TV Legend Dick Clark dead at 82

Dick Clark, whose almost seven decades on television made him known as “America’s Oldest Living Teenager,” died today after suffering a massive heart attack. He was 82.

Born in Mount Vernon, New York towards the end of 1929, Clark started out as a mail clerk at WRUN-Radio, which was run by his father and uncle, in Utica, New York. Within a year he graduated to doing the weather and finally his own newscast. He was 17.

He attended Syracuse University and after graduation returned to Utica where he hosted a television country music program. In 1952 he was hired by WFIL, a Philadelphia station that broadcast on both radio and television. Initially hired as a radio DJ, Clark begin filling in for host Bob Horn on the stations afternoon teenage dance show, “Bandstand.” When Horn was fired in 1956 after being arrested for drunk driving Clark took over the show permanently, soon establishing it as one of the most popular on air. In 1957 the ABC television network picked up the show to run nationally, re-naming it “American Bandstand.” The show became a hit nationwide, airing after school in most cities. Sensing a change in the music world, Clark was one of the first hosts to welcome black dancers and guests on his show.

In 1959, Congress began an investigation into what was known as “Payola,” which concerned record company executives paying disc jockeys to highlight certain records and ignore others. Clark was called to testify before the committee and admitted to taking a fur coat and some jewelry for his wife from one record company president. As this was the only incident, Clark was reprimanded. However, to avoid the perception of impropriety, ABC asked Clark to sell his interest in the television program. He did but managed to keep rights to several important individual programs. In 1963, ABC moved “American Bandstand” to Saturday afternoons, where it ran until 1989.

Clark was also a shrewd producer. In 1972 he hosted his very first “New Year’s Rocking Eve” program. He also produced and hosted several game shows, most notably “The $10,000 Pyramid.” This grew to $25,000 then finally $100,000. He also produced such other popular shows as “Bloopers and Practical Jokes” and the very popular “American Music Awards.” In 2004 Clark suffered a stroke, which kept him off the air on New Years Eve. But the next year he was back, with new co-host Ryan Seacrest. His speech was stilted but you could see the young man inside in his eyes. Dick Clark was a true television icon. I doubt there will ever be another like him.

Raphael Sbarge talks about ABC’s “Once Upon a Time”

Raphael Sbarge has appeared in a number of television series ranging from “Dexter” to “Grey’s Anatomy”. Most recently he plays the role of Dr. Archibald Hopper on the ABC series “Once Upon a Time”. Media Mikes had a chance to speak with Raphael recently about his work on the series.

Adam Lawton: Can you tell us about your character on Once Upon a Time?
Raphael Sbarge: I play two roles. One is Dr. Archibald Hopper, therapist, and then Jiminy Cricket. It’s kind of an interesting pairing but it goes to the premise of the show. There are two worlds—a “real world” of Storybrooke, Maine, and then a Fantasy World (which, of course, we find out is equally real— but a curse was put on it, and everyone was sent/banished to the other world, with absolutely no memory of where they came from).  The writer/creators of the show Adam Horowitz and Eddie Kitsis had an idea to take characters we all know and love and integrate them into a show, giving them alter egos in another world. So: Jiminy Cricket, a character from “Pinocchio” who defines conscience, is thus made a ‘man of conscience’, and a therapist in Storybrooke. The concept is clever on their part, but for anyone who has yet to see the show, it’s not done in a cute or sugary way. It can be quite dark at times.

AL: How did the role initially come about?
RS: I auditioned for the part. As actors we are always out looking for the next job! Here I am a year later, having an amazing time, deep in a story that is so much richer, and well told than I ever imagined it could or would have been. The shows are shot with very high standards—almost like a feature. We never know what is coming down the river next.  It’s quite exciting, actually.

AL: What do you like most about the role?
RS: There is not an actor in the world who wouldn’t be excited about playing two roles. All of us on “Once Upon a Time” are thrilled about that. They have also spent a fair amount of time this first season doing full episodes about each of the main players in the story. It gives the episodes a more depth and they can explore single characters in a way that is not done in TV very often. Then, because they really are so focused on creating a very visually rich fantasy world, it’s incredibly fun and exciting to see the set, costumes and the production values all come together to make it live. Honestly, it’s a blissful experience being a part of this show.  It is unlike anything I have ever had an opportunity to do.

AL: Do you have any other upcoming projects we can be watching for?
RS: I am executive producing a new web series with Ed Begley Jr. and his wife, Rachelle, called “On Begley Street”. They are building the most sustainable home in North America, and it brings in their brand of quirky, silly fun, along with a lot of high-profile friends who will drop by.  You can see our Kickstarter video at You can also go to and sign up to receive updates and news about the premiere.  I also voice one of the leads in the “Mass Effect 3” video game which will be out March 6th. This game was voted Most Anticipated Video Game of 2012 at the Video Game Awards. When I am not acting I do a lot of work on Green Wish which is a nonprofit I founded that raises money to help other local, green nonprofits.  You can visit that site at


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Chris Elliott talks about Season 2 of Adult Swim’s “Eagleheart”

Chris Elliott is the star of Adult Swim’s “Eagleheart” playing the role of US Marshall Chris Monsanto. The show is entering its second season on April 12, 2012. Chris is known for his film’s like “Groundhog Dog”, “Scary Movie 2” and “Cabin Boy”. Media Mikes had a chance to chat with Chris about “Eagleheart” and what we can except from the second season.

Mike Gencarelli: What do you like most about playing US Marshall Chris Monsanto this season?
Chris Elliott: It is bigger, badder and more bloodier than season one.  Also it is more surreal that season one.  It has all these different plot turns and twists, all in 11 minutes.  It feels like a bigger show than last season and I thought that last season felt really big.

MG: Each episode is 11 minutes, how do you enjoy working in that format?
CE: Even though it is only 11 minutes long, it is the hardest show I have ever worked on.  It is so jam packed.  I also have to work with Brett Gelman…so…you know that feel a little long than 11 minutes [laughs].  Maria and Brett are just brilliant.  This season we get to do more plots with the three of us not just me.  The show is more evenly divided…so I have even less work to do [laughs].

MG: The show is so over-the-top and follows no rules, have you ever been told to tone it down on the show?
CE: It been pretty much no-holds barred.  I mean, with any network, Adult Swim will have notes on some scripts but in general we are left alone to do what we do.  That is really to Adult Swim’s credit. This show cannot be done anywhere else and if it was it would be a watered-down cop parody.  This show was always planned to be this fun, surreal almost psychedelic trip.  It really feels like that to me.  So much of the show is depending on editing and how fast it moves.  Sometimes I wished I had a little more time for a moment of acting here or there but we are so short on time you have to sacrifice that for the little bit of story we are telling.  You make up for it though with the laugh that you get with just how fast this thing is moving and that is a best part of it.

MG: Is there room for improv during shooting?
CE: That is a really good question.  We are like to improvising and like playing around…and we do on the set but not usually when the cameras are rolling.  We are usually on a really tight shooting schedule.  Also we know that once these scenes get into the editing room, you can only use the essential things you need to move the story along.  So there really isn’t a lot of room for improvising.  You can change line a little here or there or an alternate joke. In terms of going crazy for a whole scene, the rare times we do get to do that it hardly ever makes it in.

MG: Well there is always room for that material on the DVD releases, right?
CE: Yeah, that’s right.  Exactly, extra content!  Well the good thing is about these writers, Michael Koman, Andrew Weinberg and Jason Woliner, is that everything is funny right on the page.  There is little need to punch anything up.  These guys are really great writers.  They are especially good writing for me since they known I don’t like to learn long lines [laughs].

MG: Are you completed with shooting the season yet?
CE: Season two is done.  We are waiting to hear about season three.  I am sure we will do another season.  Then we will see how old I look after that and well see about a season four.

MG: What is the typical length it takes to shoot each episode?
CE: Well it is hard to pin that down since we shoot a number of episodes all at once. Honestly, it is probably only about two days per episode…maybe three.  In one shooting day, we can be shooting scenes, all out of order, from three different episodes at the same time in one day.  All the scripts are written in advance.  That is the only way we can do it with the budget we have.

MG: I hear we got some pretty sweet guest stars for season two?
CE: We have Ben Stiller this season.  Dean Norris from “Breaking Bad” pops in.  We have Bud Cort from ‘Harold and Maude”.  Lastly we have Conan (‘O Brien), who has a guest appearance as well.

MG: When is “Eagleheart: The Movie” coming out [laughs]?
CE: I will honestly do anything with this creative team, Adult Swim and my co-stars.  I think we all work together really well.  We talked about if we should do a 30 minute “Eagleheart” but it would actually change the show quite a bit.  You would have to slow it down quite a bit, you couldn’t maintain that pace.  So who knows?

MG: Tell us about what we can expect from the DVD release of the first season?
CE: We did commentary on a bunch of the episodes.  There is our comic con appearance footage.  I think there is also a gag reel included as well.  It is just packed with great stuff.

Adult Swim’s “Eagleheart” Interview Series

“Eagleheart” follows US Marshall Chris Monsanto (Chris Elliott) as he fights crime with his two partners: the slow-witted Brett (Brett Gelman) and by-the-book Susie (Maria Thayer) They take on drug smugglers, art thieves, kidnappers, and con artists with bloody violence and gruesome deaths ensuing.

“Eagleheart” begins its second season on April 12, 2012 and will consist of 12 episodes. The first season of “Eagleheart” was also released on DVD on April 3, 2012. From the episodes, I have have seen in season two it is much more over-the-top and funnier than the first season.

Check out our interviews with Brett Gelman, Chris Elliott, Maria Thayer and Michael Gladis. Enjoy and please leave comments and don’t forgot to watch “Eagleheart” Thursday nights at Midnight on Adult Swim.

Brett Gelman

Chris Elliott

Maria Thayer

Michael Gladis


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Brett Gelman talks about Season 2 of Adult Swim’s “Eagleheart”

Brett Gelman has appeared in a number of films and television shows. More recently Brett has reprised his as role as Brett alongside co-stars Chris Elliot and Maria Thayer in the late night Adult Swim series “Eagleheart” Brett took time out of his busy schedule recently to talk with Media Mikes about season 2 of the show.

Adam Lawton: How is this season of “Eagleheart” going to top the craziness of season 1?
Brett Gelman: There are a lot more head explosions than last season. There is organ cutting going on and a lot more specific violence happening rather than just people exploding or getting shot. The writers picked certain body parts to explode this season. I don’t remember a lot of it because it was so traumatic for me as I am very method. I blocked a lot of it out. (Laughs)

AL: Can you tell us about some of this seasons guest starts?
BG: We have Ben Stiller and Conan O’ Brien doing an episode this season. We have Dean Norris from “Breaking Bad” and Bud Cort all coming on this season as well. I didn’t get a chance to work with Ben or Conan as their footage was shot separately. I have met those guys before and they are heroes of mine. Working with Dean was really great. He is a pro and comes right out of the gate. Bud Cort is a 70’s icon, so that was really great also.

AL: What can you tell us about Brett having a baby this season?
BG: There is two me’s in that episode. I got to act with myself which was really fun. I finally got to work with an actor that was up to my ability. (laughs) It was challenging to work with a stand in and then be the other character. The Bezoar character is the evil version of Brett and in a lot of ways he is way more of a guy than Brett will ever be. Maria and I have a lot more going on this season and it’s more of an ensemble driven show in a way. Chris is still the star but you get the sense that we are a comedy team. It was more fun to do it that way. I was excited when they gave me such a meaty episode.

AL: Do you get to see the scripts prior to shooting?
BG: We get them about a week before. Sometimes we will get major changes right before. For me it doesn’t really matter because my character is so dumb and doesn’t know what’s ever going on. It kind of works for me. (laughs)  It’s kind of like a sparrow with no short term memory. He says something then another thing happens and he forgets it.

AL: Are you allowed to improv on the scripts at all?
BG: There is not a lot of improv as we just don’t have the time. There is so much stuff that needs to be dealt with on the shoots that we are constantly racing against the clock. You are also dealing with an 11 minute show so you can improvise but, really at that point you are just wasting time. The writing is very good and well orchestrated so all the pieces fit well into the puzzle. Everything is so good that often times you don’t need to improvise.

AL: What else can we expect from the Brett character this season?
BG: He will be constantly having hallucinations this season. Things are telling him that no one likes him and he is very insecure. Wanting to be liked by everyone especially Chris’s character really drives Brett this season. There will be a lot more of Brett and Maria which is really exciting.

AL: What other projects can we be looking for you to appear in?
BG: I will be guest staring on an MTV show called “The Inbetweeners” which will be coming out this summer. I will be playing the principle of a high school. The night that “Eagleheart” airs I will be on “The Office” as well. I will be continuing with my “Gel-Mania” Podcast’s and shooting things for Tim Heidecker and I have some plans to do some videos together, so that should be a lot of fun. I am also scheduled to shoot an independent film this summer called “Lemons” as well. I am pretty excited for that.

Maria Thayer talks about Season 2 of Adult Swim’s “Eagleheart”

Maria Thayer stars alongside Chris Elliot and Brett Gelman in the Adult Swim series “Eagleheart”. Media Mikes talked with Maria recently about the upcoming season of show and what it’s like working with such a funny cast.

Adam Lawton: What can we expect from you character Susie this season?
Maria Thayer: I think a lot more. Some really terrible things happen to Susie this season. It’s exciting! Susie is a little less uptight I think this season. She is still the sane one when being compared to Chris or Brett. I only had one fight scene last year but I have a lot more this time. I participated whole heartedly in the violence. There is one episode where I turn into a monster. That was pretty fun. I also have a relationship with a Bezoar in another episode.

AL: Did you notice any differences in the shooting this season as compared to last season?
MT: We didn’t have a lot of time last season and we really did not have a lot of time this season. It is always so fast. I think unless you are working with Clint Eastwood or someone like that  you will always feel like you didn’t have enough time. A lot of times we were shooting 5 different scenes from 5 different episodes all in one day. Sometimes it would take a second or two to remember what was happening. There are always a lot of things going on. I don’t know how the directors did it.

AL: Did you get to work with any of this season’s guest stars?
MT: I didn’t get to work with Conan O’Brian this time however I have worked with him previously. He is actually how I met two of the executive producers. When I was first in New York I did sketches on Conan. It’s funny as 10 years later I am still working with those guys. I worked with Dean Norris and he was really great. I love his other work as well.

AL: How does working on “Eagleheart” compare to working on film like “Forgetting Sarah Marshall”?
MT: Everything is different. Because of the time crunch on this show and the smaller operation you get closer to everybody. We only have two writers so everyone contributes. Even though Chris, Brett and I are only together for about 10 weeks for shooting we become like a family, a dysfunctional family. I am really excited for people to be able to see the new episodes.

AL: Do you have any other upcoming projects you can tell us about?
MT: I have started doing a web series with Funny or Die. I have never done something on my own before so I have been blowing other things off in order to be able to do this project. The series is based around Pilot season here in Los Angeles. Janeane Garofalo is going to be in one of the episodes. The episodes are going to be me going to various auditions.

Mayim Bialik talks about “The Big Bang Theory” and New Book

Mayim Bialik known best for her role in the TV series “Blossom”. Mayim currently co-stars on “The Big Bang Theory” as Amy Farrah Fowler. Her character has become one of my personal favorites on the show. She also recently released a book on parenting called “Beyond the Sling: A Real-Life Guide to Raising Confident, Loving Children the Attachment Parenting Way”. Media Mikes had a chance to chat with Mayim again to chat with her about her role on “The Big Bang Theory” and also her new book.

Mike Gencarelli: Can you tell us about the evolution of the Amy Farrah Fowler character?
: Basically I am thrilled every time they keep bringing me back. I didn’t really know what they had in mind for this character. It is one of the challenges of being an actress when you are not a regular. You just never know what they are going to have in store for you. It has been a huge thrill. I never expected to be working regularly again.

MG: How do you keep such a straight face when saying some of the more funny lines your character has?
MB: We get a whole week to get the giggles out of our system. At the same time it is our job to bring the lines across. That’s something I take very seriously and I think the other people on “Big Bang Theory” do as well. It’s our jobs to make everything work. It’s a good challenge.

MG: What do you enjoy most about working on the show?
MB: I love to play that weird character where anything could come out of her mouth. I also really love working with Jim Parsons. He is not only a fan favorite but he is critically acclaimed and won Emmys. It is amazing to watch him work and be a part of that.

MG: What can we expect from your characters relationship with Penny on the show?
MB: In general we do what people like and we keep doing that. There will definitely be a lot more of that same stuff. I think as Bernadette and Howard’s wedding is still being part of plots you see Amy continue to be interested in that.

MG: Where you able to meet Leonard Nimoy during his guest appearance on the show?
MB: No. I wasn’t actually in that episode. The two weeks that I haven’t been on were the weeks they had Leonard Nimoy and Stephen Hawking. It was horrible to miss those but it is incredible for our show.

MG: What can we expect from the closing of this season?
MB: We find out the night before we start script. I actually have no idea. I haven’t been in two weeks of episodes so I literally don’t know what has happened. I am actually only one episode a head of the American public. I have no clue. Melissa Rauch and I pretty close and we literally ask each other what we think will happen next week.

MG: Can you tell us about your new book, “Beyond the Sling: A Real-Life Guide to Raising Confident, Loving Children the Attachment Parenting Way”?
MB: I have been writing for a website called Kveller. I was then approached to write about the style of parenting we practice. It involves things like natural birth and breast feeding. I didn’t think it was all that weird because it was kind of the way mammals and people have been parenting since the beginning of history. It has gotten some really interesting attention. Most of it has been really positive and it has given a voice to a style of parenting that a lot of us believe in not just because we are celebrities. I am the only celebrity I know that parents this way. It’s not just for celebrities.

MG: How long did the book take to write and what did you enjoy most about the process?
MB: We had a proposal ready in about 4 months. I think it took me less than a year to write all the other chapters. It has been really fun! I was in New York for a week doing press. I got to be on “The View” and Barbara Walters was fascinated with my sex life so that was kind of fun. It’s been really fun. The book went into it third printing the first week it was out. So, things have been great.


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Bob Odenkirk talks about new pilot “Let’s Do This!”

Bob Odenkirk is known best for his role in “Mr. Show” and “Breaking Bad”. Bob has recently released his new pilot on Adult Swim called “Let’s Do This!”. Media Mikes had a chance to chat with Bob about his new pilot and it’s chances to have the show turn into a series.

Mike Gencarelli: How did you originally come up with the idea for “Let’s Do This!”?
Bob Odenkirk: I played Robert Evans on “Mr. Show” and also on “The Bill Maher Show”. I loved his air of confidence and swagger. I find that guy funny and I like playing him. I think there is more life to a guy like him. This guy is a hybrid of him and some other people I have played. The other inspiration I had was from a movie I love called “American Movie”. I love people making movies especially those small companies with not much money but with a dream where people are sort of giving their time freely. It’s easy to discount or write those people off but the fact is everybody in Hollywood is on a continuum with those people. It’s not like there are legitimate people in Hollywood and then illegitimate people. We are all illegitimate. We are all just making it up. Even the people with lots of money and big companies behind them are doing that. Look at that film “John Carter”. That film was a massive bust! There was a very respected director driving that thing. He is a really smart guy who was working really hard. I am sure probably having years to work on it and think about it he thought it was going to be great. I am sure he had to tell lots of people, lots of times that this film was going to be great. Who is he when you compare him to Cal Gold? He is the same! In this case his dream is just as looney.

MG: Can you tell us about the road to getting it aired on Adult Swim?
BO: We made the show and while doing so it evolved. During the course of editing we found that the real fun lay in the crew that I put together. This included Fortune Feimster and John Ennis. The real fun was back stage shooting the movie. That part of the show was kind of improvised and put into a later edit. I don’t know how Adult Swim feels about it as a show? Obviously it didn’t go to series. Well at least not yet. We sat and thought about it for awhile and I just wanted them to show it to people and give everyone a chance to watch it. What happened was we showed the short at a benefit and there were kids in the audience. We showed just the Harry Potter film and not the story around it and, they loved it! Watching it with the audience I thought people would really like it. I called Mike at Adult Swim and asked if he would run it and he said yes.  What happens next? I don’t know. Mike Lazzo remains the coolest executive in Hollywood. I am not just saying that to kiss his ass. Most executives wouldn’t show the show if it didn’t go. They would not want people to see it because if they liked it then they would look bad for not ordering it to series already. There would be this embarrassment factor. Mike said to just let people see it. I don’t know what will happen next.

MG: Is there anything fans can do to help?
BO: I don’t know. Maybe just continue to like the show and talk about it. They could write a comment about wanting more to be made. I don’t know how often they read comments like that. I think that positive feedback helps and will probably make the executives at Adult Swim see that there is maybe life in the show. The other part is my job. I want to do the character again as I really like him. I started tweeting as Cal Gold. Honestly I really think the next part is for me to approach Mike Lazzo and Adult Swim with some ideas of what we could do next if he wanted to. I want to approach him with something more interesting than just a series. I would to give him some really specific episodes of what we would like to prank on and what movies are coming out in the next year. I want to give him a really targeted idea of what we want to do then allow him to make a decision from there.

MG: Do you currently have any other scripts written?
BO: We do. We have a lot of stuff we have written. This is all part of a process that I am discovering. This show was basically set aside as we thought that we had done it and it didn’t make it on the air. Now we are starting to see that there might be other things we could do with the show. I don’t know if we would go back to the scripts that we had so much than to think of new ways to make the most of it. The thing I keep getting comments on is the scene where we are shooting in a parking garage and Paul Rust has to lose the car and, he is kissing my ass. People really liked that part. I think I would look to create episodes that would allow us to create and make that crazy stuff happen. Watch the show, give it a lot of hits and if you like it say so. That’s all anyone can really do. It’s up to me to pitch a journey for it.

MG: Have you ever considered doing the show as a web series?
BO: Yes! I absolutely would. I have “Breaking Bad” starting up so there is that aspect to things as well. I don’t have maybe as much time as other people to do shows. I have to have something that is within my abilities to do. That will be part of me re-thinking things now that it has been shown. I am thinking a show an episode would have Cal talking to the camera and we get out with the crew shooting. Then we would have a trailer for something. I really want to have fun with movies that are set to come out.

Click here to view Bob’s latest pilot “Let’s Do This!” on
To follow Bob’s character Cal Gold on Twitter go to @CalGoldberg

Interview with Kim Evey

Kim Evey has produced five seasons of Felicia Day’s hit series “The Guild” as well as “Dragon Age: Redemption”. Kim is working with Felicia Day on this latest project called “Geek and Sundry”, which is a premium YouTube channel that is going to include six new original series. Media Mikes had a chance to chat with Kim about create this channel and what we can expect.

Mike Gencarelli: You’ve worked with Felicia Day now on “The Guild” and “Dragon Age”, tell us about your latest project: “Geek and Sundry”?
Kim Evey: It is a YouTube Premium video channel, which is set to premiere on April 2, 2012. It is going to include six new original series. We have been working really hard and are really excited for its launch.

MG: Tell us about the lineup of six new original series premiering on “Geek and Sundry”?
KE: Felicia Day is doing a new vlog show called “The Flog”, which is airs every Monday. It is like a basic vlog where she checks out quirky hobbies and just shares her experiences with her fans. Since it is on premium channel, Felicia wanted to take it one step further. She actually has been filming this little adventures which she has been filming the last few months. On Tuesdays, we are airing season 5 of “The Guild”, which has never been aired on YouTube. In part with that every Thursday there will be a behind the scenes look at that week’s episode as well. Next there is Dark Horse Motion Comics, which airs every Wednesday. Basically that is a series where our favorite comics are brought to life by some amazing artists. There is also some new content from Dark Horse as well that they wanted to include. Every other Friday, we have a show with Wil Wheton called “TableTop”. It is a really cool idea where he will invite other geeks, TV talent and YouTube personalities to play various tabletop games with him. Think “Celebrity Poker” meets “Dinner for Five”. It is a really cool idea because if you are a fan of the games, you would be most likely a fan of the people on the show also. It also gives people that do not play these games a look into them and gets a chance see how the rules are setup. On the other rotating Friday, there will be a show called “Sword & Laser”, which is already a podcast but is going to be a show hosted by Veronica Belmont and Tom Merritt. It will focus on science fiction and fantasy books with reviews and author interviews. They are hoping to setup a book of month part of the show also. I am also working on a show myself called “Written by a Kid”, where we get real kids ages 4-9 to submit stories and they have them animated or made live-action. It is really cool and will be premiering on July 18th. Lastly we have a show premiering in the Fall called “Learning Town”, which will feature the nerd music duo Paul & Storm.

MG: “Geek and Sundry” looks to be the ultimate channel for geeks, what is the hardest task in developing this YouTube channel?
KE: I think the hardest part is just getting it all done. We have all the different aspects of this channel and we just want to get it out there to the fans. We are really trying the best possible content to the channel and please our fan base.

MG: Besides YouTube channel, “Geek and Sundry” also has a great website for fans to interactive, tell us about that?
KE: We just want people to feel like they are part of the show. We want them to be as interactive with the fans as Felicia is. That is why “The Guild” has been so successful is because Felicia as been in touch with her fans on the show. I just want to give a shout out to our designer, Luisa Lie, she designed our logo and the website. She is fresh out of school and loves coding. She has really been amazing.

MG: When can we expect new seasons of both “The Guild”?
KE: Right now we are still negotiating if season six is going to happen for “The Guild”. Right now [laughs], we are just trying to get back next week and this launch.

Click here to visit the website for “Geek and Sundry”


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Jaleel White talks about “Dancing with the Stars” & Syfy’s “Total Blackout”

Jaleel White known best for his role of Steve Urkel on “Family Matters” though 2012 is shaping up to be one spotlight year for him.  He is one of the contestants on season 14 of “Dancing with The Stars”, dancing with Kym Johnson. He is also the host of the upcoming SyFy’s reality show “Total Blackout”, which premieres April 25th.  Jaleel took out some time to chat with Media Mikes again about his work on “Dancing with the Stars” and to encourage his fans to vote for him at 1-800-VOTE4-12.

Mike Gencarelli: So tell us how you got involved with “Dancing with the Stars”?
Jaleel White: They never formally asked me before until this past year.  ABC’s casting department got in contact with my manager properly and asked for a meeting. [laughs] I didn’t want to take the meeting but my manager let me know it was the right thing to do. So I did the meeting and everyone was very nice. After that it was just a the process of working on me. I am not going to lie, there was tremendous trepidation since it is one thing to learn how to dance, that was daunting enough, I had to commit to practice four hours a day and put my ambitions of being a writer to the side. My mom though just keep working on me and here we are today.

MG: Any fun behind the scenes stories so far?
JW: Oh yeah! I got a good one with Tony (Dovolani), one of the pro-dancers, who is dancing with Martina (Navratilova) this season. The couples got gathered together with the producers and they told us the rules and things they expect on show night. Tony raises his hand and said “I got one thing I want to share with all of you, ok?!, no matter how you dance is going you don’t leave your pro out there on the stage. You don’t walk off on them. If you get lost in your dance, you look into your dancers eyes and we will guide you through it.” I love Tony, he is a great guy. I guess he had some problems in the past with people freezing up on him. I thought that was particular funny. I come from a performers background and I know you never run off the stage.

MG: First week of the show you tie for the top spot, does that create and pressure going forward?
JW: Actually I really don’t. I tell everybody, I still see life in five day sitcom blocks. So if you give me five days to learn something, I should be proficient enough to shoot it. That is just the way I see preparation in general. The first episode for me was just such a validating experience. You put in the work and you can deliver the performance based on your work. Kym and I ran that dance into to the ground, as we must have done it at least 523 times. We weren’t just in there chit-chatting. We worked until we had to change our shirts and take two showers.

MG: You seemed to really feel natural on the dance floor, Any prior dance experience?
JW: I have zero dancing experience. Other than dancing as a kid during parties, school dances, church and camp. I just listed all my dance experiences there.

MG: What do you like or fear most about being out on the dance floor?
JW: At this point, my fears are slowly starting to go away. My biggest fear though is injury. I want to keep my body in good shape. I can feel certain areas getting tighter and I can feel my body adjusting. Every dance has it own personality and hopefully you can gel with that personality of the dance. Some people try to fight against that but I just go with it. Luckily for me, when I dance I smile naturally. Some people just have this perpetual panic on their face while they are dancing. I am exactly the opposite. As soon as I start moving I am smiling away [laughs]. The more I get into the dance the more I start enjoying it and that’s when the rehearsal process kicks in.

MG: How does it feel to be compared to a young Gregory Hines by one of the judges?
JW: I mean that is huge man, really. It is a long stretch from being compared to Steve Urkel [laughs]. It is nice to be able to show people that I can do different things. Growing up I never understood the importance of being different. I thought I would just excel at whatever job I was given. I didn’t know at the time that if people only thought of you in one way they will only give you one job. Everything about this experience with “Dancing with the Stars” has been so positive for me, so far.

MG: Do you and Kym Johnson have any special dances planned for the show?
JW: I definitely have a dance that means a lot to me. I obviously need to survive the eliminations to get to it. I told you though I obey the dance, I do not force anything. As much as I love music, you have to understand that not every song works for the dance. I think though the dance I have in mind could make some real noise…if I can nail it. But you have to vote for me though if you want to see the dance. It’s 1-800-VOTE4-12. We are team #12.

MG: Besides “Dancing with the Stars”, you are also hosting “Total Blackout” on Syfy this April, what can you tell us about that experience?
JW: It was a great experience. They are actually still tinkering with the show right now. I have been going in and doing some last minute tweaks and changes. The SyFy people have been over the moon about me participating with “Dancing with the Stars” also. People are really going to love this show. I am calling it ‘guinea pig TV’, it is that thing that you are flipping through and you find yourself watching two episodes back to back without even realizing it. I also think it would be a really fun show to do on the road.

MG: What do did you enjoy most about hosting a show?
JW: The best thing I like about hosting is that this stuff is not happening to me in the dark [laughs]. I am serious. I have test contestants in foam rubber suits, I give my instructions and then go back to my dressing room, watch the live feed and eat some Doritos [laughs]. They can have the tarantulas crawling up their hands. I am all set.

MG: Just recently you also appeared on “Psych” again, is Tony going to be seen again soon?
JW: Who knows man. I always have such a blast with the “Psych” boys.  It is one of my favorite shows that I have ever guested on. James (Roday) and Dulé (Hillare) are excellent actors and we get in some good trouble. I have been on two episodes…so hey, why not make it three.

MG: So after you win “Dancing with the Stars”, what you got planned next?
JW: Right now, I need some votes for team #12 on Dancing with the Stars, it’s 1-800-VOTE4-12. Supposedly you can’t text votes in unless you have AT&T, so a lot of people don’t know that. There is also the option to vote online at  This is going to be a fantastic season for sure.

Interview with Sanctuary’s Robin Dunne

Robin Dunne is the star of the SyFy hit series “Sanctuary”.  The show recently completed it’s fourth season.  Media Mikes had a chance to chat with Robin about the season, his first effort directing and what we can expect.

Mike Gencarelli: You star in “Sanctuary” but what made you turn to directing this season?
Robin Dunne: I have always had this approach to the business, which is to diversify. Some actors just want to be actors and I am a little jealous of them sometimes. I have always wanted to act and write and I have done both now. So I thought the next natural step for me was to direct. Working on “Sanctuary” was the best possible place to get my feet wet, everyone knew each out and works so well together. I have never been more prepared for something in my life. My only fear on directing was to not let my whole team down. I am really happy with the way the episode came out. The whole crew and team really wanted me to succeed.

MG: Who is the better director you are Amanda (Tapping)?
RD: [laughs] I think Amanda is more experienced at it. It is interesting because every director has style and approach. I didn’t even know what my style was going to be until I got out on the floor and started directing. Amanda tends to be more of a technical director then me. She is very specific and uses cranes for different shots. I am not quite there yet. But let me tell you that directing is a blast.

MG: Any future plans to direct more episodes?
RD: I would love to direct more. Should we get a season five, I would love to take on a few more episodes.

MG: On a production side of the show, it doesn’t seem like there is as much CGI as there used to be; can you reflect?
RD: It on scale actually. There are some episodes that are very heavy in CGI and others are very little. The reason for that is because there is such a time crunch that we are under to deliver the show to the network. The visual effects company gets so bogged down. There is a delicate balance of keeping all the visual effects in the show as possible without but also not hurting ourselves that the episodes won’t be ready in time. In terms of directing, the visual effects was also another great educational process. I learned that during certain shots, if I put the camera in one spot then this (pointing) whole section by the window is going to need visual effects. You might want that though, but if it is not entirely necessary you can move the camera over slightly away from the window and not need all that effects done. When we started the show, it was only a two hour pilot, so we could spend a much time as we needed on the effects.

MG: Have you ever considered crossing over into other Syfy shows?
RD: I have thought about directing an episode of “Warehouse 13” just to give them the hardest time ever [laughs]. I would love to bust Eddie (McClintock)’s chops. It is one thing to walk on a set that you have been working on for years but it is another thing walking on a set that is brand new to you. It would be a whole different challenge.

MG: What is your favorite episode from season four?
RD: You know, I really like the episode that I directed, episode six titled “Homecoming”. I think my favorite episode of the season, actually of the whole series to date, is episode eight titled “Fugue”, which is our musical episode. It was such an amazing thing to do. It took all of us out of our comfort zones. Being in the recording sessions were great. Being on stage with the little ear piece playing that music that only you can hear, while trying to sing and act at the same time. It was such a challenge but such a fun episode. There is something about singing that brings out a certain emotional level in people. It works so well into the story that the audience is barely going to notice the music. They are not going to be able to notice when we are breaking into song. It definitely has to be one of my favorites.


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Interview with Parker Young

Parker Young plays the role of Ryan Shay on the ABC series “Suburgatory”. Media Mikes had a chance to talk with Parker about his work on the show and what may be in store for his character.

Adam Lawton: Can you tell us about your role on “Suburgatory”?
Parker Young: The show is basically about a father who moves his daughter from the city to the suburbs after finding a box of condoms in her room. Little does he know that the town they moved to is completely ridiculous and filled with a bunch of insane characters. It’s not as perfect as he had imagined. My character Ryan Shay is the first boy that Tessa the daughter meets. I am the high school jock and Tessa and have a little bit of a fling. She finds out I am super dumb and realizes she was only attracted to my body. (Laughs)

AL: How did you initially get involved with the show?
PY: I went through the standard audition process after receiving the script. The role is obviously a high school jock role and there were a bunch of younger looking guyswho also had shown up to read for the part. I didn’t think I had a shot because I thought I looked just a little too old. I met with the casting director and the audition went great. I met with a few more people involved with the show and ended up getting the phone call telling me I was the guy.

 AL: What do you like most about playing the character of Ryan?
PY: It is so much fun. I enjoy the freedom of the character. Originally when I auditioned the character wasn’t so dumb and innocent. He sort of became that way. I am happy with the character and how he is so child like. Ryan gets to say what’s on his mind. It’s just a fun character to play and I think the writers have fun writing for the role.

AL: What can we expect to see from your character this season?
PY: There is an episode this season called “The Body”. I am the body. (Laughs) Ryan has been trying to prove to Tessa that he is the guy for her. You can expect to see Ryan make another attempt and winning over Tessa. There also is an episode where my character is hurt during a wrestling match which leads to Ryan being disowned by his family. George takes Ryan under his wing and teaches him a thing or two. In the future Ryan is going to use his new arsenal of good to win Tessa over.

AL: How does working on this show compare to your work on previous films and television shows?
PY: This show has been such a blessing. I have learned so much and developed some great relationships. You become part of a family. It’s a fun creative process. It’s a cool experience to watch everything unfold. I feel very close to all the actors and our crew is amazing. I think the show has hit its stride as of late.

AL: What was it like working on “Gingerdead Man 2”?
PY: (Laughs) at the time it was great. I had just moved out west and it was cool to be out there and be in a film. Looking back on that now I am not too sure what I was thinking. (Laughs)

AL: Do you have any other upcoming projects?
PY: We are just wrapping up the 22nd episode of “Suburgatory”. When that is completed I will have the time to start looking for new projects. There are some things set to air however I can’t say anything about those right now. I will be ready for pilot season and hopefully auditioning a bunch. I can’t wait to see what’s next.

For more info on Parker Young you can follow him on Twitter at @Parker_Young

“Star Wars” Actress Ashley Eckstein’s Ultimate Cosplay Experience

NEW YORK, NY – March 6, 2012 – Actress Ashley Eckstein, the voice of Ahsoka Tano on the popular Cartoon Network animated series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, had the ultimate cosplay experience recently when she dressed up in full make-up and costume as the Star Wars character she brings to life on the show. She documents her experience and the world of cosplay in a new blog she has written exclusively for CNN Geek Out! online and shares photos of the finished product.

Cosplay, short for “costumed play,” is the experience that thousands of fans participate in each year at conventions around the world where they dress up as their favorite character from a sci-fi or fantasy movie, TV show, anime, video game or book. It attracts both young and old alike.

Those outside the world of cosplay don’t always understand the attraction fans have for bringing their favorite characters to life, however, Ashley, in her CNN Geek Out! blog explains why she not only understands their passion and enjoyment but embraces it. She reveals that she has secretly wanted to dress up as Anakin Skywalker’s Padawan learner, Ahsoka Tano, for years.

“As the voice of Ahsoka, I simply go into the recording studio and record my lines for the show,” Ashley relates in her CNN Geek Out! blog. “There is no need to ever dress up as the character because they only need our voices to bring the character to life. However, I am also a fan, and year after year I have been going to conventions seeing hundreds of girls dressed up as Ahsoka, secretly wishing I, too, could someday try on the costume. Well, with the help of my friends, my wish was granted, and I got to dress up as Ahsoka for the day!”

When not recording the voice of Ahsoka, Ashley oversees her company, Her Universe, which produces fashionable sci-fi apparel and accessories for fangirls. To see the latest releases in the line visit . To read Ashley’s full cosplay blog and to see more photos of Ashley as Ahsoka Tano visit CNN Geek Out!

Interview with the Legendary Arthur Rankin, Jr.

Arthur Rankin, Jr. is part of the duo team Rankin/Bass. He is a legend and does not need any introduction. Rankin/Bass created the timeless holiday specials “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer”, “Frosty the Snowman”, “The Year Without Santa Claus” and “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”, just to name a few. Media Mikes had a once in a lifetime chance to chat with Arthur about his work and how it has and will continue to entertain generation after generation.

Mike Gencarelli: Let’s start with “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” Why do you think this special has become timeless after almost 50 years?
Arthur Rankin, Jr.: I really don’t have an answer to that. I think because it was the first special of its kind…I think that, in looking for something to watch for Christmas, parents put their children in front of the television. And the word went out that this was a nice show, etc., etc, etc. and so next year it had a bigger audience. And as the audience grew, so did the children that watched it. They grew up to become mothers. And they grew up to become grandmothers! And they also put their children and grandchildren in front of the television set. That’s been going on for all of these years. It’s a pattern. That’s why Disney keeps re-releasing it’s old pictures. Because there’s an audience. The theatre may have a child whose having his first experience with the film while his grandmother is having her fourth or fifth experience with it. And that’s what our audience consists of. It’s a memory of life. To many people, “Rudolph” means Christmas.

MG: Why did you choose to work with stop motion animation, which you refer to as “animagic,” as opposed to conventional animation?
AR: A trade delegation had come to America from Japan. There was one gentleman who represented the steel industry…another who was in textiles. And a third who represented their motion picture industry. The motion picture representative had a studio he wanted to promote. He asked a friend of his in Washington D.C. if he could be introduced to one of America’s foremost animators. And by mistake he was led to me (laughs). We got along very well. He had been born in the U.S. and after he graduated college he went back to Japan. We became close friends. He invited me to come over, look at his studios, and tell him what I thought. I did. I went over, toured the studios and saw an example of stop motion, which hadn’t been done in a long time and not in any great depth. I was very taken by it…I thought it was a new approach. Of course I got to re-design it but I used the technique. We started out making some short films and they turned out very well. I made a series that I syndicated about Pinocchio. And then Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer lit up his nose. I lived in Greenwich Village at the time and my neighbor down the block (Johnny Marks) had actually written the song. I called him up and told him that there was a character there that would make a nice Christmas show. He was reluctant to do it at the time – do you know what ASCAP is? (NOTE: ASCAP is the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. It is through this group that songwriters earn their royalties). “Rudolph” was a very successful song at Christmas time and he was afraid to jeopardize that income by doing anything with the song. I finally convinced him that the show would promote the song more. I took my idea to General Electric and they sponsored it. They put it on NBC for the first time in a spot they had used for “The College Bowl” – Sunday afternoon at 4:00. (NOTE: “The General Electric College Bowl” could best be described as the collegiate version of “Jeopardy.” It ran on NBC from 1959-1970). Now normally no one is watching television on Sunday afternoon at 4:00 but they were that day…”Rudolph” earned the highest rating of the week. And the rest is, “let’s have some more of those!”

MG: Your next Christmas project was “Frosty the Snowman,” which took a more traditional animation route. Why not stop motion?
AR: Because the subject lent itself better to the medium. Besides, by then I had several other films in production at my studio in Japan. I had no more room! We were into doing a feature in stop motion.

MG: You created so many great specials over the years. One of my favorites is “The Year without a Santa Claus.” Can you share any fun stories from that production?
AR: There’s a man who wrote a book about the motion picture industry. He said, “Remember one thing…nobody knows anything!” (NOTE: The book Mr. Rankin is referring to is “Adventures in the Screen Trade,” written by Academy Award winning screenwriter William Goldman. It is a must read for anyone curious about the inner workings of Hollywood). And it’s true. You never know when you’re going to have a hit. There was a time when you could put Barbra Streisand up against a curtain and have her sing and you’d have to lock the doors because she had so many fans. And then time goes on. It is true. In this business you take your best shot. That’s what I did. I rounded up all of the Christmas songs I thought could be made into a Christmas show…we acquired the rights to almost all of the ones that I wanted.

MG: In today’s world of television ratings are everything. Were these specials successful? Did any disappoint?
AR: All of them were successful in their original run. That’s why they’re still on the air today. Warner Brothers distributes them for me. All during the Christmas season they run my shows. And they pay for that (laughs). A penny here…a penny there.

MG: What has happened to the puppets, sets and props used in these productions?
AR: Well what happened is that after awhile those things wear out. They have wire armature inside…they have faces made out of plastic that has been carved. The clothes were made by little ladies but, just like people that work too hard, they fall apart. Of course we always had a couple of standbys waiting. I have here in my home Rudolph pulling Frosty on a sleigh.

MG: Besides time constraints, what was one of the most difficult aspects of creating these specials?
AR: When we did “Year Without a Santa Claus” we had to invent new characters. We had these two brothers, Heat Miser and Cold Miser. They just jumped off the screen and became cult figures. And we just came up with them one afternoon while designing the picture…”let’s do this…Mother Nature has two sons and they don’t get along…one’s in charge of heat…OK, put that in.” (laughs)

MG: How did creating your feature film, “Mad Monster Party,” compare versus working on the television specials?
AR: First off, it was the first time it had ever been done in a long time. Not since Abbot and Costello met Frankenstein. And I thought I would be able to take so many more liberties with the stop motion process.
I concocted the idea and then got a couple of boys from “Mad” magazine (Harvey Kurtzman, who created the magazine, and Len Korobkin) to write it with me.

MG: “Mad Monster Party” was showcased in Rick Goldschmidt’s recent book “The Enchanted World of Rankin/Bass.” How did you come to work with him?
AR: He called me one day. He had gotten an introduction from some one. And he was very knowledgeable. I usually don’t encourage people to do these things. First off, I can’t figure out why the hell they’re so interested. (laughs) But Rick had an awful lot of details. He sent me an outline of what the book would be like. He lives outside Chicago and I flew up to meet him. One of the rooms in his house is like a shrine. He had everything…things I had thrown out years ago. Old storyboards….he still gives me things he’s found that I had forgotten ever existed. He was very enthusiastic and wanted to do the book. So I told him “o.k.” but told him not to do the story of Arthur and Jules (Bass). You do stories on the pictures (the various specials/films). You have photos to go along with them and you’ve got a portfolio. He did that and it worked. It’s a great record of our work over the years.

MG: Have you ever considered writing your own memoirs?
AR: I’ve considered it because it’s been suggested before. But if I did it I’d want it to be straight…a lot of my old friends are still alive and what I might say about them wouldn’t be…(laughs)

MG: I read that you attempted to re-create “Mad Monster Party” using computer generated effects. What ever happened to that?
AR: We did. We made a test and it looked good. I went around Hollywood to the studios to see if they wanted to do it. Two of the studios said yes. But I was given to secondary people to deal with and I had to leave. It was no good. A studio will take your work away from you and do it themselves. They’ll rewrite. When I acquired the rights to “The King and I,” that was a very difficult property to acquire. I had to convince the families of (Richard) Rogers and (Oscar) Hammerstein that I knew what I was talking about. And I did. I wrote a script and they liked it. I was going to make that picture with my own investment with a co-partner in Japan. We were all set to do it. Then Warner Brothers calls up. They say “you don’t have to pay for it…we’ll pay you to do it for us.” “For us” meant here comes fourteen people that think they can do it better then I do. I’m not very proud of that picture. They changed a lot of the script and I was embarrassed for the Rogers and Hammerstein estate. (NOTE: The 1999 film, which was co-produced by Mr. Rankin’s production company, was both a financial and critical failure. The estates of Rogers and Hammerstein have since refused to allow any of their shows to become animated features).

MG: This coming year there are no less than three stop motion films being released, including Tim Burton’s “Frankenweenie.” Do you think this process will continue to inspire?
AR: You’d think there were a lot of people that could do stop motion but they just don’t exist. This is the tech age. Computer animation…those with a technical background find it much faster. Stop motion animation is a devilish job. I’ll tell you how we worked. We would have a figure…or a group of figures…on a stage in miniature. Each figure had a human person assigned to it. And the way you get it to work…the camera clicks off one frame…the human person goes up and changes the figure ever so slightly…microscopically. The camera clicks off another frame. The human person goes over and changes it again. If a character is lifting a glass to his lips, you may have as many as 250 “motions.” The human person didn’t have anything on a computer. He knew in his mind what he had to do. Just like as if he was an actor. And we’d have to finish the scene in one day. There was no taking a break or going home for dinner and coming back the next day. We would try to start a scene as early in the morning as possible because we knew we could be working late into the evening…all night if necessary if the scene wasn’t finished.

MG: Have you ever considered returning to the business to produce or direct again?
AR: Not this Christmas, but next, I’m going to do a play in Bermuda. Everyone asks me why I’m doing it in Bermuda. We have a wonderful theater here…the Town Hall Theater. It seats around 700 people. Much bigger then many of the off-Broadway theaters with great acoustics. And if I say I want to do a Christmas play they’ll throw open the doors for me. It’s wonderful to have such cooperation. And anybody who works on the play, both on and back stage, works for nothing. All box office proceeds go to whatever charity I choose. Everybody jumps in. It’s what keeps me kicking my heels!

MG: This interview wouldn’t be complete without asking if you have a favorite project and, if so, why?
AR: I don’t have a favorite. They’re all my children. I don’t want to sound self-serving but they have remained in the public’s hearts for decades. It’s like a great painting by van Gogh or Reubens. There work is still in the public eye…the public has recognized their work for centuries. Maybe the measure of success is longevity. Things that last must be better then things that don’t!

Interview with James Tupper

James Tupper is currently playing the role of David Clarke in ABC’s hit show “Revenge”. Last year, he co-starred with Jim Carrey in “Mr. Popper’s Penguins”. Media Mikes had a chance to chat with James about working on “Revenge” and what we can expect this season.

Mike Gencarelli: What drew you to the character of David Clarke?
James Tupper: I had seen some of the pilot prior to my scenes being shot. Madeleine Stowe, who was nominated for a Golden Globe this year, is on the show and I realized that every scene required me to be in bed with her. I figured I could probably swing that [laughs].

MG: How much information did you receive about the show’s plot prior to working on it?
JT: We only get the script we are shooting at that time. We shoot our scenes and then piece all the details together. Phillip Noyce who has directed a bunch of great films actually directed some of the pilot. To be able to get that caliber of director was really great. Phillip is one of those guys that is on another level.

MG: Where you able to work with Emily VanCamp at all during the season so far?
JT: I get to work with her younger self. [Laughs] We haven’t crossed paths yet but I would be worried about her because she’s kick ass.

MG: What can we expect from the rest of season one?
JT: There is an incredible downhill crash and every character has something going on. I feel like when I am reading the scripts each episode feels like it’s a season finale. I wish I could tell you more of what is going to happen but I just can’t. I will tell you that some people end up in jail.

MG: How does working on “Grey’s Anatomy” compare to working on a show like “Revenge”?
JT: “Revenge” has all this energy going on and it feels like I am working with the next generation of actors. Everyone is young and full of energy. When I worked on “Grey’s Anatomy” the show had a real ensemble feeling led by Patrick Dempsey. The acting was very deep and everyone on that show really knows how to work a scene. It has a totally different feel.

MG: How was it working with Jim Carrey on “Mr. Poppers Penguins”?
JT: I had to go to set the day before just to meet Jim because I knew I would be nervous. He is an icon. He is a guy that is funny all the time. Jim really understands comedy. When I first met him he slapped me on the back and asked if I like to be called Jim or James? I figured because he was Jim Carrey, so I decided I would stick with James.

MG: What else do you have planned for 2012?
JT: I just finished shooting a film with Jessica Biel and Gerard Butler called “Playing the Field”. That should be out in a few months. It’s a really funny film. I play Jessica Biel’s lover. No one is going to believe that Gerard Butler can take a woman away from me. [Laughs] I don’t think America is ready to see that.

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