Book Review “Every Night the Trees Disappear: Werner Herzog and the Making of Heart of Glass”

Author: Alan Greenberg
Hardcover: 224 pages
Publisher: Chicago Review Press
Release Date: May 1, 2012

Our Score: 4 out 5 stars

Werner Herzog is easily one of the world’s greatest filmmakers. His films include “Aguirre, the Wrath of God”, “Nosferatu the Vampyre”, “Grizzly Man”, “Rescue Dawn”, “Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans” and of course “Heart of Glass”. This book is an up-close and rare look into the making of “Heart of Glass”, courtesy of friend and collaborator to Herzog, Alan Greenberg. Herzog is known for his unique approach to filmmaking and it is shown throughout all of his films. I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book but it is one of those rare books that you honestly can’t put down. Page after page this book is extremely interesting and informative.

Alan Greenberg and Warner Herzog have known each other for almost 40 years and there is no better person to cover this material. If you have seen “Heart of Glass”, you know it is a very dark and haunting film but easily one of Herzog’s best. In this book you will find out many interesting facts that many have never known. Greenberg revealed that Herzog, in an attempt to control his actors, hypnotized them before shooting their scenes. I wouldn’t give it a second thought when it comes to Herzog’s style.  That is only the tip of the iceberg reveled about the production, I want to say more but I don’t want to spoil it.  Read for yourself.

This book is fully backed by Herzog as he provides both the foreword and the afterword. I have read many “making-of” books and none of them have felt as real as this one does. It feels more like a novel spilling insider secrets that have been hidden for years. I also need to point out that the book also has very personal and crisp color photos lying within the middle of the book, very nice touch to complement the book. I recommend this book highly to all fans of Werner Herzog, but I warn you expect to finish the book in one sitting.

Book Review “Commando: The Autobiography of Johnny Ramone”

“Commando: The Autobiography of Johnny Ramone”
Author: Johnny Ramone
Release Date: April 2nd, 2012
Publisher: Abrams Image
Hardcover: 175 pages

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

Calling all Pinheads it’s time to add another book to your ever growing collection of Ramones literature. In the past year we have seen the releases of “I Slept with Joey Ramone” written by Joey’s brother Mickey Lee as well as “Poisoned Heart: I married Dee Dee Ramone” which was penned by Dee Dee’s ex-wife Vera King. “Commando: The Autobiography of Johnny Ramone” is the latest book to join the ranks. The 175 page hardcover book is being released posthumously and tells the tale of John Cummings and his evolution into Johnny Ramone the unspoken leader of one of Punks most influential groups.

“Commando: The Autobiography of Johnny Ramone” was written entirely by Johnny prior to his death in 2004. The book is brutally honest and pulls no punches as Johnny recounts some of the more memorable Ramones stories. Throughout the book you can get a sense that deep down underneath that often scowling exterior was man that really cared about what he was doing and the people he was with. The book is jammed packed with rare photos taken throughout Johnny’s life and the Ramones career. The book also features a really great forward written by original Ramones drummer Tommy Ramone.

John Cafiero, Steve Miller and Henry Rollins did an amazing job editing this book. Being a huge Ramones fans there are not many pictures I have not seen of the band. As I made my way through the book I was instantly taken in by these newly unearthed pictures. The overall feel of the book really grabs the reader as it reads as one man’s dying testament to his friends and fans. “Commando: The Autobiography of Johnny Ramone” is a must have for any music lover!

Philip Klein talks about his book “Lost at Sea: The Hunt for Patrick McDermott”

To most of us, our idea of a private investigator is based on watching such television shows as “The Rockford Files” and “Magnum P.I.” Smooth guys who were able to blend in even though they were the best looking guys in the room. And, in Magnum’s case, they were wearing a loud Hawaiian shirt! Philip Kline has managed to “blend in” for almost three decades. And that’s saying a lot about a man who stands 6’5” tall!

Internationally renowned for his investigative skills, as well as providing protection for some of the country’s biggest celebrities and politicians, Kline and his team undertook a project brought to them by “Dateline: NBC.” The network was curious about the mysterious disappearance of Patrick Kim McDermott, whose claim to fame was being the boyfriend of singer Olivia Newton John. Declared dead by the Coast Guard, as well as investigators hired by Newton John, something in the case file raised a red flag in Mr. Klein.

Klein has authored and just released the book “LOST AT SEA: The Hunt for Patrick McDermott.” In it he recounts the many hours, days and even years it took him to find a man who didn’t want to be found. Mr. Klein recently took the time to speak with MediaMikes about the case.

Mike Smith: How did this case compare to others you’ve had in the past?
Philip Klein: Well you know I do a lot of investigative work and body guard work for some of the most influential people in the United States. I’ve got to tell you, when NBC approached me about this I was kind of skeptical at first. But it turned out to be a real “who done it.” Actually more of a “why did they do it.” It wasn’t really “who” did it because we know…it was the man who was missing. But it was “why” he did it. Most investigators will tell you that the motive is the most important thing of the case. And when we found the motive of this case everything pretty much fell into place pretty quickly.

MS: Since the book has been published have you been contacted by McDermott or any representative? (NOTE: In the book Mr. Klein tracks McDermott to Mexico, where he later negotiates with a representative of Mr. McDermotts )
PK: No we haven’t. And the reason why is that we made a promise that if he provided a DNA sample…what we refer to as “proof of life,” we wouldn’t bother him anymore. His position, through his legal counsel, is that he just wants to be left alone. He has not committed any crimes, there are no warrants for his arrest and there are no, what we call in the business BOLOs, be on the lookout for in his name. So what we did was take a step back and decided that we needed to end the case. We asked his rep to send us a proof of life and we got just that.

MS: I remember in the book that you had agreed to not bother him once the proof of life was provided. I was just curious if maybe you had gotten a phone call or email saying “you were right…that’s exactly what happened!”
PK: (laughs) No, it doesn’t work like that. As much as I’d like it to work like that. I think what happens in the real world is that he is expecting an onslaught of press because the book has been released. And because he’s expecting an onslaught of press he’s probably gone back under. He’s very good. He’s learned the system down in Mexico. He knows how to disappear. He knows how to blend in. That’s what he’s probably done at this point. If I was consulting with him I would tell him that’s what he needs to do at this point.

MS: There almost seemed, not on your part but on your team, to talk directly with Olivia Newton John. Was that an outlet you really wanted to investigate but just didn’t feel it was right?
PK: Well, not necessarily. Well, you may be right in some ways. In every case there is a victim and in this case we considered Olivia Newton John one of the victims. Do we believe that Olivia Newton John knew anything about his disappearance? No. We believe that Patrick McDermott…we know that Patrick McDermott…went to her two weeks before he disappeared. He gave her some flowers and a funny card and said goodbye. They were going to break up. Olivia’s idea of the break up was…she felt that it was going to be a temporary break up. He’d done this before. In the police reports she called it a small “time out.” We believe that McDermott made the decision that that was it. He was going down to Mexico so he said his goodbyes. It’s very unusual that when someone takes off like that they say goodbye to the things they love or that they know that are common to them. And I think in Patrick’s case that he did have fond feelings for Olivia. You don’t date somebody for that long and not have some kind of feelings for them. But in the end I don’t think he wanted to hurt her. He just wanted to go on with his life. Of course Hollywood is a very, very tough place to survive. And I believe he decided he just couldn’t do it anymore. Especially in the fast lane with an “A” list star. He was always the nice looking man on Olivia Newton John’s arm. And so I think he said goodbye to her in the way he knew how to say goodbye. He bought a gun. He emptied his bank accounts down to zero. He got as much money as he could off his credit cards and he took off.

MS: Has the popularity, and the easy access of, the Internet made your job easier or harder? There is so much information out there that often you don’t know what’s true and what’s not.
PK: We have a big sign in our office for all of our investigators to read. It says “Don’t Believe What You Read on the Internet!” The Internet is a great tool, especially for investigators like us. That is one of the things we were able to do, use the Internet. We created what they call a “spider” web site…a trap site…where we could watch the IP addresses come in. One of the things you learn very quickly is that when people are running or trying to hide they’re always looking over their shoulder. So we used that concept and created the website “Find Patrick” We set that up as a “spider” site and we were able to trap IP addresses. We released the web site only to relatives and close friends of McDermott, including the Olivia Newton John camp. Then we sat back and watched. We blocked it from Google. We blocked it from Yahoo. And we just watched it for two weeks. And, sure enough, we started getting hits from Mexico. There’s nobody in Mexico that knew we were doing anything. So we figured at that point that he was down in Mexico. And we also knew the bigger piece of the puzzle…somebody was communicating with him down in Mexico.

MS: Do you know the status of McDermott’s life insurance policy?
PK: The insurance policy was not honored because of our report. We do know that Ms. Nipar (NOTE: Yvette Nipar was Patrick McDermott’s former wife. Despite her claims otherwise she has tried to undermine Mr. Klein’s investigation almost from the beginning. She has even gone so far to write Jeff Bezos, the founder of, a letter asking him not to sell Mr. Klein’s book) was paying the insurance policy and keeping it active. It was a $100,000 life insurance policy. Of course the insurance company has a policy of not releasing any pertinent information except to family members. However when we did send them a formal 1702 notice, a notice saying we wanted to know who was paying the insurance policy and if the policy was active, they did copy Yvette Nipar. I think that was their way of saying, “no, we’re not going to tell you who’s paying on the policy but we’re going to copy our letter to whoever is paying on the policy.” That’s where we got that connection.

MS: I know from your emails with Ms. Nipar regarding your request to test your DNA sample with a sample of her son she refused and told you that the Coast Guard had samples of Mr. McDermott’s DNA. Did they?
PK: We did. And the U.S. Coast Guard advised us that they did not have any DNA. They didn’t understand where she was getting that information from. There was a hat found on the boat. There was also some other items found…fishing tackle, a wallet which was empty…what was missing were his two passports. So we asked them directly “what about this green hat that was supposedly left behind, was there any DNA on it or did you find any DNA in his apartment when you did the search?” There answer was “no, we did not keep any DNA. There was no reason for us to keep any DNA.” That’s always been a confusing thing for us…that the Coast Guard did not keep any DNA. The Los Angeles Police Department had immediately dropped the case. They felt, number one, that there was no foul play. Number two, it wasn’t there jurisdiction. And number three, they felt that he was probably running due to his issues with Ms. Nipar and the amount of money he owed the state of California for child support.

MS: I just pulled up the book’s web site and I see the letter she wrote Jeff Bezos asking him to pull the book.
PK: We were surprised. If you go through that letter you will see that Ms. Nipar results to name calling…she resorts to intimidation. And if you read the book you will notice that this is the same behavior she showed when we were trying to investigate. You’ll also see that she tried to use the Los Angeles Police Department to shut the investigation down. This is atypical of someone that really wants to know what happened to their loved one. It’s totally the opposite of what we’re used to as investigators. Usually when we come in and investigate the family bends over backwards. They give interviews…they say, “look, this is what we know…this is what we have.” They want to share. She has done completely the opposite. In fact, she has attempted to block the investigation at every turn. And once again, when we start talking about the case in the form of a book she begins to start trying to block it again. So all of the investigators in this office raise our eyebrows, as do some of my friends over at the Los Angeles Police Department. They raise their eyebrows and say she’s acting quite abnormal.

MS: One thing that really struck me in the book was when you relate that your father told you the three important things in life: Truth, Honesty and Faith. You then add that there is a difference between truth and honesty. What is that difference?
PK: Well, if I’m putting my investigator hat on, truth and honesty are two different things. You can say the sky is blue, and that’s the truth. But, honestly, if you’re looking at the sky and the sky has clouds in it, you don’t want to just say the sky is blue. Honesty means the sky is blue with some clouds. And I think that sometimes people, when they are scared or trying to give only the half-truth, they’ll stand up and just say the sky is blue. When they perfectly know that it’s blue and white. It’s blue with white clouds. They hold things back. And I saw a lot of that on this case. I’d get the typical Hollywood “yeah, I knew Pat…this is the way he was.” But they’d hold stuff back. And I think people in Hollywood are so shell shocked by the media…so shell shocked by the press and how hungry the press is to get a story…that they sometimes hold things back. Or, if they have something to hide, they hold things back. I think that’s what I was talking about when I mentioned that with my father. There is a huge difference between truth and honesty. The honesty is that the sky is blue with beautiful white clouds. It’s not just blue.

MS: Now that he’s 19 years old, if Chance (Mr. McDermott’s son)were to come to you and say, “Phil, can you show me what you’ve got,” would you share it with him?
PK: You know, that’s a great question! Not only with this case, which is a missing persons case. I do about 100 missing person cases a year. And I can tell you this. For each of the families I always keep what we call “the Box.” It’s the case box. Sometimes there are five or six boxes and sometimes only one box. And I keep them for the family members. Especially the young people so they can go through them when they turn 18 years old. And if Chance McDermott wants to come to our office and if he wants to sit down and dig through all of the evidence…read everything that we did, all the way back to day one when we started with NBC to when we closed with NBC to the writings of the attorneys down in Mexico City…he is perfectly welcome with open arms. And you’d be surprised. Young people come to us often and say, “you know, our parents didn’t really tell us everything Mr. Klein…would you please sit down with me and tell me what this is and show me the documents?” And we show them. We have seen it as a very emotional event…as a very spiritual event. And a very relieving event for these folks. With this case…and I’m NOT calling Ms. Nipar a liar…I’m simply saying that Ms. Nipar is holding stuff back from her son. There’s a reason and a motive for that. Maybe someday she can look him in the eye and tell him that motive.


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Book Review “The Walking Dead Chronicles: The Official Companion Book”

Author: Paul Ruditis
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Abrams
Release Date: October 1, 2011

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

Hey “Walking Dead” fans, this is the first and only authorized, behind-the-scenes guide to your favorite show.  It focuses on the making of the first season of the Golden Globe–nominated TV show.  “The Walking Dead” is a really rare show, it is not your typically television programming yet millions have latched on and love it.  I couldn’t be happier for the show as it honestly deserves it.  Season one is short with only six episodes but that doesn’t mean that this book isn’t packed with content and interesting aspects of the show.

“The Walking Dead Chronicles” is jam packed with amazing illustrated with never-before-seen unit photography, storyboards, set designs, makeup and visual effects shots, and page-to-screen comparisons of the comic and TV show.   It also features new interviews with series creator Robert Kirkman and executive producer Frank Darabont, as well as the cast and crew. Also included is a detailed episode guide, including excerpts from early drafts and final scripts.  Since this show was original based on Kirkman’s comics, it has a lot of room to grow in the future as the comic is still releasing new issues often. This is honestly the best companion book to one of the best shows on television.

This book is guaranteed to satisfy any fan of the show easily.  Paul Ruditis really did a fantastic job of providing a shit load of information as well as making it a very easy read.  Make sure to also check out the fantastic introduction by the creator Robert Kirkman.  I also recommend highly the foreword from Frank Darabont.  They both start off and end this companion book with a bang. If Abrams is reading this review, I have they are going to be releasing a second volume very soon as the second season just ended.


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Book Review “Gonzo: A Graphic Biography of Hunter S. Thompson”

Author(s): Will Bingley, Anthony Hope-Smith
Paperback: 180 pages
Publisher: Abrams
Release Date: April 1, 2012

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

I have been fascinated with Hunter S. Thompson’s work for many years. He has such a unique perspective on the world and will not be able to be replaced by anyone. This book is really an amazing look into this life from the birth of Gonzo Journalism to “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” to his sad death. If you are a fan of HST, this is an much purchase.

By the way, did I mention it is actually an illustration biography. Thanks to the amazing illustrations of Anthony Hope-Smith, HST’s life to death is presented to you in this wonderful format. The book itself is presented in soft cover and its pages compliment the very crisp and sharp illustrations very well. I wasn’t sure what to expect from this biography but it was very intimate and enjoyable. I recommend this graphic illustration very highly.

This book is one of those books that you just have to revisit over and over. I have a feeling as well, I will be passing this book around to many of my friends to enjoy as well. Be sure to check out the beautiful and honest foreword from HST’s editor Alan Rinzler. Lastly, I commend Abrams for publishing this fantastic book and I would love to see future volumes like these as well. I leave you with one of my favorite quotes from Hunter S. Thompson “No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.  Buy the ticket, take the ride”.

Book Review “Garbage Pail Kids”

Author: The Topps Company
Hardcover: 224 pages
Publisher: Abrams ComicArts
Release Date: April 1, 2012

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

I grew up like most kids in the 80’s collecting these amazing trading cards.  Actually, I should say secretly collecting, since I wasn’t allowed to have them during my pre-teen days.  This book is a great collection of these collectible stickers produced by Topps in the 1980s.  It is a must purchase for anyone that was a collector of these cards. The book overall is so amazing and brings back such amazing memories of growing up.  To make it even better the wax-paper dust jacket and the illustration of the shattered stick of gum on the back cover easily makes this book a must have.

This book includes artwork from avant-garde cartoonists and humorists including Art Spiegelman, Mark Newgarden, John Pound, Tom Bunk, and Jay Lynch.  For the first time ever in one place, all 206 rare and hard-to-find images from Series 1 through 5  are included in this collection.  The images are so crisp and colors are well presented.  Also included is a physical set of four limited-edition, previously unreleased bonus stickers. If you are a fan of this book reach out to Abrams and let them know we want more. It is absolutely amazing that fans continues to embrace this pop-culture phenomenon, in fact Garbage Pail Kids stickers are still being published today.

Garbage Pail Kids do not seem to be going anyway in the future.  According to Deadline, Michael Eisner’s The Tornante Company is set to finance and produce the development of a new Garbage Pail Kids movie.  Also I need to give some respect to the Art Spiegelman for kicking off this amazing book with an even better introduction and  John Pound is responsible for closing this book with a proper afterword.  If you are reading this Abrams ComicsArts, we want MORE volumes!!

Book Review “The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm”

Author(s): Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm
Editor: Noel Daniel
Hardcover: 304 pages
Publisher: Taschen
Release Date: October 4, 2011

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

When you actually take the time and read into the work of the Brothers Grimm, you realize that they have created so many classics. This book consists of the most famous collections of tales from the Brothers Grimm. Included amongst the two dozen stories are classics like “Cinderella”, “Snow White”, “Sleeping Beauty” and “Hansel and Gretel”. It always makes me step back and think about how much of an influence the Grimm stories have given us in our history. This all-new translation was specially commissioned for this publication by Taschen.

The most important part about the stories is the accompanied artwork. It is backed by some of the most famous illustrators from the 1850s to the 1950s, including Golden Age legend Kay Nielsen, bestselling author Wanda Gág, Walter Crane and Arthur Rackham, and 19th century German illustrations from Hermann Vogel, Otto Speckter and Viktor Paul Mohn. The book is also produced on a very impressive hard stock paper, which also compliments the colors in each image.

Another amazing reason to purchase this book is that it also includes fantastic silhouettes pulled from original publications from the 1920s. With my daughter on the way within in a few weeks of writing this review, I look forward to sharing these stories with her after she is born. It is a real treat for both adults and children alike. This collection will also make sure that people will always be able to loose themselves in fairy tales and take a journey in the minds of the Brothers Grimm.

Book Review “Alfred Hitchcock: The Complete Films”

Author: Paul Duncan
Hardcover: 192 pages
Publisher: Taschen
Release Date: April 1, 2011

Our Score: 3.5 out of 5 stars

“Mystery is mystifying; it is an intellectual thing. Suspense is an emotional thing.” — Alfred Hitchcock

Who doesn’t love the work of Alfred Hitchcock. He is the master of suspense and will never be forgotten in the world of cinema. Taschen really scored another winner with this release. It is about 200 pages, hardback and yet sells for a very reasonable $10 dollars. It is a real celebration of Hitchcock’s work and covers his complete film history. I think the book could be a little more in depth like Taschen’s “The Stanley Kubrick Archives” but this definitely does the job, especially for its price.

The best part of this book are the pictures and their captions. They are presented in large scale and really sharp presentation. This is not the most in-depth analysis of Hitchcock but it definitely satisfies the basic fan of his work. The book does provide a decent overall of his classic films like “The Birds”, “Vertigo”, “Rear Window” and of course “Psycho”. It ranges not only from his earliest silent films to his last picture in 1976, it also focuses on his life. One of my favorite parts of this books is the list of his cameos, that is always just a fun task while watching his films.

The images in the book are very high quality and if they are in black and white or color, they still are very clear and looks fantastic. I also like the behind-the-scenes look into his films, I have never seen some of these images before and it is a real treat. Hitchcock was such a unique filmmaker with techniques that will never be able to be replicated. For people looking to find out some interesting information of Hitchcock’s career, this would be the book for that. Taschen delivers another hit and I look forward to future topics that they will cover.

Book Review “The Klein Files: Lost at Sea – The Hunt For Patrick McDermott”

Author: Philip R. Klein
Paperback: 343 pages
Publisher: Klein Publishing
Release date: January 23, 2012

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

If I asked you about the “Patrick McDermott Case” you might not recognize what I was talking about. But if I added “Olivia Newton John”s missing boyfriend” before the name you’d certainly understand.

In the summer of 2005, while on an overnight fishing trip, Patrick McDermott vanished. A quick and hasty search by the Coast Guard, as well as investigation “experts” on land, concluded that he must have fallen overboard and drowned.

In the search for the ever popular ratings, the television program “Dateline N.B.C.” contacted famed investigator Philip Klein and asked him if he would take one of two cases they had been following. Intrigued by the celebrity aspect, and the fact that nothing seemed kosher in the information presented to him, Klein took the McDermott case. For over two years he and his team interviewed witnesses, checked alibis and investigated leads previously dismissed. And they got their man!

A true storyteller (I would love to just sit down at a table with Mr. Klein and hear some of his exploits), Klein begins the book in the middle of a harrowing plane ride. With his wife, Inga, he is escorting a suspected kidnapper and the young child she abducted back to Texas. Approaching the runway at 200 MPH the front landing gear fail to lock, causing the plane to skid. Cool heads prevail, thankfully, and everyone gets off safely. But those few minutes inside the plane are riveting. Once Klein accepts the case he and his team begin to systematically follow the clues. And there are many. Most of them point to McDermott’s horrid ex-wife, described by anyone that would talk about her as a bitch. And that was the polite word. As the case progresses Klein and his team literally travel the globe, setting traps and beating bushes. Taking advantage of the world wide web they set up a “spider” web site, one that captures the IP address of everyone that visits it. They also set up a public web site which, within 48 hours of the first “Dateline N.B.C.’ show airing, crashes 39 times and gets over 2 million hits!

While Klein is the lead investigator he also praises his “team,” from his office workers to his field men. And to Inga! It’s clear that she is the force which guides him, both personally and professionally, and his words of appreciation ring true.

If you’ve ever wanted to get inside a missing person case…and I mean INSIDE…then “Lost At Sea” is a fine entrance.

Book Review “Hardware: The Definitive SF Works of Chris Foss”

Author(s): Rian Hughes, Imogene Foss
Hardcover: 240 pages
Publisher: Titan Books
Release Date: September 6, 2011

Our Score: 3 out of 5 stars

When it comes to anything science fiction…sign me up. I have always been a fan of the genre ever since my family used to take me to the Sci-Fi Diner in MGM Studios (now Hollywood Studios) in Walt Disney World. There was always just something about the out-of-this-world design that really drew me in. Chris Foss is known for his work in this area with creating some of our times “coolest” sci-fi art.  The book is a beautiful visual journey through his work. Though it if you are looking for supporting text to provide insight into each piece you will be disappointed.

Foss’s unique and groundbreaking science fiction art dramatically raises the bar in the 70’s-80’s. It is known for its realism and invention mixed with his science fiction twist. The art you will find within this definitive work ranging from his trademark battle-weary spacecraft to his dramatic alien landscapes. If you ever read any science fiction novels in the 70’s-80’s, then you are familiar with his novel artwork for sure. I just love his ideas and his creations. I just would have like more background on each image.

This volume features Foss’ work for books by Isaac Asimov, Doc Smith, Arthur C. Clarke, A. E. van Vogt and Philip K. Dick, and film design for Ridley Scott and Stanley Kubrick. Titan Books did a great job of releasing a very sweet looking book overall. The images on the pages are so crisp and colorful that it literally draws you to the page. If you are fan of Foss, you will enjoy being able to view many rare and classic images that have never been seen or reprinted before.

Book Review “The James Bond Omnibus 002”

Author: Ian Fleming
Paperback: 344 pages
Publisher: Titan Books
Release Date: April 12, 2011

Our Score: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Who doesn’t love James Band.  Ever since I saw my first Bond film “Goldfinger”, I was hooked.  There is just something about this character that is just timeless throughout generations.  Ian Fleming has easily created the world’s most famous secret agent.  This book is the second volume in a collection of James Bond original daily comic strips.  This book is easily one of the best in the series as well.  You can read out past reviews here for “Omnibus 001” and “Omnibus 003“.  If you love yourself some James Bond, than these books are sure win.

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This volume contains seven of Iam Fleming’s stories and contains where “Omnibus 001” left off bringing us the comics based on the novels that inspired the movies. If you are a fan of these that you are going to love a chance to read these in the original comic format.  The stories included are: “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service”, “You Only Live Twice”, “The Man with the Golden Gun”, “The Living Daylights”, “Octopussy”, “The Spy Who Loved Me” and “The Hildebrand Rarity”. This is the very first time that these comic strips have been available in one format.

” Omnibus 002″ is the longest in the three volume series to date.  It matches “Omnibus 003” with seven stories but less than “Omnibus 001” with eleven stories.  James Bond has been entertaining audiences for over 50 years and this just proves that it will continue for many more.  Titans Books is well known for releasing high quality work and this one definitely does not stray from its norm.  Like its previous volumes, it has very sharp and clear black and white color and the paper feels like an old newspaper.  This is really a treat and very much recommended to any true 007 fan.

Book Review “The James Bond Omnibus 001″

Author: Ian Fleming
Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: Titan Books
Release Date: December 1, 2009

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

Usually with volumized books, you would start at volume 1, or 001 in this case. I recently had “The James Bond Omnibus 003″ show up at my door to review. I was not familiar with this series but loved it, read review here.  Nonetheless, I tracked down the first volume in the series and in fact it is actually better than the later.  James Bond has always held a special place in my heart.  I though have been a bigger fan of the earlier films than the recent ones from Pierce Bronson onwards.  If you are a fan of 007, this series is a must own.

“Omnibus 001” in case you didn’t known is a collection of comics featuring our special agent 007 from Ian Fleming.  This volume contains eleven of these original daily comic strips.  The following is the reason why this triumphs over “Omnibus 003”.  This volume includes the very well known stories of: “Casino Royale”, “Live and Let Die”, “Moonraker”, “Diamonds Are Forever”, “From Russia with Love”, “Dr. No”, “Goldfinger”, “From a View to a Kill”, “For Your Eyes Only” and “Thunderball”.  If you are a fan of these amazing films, you are going to love a chance to read them in comic format.

Titan Books is really known for treating the world’s most famous secret agent 007 very well.  They have released many great collections and these “Omnibus” books are just a great item to own for all fans of 007.  As I mentioned in the review for “Omnibus 003”, the paper in the book feels like an old newspaper so it really makes it feels authentic.  Like i mentioned before I hope there are more volumes in the work for this series because I can never get enough of Ian Fleming and his crafty suave secret agent.

Book Review “The Stanley Kubrick Archives”

Authors: Alison Castle, Christiane Kubrick and Jan Harlan
Hardcover: 544 pages
Publisher: Taschen
Release Date: October 1, 2008

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

I have to start with this is probably the book I am most proud to have in my library. I have been a fan of Stanley Kubrick since I become a film buff many many years ago. My favorite film of his is “The Shining”, it is a film I can watch literally every day of the week. This book is such a tribute to Kubrick and his wonderful very unique work. I do not think that there will ever be another director that is able to replicate the magic that Kubrick was able to conjure up in his films. If this is the last book every written about Kubrick, I strongly believe that it will be enough to continue his legacy for years to come.

The book is split into two parts. The first part contains over 800 film stills scanned directly from the original prints and interpositives. I swear I cannot even count how many times, I have went through this section just starring at each image. The clarity of the images are beyond impressive and overall extremely outstanding. So if you think that is cool, then you are going to be simply blown away by the second part. This section contains about 800 items from the archives, most of which have never been published before. I am absolutely in love with this section and I was able to get a glimpse in Kubrick’s vision with images I have never seen before.

To continue with this books outstanding contents, there are all essays from Kubrick scholars Gene D. Phillips, Michel Ciment, and Rodney Hill. There are selected articles and essays, including interviews with and essays by Stanley Kubrick. They are a must ready for any true fan of Kubrick. Lastly there is all an illustrated Kubrick chronology. Every film of Kubrick’s is showcased and given the royal treatment in this, nothing is left out. If you can call a book breathtaking, that would be the perfect way to describe this.

Book Review “Movies of the 2000s”

Author: Jurgen Muller
Paperback: 640 pages
Publisher: Taschen
Release Date: February 15, 2012

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

Looking back at the 2000’s first ten years of movies, if it unbelievable how many absolutely amazing films there were during this period. Well book is the perfect companion to assist with that task. Some of the pictures are not crystal clear but I would like to think that they were like that for artistic purpose. Not every shot is perfect freeze framed. The only disappointment and I think it is a little embarrassing even for Taschen is that within this fantastic book, it is also packed with typos. For example, it misspells “Benjamin Button” as “Benjamin WButton”. That is only factor really stopping this book from receiving 5 out of 5 stars.

It hard to look back in the 2000’s because it doesn’t seem to long ago but there were some really ground breaking movies in the last few years. To showcase some of them: “Avatar”, The Bourne Trilogy”, “Moulin Rouge”, “The King’ Speech”, Everything from Pixar like “The Incredibles” and “Wall-E”, “Harry Potter” series and of course the  “Pirates of the Caribbean” series. Those are just a mere few of my favorites. There are literally hundreds of movies showcased through these near 700 pages.

Each film in the book is not only put in the spotlight but also packed with great information including synopsis, film stills and production photos, cast/crew listings, fun trivia, technical information and of course actor and director bios. It honestly has everything you will need to learn about some of your favorite films or maybe even some that you might have missed in the last decade. After reading this book, I am very curious to check out Taschen’s past installments of past decades.


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Book Review “The James Bond Omnibus 003”

Author: Ian Fleming
Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: Titan Books
Release Date: April 3, 2012

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

James Bond is the longest film series to date and is continuing that trend when the 23rd Bond movie hits theaters this November. Well, this book let’s travel back to the original comic days created by Ian Flemming. It celebrates James Bond and his adventures in comic strip form. If you are fan of James Bond, this is a real treat and great addition to the series.

The book is softcover but has a really strong shiny cover. I love the paper quality too since it feels like an old newspaper. Includes inside are seven of 007’s most thrilling and dangerous missions: “The Harpies”, “River of Death”, “The Golden Ghost”, “Fear Face”, “Double Jeopardy”, “Starfire” and “Colonel Sun”. These stories look glorious in black and white and are real page turners.

Personally, I have never read Bond in comic form before so this a real treat for me. It hard to believe but it is just as thrilling and exciting to follow the comic as it is the movies. Since this book is actually the third volume in the series, I would definitely recommend checking out the first two as well. I will also be looking forward to future installments from Titan Books as we get closer to November 2012 and the latest Bond film.

Be sure to check out our reviews from “The James Bond Omnibus 001 and 002“.

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