – 5 years
Grade Level: Preschool – Kindergarten
Series: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse / Sofia the First
Hardcover: 40 pages
Publisher: Disney Press
Release Dates: June 16, 2015

Our Scores: 4 out of 5 stars

Personally, I am big fan of “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse”, as is my three year old daughter. “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Meeska Mooska-tales” is the latest collection of board books in a nice box set. This contains four board books within the slipcase that showcases all your favorite characters from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Includes are “Goofy Takes a Vacation”; “On the Go!”; “Perfect Pets”; “Snap Goes the Camera”. If you love “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse”, these are a must. My daughter got extremely excited when opening this box set and screamed “FOUR BOOKS!, REALLY?” when going through it and since then these have become a must read (during potty time, more on that below).

Next up is another one of my daughters favorite “Sofia the First” in her latest board book collection called “Sofia’s Princess Adventures”. Within this slipcase, there are also four board books that feature Sofia and friends in brand-new stories fit only for your little princess. The stories include “Best Friends”; “Good Sports”; “Magic Class” and “Sofia’s Amulet”. Both of these sets have easily earned themselves as the “go-to” books for potty time. One set is in the upstairs bathroom and the other is in the downstairs bathroom and during every visit these are taken out and read. So they are getting plenty of use from our family! So, I highly recommend.


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Book Review “Disney’s Storybook Collection: 2015 Edition”

Age Range: 3 – 5 years
Grade Level: Preschool – Kindergarten
Series: Storybook Collection
Hardcover: 304 pages
Publisher: Disney Press
Release Date: May 5, 2015

Our Score: 2.5 out of 5 stars

When I think about “Disney’s Storybook Collection”, I travel all the way back to 1999 and I think of the book that I received from my wife (then girlfriend) as a birthday gift. I would really love to praise this latest edition and say that its the bees knees but it really didn’t WOW me. In fact, instead of containing new original stories, it features a bunch of simple retelling of existing Disney stories. So it is great for my daughter, since she doesn’t care about new stories and just loves seeing pictures of her favorite characters and hearing fun stories but not really super exciting for daddy, who is looking for something new and original.

So the only thing that is actually new in this book is that there are some new artwork included and edited text. But otherwise, this includes a lot of older stories taken from previous books. Here is a list of the stories includes in this latest edition “The Lion King”; “Wreck-It Ralph”; “The Princess and the Frog”; “Cinderella”; “Frozen”; “Robin Hood”; “101 Dalmatians”; “Peter Pan”; “Mulan”; “Aladdin”; “Beauty and the a Beast”; “Lady and the Tramp”; “Pinocchio”; “Lilo & Stitch”; “Sleeping Beauty”; “Tangled”; “The Little Mermaid”; “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”. If you are looking for a really good and new Disney Storybook Collection, they released a new Christmas last Fall and that one was great featuring new, original stories. Skip this get that!


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Book Review “Sofia the First: S Is for Sofia”

Age Range: 3 – 5 years
Grade Level: Preschool – Kindergarten
Board book: 26 pages
Publisher: Disney Press
Release Date: June 2, 2015

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

“Sofia the First: S Is for Sofia” is a book that couldn’t have come at a more perfect time for my family. My daughter is three and is at the early stage of learning her ABC’s…she also absolutely loves “Sofia the First”. This book not only teaches the alphabet to her it also includes letters to trace to encourage the learning process and also includes over 100 flaps to engage her as well. This is winner for all kids preschool to Kindergarten for sure!

Official Premise: Get ready for some royal alphabet fun with this Sofia the First board book! On each page, Sofia and her friends introduce a new letter of the alphabet with a sturdy die-cut letter to trace and colorful flaps to explore! Beneath each flap is a new word that connects characters to the featured letter. With over 100 flaps, this beautiful board book is sure to delight any young reader and Sofia the First fan!


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Book Reviews “Disney/Pixar’s Inside Out” Series

Disney Press has been really pushing their latest movie very hard this summer. There are numerous books on the shelves already for “Inside Out” and they are actually all amazing!! I am really waiting for this new movie and these books only make myself, my wife and most importantly our three year old much more excited to see it. The first book I will be discussing is “Sadly Ever After?”, which is actually an original story placed in the the world of “Inside Out”. I love the two characters of Joy and Sadness and this story really captures the sweetness of both of them. Plus this book, also comes with a Disney eBook called “Lava”…bonus!

Next up, is a simple one yet has become a must have (at all time) for my daughter), “Inside Out Read-Along Storybook and CD”. Here is the official premise: Jump inside Riley’s mind and get to know the Emotions who know her best: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust. Relive all of the adventure from the Disney*Pixar film, Inside Out, with this storybook-and-CD-set. What I like most about the CD includes with the book is that it has word-for-word narration, thrilling sound effects, and original character voices from the movie! So this is a must own.

by Emotions”. This one is definitely set for an older reader ages 8-12 and hits the 240 page mark. I am impressed that Disney Press released this one One of the most impressive releases, I must add is “Inside Out Driven for the older Disney/Pixar fans as well and not just another novelization. This one consists of a chapter book that reveals unseen stories from “Inside Out”. Each chapter offers a different retelling of the film from one of Riley’s Emotions: Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust. I highly recommend this one of even for those “big kids” as well.

Lastly, “Inside Out: Box of Mixed Emotions” was the latest of the book my daughter broke into and let me tell you THIS is the set to get to introduce your kids to these characters. It is funny and very cute. My daughter already has picked out her favorite character which is surprisingly Disgust. But this collection includes five storybooks, each devoted to a different Emotion, Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust, includes within a very snazzy die-cut slipcase. This is my favorite of the books released for this series just because it is also got my daughter the most excited for the film and also has her already asking for more including the Disgust plush doll we saw at Downtown Disney this week, so congrats Disney Press. You have done well with these books. Now, bring on the movie! Can’t wait!

Book Review “How to Be a Man (and other illusions)” by Duff McKagan

“How to Be a Man (and other illusions)”
Author: Duff McKagan
Hardcover: 304 pages
Publisher: Da Capo Press

Our Score: 3 out of 5 stars

“How to Be a Man” is the follow-up to bassist Duff McKagan’s critically acclaimed New York Times bestselling memoir “It’s So Easy: (and other lies). From his time with Gun’s N’ Roses and Velvet Revolver, to getting sober Duff shares the wisdom he learned while on the road to superstardom.

Told through a series of brief chapters all of which carry humorous titles “How to Be a Man (and other illusions)” documents Duff’s past trials and tribulations while on his way up through the various steps of stardom. From getting sober to raising a family no topic is off limits as McKagan speaks candidly about his experiences while passively attempting to teach the reader a thing or two about the sometimes not so glamorous life on the road. Amidst the scattered life lessons Duff shares little know facts about some of the biggest music stars in the industry to which Duff has the privy of calling friends. We learn about Gene Simmons hidden dance skills, Jane’s Addiction front-man Perry Ferrell’s knack for NFL history along with Duff’s accounts of reuniting recently with Axl Rose to perform a number of shows with Guns N’ Roses while the band was in South America.

Though some of the chapters in the book seemed a bit dry and tended to drone on there was still something about this book that pulled me back in page after page. Duff clearly has lived the rock-star life and those were certainly the elements that stood out for me. I understand Duff not wanting to tell the same old stories that were documented in his first book however those types of stories are what I feel capture the reader’s attention more so than the importance of using sun block while in South America. All in all a fun and quick read that fan’s of Duff and his music will surely enjoy.

Book Reviews “The World According to Iron Man” and “The World According to Thor”

Hardcover: 64 Pages
Publisher: Insight Editions
Release Date: April 21, 2015

Our Scores: 4 out of 5 stars

The World According to…

When I was younger I loved books that came with their own little hidden treasures, pull out letters or drawings from characters, something tangible from the world of the book. In this respect and more I suspect Insight Editions new “The World According to…” set of Avengers books will be greatly satisfying to the young Marvel fan.

Told from the point of view of one of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, The World According to Iron Man (by Larry Hama and Marc Sumerak) and The World According to Thor (Sumarak) are fun introductions to Tony Stark and Thor Odinson, touching on all the aspects of their respective universes from origins, to villains and allies. Both boast bright, engaging illustrations (by Mirco Pierfederici for Iron Man, and Freddie E. Williams II for Thor) that warrant a closer look to catch some fun background action. You can spot Black Widow rebuffing Hawkeye at Stark’s party or, what I’m 98% positive is Disney’s Cinderella castle in the realm of Alfheim from our “Tour with Thor” (synergy, kids!)

When it comes to the Avengers, my personal favorite is Thor so that likely contributed to my enjoying his story slightly more, although perhaps his Asgardian exclamations–By Odin’s stamp collection!–simply jump off the page louder than Stark’s trademark sarcastic banter does. Author Sumerak also cleverly lets Thor give over narration of his tales to fan favorites The Warriors Three and Loki which contribute to filling out his “World” a little more than Stark’s. That said, the nifty special features that Iron Man’s book come with–Stark Industries Business Cards and Stocks, blue prints of the technology–would definitely excite the young reader looking to grasp onto a piece of the Stark empire. Perfect for the young fan who’s perhaps not exactly ready to square off with Ultron on the big screen.

Book Review “Before Tomorrowland”

Author: Brad Bird, Damon Lindelof, Jeff Jensen, Jonathan Case
Age Range: 12 – 18 years
Grade Level: 7 – 12
Hardcover: 336 pages
Publisher: Disney Press
Release Date: April 7, 2015

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

“Tomorrowland” is easily one of my most anticipated films of 2015. Brad Bird (director of “The Incredibles” & “Ratatouille”) with George Clooney starring sounds like an instant win. “Before Tomorrowland” is a really neat original prequel novel to the film that also features a 20-page comic book. It is a nice introduction to the movie and actually successfully got me even more excited for the film.

Official Premise: The year is 1939. A secret society of extraordinary geniuses is about to share an incredible discovery with the world. A misguided enemy–half man, half machine–will stop at nothing to prevent the group from giving this forbidden knowledge to humanity. And a mother and son on vacation in New York City are handed a comic book infused with a secret code that will lead them straight into the crossfires of the conspiracy.

Even though this book is set in 1939, this sci-fi adventure has a very futuristic sort of steampunk feel to it, which I really enjoy. There is another book smile to this called “Clockwork Angels” that this reminded me of. The illustrations throughout and the minicomic at the book are both a really nice bonus. There is something about having a book with drawing throughout. It helps me with the visual process.

The mean behind this novel is the co-producer, co-writer and director of “Tomorrowland”, Brad Bird aka director of “The Incredibles” & “Ratatouille”; co-producer, co-writer, Damon Lindelof, known best for being the head writer for the critically-acclaimed ABC show,”Lost”; fellow co-writer of “Tomorrowland” and also senior writer for Entertainment Weekly, Jeff Jensen and lastly artist Jonathan Case, known for graphic novel, “Dear Creature”. No shortage of talent here at all, which make this novel a win!

Book Review “The Avengers Storybook Collection”

Age Range: 6 – 8 years
Grade Level: 1 – 3
Series: Storybook Collection
Hardcover: 304 pages
Publisher: Marvel Press
Release Date: March 31, 2015

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

I wish I had a book like this when I was a kid. “The Avengers Storybook Collection” is a must have for any parent with young boys or even young fan girls for that matter! There is nothing like getting ready a story filled with heroism, adventure and action just before going to slip. These stories are fun, exciting and feature some of our favorite Marvel superheroes. Even though, my daughter is a little young for this one, she still loves it and already came name every character on the cover!

Official Premise: Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Falcon are Earth’s Mightiest Marvels-the Avengers! Join them as they work together to battle against sinister Super Villains such as Ultron, Thanos, the Masters of Evil,and more, to keep the Earth safe. Featuring 20 explosive stories of good vs. evil. Avengers assemble!

Let’s hope that this Storybook Collection is the first of many. There are literally an infinite collection of characters that they can include in future collections. This one has 20 stories included with all of the favorites like Iron Man and Captain America but I would love to be able to introduce my daughter to some of the lesser known characters as well. They could even do a female superhero only book OOHHHH OOHHHH or even better a villains only book. Who wouldn’t want to read a new story featuring everyone’s favorite Avenger villain, Loki! Fingers crossed!

Book Review “Star Wars: The Original Trilogy – Read-Along Storybook and CD”

Age Range: 6 – 8 years
Grade Level: 1 – 3
Series: Read-Along Storybook and CD
Paperback: 32 pages
Publisher: Disney Lucasfilm Press

Our Scores: 5 out of 5 stars

I am very excited that Disney has decided to release the original trilogy for “Star Wars” in a kid friendly Read-Along Storybook with a CD included. I have a 3 year old daughter and she loves “Star Wars” already and this is the perfect way to get introduced to the original trilogy in a fun and exciting way.

The books are fully illustrated with images by “Star Wars” artist Brian Rood. The images are crisp and the dialogue (though not original) easy to read. Included with this storybook series is a CD with word-for-word narration, music, and character voices. I find that it really engages my daughter with the beeps to turn the page and exciting sound effects.

“Star Wars: A New Hope”: Experience Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope like never before! Follow along as Luke Skywalker meets Obi-Wan Kenobi, rescues Princess Leia, and faces Darth Vader for the first time.

“Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back”: The Rebellion faces its darkest hour in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. Follow along as Luke Skywalker trains with Yoda to become a Jedi and defeat the fearsome Darth Vader.

“Star Wars: Return of the Jedi” The Rebellion begins a desperate mission to defeat the Empire once and for all in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. Follow along as Luke Skywalker and the rest of the rebels take on the Empire’s deadliest weapon yet–a new Death Star.

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