Interview with Shadows Fall’s Brian Fair

Brian Fair is the lead singer of the metal group Shadows Fall. The band has released 6 full length studios and is set to release their as yet titled 7th album sometime in 2012. Media Mikes had a chance to talk with Brian about the upcoming album and the bands tour plans for this year.

Adam Lawton: What can you tell us about the upcoming album?
Brian Fair: The band always tries to cover a good amount of ground with each record and we have a wide variety of influences. I feel this album is a further extension of us. We are getting more comfortable with putting all those influences into great songs. There are songs on the album that are on the real heavy side, some that are more classic metal and some that are full on thrash tunes. We try to cover a variety of styles without sounding schizophrenic.

AL: Do you guys have an album name and release date set?
BF: Everything is still being wrapped up. We have just started getting the mixes. Until everything is really mastered and finalized all of our release dates are just hopeful. Everything is best case scenario. (Laughs) It’s looking like by early May we should have the album out.

AL: Did you guys take any different approaches to the recording process this time around?
BF: Yes. It was a real different approach. We recorded with Adam D. of Killswitch Engage for the first time. That was a new experience in general bringing him in. Adam was involved from the demoing stages. He wasn’t helping us write or anything but he helped with the structuring and editing of the tracks. It was cool to have him involved and suggesting different twists and turns. With Adam on board we could step back and look at the songs as a whole. He was very easy to work with. Adam is like a comedian so it was really fun working with him even though we were there for hours at a time.

AL: How do you guys go about the writing process for your material?
BF: Usually Matt or Jon will have sort of a frame work of riffs that they are working on. They will put together a general song structure. From there we start jamming on it and add each of our own tweaks and suggestions. We will make a rough recording and then take it from there. Some songs fall together within the first few practices. Some take shape over the course of a month or so. The last song on the new record we wrote on the spot in the studio. That has never really happened before so it was kind of cool. Once there is a general idea for the song is when I start writing lyrics. I usually don’t get to that point until the music is about 80 percent there. Once I see where the songs going I can start to add lyrics.

AL: Can you tell us about the upcoming Australian tour?
 BF: It’s going to be sick! This will be our third time doing the Sound Waves festival. It’s always unbelievable. This year the line features bands like Slipknot, System of a Down and Hatebreed. It’s going to be like summer camp. We also will be doing some off dates while we are there with Machine Head and Chimaira. I can’t wait.

AL: Are you going to be playing any songs from the upcoming album during those shows?
BF: We have one new song that will be in the set. We have really only had time to rehearse that one new track. We were thinking about slipping in another one but we are only playing short festival sets. We don’t want to spend a lot of time playing songs people don’t know yet but, we do want there to be a preview of what’s to come.

AL: Are there any plans in the process for more shows in the states?
BF: Yes. When we get back we will have a lot of set up and promo type stuff for the new album going on. We then will be taking a break from shows until about mid-April when we have some shows booked in Mexico City with Anthrax. Right after that we will be starting our own tour. Everything will start to be announced in the coming weeks after things have been confirmed.

Interview with Cory Johnson

Cory Johnson is the guitarist for the Christian death metal band Impending Doom. Cory and the band are set to release their 4th studio album titled “Baptized in Filth” on March 13th. Media Mikes had a chance to talk with Cory about the new release and his thoughts on the bands upcoming tour with Devildriver.

Adam Lawton: What can you tell us about the new album?
Cory Johnson: We feel that this album is the best musical album we have ever done. The album is being released via Eone and we think that this album is really our best effort. We are anxiously waiting to get out on the road.

AL: What was the recording process like?
CJ: We spent about 6 months writing the album. It was probably our most stressful. We had a headlining tour over the past summer and we left for the road prior to completion of the writing phase. We ending up taking our demo rig out on the road which made things a lot harder than we thought it would be. Not only were we doing a headlining tour but we also had to find time to get away from everything and write the rest of the album. Every album is stressful but this one felt more out of control. As soon as we got in the studio with Andreas Magnusson he took everything and helped us tie it all together. Having an actual producer this time around helped a lot. We have never had that before. Prior to this record the engineer would just push record and we would take the best takes. Andreas was very involved in the musical process. We think that helped us put out a better musical product. Having Machine produce the albums vocals also helped out. He is phenomenal.

AL: Was there any specific inspiration behind the album?
CJ: The album is not a concept album. We do try and push some boundaries as we are a Christian band with Christian views. We try and step out of our comfort zone and push people to do the same thing with their faith. A lot of Christians see the title of the new album and think it sounds kind of evil. If you read our lyrics it will all make sense.

AL: Do you find it harder to write material having that Christian background/association?
CJ: We don’t want to step outside of faith but, whatever inspires us comes out. We then will take time to evaluate it and see if it’s what we really want to do. It’s not that much different than any normal band.

AL: Are there any songs off the new album you are really looking forward to playing live?
CJ: The song “Murderer”. We just finished a video for that song a few days ago and hope to have it out soon. That song will be available as a single also. We are definitely looking forward to playing that song live.

AL: What are the tour plans for the album?
CJ: This summer we have dates confirmed on the Warped Tour. Starting March 13th we will be part of this year’s Metal Alliance tour. We will be playing with Devildriver, Job for a Cowboy and Dying Fetus.

AL: Do you find it hard blending in on tours where the other bands/fans don’t have Christian backgrounds?
CJ: We have never toured with an older set of bands before. All of our previous tours were with bands like White Chapel where everyone is around the same age. There has never been an issue when we have toured with bands that have different beliefs than us. I am interested to see how this upcoming tour will go. We have never toured with such extreme bands. I am confident that we will all be getting along back stage. I think the fans are going to really enjoy the show. We have such an extreme live show that I think everyone will have a good time. We don’t preach on stage or try to make people feel uncomfortable. I feel as long as we go up there and put on a good show people will enjoy it. Everyone can have a good time no matter what.

Interview with David Grimoire

David Grimoire is one half of the writing duo behind Opera Diabolicus a concept album that combines elements of theater with progressive/heavy metal music.  Media Mikes had a chance to talk with David about the concept and the possibility of the album being turned into a live production.

Adam Lawton: Can you give us some back ground on the project?
David Grimoire: The idea began about six years ago. I met lyricist Adrian de Crow at a stage performance of Umberto Eco’s book “The Name of the Rose”. By chance we ended up sitting next to each other and we started talking. We both had friends in common and through talking we seemed to have the same preference in music. We decided to meet up at a later time and discuss the possibility of working together.

AL: Was it hard to decide on a direction for the album?
DG: With my back ground in writing music I had a pretty good idea of where I wanted things to go. Prior to this I never really had the opportunity to go in that direction. When you are in a normal 5 piece band with one singer you are very limited. For this project we decided early on that we should not limit ourselves creatively. The music is something I always had in my head. With Adrian’s lyrics there was a story and we blended the two together. Everything was pretty well determined ahead of time.

AL: What do you feel was the hardest part of making the album?
DG: When to stop. (Laughs) This type of writing takes a lot of time and effort. There wasn’t one specific part that stuck out as being more difficult than another. Every part takes time to put together because you want to make it as good as possible.

AL: How did you go about selecting musicians for the album?
DG: I think that part was pretty easy. Depending on the material we knew which type of vocalists we wanted. We wanted Snowy Shaw. I think he is the best drummer in the world for this type of music. Snowy also has a lot of range vocally. Mats Leven has a very characteristic clean voice which I love. Niklas Isfeldt also provided vocals. We handpicked musicians who we thought could make the album happen.

AL: Is there a chance that we will see a stage performance of this material?
DG: Yes. We are in the planning stages right now. There is quite a bit of planning that goes into something of this size. There is going to be a lot of theater involved so we want to make it right. There are a lot of pieces in the puzzle.

AL: What other projects do you have currently in the works?
DG: Working on the stage production is one of the things. We shot a video about a month ago. That took some time but it is out now. We also have been planning for the next album. We have some material written however we don’t know when it will be released.

Interview with Norman Greenbaum

Norman Greenbaum is a singer/songwriter known for the classic rock staple “Spirit in the Sky”. Media Mikes had a chance to talk with Norman about the longevity of the song and his recent reemergence into the music scene.

Adam Lawton: What do you think keeps people listening to your song “Spirit in the Sky” some 40 years after its initial recording?
Norman Greenbaum: I truly believe it’s the beginning riff. That riff goes through you and stays with you. When you hear it you remember how much you liked the song when you originally heard it. The song hasn’t become tiresome like a lot of other older songs. Not to be too critical of myself but I think a lot of the older records sound a little empty and tinny. We recorded “Spirit in the Sky” on two inch tape with a machine that was bigger than your family. We used ancient microphones which I think had to do a lot with the sound of the song. Erik Jacobsen the producer did a wonderful job. I was there with a few little hints and the song really stands up. It still sends shivers down my spine and I wrote it. I also think that as people have gotten older the song has taken on more significance. I receive a lot of mail through my website where people are telling me about how they want the song played at their funeral no matter what! The song has also appeared in 48 different films. All of this amazes me and it just seems to be getting better.

AL: Are you still contacted when someone requests to use the song?
NG: Yes. Every place where it is used there is a network that has someone contact the publisher. In this particular case the same person who owns the rights to the song also owns the master recording as well.

AL: Can you tell us about the song appearing on the “Rock Band 2” video game?
NG: They approached us and I wouldn’t be surprised if a million other people hadn’t contacted them about including the song. They told us they were going to put the song out on the game and that thing has sold billions. I get a lot of good stories through my email and some of them are about how families are getting together and playing the song on “Rock Band”. The song has just taken on all these different lives and it really is so unexpected.

AL: Have you ever played the video game version of the song?
NG: I have not. I think I may have gone into a Sam’s Club once and tried the original version of the game that was on display. I tried to play along and just felt stupid because of all the kids watching. (Laughs)

AL: Can you tell us about the recent updates to your website?
NG: I have had a website for around 13 years. It was slightly stale and had some ramblings here and there. I had it redone and it looks a lot more modern. The site is a lot easier to navigate now. We also updated the store where we sell all the merchandise and music. There is a lot more to see and do on the site now. You can also play the sort of infamous Norman Goat game. (Laughs) My cat Oliver who people seem to love just as much as me also has a ton of photos on there.

AL: Can you tell us about your upcoming live performance?
NG: I have been getting back into playing lately. For awhile my heart just wasn’t in to performing. Now seems to be the right time to try and do some things. We are having somewhat of a reunion.  The Stovall Sisters who performed the original background vocals on the record will be joining me for three songs. We are part of someone else’s show but it’s a starting point. We had a rehearsal with the girls and it was like time never passed. We had a few more wrinkles and such but we sounded good.

AL: Do you have any other upcoming projects or plans you can tell us about?
NG: This show is going to be a slight gauge to see how well things go over. People really want to hear “Spirit in the Sky” and other songs by me right now! Something has changed but I don’t know what. It seems that it’s a good time to be looking into things. I am taking things one step at a time. In the back of my mind I am going over how I can go about doing everything. This upcoming show is going to be one of the major steps.

Interview with Sven De Caluwe

Sven “Svencho” de Caluwe is the lead vocalist for the heavy metal band Aborted. The Belgium based band is preparing to release its 7th full length studio record titled “Global Flatine”. Media Mikes had the chance to talk with Sven about the upcoming release and the tour plans for the album.

Adam Lawton: What can you tell us about the bands upcoming release titled “Global Flatline”?
Sven De Caluwe: The album is scheduled to come out in a couple weeks. We recorded the album this past summer in Denmark between festivals. I think the album is the most strenuous and variant record the band has done thus far. We are pretty excited to get the album out there.

AL: Was it hard recording between playing various festivals?
SDC: We actually did the record prior to playing. We had about two weeks of practice prior to recording. The recording process took about three weeks and right after that we were out playing shows. We made sure that our record came first and that it was completed before we did any further shows.

AL: How do think this release compares to the bands first release from 1999 titled “The Purity of Perversion”?
SDC: Compared to our first album “Global Flatline” is way more professional. With having a budget we were able to take the album once it was all recorded to Denmark and have it mixed and mastered by Jacob Hansen.

AL: What type of pre-production did the band do to prepare for the recording sessions?
SDC: We did pre-production for every song accept one. There were two other songs that we didn’t have enough time to complete.We may end up finishing those tracks and putting them out later this year. Everything was pretty standard with how we normally prepare to go into the studio.

AL: Were there any major changes from the demo versions of the songs to the recorded versions?
SDC: When we were demoing songs we used programmed drums. When you bring real drums into the picture they obviously make a big difference. The songs had a much better feel and we were a lot more creative. We added a few extra harmonies and guitar parts as we had some extra time to experiment with the songs. Other than that the main structure of the songs stayed fairly the same.

AL: Are there any songs from the new record that you and the rest of the band are looking forward to playing live?
SDC: We have already started playing the title track off the album “Global Flatline”. On the upcoming tour we are planning on playing “The Origin of Disease” as well as “Expurgation Euphoria”. It’s hard choosing songs as we like them all but, we just shot a video for “The Origin of Disease” and “Global Flatline” is the first single from the album. It’s an obvious choice to play songs that have already been released ahead of time so fans are familiar with them when they come see us live.

AL: What are the tour plans for the band this year?
SDC: We are going to be touring Brazil starting in a couple months. From there we go to Europe for a tour with Decapitated. We also have a bunch of other European festivals and headlining dates booked around that time as well. In April we plan to be touring the states. All the details on that should be released soon.

Interview with Adrenaline Mob’s Russell Allen

Russell Allen is best known for his work as the lead vocalist for the progressive metal group Symphony X. Russell is also the vocalist for the progressive metal super group Adrenaline Mob which along with Allen features Mike Orlando, John Moyer and former Dream Theater drummer Mike Portnoy. The group is set to release their first full length album titled “Omerta” in late February. Media Mikes had a chance to speak with Russell about the new album and the bands tour plans.

Adam Lawton: What was the idea behind putting this group together?
Russell Allen: I and Mike Orlando were working on some solo material I had while Symphony X was on break. We were kind of getting burned out on it and Orlando said he had some rock band type material lying around. He was helping me with my thing so I figured I would help him with his. I worked on a few tunes and we got immediate interest from a record company. They wanted to hear another song so we put together some more material and before we knew we had a record. Everything came together really fast. The music just happened. When it came time to put an actual band together I sent my friend Mike Portnoy the material and within 30 seconds he emailed back that he was in. The group really started with the 3 of us. I had already recorded all of the vocals and Portnoy came in and recorded his parts. From there we started looking for guys to put a touring group together.

AL: How does the material on the new album compare to what was on the previous EP?
RA: The stuff on the EP has more of a live/heavier feel. We didn’t put a lot of our melodic oriented material on that release as we saved it for the full length album. We also kept the singles off of that because we were waiting for a label to tell us what they wanted to do with those songs. When we did the EP the band was not even signed yet. The songs on the EP were where the band was at during that time. We needed some songs to go out on as we had a great opportunity to go on the road with Godsmack. “Omerta” is the full realization of the songs on the EP. Everything is mixed and produced the way they were meant to be.

AL: Did you take a different approach to this album as compared to your work with Symphony X?
RA: It’s a totally different approach. There was a way more organic and collaborative approach with myself and Orlando. We worked openly on everything. He and I really hit it off and we have great chemistry together. Symphony X is a different animal. The Symphony X arrangements are very intense. I generally will come in after a majority of the songs are laid out and try to make something out of it all. I always have been very lucky with Symphony X to be able to do that but it’s a challenge. It can be a very tedious process. The songs are very well crafted. Adrenaline Mob is an organic rock band that writes in the moment songs. Adrenalin Mob has been a much different experience.

AL: Is there a track off the album you are really looking forward to playing live?
RA: I am into the live feeling stuff. The song “Feelin’ Me” is one of my favorites.  That song is sort of like my soap box song. I get to jaw about how big brother is always fucking everyone over. That song seems to really get the audience going.

AL: What are the touring plans for the group?
RA: We are trying to put something together for the U.S. in the spring to support the album’s release. We currently do have some summer shows booked in Europe for late June. We obviously want to put together a solid late summer tour. We have also looked at trying to get on a U.S. festival tour. We really are still putting our schedule together and trying to find where we will best fit in.

Interview with Adrenaline Mob’s John Moyer

John Moyer is the bassist for the platinum selling metal group Disturbed. John also is the bassist for the newly formed hard rock super group Adrenaline Mob. John took some time to talk with Media Mikes about joining the new group and his thoughts on the new album.

Adam Lawton: Can you tell us how you got asked to join Adrenaline Mob?
John Moyer: Disturbed are taking an extended hiatus and I really wanted to stay creative and keep playing. Word had gotten to Mike Portnoy that I was going to be possibly available. Mike gave me a call to talk about the project and he had also sent me a couple tracks. I thought they sounded great. I flew out to Philadelphia to jam with the band and I loved it.

AL: What were your first thoughts on the material when you were listening to it?
JM: I was very impressed with how much it was in line with my style of playing. I’m not a progressive rock player as my previous work with Disturbed and Union Underground is more of a rock/metal fusion. I grew up listening to bands like Metallica and Guns n’ Roses. You put those two bands together and that has always been my style. I didn’t know what the tracks were going to sound like but when I finally heard them they were right up my alley.

AL: How much were you involved with the actual recording of the “Omerta” album?
JM: I did absolutely nothing for the recording. (Laughs) The only people who played on the recording were Russell, Mike O. and Mike P. the bass lines I am playing are the ones there were laid down by Mike Orlando. It’s great though because he is a super talented musician’s with a great feel. Any time I learn someone else’s material I really learn a lot. It makes my own playing style grow. The thing that’s cool though is what Mike put down on the record is pretty in-line with what I would have done anyways. It has been fun learning the new material.

AL: Were you allowed to add any of your own style to the tracks since the initial recording?
JM: They haven’t told me anything. I had seen Mike Orlando a week or so prior to jamming and I took him aside to ask him about one of the bass riffs. He looked at me and told me to just play whatever I wanted. I am a bit of a stickler when it comes to playing. I think what you do in the studio matters. There is a reason a song is played a certain way. That’s something that I don’t want to take anything away from. I will surely end up playing it my own way a little bit as that’s something I can’t help but, I am going to do my best to preserve what they did.

AL: Have you noticed any similarities between this band and Disturbed?
JM: We are definitely in the same genre. The other guys in the band all come from bands that are a part of the progressive rock genre. That genre is a bit different than that of where bands like Disturbed and Godsmack come from. However Adrenaline Mob fits right in with Disturbed and the other bands in the rock/metal genre. What the other guys in the band bring to the table makes in quite a bit different than what Disturbed does. Those guys are bringing their own flavor to the rock/metal genre.

AL: What have you liked most about playing the group?
JM: There is a freshness that you get when a new group of individuals get together. You don’t know where things are going so everyone is feeling things out. Part of that process is exciting. I have always said “Life’s a journey not a destination”. I know that sounds cliché but its great. When I joined Disturbed they were a very established band but, I still was able to see the band grow over the 8 years I was there. I like being a part of something that you can build. We are at the ground floor of something new and fresh. Just being able to grow and build Adrenaline Mob is very exciting.

AL: Has there been any talks of when Disturbed will return from its hiatus?
JM: There haven’t been any talks or deadlines established for the groups return. Right now I am putting everything I have into Adrenaline Mob. I am hoping lightning will strike again and this band will be as big as our previous groups. I am very committed to this project.

Interview with Adrenaline Mob’s Mike Portnoy

Mike Portnoy is best known as one of the founding members and drummer of the progressive rock group Dream Theater. Portnoy’s latest project Adrenaline Mob which features members of Disturbed and Symphony X is set to release their first full length album on March 13th. Media Mikes had a chance recently to talk with Mike about the group and the upcoming album.

Adam Lawton: How did you first get asked to be a part of Adrenaline Mob?
Mike Portnoy: I have known Russell Allen for many years. Our bands had toured together a couple times and we became very good friends. I have always admired his voice and I think his is one of the best in the business. He is someone that I have always wanted to work with. When my time with Avenged Sevenfold came to a close in 2010 Russell called me up to ask if I would be interested in checking out some material he had been working on with a guy by the name of Mike Orlando. At first I was sort of anticipating material along the lines of Symphony X and Dream Theater. Honestly I wasn’t interested in doing material like that as I wanted to go into some new musical places. I was pleasantly surprised when I hit play and heard the song “Undaunted”. It was exactly what I was looking for and I was instantly on board. It was the right band at the right time.

AL: Can you describe what the writing sessions were like?
MP: The writing happened before my involvement. Mike Orlando has this graveyard of songs and riffs that he has been just waiting for the right band to use them with. He had been working with Russell Allen probably a year or two before my involvement with the project. By the time they asked me to be involved I would say around 80% of the music had been written. I did some shaping and arranging but for the most part everything was there.

AL: How do you think you’re playing on this album differs from that on the Dream Theater and Avenged Sevenfold albums?
MP: I think this stuff is more in line with what I did with Avenged Sevenfold. This was the next natural step in the evolution of that kind of drumming in my life. With Avenged I was out on the Uproar Tour surrounded by bands like Disturbed, Hellyeah and Stone Sour. All these bands are very song oriented and they have a bounce to their grooves. I was very excited playing that kind of music. It’s fun and doesn’t require you to over think anything or play really technical parts. There is nothing wrong with doing that kind of playing but I was looking for a breather. This music definitely is the next step after my drumming on the “Nightmare” album. Having that bounce was the real priority to on “Omerta”. I still wanted it to have my personality and character which I think it does but, have it be restrained somewhat.

AL: Is there a track off the album you are really looking forward to playing live?
MP: At this point we have played everything live already. Every one of these songs comes alive on stage. They are all really energy driven. Songs like “Undaunted” and Psychosane” have a lot drive while the song “All on the Line” serves as a nice breather and a showcase for Russell’s melodic side. When we were playing with Godsmack that song got a great response every night. All the songs serve different purposes depending on what you are looking for.

AL: Where did the idea come from to cover a Duran Duran song?
MP: Mike Orlando and Russell presented that to me at the same time they were showing me all the other material. I had thought it was an original because I never heard the Duran Duran version before. I guess that said something for how well it adapted to the rest of the material. I don’t know which guy actually came up with the idea but it surely works with the rest of the material. Lzzy Hale’s vocals on that track are a whole other attraction. It’s amazing hearing her and Russell trading off together.

AL: What do you think will make this album stand out from others in the rock/metal genre?
MP: I think the thing with Adrenalin Mob is we are taking the song writing structure of bands like Disturbed and Godsmack while keeping with the shred factor. Mike Orlando is an incredible player along the lines of Zakk Wylde and Dimebag Darrell. Add my prog background in and you get something very different. Honestly we aren’t trying to break any new ground with the style of this group. We want to write some great tunes with great riffs and melodies. We are not trying to reinvent the wheel. We just wanted to make an album with great songs that are enjoyable to listen to.

Adrenaline Mob Interview Series

Adrenaline Mob is a heavy metal supergroup which consists of singer Russell Allen from Symphony X, guitarist Mike Orlando, bassist John Moyer from Disturbed and drummer Mike Portnoy from Dream Theater. The band only came together recently are are releasing their first full length studio album on March 13, 2012titled “Omertá”.

Media Mikes had a chance to chat with the entire band about their forming and also their first full length album “Omertá”. Let us know what you think and feel free to leave comments! Be sure to also check out our review of the album “Omertá” here.

John Moyer

Mike Orlando

Mike Portnoy

Russell Allen

Interview with Adrenaline Mob’s Mike Orlando

Mike Orlando is the guitarist for the rock/metal super group Adrenaline Mob. The group is set to release their debut full length album titled “Omerta” on March 13. Media Mikes had a chance to talk with Mike about the album and what it was like playing both bass and guitar on the album.

Adam Lawton: Can you tell us what inspired you to put the band together?
Mike Orlando: I had been rolling with the vision and the songs for quite some time. This was even before I had met Russell Allen. Line ups don’t work out or people don’t live up to certain expectations so it’s been in the works for some time. I was working with Russell on writing his second solo album off and on for about 3 years. We are always both on the road so it’s been tuff to get the album done. I brought the tracks to Russell to check out one day and it was just magic. It was exactly what I was looking for.

AL: What was yours and Russell’s writing process like?
MO: I had brought Russell all of the pre-recorded material. Everything was tracked so Russell would either sing on the songs the way they were or we would make some changes to make the tunes work better.

AL: Was it hard balancing both guitar and bass playing duties during the recording process?
MO: No. I love playing bass. I actually have played bass on all of my solo albums. If it has strings I will play it. I never approach the bass like a guitarist. I use my fingers not a pick. It’s very much like John Entwistle who is one of my heroes. I try to look at the tracks like a bass player would as you can’t play bass the way you play a guitar. I think it comes off stiff when you don’t approach it differently. It’s great having John Moyer from Disturbed playing bass in the band now. I told him to do whatever he wanted and to make the songs his own. I gave him the guidelines and he has done a hell of a lot more from what I gave him.

AL: Can you tell us the idea behind covering the Duran Duran song “Come Undone”?
MO: That song has been one of my favorites since hearing it when it came out in 1991. I don’t walk around screaming “Hungry like a Wolf” or anything (Laughs) but “Come Undone” is like my favorite song from that band. When you look past the quirkiness that band is made up of some amazing players. I do try to look a little deeper than their song “Rio”. “Come Undone” I felt always had a haunting vide. The fact that we got Lzzy Hale from Halestorm to do a duet with Russell is amazing. Lzzy I think has one of the greatest voices in rock. I consider Lzzy to be the female Russ.

AL: Is there a track off the album that you really enjoy playing live?
MO: To quote Billy Joel “I don’t have a favorite they are all like my children”. The song “Feeling Me” seems to get a really great response live. I will never forget the first night we played that song when we were out with Godsmack. The song got such a hop. It was infectious. “Hit the Wall” is another one for me that is just very intense

AL: “Omerta” comes out March 13 and I am sure that’s going to keep you busy for some time but, have you guys started thinking about the next album yet?
MO: Oh yeah! I have plenty of material ready for second album. Throughout my life I have been an avid song writer. If I don’t release an album for 3 years it doesn’t mean that I wasn’t still writing and recording. Even when I was younger I would just write and write. I have so much material Mike Portnoy likes to call it my “graveyard” of songs. (Laughs)

Interview with Rob Clayton

Rob Clayton is the bass player for the British band The Dunwells. The band is set to release their debut album titled “Blind Sighted Faith” in February which will be followed by a U.S. tour. Media Mikes had a chance to talk with Rob about the album and the bands upcoming return to the states.

Adam Lawton: Can you tell us about the band’s new album?
Rob Clayton: The album comes out in the U.S. on February 14th. We are all really excited for people to hear it. The album is full of feel good songs. The album’s first single “I Could Be King” is just a really great song and the whole album I think will make people happy. I think the album will give people the sense that they can do anything. That was something we were really going for.

AL: Can you tell us about the video for “I Could Be King”?
RC: There are actually two different videos for the song. One video is a montage and it really shows that no matter who you are or what you do you can achieve anything. That is the main message of the song. The other video was of us playing in Willie Nelson’s studio which is where we recorded the album. It’s nice because we are very proud of the album and the video shows where we recorded it.

AL: What are you most looking forward to with your first full U.S. tour?
RC: We are starting at the Folk Alliance Conference which is held in Memphis. This is actually the same place we played last year and was where we were discovered. We play there on February 23rd so it’s really great that we can kick off our first tour there.

AL: I heard that you have quite an impressive DVD collection. If you could only chose one DVD to take on tour with you what would it be and why?
RC: (Laughs) I do like to collect DVD’s. My favorite movie of all time is “Jacob’s Ladder” with Tim Robbins. I think that is such a brilliant film. However if I had to pick one I think it would be “The Shawshank Redemption”. That film is such a feel good film.

AL: What other plans does the band have for this year?
RC: We come to the states on February 22nd and the tour starts the 23rd. From there we fly out to Los Angeles and pick up our tour bus. We then will be driving across the country towards New York and then on towards Texas for the South by South West Festival. After that we may go right on to another tour here in the states. We also will be doing a European tour as well. We plan on working hard and helping to get our music out there. We love playing as much as we can

Interview with Damian La Rocco

Damian LaRocco is the lead singer for the Staten Island based band Four Nights Strong. The band has just released their first EP titled “Crash and Burn”. Media Mikes had a chance to talk with Damian about the release and what the bands current plans are for 2012.

Adam Lawton: Can you give us some back ground on the band?
Damian La Rocco: We are a group of guys ages 17-21 who love all kinds of music. We each live pretty normal lives but have big goals for the band. We all want to make a career out of playing music because it’s something we love.

AL: How would you describe your music?
DL: Lyrically we’ve been called emotional and meaningful. I guess that’s kind of my goal when I write. I write based on my personal life as well as situations others can relate and connect with. Instrumentally we all have different influences that we mesh together. We try to avoid repetition and sounding generic because it feels fake. We feel we put 110% of ourselves into what we write.

AL: Can you tell us about your latest release?
DL: The “Crash and Burn” EP was something we can honestly say we are all really proud of. We worked with our producer Ethan Bill for quite some time until we found the sound we were looking for. Ethan has been a great help to us and he has been a real pleasure to work with. The CD has been getting a lot of positive feedback from all our fans online and our ITunes sales are going up every day. We started out barely knowing what we were doing and over time with hard work we grew into who we are now as musicians. I think the songs on the CD reflect that.

AL: Do you have a favorite track off the album?
DL: I love all the tracks. It’s hard to actually pick one. “Scared to Breathe” is my favorite to perform live while “Crash and Burn” & “Despair” are very personal to me, I wrote them both when I was in a dark place in my life. “The Message” and “My Last Call” get the crowd pumped and moshing so that’s definitely awesome to see! Overall I catch myself listening to “Scared to Breathe” and “The Message” the most.

AL: What are the bands plans for 2012?
DL: 2012 is going to be a big year for us. We will be experiencing a lot of firsts. Our first music video “My Last Call” will be coming out. We are doing our first summer tour that includes playing some big shows in New York City at The Gramercy Theater, Webster Hall and possibly the Hard-Rock Cafe. We also may have a hint at another E.P coming in the summer but nothing is definite.

Interview with Dropkick Murphys’ Matt Kelly

Matt Kelly is the drummer for the Irish tinged punk rock band Dropkick Murphys. On March 13th the band will release a new live album that was recorded at historic Fenway Park located in Boston, Mass. Media Mikes had a chance to talk with Matt about the new album and the bands current tour.

Adam Lawton: Can you tell us about the new “Live at Fenway Park” album?
Matt Kelly: We did a couple shows at the hallowed grounds of Fenway Park in September of 2011 and we figured what better way to commemorate the even than to record/release the shows to the fans. We used choice cuts taken from the two nights as well as throwing in a few other things here and there. The release will also be available on vinyl which I highly recommend picking up. I have yet to see the video footage of the show but I had been told it’s amazing. The guys who worked on one of the live Foo Fighters DVDs worked on this one as well. Those two nights were amazing! When you are twelve years old playing in punk bands you never dream of playing to 10,000 people at Fenway Park. We were all really psyched and honored.

AL: Were the shows something of your own doing or were you guys asked to perform at the park?
MK: We have a lot of connection within the organization. Since day one of 2004 the Red Sox organization has just rolled out the red carpet for us. The band had been kicking around the idea of playing the park for awhile but I am not sure how it all actually worked out. There was a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes as we had never done something like this before. Our crew along with the grounds crew at the park really made everything work and it was awesome! I think everything was a collaborative effort.

AL: Can you tell us about the bands current tour?
MK: We are currently out on tour with The Mahones and, Frank Turner and the Sleeping Souls. The shows have been great and everyone has been getting great crowd responses. Our crowd can be kind of tough as our fans are just rabid. They are very supportive but not always of the other bands we are playing with. Everything on this tour has gone great! We have been having a blast. We will wrap the tour up with our annual St. Patrick’s Day shows in Mass. We will be playing 3 nights at the House of Blues in Boston, 2 gigs on Saturday in Lowell, Mass. and on Sunday of that weekend we are playing the Brighton Music Hall which used to be called Harper’s Ferry. The Sunday night show you will only be able to get tickets the day of the show at the door. It’s going to be really cool because the venue only holds around 400 people or so.

AL: Have there been any talks about a new studio album?
MK: Around April 1st of this year we will be going into the studio to record the new album. We have a bunch of stuff already written. We have been playing one new song live and it has gotten some good responses. I am not sure if we are going to put it on the record or just release it as a single. We will record April into May and depending on how things go it should be out towards the end of 2012 or early 2013.

AL: What else does the band have planned for 2012?
MK: We will be playing the Shamrock Festival in Washington D.C. March 24th. We also will be heading over to Europe in June for a bunch of festival shows. We will also be doing some smaller shows while we are there as well. All the guys in the band are really excited about playing Rome for the first time. A lot of us want to try and see Vatican City while we are there. When we are in Europe we usually play Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands. It will be nice to see some new places and meet some new people. There might also be some stuff in the works for September and October however, nothing has been confirmed yet.


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Interview with Los Lonely Boys’ Jojo Garza

Jojo Garza is one of the three Garza brothers that makes up the band Los Lonely Boys. Jojo role in the band is the bassist. The band is currently touring the world for their latest album “Rockpango”. Media Mikes had a chance to chat with Jojo about the bands music and also the new album.

Mike Gencarelli:  What’s the most challenging part of working with your brothers?
Jojo Garza: The fact that they are my brothers. I know it sounds funny but that’s the truth. The way we grew up was that family sticks together and that no one can help you better than family.

MG: Can you give us some back ground on your most recent album, “Rockpango”?
JG: A lot of inspiration comes from what we experience in everyday life. We try to write so that the music has an angle everyone can relate to. A lot of the new songs have that idea behind them however they also have some new musical inspiration as well. We tried to thrown in some funk grooves and also pay tribute to some our idols like Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder. Musically we challenged ourselves on this album. The string quartet was something completely new as well. We really wanted people to hear some new sounds. The album is a whole new vibe.

MG: What do you like most about performing live?
JG: Being able to talk with people and letting them know we are still here. We are getting ready to go to Japan in a few days. We are going to keep spreading the word for as long as we can.

MG: Do you have a favorite song that you like to perform live?
JG: I just love jamming and playing any song really. I don’t think I could pick just one.

MG: Have you ever played the “Guitar Hero: World Tour” version of your song “Heaven”?
JG: Yes I did and I sucked at it. (Laughs) We actually did alright. It’s crazy that song did what it did. That song allowed us to show people we could play music. Playing that song on the game was not like playing it live on stage that’s for sure!

MG: Tell us what else you got planned for 2012?
JG: We are ready to play wherever. We want to bring the people some good times. We are working on new material as we speak and we can’t wait for people to hear it. We have a handful of songs that I think are very creative. We sing our hearts out in every song no matter what it is.

Interview with Meital Dohan

Meital Dohan is an Israeli born actress/musician. She has a recurring role on the series “Weeds” and has appeared in a variety films and television shows. Meital recently released her first music single titled “Yummy”. Media Mikes had a chance to talk with Meital about the single and her career in the entertainment industry.

Adam Lawton: What was it like working with Rami Afuni on your single “Yummy”?
Meital Dohan: It was great. I don’t see how working on music could ever be a bad experience. I have found that there is a connection and or vibe that happens when you are working with a producer. That’s what happened with Rami.

AL: What was your first recording experience like?
MD: Most of my career I have been an actress so recording is still somewhat new to me. It still keeps me intrigued and involved the same way acting does. I thinks it fun discover a new character. On the music side the fact that I am singing really surprises me.

AL: What made you decide to venture into music?
MD: It wasn’t so much a decision. I had been in shooting a version of “Dancing With the Stars” overseas and my spiritual guide told me that I had to return to America to work on music. I thought she was completely insane as I am an actress. She assured me things would work and I had worked with her for a few years so I trusted her. I came back and started working on the album. Everything has moved really fast and it’s been fun.

AL: Have you found either music or acting to be more difficult than the other?
MD: I really love both. Acting is something I have been doing since childhood. I have been on so many different stages that it is part of me. Singing is like a magical world that opened up and took me by storm. Music has a very different vibe. As a singer everything is up to you.

AL: Can you tell us about the album you are working on?
MD: The album is going to be titled “I’m In Hate With Love”. I am still in the recording process as we speak. I am working with some interesting producers and the whole thing is very exciting. We don’t have a set release date yet for the album as we are focusing right now on the single “Yummy”. That song has a real life to it. I have a couple shows booked around that song. Once we finish riding the wave “Yummy” has created we will release the next single.

AL: What do think has been the hardest part of breaking into a new market both as an actress and singer?
MD: I never really try to compare myself to anyone else. I think life is a journey that we have only so much control over. I had a great career in Israel and a great audience that I love. When I came to the states and wanted to go back something always happened that kept me here. I know I have a lot of fans that believe in me and want to see what I am doing. I don’t think it’s my job to worry about what and if something is going to happen. It’s the job of an artist to service the people they entertain.

AL: What other upcoming projects do you have coming up?
MD: I have a new television series in negotiations but I can’t really elaborate too much on that. The show will probably connect somehow to my skits online. There also are a few movie opportunities out there however the television series is my focus right now.

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