Director Todd Haynes and Stars Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara Speak about ‘Carol’


The works of author Patricia Highsmith have been crafted into some truly great films including Alfred Hitchcock’s Strangers on a Train and Anthony Minghella’s The Talented Mr. Ripley. This weekend, Todd Haynes’s latest film Carol from Highsmith’s The Price of Salt adds to these successes with brilliant work from a cast lead by two-time Oscar-winner Cate Blanchett and Oscar-nominee Rooney Mara. Blanchett plays the Carol Aird, a wealthy soon-to-be-divorced socialite in 1950s New York who begins a complex relationship with Mara’s younger shop girl Therese. The two navigate their feelings for one another while being challenged by the social norms of that time period. I attended Carol’s New York press conference this week where they, along with screenwriter Phyllis Nagy and fellow castmates Kyle Chandler and Jake Lacy joined moderator and WOR Radio film critic, Joe Neumier to discuss the film.

Director Haynes began the conference by discussing his approach to Highsmith’s work and this powerful romance at the center of the film:

Todd Haynes: I really was taking it on, as if for the first time, looking at the love story. Something that I felt I hadn’t really ever accomplished directly in my other films. And that really began with reading The Price of Salt, Patricia Highsmith’s beautiful novel, and the gorgeous adaptation of Phyllis’s script that first came to me with Cate attached. So it was quite a bundle of incentives when it first landed with me in 2013. But love stories are, you know unlike I guess war which is about conquerring the object, love stories are about conquerring the subject. And so it’s always the subject who is in a state of vulnerability and peril at some level. And through much of Carol that is the character of Therese who occupies a much less powerful position in the world in Carol…is younger, is more open, is sort of experiencing this woman with a freshness that is different from Carol’s life and experience. But what I loved about this story was how what happens between the two women really moves them through a series of events which change them both. And ultimately by the end of the film, it’s shifted sides. Carol is the one who comes to Therese with her heart on her sleeve at the end of film. So all of that made a lot of the smaller elements of looking and who’s being looked at and who is doing the looking and all of those questions, something that was very conducive to the cinematic language.

I asked Cate Blanchett, who had a supporting role in The Talented Mr Ripley in 1999 if she had studied Highsmith’s work in preparation for that film and how her perception of Carol changed upon revisiting it for this role:


Cate Blanchett: Yeah it’s one thing entirely reading a novel and quite another when you’re then reading it again when you’re going to play a character in the book. I mean I read everything of hers I could at the time we were making Ripley. It was actually, much to shame, the first time I’d ever encountered her work. But I also was very interested in you know all of the sort of filmic incarnations of her work as well…And there’s some wonderful observations and parts of internal monologue–well more internal monologue that Therese has–but observations of Carol that’re in the novel that were really really useful to read. I just read at the time, the first time I read the book as a reader but to then to try and make that stuff manifest was really exciting.

Screenwriter Phyllis Nagy actually got to speak extensively with Highsmith before she passed away in 1995. Moderator Neumier followed up with Nagy as to whether Highsmith was nervous about this novel becoming a screenplay for film:

Phyllis Nagy: Well she was dead by the time this came to me. So we didn’t have that conversation…[laughs] I’ll have it with her later tonight. She didn’t like many of the film adaptations of her work.
Cate Blanchett: Didn’t she?!
Phyllis Nagy: Oh no, she couldn’t stand them. Especially Strangers on a Train.
Cate Blanchett: Oh what does she know!?
Phyllis Nagy: You know from her perspective–the guys trade murders in that book and in the film of course they don’t and it was one of the first arguments we had when I said ‘Oh, I love Strangers on a Train!’ she said [frowning] ‘Hmmm’ really with disgust. But she liked aspects of the films, Robert Walker she loved and she thought Alain Delon was extremely attractive, of course. So I hope that she would find this entire enterprise extremely attractive. I think she would. I think we are all of us not betraying the intent and the tone of the work. Which, really I think is the only thing you can do to be reverent to a source material. Everything else is up for grabs.


Rooney Mara praised Haynes’s film for portraying Carol and Therese’s romantic relationship honestly without preaching:

Rooney Mara: I think one of great things about the film is that it’s not a political film, it’s not a film with an agenda, it’s not preaching to the audience. So people are allowed to just watch it for what it is which is a love story between two humans.

Later, she addressed whether or not Therese having an older female lover lessened the chances audiences would see the age gap as something Carol was exploiting.

Rooney Mara: …Would it ever feel predatory? It’s not like I’m 17 years old. You know, Therese is younger than Carol and she certainly is–they’re at different stages in their lives but I don’t think that she’s so young that it would be…it never felt predatory to me and I don’t think it ever really would have, male or female.

Rooney’s character at the start of Carol is already in a relationship with an over-eager boyfriend Richard, played by Jake Lacy who spoke about Richard:

Jake Lacy: Todd spoke a little when we first met about the idea that, for Richard the world is there to take, you know. He’s young, he’s in New York, he’s first generation American. He’s smart, he’s handsome, he has a job and a girl. You know, the world is his for the taking and yet it slips away from him. And sort of without knowing it, thank god that it does because otherwise…he’s fifteen years or ten years earlier than Carol and Harge and that world if he and Therese stayed together and created a life like them. It wasn’t a life anymore, you know?…To me, for Richard the idea of a dream that then falls apart, or that someone is not willing to be a part of that dream and trying to wrangle them into it…

Kyle Chandler plays Harge, Carol’s husband who is grappling with losing his perfect family in his divorce from Carol. Chandler spoke about the importance of playing his character without making him stereotypical:

Kyle Chandler: …It allowed me, I think at some point I realized that it could be a stereotypical character very easily. And [to] portray what you would imagine Guy from the Fifties under these circumstances…but what happened was at some point, the worst possible moment in a man’s life or a woman, when they’re in love, and they realize they’re not in love anymore. And this character never realized he wasn’t in love anymore. He was always in love and he was intensely in love. And he also had this little child. Not just his wife, not just his child, but his family unit. So important to him, and so important to say nothing of his social status and what he was. But he refused to give that up. So that…allowed me I think, to stay within that and never lose love or respect; But still be very confused on what is going on. Which goes back to that one direction that [Haynes] gave me when [Sarah Paulson’s character, Carol’s ex-lover Abby] is walking in the room and I look across and I go, ‘Who ARE you?’ basically.


Paulson as Abby, Carol’s ex-lover, is one of Carol’s strongest bonds in the film, who she actually calls upon to pick up Therese when they hit some obstacles. Paulson spoke about her character being in this tricky situation.

Sarah Paulson:
…I do think, I wonder what I personally would do if someone I loved and still had feelings for, if I was called upon to come in and rescue the person that she currently loves…I don’t know, I don’t know. It was to me a very big testament to her friendship and her love and I think the desire to be around Carol and in Carol’s orbit no matter what. I think that Abby’s sense of society–and I don’t mean literal society but her community, her friendships, you know they were probably quite narrow at that time. So to lose something like that would be…the consequences of that would be too enormous. I just started thinking about things like that…

Haynes also commented on how a modern audience views all of Carol’s female relationships versus how people within that time period in the film would have seen it:

Todd Haynes: There are also things that a modern audience has to keep reminding ourselves we’re quite different at this time, counterintuitively. Where an older woman could invite a younger woman to lunch and it was absolutely totally appropriate. Where she would have never invited the head of the ski department to lunch. Or they could check into a motel together as two women but if they were a heterosexual unmarried couple, checking into a hotel at this time would have been a scandal. So there’s ways in which the morays and the codes of the time are also things that we’re learning and reading against their actions and gestures.

Carol is now in theaters, you can read my 5-star review here.

Film Review “Scouts Guide to the Apocalypse”

Film review by Jeremy Werner
Tye Sheridan, Logan Miller and Joey Miller
Directed By: Christopher B. Landon
Rated: R
Running Time: 93 minutes
Paramount Pictures

Our Score: 2 out of 5 Stars

Among the four credited writers for “Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse”, one must have known what they were doing. One of those writers must have grown up watching movies like “Dead Alive” and “Return of the Living Dead” on late Saturday nights. For every hilarious scene “Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse” conjures up, there’s at least two or three that don’t even nip at the funny bone.

Ben (Sheridan), Carter (L. Miller), Augie (J. Miller) are the last of a dying bunch, the scouts. Ben and Carter realize that the scouts are the lowest part of the social totem pole at high school. They can’t even get an AV geek to join their ranks. Augie however, lives and dies by the scout code. Ben and Carter are only in it because they’re still friends with Augie and they know it means a lot to him. So Ben and Carter decide to humor Augie for one more overnight in the woods.

Ben and Carter, hoping to salvage their adolescence, plan to sneak out during the overnight and head to a party across town. Meanwhile, an unexplained virus breaks out of a lab, and slowly seeps into town. Within that time frame of our three heroes going out for the night and Ben and Carter sneaking off, the townsfolk are turned into zombies. The build up is expected, but it still takes it sweet time before the carnage starts.

Once the carnage does start though, it seems a bit tame. There are some decent zombie kills, but nothing that hasn’t been done before. As for the jokes, they’re small hits or wide misses. A lot of jokes come too quickly to be enjoyed and those that linger are clearly taken out of someone’s better written script. While “Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse” is rowdy, it’s not rowdy enough for the full 93 minutes.

For every inspired moment of comedy or gore, there’s a really long waiting time for something to happen. It doesn’t have a strong enough character presence like “Zombieland” to carry the story. It’s hard to relate with teenagers who individually represent horny, courageous, and heartfelt. It’d work better if all three he had these qualities. There’s also a couple of weird loose ends that never go anywhere, like the fact that zombies will sing if they hear their favorite song.

“Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse” may suffer from peak zombie in pop culture. We’ve nearly seen it all and while the title is cool, there’s not much else that we haven’t seen in other movies. For those looking from the bleak pessimism of “The Walking Dead” this weekend, “Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse” may come as a pleasant surprise. For seasoned horror and zombie fans, it’s disappointing this couldn’t have been more.

Film Review “Truth”

Director: James Vanderbilt
Starring: Cate Blanchett, Robert Redford, Dennis Quaid, Elisabeth Moss, Topher Grace
Running Time: 121mins.
Sony Pictures Classics

Our Score: 3.5 out of 5 stars

It sets a high standard to go ahead and give a politically charged film a title like Truth but that’s exactly what James Vanderbilt, making his directorial debut, has done. I expect the film will be targeted by leftover George W Bush supporters as its protagonist says, “for asking the question” once again of GW’s National Guard service time but the fact is he still won out in the 2004 election despite this scandal and that result is not the concern of this film. Instead Vanderbilt delves into the high stakes of questioning extremely powerful people and more than once the dangers of confirmation bias by even the most experienced of journalists. Whatever your politics, this is an often compelling film that is driven by another strong performance from Cate Blanchett.

Based on her own memoir, Truth and Duty, the film tells the story of Mary Mapes (Blanchett) an ex-producer for on CBS’s “60 Minutes” whose career, along with famous newsman Dan Rather (Redford), was ended when they dug into the dodgy military record of President George W. Bush and whether or not strings were pulled to not only keep him out of the Vietnam war, but to also cover for his being AWOL from even his National Guard duties. On the eve of the 2004 presidential election, the story was make or break material whose impact relied on the timeliness at which it could be delivered to the public.
Working from her own memoir, it’s hard for the film to be anything but sympathetic to Mapes and Rather’s side. I don’t think Rather can feel too badly about this chapter of his life being played out large again when Robert Redford is portraying him. That said, Vanderbilt still manages time and again to highlight the flaws in Mapes relentless fight to get this story out. In order to make her deadline to air, she naysays concerns raised by some of the experts her own team has assembled which eventually comes right back around the bite her later. Once the story blows up and is challenged by Bush’s right-wing supporters in the media, the film picks up. More and more tiny technicalities rip apart Mapes’s reporting if not the actual truth about Bush’s service. Vanderbilt even wrings stress out of the nuances of Microsoft Word fonts, quite a feat outside of resumé creation.

Along the way, Cate Blanchett is electric to watch. In the beginning she is secure and untouchable in light of her success in breaking the news of atrocities at Abu Gharib and her close partnership with the iconic Rather. In Blanchett’s Mapes you can see why a network would bow to her command despite some doubts. It’s a performance that only gets more layered as Mapes weathers her attacks. At first keeping her defenses up and then slowly you see her gears start to shift from denials to justification, despair, and eventually to remounting up her full defenses against a harsh inquisition lead by a surprisingly intimidating Dermot Mulroney. Blanchett is capably supported by the likes of Dennis Quaid and Elisabeth Moss (I could have done without Topher Grace shouting a speech in the film’s later acts), but her charisma is only truly matched in the relatively small role Redford plays. Redford avoids impersonation of Dan Rather, but exudes the stoicism of the long-serving anchorman well and serves as a needed calm counterpoint in Mapes’s political storm.

Perhaps what’s most interesting about Truth is to see an internet-powered scandal from over a decade ago and how even in just this short span of time, news has evolved (or devolved? Depends who you ask). Twitter, among other outlets, wasn’t around yet and by that standard, I began to wonder if this story would have died in the ever-shuffling 24 hour news cycle or if it would have simply come to the same end results in days rather than months. And whether Rather could have better ‘survived’ an even more sped up timeline. In a film all about raising questions, I was satisfied to come away with still more.

Truth is on limited release from October 16th and will expand to more theaters later this month.

“Forbidden Planet” to Invade Omaha

“Forbidden Planet,” the classic 1956 science-fiction classic, will be the 37th film to be presented by film historian Bruce Crawford at the upcoming Tribute to Classic Films, to be held on Friday, October 23, 2015 in Omaha, Nebraska. The screening will begin at 7:00 p.m.

The film, starring Walter Pidgeon, Leslie Nielsen, Anne Francis and the timeless Robby the Robot, is considered one of the best science-fiction films ever made and was a strong inspiration on such future projects as “Star Trek.” The screening will be held at the Joslyn Art Museum, 2200 Dodge Street in Omaha.

The evening’s special guest will be actor/author/producer Robert Dix, who played Crewman Grey in the film. Mr. Dix is the son of legendary silent film star Richard Dix, whose Westerns were among the most popular films of the time.

As with other Classic Film Tributes, artist Nicolosi will design a commemorative United States Postal Envelope honoring the film, with the original artwork being unveiled prior to the screening. You can purchase tickets for the event, which benefits the Nebraska Kidney Association, by visiting the customer service counters of all Omaha-area HyVee food stores. The cost is $24.00. For more information you can call (402) 932-7200 or visit

CD Review: Audiotopsy “Natural Causes”

“Natural Causes”
Napalm Records
Tracks: 12

Our Score: 3 out of 5 stars

Heavy, Melodic and Atmospheric is how one might describe the debut offering from Audiotopsy titled “Natural Causes”. The group which features former members of Mudvayne, Hellyeah and Skrape has joined forces to create something new out of something old. “Natural Causes” which is being released via Napalm Records features 12 tracks from the newly formed group which fit almost as good as an old pair of shoes.

Don’t let the bands roster fool you. Audiotopsy is not just another preconceived metal super group. Yes, the group features former Mudvayne members Greg Tribbett and Matt McDonough along with Billy Keeton of Skrape and bassist Perry Stern but the tracks found on “Natural Causes” have a keen freshness with just enough familiarity to make them catchy. Tracks such as the albums opener “Headshot” and “Disguise Your Devils” are perfect examples of that new and old combo while tracks like “LYLAB” which features euphoric like verses and guttural chorus and the haunting “Distorted” break new ground. Probably my favorite track off the release is the double bass driven “Disguise Your Devils” which features a catchy hooks and a unique off time bridge that was quickly stuck in head.

Does Audiotopsy sound completely different from any of the previous works the members have been a part of? Not so much. Undoubtedly those sounds that the members are originally known for are etched into our brains making it hard not to compare the new and old. However there is just enough newness in the sound and style of “Natural Causes” to not only peak older fans interest but also draw in new listeners as well.

Track Listing:
1.) Headshot
2.) All We Know
4.) The Calling
5.) H2O (Interlude)
6.) Swim
7.) Disguise Your Devils
8.) Burn the Sky
9.) Distorted
10.) Darken the Rainbow
11.) Frozen Scars
12.) Natural Causes (Outro)

Blu-ray Review “True Story”

Actors: James Franco, Jonah Hill, Felicity Jones, Ethan Suplee
Rated: R (Restricted)
Studio: 20th Century Fox
DVD Release Date: August 4, 2015
Run Time: 99 minutes

Film: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Blu-ray: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Extras: 3 out of 5 stars

Honestly, have heard much about the film “True Story” but what a cast it boasts with James Franco, Jonah Hill and Felicity Jones. There is some major talent in here. I am shocked this film didn’t get more play time with the cast alone. Props to both Franco and Hill for taking the drama route. They definitely nail it. Worth checking out for performances alone.

Official Premise: After journalist Michael Finkel (Hill) is fired from The New York Times for embellishing a story, he learns that accused murderer Christian Longo (Franco) has been claiming to be him. Hoping this story will save his career, Finkel begins interviewing Longo in prison. But soon, the men find themselves in an eerie game of cat and mouse.

The special features included on this disc are decent, including over 15 minutes of deleted scenes with optional commentary by Rupert Goold. There are four production featurettes looking behind-the-scenes and into the true story of the film. There is an audio commentary with director Rupert Goold, discussing the film and his first time directing. Lastly there is a gallery and trailer included.

“Back to the Future” 30th Anniversary Trilogy Traveling to Blu-ray™ and DVD on October 20, 2015



Traveling to Blu-ray™ and DVD on October 20, 2015 along with Back to the Future: The Complete Animated Series & Back to the Future: The Complete Adventures

Universal City, California, July 16, 2015 – Great Scott! In 1985 Director Robert Zemeckis, Executive Producer Steven Spielberg and Producer/Screenwriter Bob Gale embarked on a three-part journey through time that broke box-office records worldwide and catapulted Back to the Future into one of the most beloved trilogies in motion picture history.  In 1989, the filmmakers gave us a glimpse of the future in Back to the Future Part II as Marty McFly and Doc Brown traveled to 2015…or, if our calculations are correct, October 21, 2015, to be exact.  “The Future” has finally arrived.

Now, Universal Pictures Home Entertainment celebrates this once-in-a-lifetime date, as well as the 30th Anniversary of the groundbreaking first film, with three new releases debuting on October 20, 2015.  Available on Blu-ray & DVD, the

Back to the Future 30th Anniversary Trilogy will include all three movies plus a new bonus disc with more two hours of content. Back to the Future: The Complete Animated Series will be released for the first time ever on DVD featuring all 26 episodes from the award-winning series and Back to the Future: The Complete Adventures will include all three movies, the complete animated series, a new bonus disc, a 64-page book and collectible light-up “Flux Capacitor” packaging.  Featuring more than two hours of content, the bonus disc will include all-new original shorts, documentaries, two episodes from the animated series and more.

In addition to the home entertainment release, the Back to the Future celebration continues in theaters when the films go back to the big screen on October 21, 2015.  Check local listings for show times.  Additionally, Universal Music Enterprises is reissuing an all-new 30th Anniversary picture disc vinyl soundtrack, available October 16th in stores and through all digital partners.

About Back to the Future 30th Anniversary Trilogy (Blu-ray & DVD)

Experience the future all over again with the Back to the Future 30th Anniversary Trilogy! Join Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox), Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) and a time traveling DeLorean for the adventure of a lifetime as they travel to the past, present and future, setting off a time-shattering chain reaction that disrupts the space time continuum! From filmmakers Steven Spielberg, Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale, this unforgettable collection features hours of bonus features and is an unrivaled trilogy that stands the test of time.


  • Back to the Future, Back to the Future Part II, Back to the Future Part III

  • Bonus Disc with More than Two Hours of Content

  • Digital HD with UltraViolet (Blu-ray Exclusive)

  • Collectible Packaging (Blu-ray Exclusive)

Bonus Features:

  • All New Original Shorts:  Including Doc Brown Saves the World!, starring Christopher Lloyd.

  • OUTATIME: Restoring the DeLorean: An inside look at the 2012 restoration of the most iconic car in film history.

  • Looking Back to the Future: A 9-part retrospective documentary from 2009 on the trilogy’s legacy.

  • Back to the Future: The Animated Series: 2 episodes (“Brothers” and “Mac the Black”) from the 1991 series featuring live action segments with Christopher Lloyd as Doc Brown.

  • Tales from the Future 6-Part Documentary

Back to the Future 30th Anniversary Trilogy (Blu-ray & DVD) Bonus Features Continued:

  • The Physics of Back to the Future

  • Deleted Scenes

  • Michael J. Fox Q&A

  • Eight Archival Featurettes

  • Behind the Scenes Footage

  • Music Videos

  • Audio Commentaries

  • Back to the Future: The Ride

About Back to the Future : The Complete Animated Series (DVD)

It’s about time!  The adventures continue with all 26 episodes of the award winning Back to the Future: The Complete Animated Series, in its entirety and uncut! Join Marty McFly and Doc Brown, Doc’s wife Clara, sons Jules and Verne, and dog Einstein for more hilarious escapades as they time travel to Prehistoric Hill Valley, Ancient Rome, Medieval England, the Civil War, the days of the pirates, the far future and beyond.  Featuring live action segments with Christopher Lloyd as Doc Brown, science experiments by Bill Nye the Science Guy and the vocal talents of Mary Steenburgen (Clara), Thomas Wilson (Biff) and Dan Castellaneta (Doc), it is family entertainment at its best and a true treasure for all Back to the Future fans!

Bonus Features:

  • Drawn to the Future: New interview with creator/writer Bob Gale and writer John Ludin.

  • Galleries: Rare archival materials featuring character art, DeLorean designs and more.

About Back to the Future : The Complete Adventures (Blu-ray & DVD)

Great Scott! For the first time ever, Back to the Future: The Complete Adventures pairs together the original beloved trilogy starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd along with the complete TV series.  Join Marty McFly, Doc Brown and a time traveling DeLorean for the adventure of a lifetime as they travel to the past, present and future, setting off a time-shattering chain reaction that disrupts the space time continuum.


  • Back to the Future, Back to the Future Part II, Back to the Future Part III

  • Back to the Future: The Complete Animated Series DVD

  • Bonus Disc with More than 2 Hours of Content

  • Digital HD with UltraViolet (Blu-ray Exclusive)

  • Back to the Future: A Visual History 64-Page Book

  • Light-Up “Flux Capacitor” Packaging

About Universal Pictures Home Entertainment

Universal Pictures Home Entertainment (UPHE) is a unit of Universal Pictures, a division of Universal Studios ( Universal Studios is a part of NBCUniversal, one of the world’s leading media and entertainment companies in the development, production, and marketing of entertainment, news, and information to a global audience. NBCUniversal owns and operates a valuable portfolio of news and entertainment television networks, a premier motion picture company, significant television production operations, a leading television stations group, world-renowned theme parks, and a suite of leading Internet-based businesses. NBCUniversal is a subsidiary of Comcast Corporation.

From a writer and producer of “Sushi Girl” comes “The Unwanted”, Now Crowdfunding!

Back in 2012, I was contacted about a film called “Sushi Girl”, an indie revenge thriller with a knock out cast including Tony Todd, Noah Hathaway, James Duval, Andy Mackenzie, Mark Hamill, Cortney Palm and even the legendary Sonny Chiba. This film was one of my favorite films of 2012! Last week I received an email from a writer and producer of “Sushi Girl”, Destin Pfaff about his new film “The Unwanted” and I couldn’t be more excited about this film.

Inspired by gripping true events, “The Unwanted” is a frightening supernatural thriller that examines a haunted hotel years after a horrifying incident occurred. The film is currently crowd funding on Kickstarter, click here to view campaign. Horror fans unite! It is films like this that need our help. Check out video below and pitch in what you can to see this kick-ass film made and score some cool perks.

Exclusive Deleted Scene from Vince Vaughn’s “Unfinished Business”, Blu-ray Available June 16th

Here is an exclusive clip from the Blu-ray of Vince Vaughn’s Unfinished Business – Deleted Scene “Get The Kill”, courtesy of 20th Century Fox. Unfinished Business arrives on Digital HD on May 29 and DVD/Blu-ray on June 16.

In this hilarious drink-like-a-fish-out-of-water comedy, Vince Vaughn stars as a hard-working entrepreneur who travels to Europe with his two associates (Dave Franco, Tom Wilkinson) to close the most important business deal of their lives. But the journey quickly spins out of control as the hapless trio encounters all kinds of crazy obstacles, including Oktoberfest bar brawls, hotel foul-ups, foreign GPS directions, and a global fetish festival. In the end, these guys gone wild might just land the deal…if they can survive the trip. Bottoms up!

Unfinished Business Digital HD, Blu-ray™ & DVD Special Features:
• Deleted and Alternate Scenes (Blu-ray and Digital HD): Caution: Not safe for work! Keep the party going with 30 minutes of outrageous additional footage you couldn’t see in theaters
• Show Me Your Business: Vince Vaughn, Dave Franco, Tom Wilkinson, James Marsden, Sienna Miller, and Nick Frost share their wildest, craziest and most memorable experiences on set
• Gallery: Hilarious stock photo images of Vince Vaughn, Dave Franco, and Tom Wilkinson posing in office settings

MovieMike Writes “Jaws” Retrospective for Horrhound Magazine

If you’re a fan of this site then you know that the Mike’s are huge “Jaws” fans. Horrorhound magazine knew this and they asked our own MovieMike to write a “Jaws” retrospective article for their 40th Anniversary Cover story. Look for it on newsstands soon!

Disney, Lucasfilm and 20th Century Fox Announce The Star Wars Digital Movie Collection

/ PR Newswire / — As anticipation builds for the December release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the first new film in the Star Wars Saga in a decade, The Walt Disney Studios, Lucasfilm Ltd., and 20th Century Fox today announced the upcoming release of The Star Wars Digital Movie Collection. For the first time ever, all six epic films in the Saga, from The Phantom Menaceto Return of the Jedi, will be available on Digital HD throughout the galaxy – or at least here on Earth – globally beginning Friday, April 10.

“Since the debut of the first film nearly 40 years ago, Star Wars has become a worldwide phenomenon with legions of fans from every generation,” said Alan Bergman, President, The Walt Disney Studios. “It’s only fitting that audiences enjoy this legendary Saga and its many fascinating behind-the-scenes stories on a wide variety of platforms, and we’re very excited to finally bring all six films to Digital HD for the first time.”

“We’re thrilled that fans will be able to enjoy the Star Wars Saga on their digital devices wherever they go,” commented Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy. “These films broke new ground in technology, design, sound, and visual effects, and we’ve created some very special bonus material which delves into the Saga’s rich history, including new and never-before-released conversations between legendary Star Wars artists – the masters who helped George bring his iconic universe to life.”

With Star Wars: Episodes I-VI available for purchase as a complete digital movie collection and individually, viewers will have the Rebel forces at their beck and call across their favorite devices anywhere – sunbathing at the beach, relaxing in their living room with friends, or waiting to board a flight to Endor (or elsewhere).

Enhancing the movie collection are a host of never-before-seen special features including Star Wars: Discoveries from Inside and insightful Conversations between key contributors from across this celebrated film franchise, plus a curated collection of classic Star Warsextras from each film. These are the droids you’re looking for:

*Digital bonus offerings may vary by retailer
STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace

  • Conversations: Doug Chiang Looks Back
  • Discoveries From Inside: Models & Miniatures
  • Legacy content includes “The Beginning”; The Podrace: Theatrical Edit; plus eight deleted scenes.

STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones

  • Conversations: Sounds In Space
  • Discoveries From Inside: Costumes Revealed
  • Legacy content includes “From Puppets To Pixels: Digital Characters In Episode II”; State Of The Art: The Previsualization Of Episode II; and “Films Are Not Released, They Escape”; plus Episode II Visual Effects Breakdown Montage and six deleted scenes.

STAR WARS EPISODE III: Revenge of the Sith

  • Conversations: The Star WarsThat Almost Was
  • Discoveries From Inside: Hologram & Bloopers
  • Legacy content includes documentaries “Within A Minute: The Making Of Episode III”; The Journey Part 1; and The Journey Part 2; plus six deleted scenes.

STAR WARS EPISODE IV: A New Hope (20th Century Fox)

  • Conversations: Creating A Universe
  • Discoveries From Inside: Weapons & The First Lightsaber
  • Legacy content includes “Anatomy Of A Dewback”; Star WarsLaunch Trailer; plus eight deleted scenes.

STAR WARS EPISODE V: The Empire Strikes Back

  • Conversations: The Lost Interviews
  • Discoveries From Inside: Matte Paintings Unveiled
  • Legacy content includes “A Conversation With The Masters” (2010); “Dennis Muren: How Walkers Walk”; “George Lucas On Editing The Empire Strikes Back 1979”; and “George Lucas On The Force: 2010”; plus six deleted scenes.

STAR WARS EPISODE VI: Return of the Jedi

  • Conversations: The Effects
  • Discoveries From Inside: The Sounds Of Ben Burtt
  • Legacy content includes “Classic Creatures: Return Of The Jedi”; “Revenge Of The Jedi Teaser Trailer”; Return Of The Jedi Launch Trailer; “It Began TV Spot”; “Climactic Chapter TV Spot”; plus five deleted scenes.

About The Walt Disney Studios
For over 90 years, The Walt Disney Studios has been the foundation on which The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS) was built. Today, the Studio brings quality movies, music and stage plays to consumers throughout the world.

Feature films are released under the following banners: Disney, including Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar Animation Studios; Disneynature; Marvel Studios; Disney|Lucasfilm; and Touchstone Pictures, the banner under which live-action films from DreamWorks Studios are distributed. The Disney Music Group encompasses the Walt Disney Records and Hollywood Records labels, as well as Disney Music Publishing. The Disney Theatrical Group produces and licenses live events, including Disney on Broadway, Disney On Ice and Disney Live!

About Lucasfilm Ltd.
Lucasfilm Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, is a global leader in film, television and digital entertainment production. In addition to its motion-picture and television production, the company’s activities include visual effects and audio post-production, cutting-edge digital animation, interactive entertainment software, and the management of the global merchandising activities for its entertainment properties including the legendary STAR WARS and INDIANA JONES franchises. Lucasfilm Ltd. is headquartered in northern California.

Lucasfilm, the Lucasfilm logo, STAR WARS and related properties are trademarks and/or copyrights, in the United States and other countries, of Lucasfilm Ltd. and/or its affiliates. STAR WARS © & TM 2015 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.

About 20th Century Fox
One of the world’s largest producers and distributors of motion pictures, 20th Century Fox Film produces, acquires and distributes motion pictures throughout the world. These motion pictures are produced or acquired by the following units of 20th Century Fox Film: Twentieth Century Fox, Fox 2000 Pictures, Fox Searchlight Pictures, Fox International Productions, and Twentieth Century Fox Animation.

Explore the Universe When “Jupiter Ascending” Arrives onto Blu-ray 3D Combo Pack, Blu-ray Combo Pack, DVD and Digital HD on June 2 from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment

Burbank, CA, April 6, 2015 – From the creators of “The Matrix” Trilogy comes “Jupiter Ascending,” an original science fiction action adventure from filmmakers Lana and Andy Wachowski, arriving onto Blu-ray 3D Combo Pack, Blu-ray Combo Pack, DVD and Digital HD on June 2 from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment.

Channing Tatum (“Magic Mike,” “Foxcatcher”) and Mila Kunis (“Oz the Great and Powerful”) lead a cast that includes Sean Bean (“The Lord of the Rings” Trilogy), Eddie Redmayne (“The Theory of Everything”), Douglas Booth (“Noah”), Tuppence Middleton (“The Imitation Game”), Doona Bae (“Cloud Atlas”), James D’Arcy (“Hitchcock”) and Tim Pigott-Smith (“Alice in Wonderland”).

From the streets of Chicago to far flung galaxies whirling through space, “Jupiter Ascending” is written and directed by the Wachowskis. Award-winning producer Grant Hill, with whom they have collaborated since “The Matrix” Trilogy, produced the film, together with Lana and Andy Wachowski. Roberto Malerba and Bruce Berman serve as executive producers.

“Jupiter Ascending” will be available on Blu-ray 3D Combo Pack for $44.95, Blu-ray Combo Pack for $44.95 and 2-disc DVD Special Edition for $28.98. The Blu-ray 3D Combo Pack features the theatrical version of the film in 3D hi-definition, hi-definition and standard definition; the Blu-ray Combo Pack features the theatrical version of the film in hi-definition on Blu-ray; and the DVD features the theatrical version in standard definition. All versions include a digital version of the movie in Digital HD with UltraViolet. Fans can also own “Jupiter Ascending” via purchase from digital retailers.

Jupiter Jones (Kunis) was born under a night sky, with signs predicting that she was destined for great things. Now grown, Jupiter dreams of the stars but wakes up to the cold reality of a job cleaning other people’s houses and an endless run of bad breaks. Only when Caine (Tatum), a genetically engineered ex-military hunter, arrives on Earth to track her down does Jupiter begin to glimpse the fate that has been waiting for her all along—her genetic signature marks her as next in line for an extraordinary inheritance that could alter the balance of the cosmos.

“Jupiter Ascending” 3D Blu-Ray and Blu-ray Combo Pack contains the following special features:
· Jupiter Jones: Destiny Is Within Us
· Jupiter Ascending: Genetically Spliced Caine Wise: Interplanetary Warrior
· The Wachowskis: Minds Over Matter
· Worlds Within Worlds Within Worlds
· Bullet Time Evolved
· From Earth to Jupiter (And Everywhere in Between)

“Jupiter Ascending” Standard Definition DVD contains the following special features:
· Jupiter Jones: Destiny Is Within Us
· Jupiter Ascending: Genetically Spliced

Comedy Classic “Some Like it Hot” Heading to Omaha

Film historian Bruce Crawford has announced the film to be presented at his 36th Tribute to Classic Films will be Billy Wilder’s Oscar-winning “Some Like It Hot.” The film will be screened on Friday, April 24, 2015 at the beautiful Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha, Nebraska.

Often considered the greatest film comedy of all time, ranking #1 on the American Film Institute’s list of the top 100 film comedies, “Some Like It Hot” stars Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe. The evening’s special guest will be Curtis’ daughter, Kelly. Also, as with other Classic Film Tributes, artist Nicolosi will design a commemorative United States Postal Envelope honoring the film. The artwork will be unveiled prior to the screening.

Tickets for the event, which will begin at 7:00 p.m., are $23.00 and can be purchased at the customer service counters of all Omaha-area HyVee food stores. Tickets go on sale on Wednesday, April 1, 2015. Proceeds will benefit the Omaha Parks Foundation. For more information call (402) 926-8299 or visit

Blu-ray Review “Interstellar”

Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Michael Caine, Bill Irwin, Mackenzie Foy
Director: Christopher Nolan
Number of discs: 3
Rated: PG-13 (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Studio: Paramount
Release Date: March 31, 2015
Run Time: 109 minutes

Film: 2.5 out of 5 stars
Blu-ray: 4 out of stars
Extras: 3.5 out of 5 stars

When I first heard news for “Interstellar”, I pegged it as being one of my favorite films of the year. Boy, was I wrong. I don’t think I was so disappointed from a film this year as I was with “Interstellar”. The first half of this film had me really intrigued wondering what was going to happen next…and wondering and then wonderful what the hell I was watching as it took a giant nose dive during the second half. Missed opportunities is what ruined this film for me. The visuals were definitely impressive but the story was way too convoluted for me and it never came together for me in the end. Christopher Nolan tried a little too hard on this one and should focus less on making a confusing/ridiculous story and focus more on making an interesting and convincing story for his next film.

Official Premise: With time on Earth coming to an end, a team of explorers undertakes the most important mission in human history: traveling beyond this galaxy to discover whether mankind has a future among the stars. From acclaimed filmmaker Christopher Nolan (“The Dark Knight” films, “Inception”), “Interstellar” stars Matthew McConaughey (“Dallas Buyers Club”), Anne Hathaway (“Les Miserables”), Jessica Chastain (“Zero Dark Thirty”), Bill Irwin (“Rachel Getting Married”), Ellen Burstyn (“Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore”), and Michael Caine (“The Cider House Rules”). Also includes Wes Bentley, Casey Affleck, David Gyasi, Mackenzie Foy and Topher Grace.

Paramount is releasing this film as a combo pack with a Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD copy. This Blu-ray Combo Pack will also include an authentic film cell from an original 70MM IMAX print of the film. Even though, the film was “blah” at best, the 1080p transfer was very impressive. It features a blend of widescreen at 2.39:1 and an IMAX Blu-ray full-frame 1.78:1 throughout the film. The cuts are seamless and flow well to benefit the film. The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 is certainly a strong track but lacks the full 7.1  experience that most epic big films are getting today on Blu-ray. I am surprised that Paramount didn’t step up a bit with this track.

The special features are definitely weighty but lack any commentary options. First up, is a meaty feature called “The Science of Interstellar”, which runs about an hour in length. It reaches out to scientists talking about the truth behind some of the themes in the film and is narrated by Matthew McConaughey. There is some interested discussion points here for sure. I did like the science in the film, except for the third act when it just got plain weird. Next there is a 14 part feature called “Inside Interstellar”. It breaks down pretty much the entire film piece by piece. Here are the including segments: “Plotting an Interstellar Journey”, which talks about the origin of the film. “Life on Cooper’s Farm” discusses the farm shooting locations.

Some of the other featurettes include “The Cosmic Sounds of Interstellar”, which looks into the sound design. “The Simulation of Zero-G” is a featurette that interested me dealing with the absence of gravity in the film. Also other featurettes included are “The Space Suits”, “The Endurance”, “Shooting in Iceland: Miller’s Planet/Mann’s Planet”, “The Ranger and the Lander”, “Miniatures in Space”, “Celestial Landmarks” and “Across All Dimensions and Time”. Lastly there are some trailers/teasers included as well.

Enjoy the “Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb Game”! Available now

To celebrate the release of “Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb Game” next week, we wanted to share you with a fun digital game called “Knight Flight”. The object of the game is to help Larry collect as many artifacts as you can find while racing through the staircase maze.

Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment brings back to life your favorite museum heroes in NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM: SECRET OF THE TOMB available on Blu-ray and DVD March 10. Families around the globe have come out to see the hysterical third and final installment in the franchise, which has grossed more than a billion dollars. Now, parents and kids can not only enjoy the best ‘Night’ ever, but also get their hands on a bonus Digital HD movie: their choice of either Night at the Museum or Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian.

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