Matt Lanter chats about voicing Anakin Skywalker in “Star Wars: The Clone Wars”

Matt Lanter is currently the voice of Anakin Skywalker in “Star Wars: The Clone Wars”. The show is entering its fifth season starting on September 29, 2012. He also co-stars as Liam on The CW’s “90210”. Media Mikes had a chance to meet up with Matt during the recent Star Wars Celebration VI and got to chat “Star Wars” with him.

Mike Gencarelli: When you are preparing to voice Anakin, what do you use as your inspiration to get into character?
Matt Lanter: Well we’ve been doing it for seven years now. We have been living with the character for a lot of time. So there is no ritual that I do to actually get into character. When I read the script, I just let my imagination take off into that world. The movies and the prior episodes are always in my head. When we go to record an episode, Dave (Filoni) is also there to give me notes. With Anakin, we always have an on-going discussing of where is he at right now. Has he changed as far as his awareness to manipulation. Is he losing patience for Obi-Wan or the counsel? Also how much do we want to show of them each season? There is a lot of that kind of prep prior to recording.

MG: Any new characters that you will be voicing this season?
ML: In the premiere episode this season, I get to also voice Hondo’s right hand man, a pirate called Jiro. He actually has a substantial role in the episode. He speaks with this Australian accent. I also have done a bunch of other stuff but you probably can’t tell since I really try to change it up. You just know Anakin’s voice so well. Dave is really letting me get in there and do more and more, which I love. It is great to be one of the James Arnold Taylor’s or Dee Bradley Baker’s on the show.

MG: Did you realize you had such range when voicing other characters?
ML: I think I learned more with going to different places and being around these guys. They talk about being elevate due to the acting part of it. But I am really elevated by them with the range of voicing that they can do. Like how to place with a pitch or tone for a voice, I have really learned a lot from them. I think if you look back through the series, I think you will be surprised that I have played numerous characters throughout. Bounty Hunters, Pirates and all sorts of cool things.

MG: You said you’ve watched the Star Wars Saga, Have you ever met Hayden Christiansen?
ML: No I have never met Hayden, no. He is about the only one I have met.

MG: Do you have a favorite character and can’t say Anakin?
ML: [Laughs] I love Han Solo. He is the man. He get’s the girl. He is witty. Han Solo has a big influence voicing Anakin for me. So I’ll go with Han Solo…and R2-D2.

MG: Do you feel that as Anakin gets closer to his role in “Revenge of the Sith” that it is becoming more challenging for you?
ML: Yeah, it will be a challenge. It is always a challenge though, but a fun challenge to accept to take him to that place. What is going to be challenging is how to show that in a natural way and not just go all the way out. we need to find the moments to show that stuff. Cause even in “Revenge of the Sith”, he is not a monster or anything. So we have to naturally segue that in. But with Dave and the great writing team with have, they have it under control.

MG: With fellow “Clone Wars”, Catherine Taber, Dee Bradley Baker and Anthony Daniels having voice roles in “Star Wars: Detours”, any chance you’ll appear as well?
ML: I would love to. I saw some of the stuff from the trailer and it looks like they are really having a blast with it. I am not sure what they would use me for but I would definitely love to.

MG: Do you own any of your own merchandise?
ML: Yeah, I do actually. I own a bit of Anakin stuff. I try not to get crazy with it. I got some really cool figurines form Gentle Giant. After a few seasons with the show, they gave us all a “Clone Wars” head thanking us for three years of service. That was really cool, especially since that was a cast/crew only thing.

MG: How is it for you going from such an intense role in “Star Wars The Clone Wars” to “90210”?
ML: Like I said, I have been doing both for a while now. It is just a different head space, when I am driving to work to “Clone Wars”, I am usually thinking about something that happened on a previous episode or a cool image or just being in a “Star Wars” state-of-mind. With “90210”, I have a long drive to that show. So I have a lot of time to think about that show and my character.

MG: If Liam from “90210” and Anakin from “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” met, what would they talk about?
ML: [laughs] Probably about fixing a car or a speed-bike. Cause that is Anakin and Liam in the first season was all about his car. So I think they would find some common ground there [laughs].


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Bree Williamson talks about joining the cast of Syfy’s “Haven”

Bree Willamson played the role of Jessica Buchanan on “One Life to Life” for almost 10 years until it ended earlier this year. Ā She recently joined the cast of Syfy’s “Haven”, playingĀ Dr. Claire Callahan. Ā Media Mikes had a chance to chat with Bree about the new show and also how it compares to working on Soaps.

Mike Gencarelli: Tell us how you got the role of Dr. Claire Callahan in “Haven” and your inspiration?
Bree Williamson:Ā Well I auditioned like normal. It was just a really fun audition and felt that I really connected. On the soap, I got to play a crazy person and I guess I played her as the kind of therapist that I would want to have. She is smart, quick and tells it how it is. She doesn’t have a filter. She loves her job and isĀ constantlyĀ working. She is someone that you can’t have dinner with because everything you say she would be analyzing it and doing her job.

MG:Ā Was your hair color change for the film role, in particularly?
BW: Oh…it was because of the role. When I moved to L.A., I had darkened my hair to brown and for the role they wanted me red. So now it is back to brown/blond, so there ya go. Red hair was really hard to keep so they had to dye my hair like one a week, it was intense. This was one of the best crews I have ever worked with. They were amazing.

MG:Ā EveryoneĀ characterĀ has their own secrets, what does skeleton’s does Dr. Claire has in her closet?
BW:Ā She is straight forward and then she isn’t…that is all I am going to say [laughs]. This is a really fun show and I am really glad to be a part of it.

MG:Ā How was it joining the show in its established third season?
BW:Ā There really wasn’t any challenges.Ā EverybodyĀ was great. My job was easy. Everyone was like business as usual and they had a routine. Working with a cast like Emily (Rose), Eric (Balafour) and Lucas (Bryant), they were all so nice. Working in Nova ScotiaĀ was great. Pretty much everyone in the cast is from L.A. and they all work hard and play hard. We would go surfing on the weekend and I got the low-down on all the bestĀ restaurantsĀ and best places to give your coffee.

MG:Ā How do you feel this differs than your work on “One Life to Live”?
BW:Ā With the Soaps, I was a little bit spoiled. It is a 9-5 job. You always know what to expect. We got to live in NY. You always give up something and get something else. With a Soap Opera, I did audition for other things but was mostly caught up with the Soap. Now not being on the Soap and doing other shows, it is exciting for me. I get to go to places like Nova Scotia. It is not as comfortable but that is the part that I enjoy the most. The hardest part was being apart from my home but at least my son got to come with me. My husband also got to come for a while.

MG: Tell us about your role in the NBC midseason series, “Infamous”?
BW:Ā It is a great show with a really great cast. I play Vivian Bower, this high-class drug addict socialite, who gets murdered in the pilot episode. Meagan Good’s character Johanna she is a police officer, undercover into the Bowers household to solve the mystery of my death. It is a “Revenge” meets “Twin Peaks”. I get to come back in flashbacks so that is really great.


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Erika Eleniak reflects on ā€œBaywatchā€ and working with Jim Varney

When your first acting job is in one of the most popular movies ever made where do you go from there? For Erika Eleniak, you go straight to the top. At age 10 she appeared alongside Henry Thomas in Steven Spielberg’s classic “E.T.” As the girl Thomas’ character, Elliot, kisses in the classroom, Eleniak certainly made an impression on young film fans. As she got older she found work on television, often as the prospective love interest of such actors as Rick Schroeder on “Silver Spoons,” Scott Baio on “Charles in Charge” and John Stamos on “Full House.” In 1989 she began a two-plus season run as lifeguard Shauni McClain on the popular television series “Baywatch!” Three years later she broke out on the big screen as Playboy playmate Jordan Tate in the Steven Segal action hit “Under Siege.”

In the two decades since she has built a strong resume’ of work both on television (“Brooklyn South,” “Desperate Housewives”) and film (“The Beverly Hillbillies,” “Chasers”). Now the proud mother of a daughter, Ms. Eleniak continues to work steadily, currently adding the word “Author” to her resume. While appearing at the Con X KC convention she took time out to talk with Media Mikes.

Mike Smith: Your first screen role put you in one of the most beloved films of all time, ā€œE.T.ā€ Were you made aware of what the film was about? Did you get to read the entire script or just the pages for your scene?
Erika Eleniak: No. It was very secret. The whole thing from top to bottom was kept under wraps. We were given a different name ā€“ I was told the film was called ā€œA Boys Life.ā€ I was pretty much told it was about a boy and an alien. Nothing beyond that. There was no script really for me ā€“ we just did our thing. And that was it. There was no hanging out around the set.

MS: Did you shoot any additional scenes that werenā€™t used?
EE: Not any extra scenes but I do believe I had a line or two when Henry Thomas is trying to free the frogs in class. We were lab partners and I was doing the standard ā€œwhat are you doing?ā€ In fact, it may have been as simple AS ā€œwhat are you doing, Elliot? Stop it. Youā€™re going to get in trouble.ā€ Iā€™m pretty sure I had a line that definitely got cut.

MS: You left ā€œBaywatchā€ at the beginning of season three. Were you surprised at the popularity of the show, especially around the world?
EE: Yes and no. I think everyone was in some way. When you think about the subject matter being shown to other parts of the worldā€¦shiny California while other parts of the world are freezingā€¦that part is definitely not surprising as to why the show got such a warm welcome (laughs)ā€¦excuse the pun! But how can you ever foresee the success of a show before it happens? You really canā€™t. The way it all happenedā€¦going from being on NBC, which was a really conservative network, to syndication where you could do a lot more with necklines plungingā€¦more eye candy. More of what it eventually became. I think it certainly evolved into itself. It was a work in progress that started out as something much different then where it ended up for sure. I would say that everyone was most happily surprised.

MS: I was very fortunate to have known Jim Varney. Do you have any special memories of working with him on ā€œThe Beverly Hillbillies?ā€
EE: I do! Whenever people ask me about Jim Varney I always have to say that he was one of the most soft-spoken and sweet gentlemen. It was such a loss for him to leave us as early as he did. The funny thing that I loved about Jim was that you could pick any topic on this planetā€¦anything off the wall, and he could talk to you for 20 minutes about it. He was a walking encyclopedia. He was just so smart and it was baffling how much information he had about the most random things. He was incredible that way. Just fascinating. And one of my favorite memories was he and I sitting in the makeup trailer before work. We were just chatting. It was early in the morning and I remember just talking about how I had started a hope chest. I had always wanted children so I started a baby clothes collection and I mentioned that I had started to collect quotes. We were just talking. And about a year after the film wrapped I got this huge box in the mail. Jim had remembered our conversationā€¦I barely did. As I said, it was just idle chatterā€¦ā€howā€™s the weather,ā€ that kind of thing. And Jim had sent me two handmade quilts. One was for a baby to put in my hope chest and one was for my quilt collection. He had asked a lady from his little home town in Tennessee to make these things by hand for me and send them to me. I was blown away. My God, that was just so thoughtfulā€¦I donā€™t have enough time in this conversation to tell you what a sweet man he was. And that quilt is still on my little girlā€™s bed in her bedroom.

MS: Youā€™ve done a lot of work in both television and film. Do you have a preference?
EE: No. Just whatever is qualityā€¦whatever is a great role. I suppose now, because I have a six year old daughter, scheduling becomes so much more important. I have a child in school so whatever comes along scheduling is always the first thing I try to figure out. Sometimes the shorter the shoot the more complicated things can become. Is it a matter of getting someone to take her back and forth or if itā€™s a little bit longer do I pull her out of school, take her on set with me and do independent study with her? As for the medium, thereā€™s no preference as long as itā€™s an amazing role. But where it does become more preferential is in the scheduling. Right now I have a couple of movies coming out. One was really just a cameo and it was a very short and sweet shoot. The other one was a much longer film shoot so she stayed on set with me with a nanny and did her school work there. Itā€™s worked out really well so far. I love television and I love doing films. I will always love doing films. As long as itā€™s a great, interesting role I have no preference.

MS: Are you working on anything now?
EE: I just finished two films. One is called ā€œMeant to Beā€ and I believe theyā€™re going to release it in December. The film stars Della Reese and Michael Gross and Dean Cain and itā€™s a really very cool story with a great twist that was so appealing when I read the script. I also have a cameo in a Lifetime Channel movie called ā€œHoliday Spin.ā€ I love Lifetime. I really love the stories they tell. They tend to focus on relationships between people. Ralph Maccio is in it, though unfortunately I didnā€™t get to work with him. And Iā€™m also in the middle of having a childrenā€™s book published. Weā€™re in the artwork stage right now. Itā€™s certainly a learning experience for me because Iā€™m totally new to that world. There are layers and layers and layers to go through in the process and weā€™re just getting to the part of getting the artwork accomplished between myself and the illustrator and the publisher. So Iā€™ve got a few things in the pot!

Harold Perrineau talks about his role on FX’s “Sons of Anarchy”

Harold Perrineau is currently playing the role of Damon Pope in FX’s “Sons of Anarchy”. He joined the cast of the show this season with it’s all-star cast. Harold is known for his roles in shows like “Oz” and “Lost”. Media Mikes had a chance to chat with Harold about his role and what we can expect.

Mike Gencarelli: How did you become involved in this show “Sons of Anarchy”?
Harold Perrineau: I knew they were looking for Damon Pope for a while. Kurt Sutter was tweeting about it and I followed him on Twitter. My wife is always reading it and one day she said, ā€œYou know, they still havenā€™t found Damon Pope, Maybe you should try to send Kurt an e-mail.ā€ And so, I did and sent him an e-mail just to see if I could get a meeting with him and he took the meeting and we sat and talked about it. By the time I got home, he bravely said, ā€œLetā€™s do it.ā€ And so, there I am.

MG: Can you talk about kind of how you prepared for your role of Damon Pope and how you just go into that mindset?
HP: I had talked to Kurt Sutter a bit about the character. We talked at length a bit about his ideas about Damon Pope, some of the people that Damon Pope reminded him of; one of them being Frank Lucas who was the movie “American Gangster” that Denzel Washington did, was based on his life. And then, I started doing a bunch of research on my own about a different guys who took their sort of street life and then turned them into more legit businesses and thatā€™s kind of how I sort of setup Damon Pope and how he might think or the way he may act in retaliation to things that are very emotional for him like that. So, basically, I just sort of pulledon these different sorts of businessmen and gangsters who I thought had similar kinds of backgrounds.

MG:Ā Listen, so in this show, everyoneā€™s a bad ass, how does it feel coming into this during its fifth season and playing the main baddie?
HP:Ā It was a little daunting I have to say because they are a bunch of dudes who play bad asses. Theyā€™re great actors and they do really, really well. And so, I felt in the very beginning it was going to be sort of interesting trying to ingratiate myself into this group of guys while also keeping a bit of distance because I knew that my character is just going to be an adversary and I didnā€™t want any of my own personal feelings about liking them or any of that stuff to come across with Damon Pope because I think Damon Pope is very focused and serious about what he needs done and wants to do. So, it was a little tricky, but theyā€™re a great cast of people and great actors. And so, they made it really, really easy.

MG:Ā So, what was it about Pope that you liked?
HP:Ā I like the show Sons of Anarchy. I like Kurt Sutter. I like the idea of this guy whoā€™s not just rolling in as some gangster to be tough, but heā€™s a guy who just lost his child. One of the things that I felt like might be really challenging and kind of fun is to see if the audience members just go like, ā€œOh, heā€™s just a terrible guyā€ or if someone can go, ā€œHey, if somebody had killed my daughter for a frivolous reason that ā€˜Tigā€™ killed his daughter, what would I doā€ and actually have some empathy for ā€œPope.ā€ Iā€™m really curious about whether that will ever play out, or if itā€™s just going to be like, ā€œHeā€™s just a bad dude.ā€ So, for me I thought that was an interesting thing to try to spot and then try to bring to the character.

MG:Ā Have you had a chance to see any of the fan reaction to your character so far either from your existing fans who have followed you to this series or fans of “Sons of Anarchy”
HP:Ā Because of all the social media stuff, yes. Right after the opening episode, the very first episode, I gained a whole lot more Twitter followers and people who were really excited about it, people who were really happy to see me, had seen me do other things before, people who had never seen my work before, people who were really mad at Damon Pope, but super excited about what was going to happen next. And so, pretty immediately I got to experience a lot of the “SOA” fans.

MG:Ā What else can we expect from Pope in the coming episodes?
HP: You can expect a guy who is looking for satisfaction and he will not be denied. He wants some satisfaction for the death of his daughter and he wonā€™t be denied, period.

Jillycakes’ Jillian Hopke talks about winning Food Network’s “Cupcake Wars”

Jillian Hopke is the owner of the Orlando, FL based Jillycakes. She also was the winner of Season 6, Episode 12 of Food Network’s “Cupcake Wars”. Media Mikes had a chance to chat with Jillian about her road to victory and how she got started in the business.

Mike Gencarelli: Tell us how Jillycakes came about?
Jillian Hopke: About 5 years ago I started baking for several of my coworkers, various birthdays and celebrations and each time people were blown away by the cakes and cupcakes. AT that point I was fortunate enough to have a captive audience and I started experimenting with flavors and bringing them to work. While everyone was just happy to have free cake I was able to get them hooked on my product and solicit some free market research in the meantime. When we first started baking for hire many of our clients were, and still are, friends of ours. Up until the moment we were on the show our advertising had been 100% word of mouth. It speaks volumes for your product when you can become so successful just by friends telling friends.

MG: Have you always want to work in this field?
JH: Baking has always been a hobby and a passion for me I never expected or planned to have things get to this magnitude. Growing up we were taught if you do something you should strive to be the best at it. Iā€™m completely self-taught and have been blessed with a natural artistic skill. I canā€™t express how fortunate I feel that something I love doing has become such a prominent part of my life!

MG: How did you get chosen to compete on “Cupcake Wars”?
JH: I was sent the link to the online casting call by a very good friend of mine Blake. At first I didnā€™t take him very seriously but, knowing of our years of experience performing for local theme parks, he said ā€œcā€™monā€¦.we already know you make the best cupcakes PLUS you would make great televisionā€. So I took his advice and wrote from the heartā€¦ .I never dreamed they would actually choose us! The very first part of the process was just an essay to submit our application and plead our case. The video audition tape that was requested by our casting agent didnā€™t come till many months later. All in all it was a casting process spanning nearly two years.

MG: How has winning “Cupcake Wars” affected your company?
JH: Our business has tripled over night. It seems like everywhere we go someone has heard of us so we are now finally becoming a household name. Some clients ordered a cake and brought it out to a local restaurant and their server went nuts when they saw our logo on the box. We also have had to pad our delivery times with a few extra min to accommodate the interviews and photo shoots that happen when we show up to peopleā€™s housesā€¦..itā€™s amazing how many people donā€™t expect us to show up in person.

MG: How does it feel to be given a chance to come back as an all-star for “Cupcake Wars”?
JH: The response from our fans has been overwhelming. We have fans contacting us from across almost all 50 states as well as 20 countries worldwide. Because Orlando is the tourist capitol of the world we have been able to reach a much broader spectrum of people. We canā€™t wait to get back on and make our fans proud. Besidesā€¦.there canā€™t possibly be a harder secret ingredient than seafood right??!!

MG: How can people get a taste of your work?
JH: Orders can be placed online through our website or by emailing us at [email protected]. All orders include free delivery and come conveniently to you whether you live here or are just visiting one of our many resorts and hotels. Due to our current volume of orders a 5 day minimum lead time is advised to be sure we can accommodate the request.

MG: Do you only deliver in Orlando FL?
JH: Right now everything is local delivery but we have been experimenting successfully with some shipping options for our products so you may see Jillycakes available all across America sometime soon. We also can travel to other central Florida locations upon special request.

MG: What does Jillycakes have planned next?
JH: We would like to start by increasing our community outreach and are working on concepts and plans for a retail location to open next year. We also have plans to offer a new type of in home party for all ages with cupcake baking demos and decorating tips. The main goal right now is just continuing to change the way people think about cake to make memorable experiences for them rather than ho hum forgettable celebrations.


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Syfy’s “Haven” Season 3 Interview Series

The scary mysteries and odd eccentricities of this small coastal Maine town will continue to unfold when Haven, Syfyā€™s hit drama series, returns for its third season on Friday, September 21 at 10PM (ET/PT).

In the premiere, Haven picks up immediately following the events of the gripping season two finale with Audrey (Emily Rose) having been kidnapped; Nathan (Lucas Bryant) warned against pursuing a romantic relationship with Audrey; and Duke (Eric Balfour) seemingly engaged in a fight to the death with Nathan after he discovers his family lineage is to kill Haven citizens with Troubles.

This seasonā€™s guest stars include Iain Glen (Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey), Bree Williamson (Gossip Girl, One Life to Live), Laura Vandervoort (Smallville, White Collar), Edge (WWE Superstar), Dorian Missick (Southland, The Cape), Kate Kelton (Harold and Kumar, American Psycho 2), Nolan North (Uncharted video game series, Pretty Little Liars), and Claudia Black (Uncharted video game series, Farscape).

Following last yearā€™s successful innovative Twitter campaign, season three will introduce online viewers to a new entity in the Haven mythologyā€”The Guard. Mysterious and deeply entrenched in the history of Haven, The Guard has hijacked Haven social media channels to get their message outā€”if you are troubled, we can help #EscapeToHaven by @TheGuardHaven. The Guardā€”represented by Kate Kelton, who portrays ā€™Jordan McKeeā€ ā€” has taken over Facebook (, YouTube ( and Twitter profiles for Haven (, using these social media channels to tell the story of Haven, and to attract new ā€œrecruitsā€ to Haven.

Haven, based on the novella The Colorado Kid from renowned author Stephen King, follows former FBI agent Audrey Parker, who becomes a cop in the small town of Haven, Maine, and soon discovers the townā€™s many secrets, which also hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of her lost past.

In order to time with the premiere episode, we have interviewed the following cast members: Adam Copeland, Bree Williamson, Emily Rose, Eric Balfour and Lucas Bryant. We will be posting more interviews with John Dunsworth & Richard Donat on 10/5, so stay tuned!

Adam Copeland

Bree Williamson

Emily Rose

Eric Balfour

Lucas Bryant

John Dunsworth & Richard Donat

Emily Rose talks about season three of Syfy’s “Haven”

Emily Rose is known best for playing the role of Audrey Parker in Syfy’s “Haven”. The show starts its third season on September 21st and is pack with a vengeance. Media Mikes had a chance to chat with Emily about this season and what we can expect from her role.

Mike Gencarelli: What do you enjoy most about playing such a strong female character like Audrey?
Emily Rose: I think one of the things that is the coolest gift that the writers have given me is this wonderful Pandora’s box that Audrey hasĀ existedĀ before herself. This season is so fun and I get to play these different people. Audrey is very tenacious and courageous. In this season we get to see a lot of her frailty. But we also get to see these other sides of her that are not her. To me, that is the most exciting part. Sometimes you can be on shows for a long time and you get to the point where you look for the next challenge. This show is a gift since we have the ability to create a whole new character and be allowed to have that within the storyline. It has been a real treat to me and also to the fans.

MG: Are we going to see more of Lucy Ripley this season?
ER:Ā That and more sir. That and more. Yes.

MG: Due to this season being amped, what was your most challenging aspect for you?
ER: We have a really great show runner this season, Matt McGuinness. From the very beginning heĀ helped streamline our writers and focus them. He has been great at talking to the network and discovering what we can do to amp it up. I think one of the great additions to the show this year is the whole other storyline. Usually we have a “trouble” of the week and then its mythology. But now we have a whole new ball in the air, so to speak, to deal with in a long form crime. With all those things in play, this amps up the urgency for the season. We also feel like our audience is sophisticated enough to handle all of that. I think it is really great trying to see it unfold. That was definitely a big factor in this season.

MG:Ā This show was spawned from Stephen King’s novella “The Colorado King” but has really developed its own wings, can you reflect?
ER:Ā I remember when we first started, everyone was asking about that. I read the book too when I got the job. I wondered where this would go. Stephen King set up the seams to our where our world exists. What I like about that novel is that it ends unresolved. It addresses what happens to a town that isn’t given closure. In that world is where Haven can exist. It has been great to have Stephen King’s permission and blessing to open the possibilities to take this show even further.

MG:Ā Going into the third season, what were you looking forward to accomplishing most that you weren’t able to do the first two?
ER: I always say, but it is really true, I feel like the first season was like when you walk into a party and want people to really like you. You are really funny and quirky. You have some issues but theyā€™re not a big deal and you can laugh about it. With the second season now, we are all good friends and could things get a little heavier. But now this season, here are able to reveal our deep issues. The first season is all about creating a likeable character, for fans to like and invest their hour each week with. I think the thing I was looking forward to most is go darker with Audrey and have people still stick around with that. As they told us more about the season, the part that I was just ecstatic about doing was playing the other characters and creating different people. That to me is an actorā€™s dream. You can go to bed being happy with that.

Lucas Bryant talks about season three of Syfyā€™s ā€œHavenā€

Lucas Bryant is known best for playing Nathan on Syfy’s “Haven”. The show is starting its third season on September 21st, 2012. The show originally spawned from Stephen King’s novella “The Colorodo King”, but has developed its own legs, especially in this new season. Media Mikes had a chance to chat with Lucas about what we can expect from this season and how it differs.

Mike Gencarelli: How do you feel that Nathan has evolved now going into the show’s third season?
Lucas Bryant: Thinking about Nathan over these three seasons, his story is similar to a coming-of-age story. Initially he was in denial about who he was, what was going on in town and what he part was going to be. In the second season, they leaned more towards what part he was going to play and accept what is going on. In the third season, you get to see him being more decisive, active and making decisions, which seems a little out of character for him. By the end of the season, the reasons for his actions become clear. It has been a real journey for him to find himself.

MG: What can we expect from the organization known as ā€œThe Guardā€ this season?
LB:Ā Yeah, “The Guard” is a totally cool storyline for season three and a big important part for Nathan. It was sort of hinted back in season two. In the third season, we find out who they are and Nathan becomes involved with them for reasons that may not be clear initially. There is this whole other side of Haven that you get to see this season. Especially at the end of the season, there is a very large reveal about “The Guard”, which pretty wild.

MG:Ā Tell us what we can expect from Nathan and Duke’s relationship this season?
LB:Ā Those two guys relationship is always interesting. This total love-hate relationship. Total enemies in one respect and brothers in another. They have a real love for each other. That relationship is tested even more in this third season. Working with Eric Balfour is such a blast. Nathan is such a straight man and Duke is such a clown. It just ends up being great playing off each out. Balfour performance in this show just helps me amp up my game.

MG:Ā What new guest stars and/or characters are we going to get to meet this season?
LB:Ā We have a bunch of great new characters this season. Dorian Missick plays an out of town cop that comes to Haven. His character is exactly what the show needs. He is an outsider that comes to town and asks “What? Are you kidding me”? It is great to have someone questioning what is going on in the town. Nathan and Tommy get to hang out a bunch. Bree Williamson is going to be playing Claire, who is a very big person for Audrey on the show. She is just so lovely and a great actress. Then Kate Kelton plays a character named Jordan that Nathan also has a lot to deal with. Their relationship I can’t go into but its going to be wild.

MG:Ā This show was spawned from Stephen King’s novella “The Colorado King” but has really developed its own wings, can you reflect?
LB:Ā “The Colorado King” doesn’t really answer much in the book. It poses a question and then leave you. Season one was true to that. We asked a lot of questions and brought the character to a place but left them clueless, like the audience. Season two we got a little more answers. Then season three it is like the lid is blown off with the questions. The reveals are big and huge. The character of the The Colorado King factors hugely in season three, which is a really cool storyline. It just blew me away.

MG: I have been a huge series since episode one but it seems like this season is going to be so much more than the past, can you reflect?
LB:Ā On the last day of shooting, we looked back on the season and I said to Emily (Rose) and Eric that I was just totally stoked with this season. The pace of the show is just totally elevated. The season is much more ambitious than anything we have ever done. The production value is phenomenal. Fans of Stephen King will enjoy that the show is a lot darker, creepy and dangerous this season.

MG:Ā Speaking of Stephen King, has he ever visited the set or considered a cameo?
LB: Stephen King calls me every morning….no [laughs]. I haven’t met him yet but would love to. I know the writers have been in contact with him. He has given his blessing and seems to be happy with the show and where it is going. That is totally cool. We are consistently trying to get him to come and do a cameo. That would be very wild and I would love to see that happen.

Eric Balfour talks about season three of Syfy’s “Haven”

Eric Balfour plays the role of Duke in Syfy’s “Haven”. The show begins its amped up season three on September 21st. Media Mikes had a chance to chat with Eric about what wee can expect from this season and his character.

Mike Gencarelli: Tell us about your relationship this season with Nathan?
Eric Balfour: I like to think of Nathan and my characterā€™s relationship as sort of like when Harry met Sally. Weā€™re sort of in the second act of “When Harry Met Sally” when I think theyā€™ve probably slept together at this point but it was a little awkward and theyā€™re going to have to now realize how much they actually mean to each other. No, I think the show obviously has this really exciting element of the troubles and every week you have these, you know, fantastic scares and mysteries. But, at the core of this show, it really is about this love story and this triangle between these three characters and about the different relationships that Emilyā€™s character, Audrey, has to these two men. And they sort of represent different components of her own personality, if itā€™s okay for me to say that.

MG: What can we expect from season three?
EB:Ā I think what the writers even told us at the beginning of the season and what was most exciting for me and I think is going to be incredibly exciting for the viewers who turn in this – tune in this year is that this love triangle is really going to just be like a rubber band. It is going to expand and contract and move and grow and cause riffs and strifes and it really is dynamic this season. I think thatā€™s whatā€™s going to be ultimately I just think the most exciting part for the fans of this show because we really do get to take the audience on a ride this year with the love story that goes on between these characters. As friends, as lovers and itā€™s my favorite part of the show this season.

MG:Ā Can you reflect on the world that has been created for this show?
EB:Ā My favorite part is that episode that really take you out of your everyday life. I think what weā€™ve created here in Haven is this sort of strange macabre, quirky world and it exists in its own reality in a way. Those are my favorite episodes when we really dive into that world and that reality where Haven is a town that although itā€™s not completely different from the world we know, it is unequivocally not the world that we know. And thatā€™s my favorite part when we live in that reality.

MG:Ā Any memorable moments from shooting?
EB:Ā My most memorable moment was there is an episode where a woman is trapped in a car that is sinking under water and it was a huge stunt. And it was the first time where our

show felt really big and we have the car over this cliff, in the ocean waves crashing on it, paramedics and stunt guys and cranes. And that to me was probably the most memorable moment was this. I felt like we were making a movie. It was really cool.

MG:Ā Tell us about “Haven” working side-by-side with social media?
EB: I think the coolest thing about what weā€™re trying to do with Twitter, the online interactions and storylines is really to enhance the experience of the show for everybody. Itā€™s not necessarily something that nobody else is doing at this point. But weā€™re really trying to do it in the unique way that makes it exciting for the viewers and makes it exciting for the fans to feel like they get a little bit extra and a little bit more than just from watching the episodes on television. And then hopefully, also enhance the experience of watching the episodes.


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WWE Superstar Adam “Edge” Copeland talks about his role on Syfy’s “Haven”

WWE Superstar Adam “Edge” Copeland recently retired from wrestling and is the youngest person to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Adam was a guest star on Syfy’s “Haven” during its second season and became a regular throughout season three. Media Mikes had a chance to chat with Adam about working on “Haven” and his transition from wrestling.

Mike Gencarelli: Tell us about becoming a regular in season three of “Haven”?
Adam Copeland: I always use the term “happy accident”. I was told I had to retire from WWE about a year and half ago now. I guess Syfy had decided to use one of the WWE wrestlers from “Smackdown” for their show “Haven”. I think there was some trepidation since there is still that misconception that wrestlers just yell and scream in their underwear. Thankfully one of the writers showed a clip of my retirement speech and t hat in essence was my audition video. I got the call if I would be interested and I said “Of course”. I flew up for what would be just one episode initially. But after seeing my speech, they took two different characters and merged them into one. After the first episode, they decided to write him in more and that become four episodes in the first season and now seven episodes into this season.

MG:Ā What do you enjoy most about working on the show?
AC:Ā Everyone was just so friendly shooting in Nova Scotia. Especially coming off of the road and doing 250 shows a year. I thought this would be nice pace for me. That is one of the things I enjoyed the most was sleeping in the same bed every night…but still working. That is something that is very foreign to me. It was nice to have a script and be able to study the lines. I just liked really being able to prepare for the role. It has really been the best of both worlds for me personally.

MG:Ā Just from the first two episodes of season three, the show seems amped from last season, can you reflect?
AC:Ā I don’t know if angrier is the right term, but things are put up with more of urgency this season. Things really come to a head and a lot of questions get answered. I feel that it is a little darker and aggressive and I like that. One of the things I like and even going back to last year, I am fan of this show and I really proud to be a part of it. It is not just a pay-day job for me. This is really cool for me. I also like that it is still shot on film and it still looks so good.

MG:Ā Tell us about your dynamic with your fellow characters on the show?
AC: My character has a completely different relationship with each character. With Duke, they really don’t like each other but they are a lot alike. With Nathan, that is Dwight’s partner and he looks after him. With Audrey, he looks at her like a little sister. Then Vince and Dave, they are like these grandfatherly/uncle types. They are all awesome to work with. Vince and Dave are just awesome, their facial terms are just so subtle but effective. One of the things that people don’t realize is that in the U.S. is that Dave (played by John Dunsworth), he is like a national icon in Canada. He is in this show called “Trailer Park Boys”, which is so awesome. He and I went out one day and there is not a person walking down the street that didn’t stop him. I am sort of used to that with my prior career. I get stopped occasionally but no joke; he gets stopped by everyone in Canada. I’m like “Hey I used to do that little wrestling thing, anyone remember that?” [laughs].

MG:Ā Your character Dwight has a lot of mystery behind him; can we expect any reveals of his background?
AC:Ā It delves a little more into all of our pasts. It tells us a little bit of how everything is intertwined. It was touched on before but we get a few more layers into it. You find that there is definitely some cool things going on. I had a lot of cool scenes with Vince and Dave this season, which is great. Last season, I spent it primarily with Lucas (Bryant) and Eric (Balfour). But yeah, it gets deeper into who Dwight is and his involvement. Also from a fan perspective, when I found out where it was going this season I was really excited.

MG: What has been your biggest challenge transitioning from wrestling to dramatic series?
AC:Ā Since I was told I had to retire from wrestling, I think it was easier for me to transition. I couldn’t do it anymore and this other thing came up and I figured I could give it a shot. That has made it fun for me and not given me any pressure. This has felt not like it is not a job and thankfully neither did WWE. So it is kind of cool that for my entire adult life that I haven’t worked. I have just been involved on these really cool projects. The biggest transition was pulling back my mannerism and face movements. In wrestling, you have to translate things to 80,000 people away…all the way to the back row. You do that with bigger face expression and more physical theatrics. With “Haven”, I had to realize that this camera can pick up my nose hairs. I had to pull back my facial expressions otherwise I told myself they are going to look completely insane [laughs]. But that was still fun working on that. I also got to work with like three or four different directors, including Jason Priestly. So it was great to get the different feedback and see how each person works.

Jodi Long chats about working on TBS’ “Sullivan & Son”

Jodi Long co-stars as Ok Cha Sullivan on TBS’ “Sullivan & Son”. The show is created by Steve Byrne and Rob Long. The show was also already picked up for a second season for 2013. Jodi took out some time to chat about her role on the show and her stories from season one.

Mike Gencarelli: What drew you to work on “Sullivan & Son”
Jodi Long: I got the script and thought it was just so funny. I think we talk about race and make fun of being political correct. I think it is a conversation that America needs to have, look at and laugh at. Everyone has some kind of predjuice. Our cast has this big mixture of this multi-racial and ethnic and that is what this country is built on. You don’t see that sort of thing a lot on TV but it is the reality of our world.

MG: How do you stay serious after giving some of your hysterical lines?
JL: The thing is I do have the best job in show business. We get to laugh all week. You come into work and some have on a laugh pin-stripped shirt and these guys will go off and go five-minutes each on this shirt. So then we get the scripts and Steve and I just have a blast. So much of my stuff is with him and he can’t keep a straight face. We really have to rain it in for the audience, because during rehearing we are always laughing.

MG:Ā What would you say has been your highlight of season one?
JL:Ā The highlight for me has just been working with these great people all the way from Vince (Vaughn) to our prop people. I am being completely serious. There is so much love on this set, it is phenonomal. The energy is just so positive. The episode when I set up Steve on an online dating service and that was a really fun episode for me in particular.

MG:Ā Any cool behind the scenes stories you want to share?
JL:Ā I got a really good one, it happened on shooting out last episode of the season. We had this one guy that was an extra on our show since the pilot, a very nice 90-year old gentleman named Maurice, who always has this veteran hat on. So we got talking one day and I asked him why didn’t he come to the cafeteria to eat one day. He told me that he didn’t like to eat too much before a show, so I thought that was really cool. So the last episode they gave him a few lines and we were all excited. I asked him if he was excited and he told me that his wife was going to be so excited. I asked him why he was still going this at the age of 90 and he said it was better than sitting on home and waiting to die. I just really liked this guy. The day he did his lines, I asked him if he was having a nice day and he told me “Jodi, I think this has been the best day of my life”. He said “I have felt so encouraged or supported before”. He said that in the thirty plus years being a extra that he was NEVER upgraded to a day-player. So I was so excited to have known that and it was just so sweet. This just proves how great this show really is. I have never told anyone in the press this, so you are the first.

Marina Sirtis reflects on the 25th Anniversary of “Star Trek:” The Next Generation”

Marina Sirtis is best known for playing Deanna Troi in “Star Trek:” The Next Generation”. Ā The show is celebration itsĀ 25th Anniversary this year. Ā Marina took out some time to chat with Media Mikes about reflects on her role on the show and what makes this show so timeless.

Mike Gencarelli: “Star Trek: The Next Generation” is celebrating its 25th anniversary, what is your most fondest memory looking back?
Marina Sirtis:Ā The best memories all circulates around my fellow thespians. They were the best bunch of people I ever worked with and became family. We just hit it off from the get-go and they are still my best friends. That was honestly the best part of the job.

MG: You attend many “Star Trek” conventions, what do you enjoy most about meeting fans?
MS:Ā The great thing about going cons is getting to meet you fans. I think we have a very symbiotic relationship with our fans. We get as much out of them as they get out of us. I can’t tell you how many time people would come up with me and say “I become a psychologist because of you” and that is just what a compliment. I am an actress and I just played this part. It was a job [laughs]. I could have ended up on “Law & Order”, you know what I mean? To have some such an impact on people’s life is something that when I was studying at drama school never entered my consciousness.

MG:Ā What do you think makes this series so timeless?
MS:Ā The thing about it “Star Trek”, especially “TNG”, is probably one of the one shows that every generation of the family can watch together. I always used to say apart from The Weather Channel [laughs], it was the only real family show, since you can’t even watch the news anymore with kids. People always tell me it was family night for them and they used to order a pizza and sit around and watch “Star Trek”. Some people tell me that even with 25 years past, when they watch it now it brings back just great memories for them.

MG: How is it for you being know as the sex symbol of the entire show?
MS:Ā Mike, I have to tell you I was a very ugly child. When I say this to people they don’t believe me. But I was have pictures to prove it [laughs]. I have to tell you a story, Mike. When my mother passed away, my sister-in-law called me and asked what I wanted out of her apartment and I just told her I wanted photos. She called me up a few night later hysterically laughing because she was going through the photos and told me she found the ones of me when I was young. This is what she tells me, “You were right Marina, you WERE really ugly!”. So to be regarded as a sex symbol, I am thrilled [laughs]. The little ugly girl inside of me is going “Woo Hoo!!”.

MG:Ā I feel that season six was your characters strongest, including “Face of the Enemy”, can you reflect on your favorite season?
MS:Ā I have to be honest, if you go back to the first season there was a lot of episodes that I wasn’t in. I was very worried, I was going to be written out. I knew the writers had created this character but didn’t really know what to do with her. She was an empath, so if she did her job right we had no storyline. Rather than deal with the situation, I was just written out of the episodes. Come the season one hiatus, which was very long due to the writers strike at the time, Jonathan FrakesĀ got married to GenieĀ Francis. We all went to the wedding and Gene Roddenberry was there also. He approached me at one point and said to me that he wanted to talk with in private. We stepped outside and he told me that the first show of season two is going to be a big episode for me and that I would be in fact opening the season. That meant more to me than anything. It was huge. So that was a very important season for me because they finally got her as a character. From there she just kept evolving.

MG:Ā Did you have any creative control with your characters direction?
MS:Ā Oh, no no no no [laughs]. I couldn’t change a word, none of us could.

MG:Ā What you say was the most challenging aspect for you throughout the series?
MS:Ā The biggest challenge was keeping Marina out of Troi. Marina is not a sweet as her [laughs]. She is not as sweet and not as nice. She is very temperamental, as well as loud and obnoxious. So that was definitely the biggest challenge for seven years. Sometimes though, I tried to sneak her in especially if Jonathan was directing [laughs].

MG:Ā Did you ever keep any memorabilia or costumes from the show?
MS:Ā I am pleading the 5th on that one. Draw your own conclusions [laughs].

MG:Ā Have you ever considered writing a memoir for yourĀ experience on the series?
MS:Ā Well I have thought of writing a memoir of my life, because I have had quite a fascinating life. I am one of those people that things just happen to [laughs]. I just have these adventures. As far as writing a book on our experiences on “Star Trek”, in the culture we live in now it is the bad behavior and the scandals that sell. There is not a publisher on the planet that wants to buy a book that tells the story of how we all loved each other [laughs].

MG:Ā Have you had a chance to experience “Star Trek: TNG” on Blu-ray yet?
MS:Ā I saw some of the first episode and it just looked amazing. It looks like weĀ actuallyĀ shot it last week. It is really great.

MG:Ā I have been reading that fans have been requesting you to be on “Doctor Who”, what are your feelings?
MS:Ā You know what, I would so love to be on “Doctor Who”. Sir Ian McKellen, who is one of our premiere actors on the planet, when he was asked what his ambitions where a few years ago, he said he wants to be a pantomime dame and he wants to be on “Coronation Street”, which is like the longest running show on the planet. Well he has managed to do both and that was really cool. So who knows? Anything is possible. There is a lot of things that I still want to do. Being Deanna for the rest of my life isn’t a problem, actually. But I don’t look like her anymore [laughs]. So I am just glad that it is that Deanna in HD and not me today [laughs].

MG:Ā Tell us about what upcoming projects you are currently working on?
MS: Michael Dorn and I have been trying to get a romantic comedy off the ground for a couple of years now. Well, mostly Michael. It is going to star basically a bunch of “Star Trek” actors. It will be cool for the fans to see us star in something different. So it is a really cool project and he recently posted it through Kickstarter (click here) and it is called “Through The Fire”. Some of the things are pretty cool that you get for backing the film, llike getting to hang with us at a convention or a walk on role. So definitely check it out and spread the word. I also just did a movie based on a video game that doesn’t have a title yet but I am sure you will be hearing about it soon. Next year, I will be shooting a horror movie in Australia and also another possibly called “Shadows from the Sky”. So we have a lot of great projects coming up.

Kate Mulgrew talks about her role in Adult Swim’s “NTSF:SD:SUV::”

Kate Mulgrew is known best for playing Captain Kathryn Janeway in “Star Trek: Voyager”. She is also taking the leadership role in her role in Adult Swim’s “NTSF:SD:SUV::” playing Kove. In one of the funniest shows on television shows on the station, the show just started its second season. Media Mikes had a chance to chat with Kate (while I was attending “Star Wars” convention, sorry Kate) to chat about this great show and how she keeps it serious.

Mike Gencarelli: Tell us how you got involved with this crazy yet amazing unique show “NTSF:SD:SUV::”
Kate Mulgrew: The comedic genius otherwise known as Paul Scheer called me up and told me they want me to play this sort of Captain for a terrorist strike force. They wanted me to pattern myself after M from James Bond. I said immediately “Count me in, say no more”. Of course I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I knew nothing about these 15 minute episodic shows or procedurals for that matter. But I said “If he is setting it up I am along for the ride”. I am so glad I did because it such a great group.

MG: How do you keep it serious when giving some of your hysterical lines?
KM:Ā You can imagine what theĀ disciplineĀ is like. Sometimes it is agony in order to get those lines out without cracking up. It’s agony to keep a straight face. Some of the things they ask us to do is crazy. I am surrounded by really comedically gifted people and am always on my toes. I am the only straight man in the group and I think that is what works about it.

MG:Ā How do you feel season two compares to the first?
KM:Ā This is the better season in every sense. We had to take the first season to get our “sea-legs”. Everyone was shooting blind. This is far more grounded. WE were more relaxed. Everything was in place. The writing was there. The characters has been developed. So we just went for it. Adult Swim is just the best.

MG:Ā Do you feel that due to the 15 minute format, does that pose any challenges for you?
KM:Ā I think that is the beauty of it. For some odd reason – or maybe all the right reasons, if you’ve only got 15 minutes to tell a story and the audience is aware of that, not only is the story going to be tight and very funny but the audience is going to be extra attentive. If you use those two things in combination, and in generally speaking, you will have a success.

MG:Ā Sticking with the leadership role; can you reflect your role in this show to playing Captain Kathryn Janeway in “Star Trek: Voyager”?
KM:Ā Mike, whether it is aĀ StarshipĀ or aĀ terroristĀ strike force. I take my duties equally serious. You understand? I save the day…and this time I am doing it with an eye patch! [laughs]

MG:Ā What else can we expect from you upcoming?
KM: I just did a wonderful movie thisĀ SpringĀ called “Drawing Home”. Next year, I am doing a play in New York called “Somewhere Fun”. I also have a recurring role as Jane Lattimer on “Warehouse 13”. So I am keeping real busy!

Kevin Shinick talks “MAD”, “Robot Chicken” and “The Avenging Spider-Man”

Kevin Shinick is the known best for being the showrunner/writer/main voice talent/voice director on the animated TV series “MAD”, as well as the writer/voice actor/creative director on “Robot Chicken”. He has been nominated for an Emmy on this work for two shows. He also recently co-produced and narrated the “Robot Chicken DC Comics Special”. Kevin took out some time to chat with Media Mikes about those two roles and also what else he has planned like releasing this first issue of “The Avenging Spider-Man” with Marvel.

Mike Gencarelli: How does it feel to be nominated two years in a row for the Emmy for Outstanding Animated Program Short-format, last year for Adult Swim’s Robot Chicken and this year MAD?
Kevin Shinick: I couldn’t be more excited. Especially since this is our first Emmy nomination for MAD and I know how hard we all work on the show to keep it funny and topical. It’s also surreal, because the last time I won it was for working with my friends on Robot Chicken and this year I’m up against them. But to prove how familial it all is, Seth is actually the main voice in the MAD episode that’s nominated for the Emmy and I just got finished doing more voices for them for their next season. So there’s good blood all around. Although that being said, please vote for MAD.

MG: Out of all the hats you where on “Robot Chicken”, as a writer/voice actor/creative director, what is your biggest challenge?
KS: Being Creative Director over at Robot Chicken meant following a sketch from its inception all the way until you saw it on TV. This meant making sure the costumes, sets and designs all matched what we were thinking about in the writer’s room, so that was the most time consuming, but it also prepared me for running my own show over at MAD. There I’m a producer, writer, director and voice talent and everything in between. In the end I’d say the writing is still the most fun, although also the most demanding. And doing voices is always a blast no matter what show I’m on.

MG: Tell us about working on “Robot Chicken DC Comics Special” on Adult Swim, where you are the co-producer and voice the Narrator and other characters?
KS: As I mentioned before, the Robot Chicken guys and I are really like family so despite the fact that I’ve left to create my own show, I always keep at least one foot in that world. And because my schedule is so tight with MAD it doesn’t leave me time to work on the actual series, but I do make time for the RC specials. And in this case, it was even more rewarding because it also meant working with another great friend of mine, Geoff Johns. It was his idea to do an all DC Comics special and so when we all came back together it was like the perfect storm. And I think you’ll definitely get a sense of the fun we had doing it when it airs tonight. Also, the chance to play the narrator which was originally played by the great comedian/actor Ted Knight was a dream come true.

MG: How do your tasks of showrunner/writer/main voice talent/voice director on “MAD” differ than your work on “Robot Chicken”
KS: It’s very similar, but the tone is different. Essentially the network was looking for a show like Robot Chicken that wasn’t so dark and could air during prime time hours. So right off the bat we’re aiming for a younger demographic. Second, Robot Chicken has a great time focusing on retro things like He-Man and such while MAD tries to stay topical and poke fun at things that are out there currently.

MG: Tell us about MAD’s upcoming Halloween & Christmas Specials and what are we in store for?
KS: Last year’s MAD’s Halloween special is the episode that is nominated for an Emmy this year and it was definitely an awesome episode. So this year I wanted to top it. So far I’m really excited with the bits we came up. Starting off of course with our movie parody, FrankenWINNIE. A spoof of Tim Burton’s Frankenweenie, only Christopher Robin has to reanimate his beloved Pooh after a horrible accident had destroyed him. It’s coming out great and is some of the finest stop motion I’ve seen.

MG: Not only animated cartoons, tell us about your comic work as well with releasing your first Avenging Spider-Man #12 comic for Marvel?
KS: Again, it seems to be a superhero September for me. Yes, my Avenging Spider-Man #12 comes out this Wednesday, September 12th. I’m incredibly excited for this because I think it’s something that’s going to blow your mind. Not only is Spidey teamed up with everyone’s favorite mercenary, Deadpool, but you’ll also see Spider-Ham and a few other crazy characters from Spidey’s past who will probably not lend the help the webhead is hoping for.

MG: Tell us how you ended up guest staring on NBC’s Grimm and tell us about your experience?
KS: I’ve always been an actor as well, but with so much going on in my writing world there’s not always time to do both. But lately I’ve tried to make time for each because I’m equally passionate about my acting. The Grimm episode was just an audition I got, but when I read the role and saw that this guy was secretly a Porcupine Man I thought, “I have GOT to get this role.” Luckily the universe felt the same. And the cast and the crew were really great so it was a fantastic experience from top to bottom.

MG: You are also planned to guest star with Alfred Molina, Ving Rhames and Jamie Bamber on David E Kelly’s medical drama pilot for TBS, “Monday Mornings”, tell us about that?
KS: I can’t talk too much about that now, but it will air in January and it’s a great medical drama from the wonderful mind of David E. Kelly.

MG: Lastly, what’s the deal about this date with Angelina Jolie?
KS: Ha! This is one of those things that’s surreal in hindsight, but at the time was just a lovely evening. I was performing on Broadway in a production of The Seagull with Jon Voight ages ago and he and I had become close, so when he said to me, “My daughters coming to town. How would you feel about taking her to dinner?” I said, “Sure.” Not knowing this was the same woman who would later become People Magazine’s Sexiest Woman Alive, let alone a great actress. So the moral is, never say no to Jon Voight šŸ™‚

Christine Ebersole talks about her role on TBS’ “Sullivan & Son”

Christine Ebersole is well-known performer & two-time Tony Award winner from the 2001 Broadway revival of “42nd Street” and 2006’s “Grey Gardens”. She is currently playing the role of Carole on TBS’ hit comedy series “Sullivan & Son”. Christine took out some time to chat with Media Mikes about her role in this very funny show and what she enjoys most about performing on stage.

Mike Gencarelli: Your are a such a well-known performer & two-time Tony Award winner, how did you get involved with a show like “Sullivan & Son”?
Christine Ebersole: I think what really convinced me was that it was funny. That element really struck me when I first read the script. The show also has heart. I really loved that.

MG: All of the cast that I’ve spoken says that Carol has some of the best lines in the show.
CE: I feel like it is a total feast. I am thrilled beyond words. The people I work with all enjoy each otherā€™s company. We basically laugh all day and get money at the end of it. (Laughs) Itā€™s awesome!

MG: You worked with Brian Doyle-Murray back on “Saturday Night Live”, how was it working with him again?
CE: After 30 years, we finally got to work with each other again. To still both be players at our age is justĀ great. It is all gravy.

MG: TheĀ episodeĀ “Creepy Love Song” features you singing with Owen Benjamin was so hysterical, how many times did that take to shoot?
CE: Our characters have a childlike innocence to them which I think allows us to get away with all the things that we do. Those characters are just having fun.

MG: What has been one of your favorite experiences from shooting season 1?
CE: I am hard pressed to pick just one. Even when I donā€™t have a lot of scenes in the show I am just so thrilled to be a part of it. ItĀ doesn’tĀ matter if I have more or less lines. Of course you always want to be the center of attention but when you are not you can revel in the joy of the person who is getting the attention. Things like this donā€™t happen all the time.

MG: How does working in front of a live studio audience compare to the audiences from your live stage work?
CE: It really is the closest thing to working in front of a stage audience. With television you are allowed to mess up and do things over. On stage you canā€™t do that. Itā€™s very close to having that energy that fuels you. Itā€™s great having that barometer to gauge how funny things are.

MG: Can you tell us about some of your upcoming live performances?
CE: I am going out performing a show I did at the Carlyle a few years back. The show is about finding eternal youth. I will be doing songs from ā€œThe Great American Song Bookā€ and telling true stories about my life.

MG: What do you enjoy most about performing?
CE: For me it is the audience. The group I am working with right now is also really great. Taking everything in and seeing the audience enjoying themselves is what itā€™s all about.

MG: Tell us about your role in the film “The Big Wedding” and working with the great cast?
CE: The film was supposed to come out in the fall however it has been pushed to next spring. I think they want to work more on the publicity. The film is really beautiful and was written by Justin Zackham. The cast is also pretty amazing. I play the mother of the bride who is played by Amanda Seyfried. The film is just really fun and sweet. The best part was I got to write and perform a song called ā€œGently Down the Streamā€ which will play at the end of the film. Donā€™t leave when the credits come on or you will miss the song.


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