Book Review ”The Art and Making of Hercules”

Author: Linda Sunshine
Hardcover: 176 pages
Publisher: Harper Design
Release Date: June 17, 2014

Our Score: 2.5 out of 5 stars

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is at the top of his game right now. He has taken over franchises like “Fast & Furious”, “G.I. Joe” and even “Journey to the Center of the Earth” and is still on fire. “Hercules” though doesn’t really look like a great next choice for him. Especially after this January’s very weak “Hercules” entry, people do not really seem to be craving for much more of the legendary hero. If you are unlike me and are looking forward to this film, there are more than 200 photos and drawings in this illustrated companion to this live-action adventure tentpole film

Film Premise: Fate has not been kind to Hercules. The legendary hero-warrior has endured the twelve harsh labors and the loss of his family, and he is now a world-weary mercenary with a loyal band of fighters, all seeking redemption for past misdeeds. In this new adventure, he agrees to help the King of Thrace build an army to fight a tyrannical warlord, then finds himself tested once more when he discovers unexpected treachery and betrayal. But for good to triumph and justice to prevail, Hercules must face the sins of his past—and embrace the hero he once was.

The film itself is quite a large scale film, it was all shot on location in Budapest with actual locations, sets, kingdoms, battles, weapons, warriors etc from the world centuries ago. So this book does go into some of the details of those challenges dealing with the sets, costumes, battle sequences. There storyboards, concept art, commentaries from the cast and crew, and even a few extracts from graphic novel and comic book script. In case you didn’t know this is being based on a graphic novel (I didn’t). So there is definitely some good info here, I just read a lot of art of/making of books and this is definitely not my favorite.

Coming Soon…the Debut Teaser Image Featuring the Official Title of the NEW “Jaws 2” Book!

On July 11, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. EST, the first image and full title of the definitive book on the making of the film “Jaws 2” and it’s effect on Hollywood will be released! Be there!

Book Review “Once Upon a Dream: From Perrault’s Sleeping Beauty to Disney’s Maleficent”

Author: Charles Solomon
Series: Disney Editions Deluxe (Film)
Hardcover: 176 pages
Publisher: Disney Editions
Release Date: June 17, 2014

Our Score: 3 out of 5 stars

One of my sister and I’s favorite Disney films growing up was “Sleeping Beauty”. We used to watch it over and over. So we were both really excited for the new Disney film “Maleficent”. Right after seeing the new film, I immediately went online to see if there was an art of book released for the film. What I found was this book. I have to admit, I am a little disappointed personally. I would have thought that Disney would have released a nice hardcover solo art of/making of book for “Maleficent”. This does still contain a great wealth of information covering all aspects of the story of “Sleeping Beauty”. This book still is worth checking out if you love “Sleeping Beauty” but in no way should it be considered an acceptable replacement for an art of book for “Maleficent”.

Disney’s “Sleeping Beauty” remains one of the most beloved of all fairy tales. The story itself was originally published by Charles Perrault in 1697. For more than 300 years, this story has been adapted by many different artists and authors. The best part of this book (if you can look past the lacking cover art) is that is is jam-packed with great illustration that folow the history of that fascination of this story of “Sleeping Beauty” from literature, fine art, poetry, music, and film. Author Charles Solomon is an internationally respected critic and historian of animation. He has written numerous amazing books for Disney including “The Toy Story Films: An Animated Journey”; “Tale As Old As Time: The Art and Making of Beauty and the Beast” and many more. He is a guy that knows Disney and he is definitely the write before for this job. I was am just hung up on the fact that Maleficent didn’t get more focus.

Briar Rose/Aurora was and still is one of the most beautiful and beautifully animated of the Disney princesses. The film also featured one of Disney’s best villains still to date, Maleficent. Perrault’s created such an amazing character here that she has still leaves fear in the heart of its viewers/readers. As well as covering the literature and animated film of the story of “Sleeping Beauty”, this book also touches (I use that lightly, since “Maleficent” could have fill a book on its own) on the new film “Maleficent” with interviews with Angelina Jolie, Imelda Staunton, Linda Woolverton, Sean Bailey, Joe Roth, Don Hahn, and director Robert Stromberg (Oscar-winning art director of Avatar and Alice in Wonderland). There is some behind-the-scenes details and photography; costumes, props, and makeup included as well.


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Book Review “Minnie Minnie’s Bow-tastic Sticker Collection”

Age Range: 3 – 5 years
Grade Level: Preschool – Kindergarten
Paperback: 48 pages
Publisher: Disney Press
Release Date: June 17, 2014

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

Besides “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse” one of the best things that Disney Junior has ever done is create the show “Mickey’s Bowtique”. My two year old daughter absolutely loves these shorts (and so does daddy, to be honest). What does a two year love more than watching the show on TV….playing with STICKERS!!

“Minnie Minnie’s Bow-tastic Sticker Collection” comes jam-packed with 48 pages of activities and get ready for this parents…over 1000 stickers. But this isn’t just 1,000 use once and two away stickers. These are reusable stickers! That is the real draw here for this book. A must have for an any Minnie fan. You know what they say “There is no business like bow business”.


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Book Review “Walt Disney’s Classic Storybook (Volume 3)”

Age Range: 3 – 5 years
Grade Level: Preschool – Kindergarten
Series: Storybook Collection (Book 3)
Hardcover: 304 pages
Publisher: Disney Press; 3 edition
Release Date: June 17, 2014

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

When my wife and I started dating back in 1999, she gave me the first volume of the Walt Disney’s Classic Storybook. I have always loved that book. The stories are so timeless and give you the ability to open it up at any time and revisit your favorite Disney stories very easily. I thought to myself that I was going to hang on to this book until I have kids one day and then this would make a great bedtime book. Fast forward 15 years, we have a two year old together now and there is a third volume of this series released perfect timing for our daughter bedtime story reading tradition. If you love Disney, this book is a must own.

This new third edition of Walt Disney’s Classic Storybook Collection retells some of Disney’s best known stories, including “Cinderella”, “Peter Pan”. “Lady and the Tramp”, “The Love Bug”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “Bambi” and “Pinocchio”. Also included are some lesser-known but still classic tales such as “Pluto Pup Goes to Sea” and “The Flying Car”. This updated collection also contains over 300 beautiful pieces of vintage art as well as gilded pages. This book is perfect to just flip through of to look at the wonderful artwork or to sit down and read these wonderful stories. Each story is not to long either, so as I stated they are perfect for bedtime stories. I hope Disney doesn’t wait too long to release a fourth volume because we are already half way through the book.

Book Review “Phantasm Exhumed: The Unauthorized Companion”

Author: Dustin McNeill
Paperback: 268 pages
Publisher: Harker Press
Release Date: April 21, 2014

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

Grab your balls horror fans because “Phantasm” is finally getting an amazing behind-the-scenes book coming the franchise. I think “Phantasm” is a horror franchise that never really got the love that it deserved. When the first film came out it was a sleeper hit. The second film had a big budget and wasn’t really given a huge reception with its theatrical release. This led to the third and fourth films to be released direct-to-video at the time. Not that they weren’t successful but in general but I have always felt the series never got expanded beyond its core fan base. Again don’t get me wrong it has quite a large core fan base for sure. When I think about “Phantasm”, I go back in time to walking down the horror aisle at the local mom and pop video store looking at each box trying to find something to rent. I remember the first time that I rent “Phantasm” and instantly falling in love. If you have that same experience then I cannot recommend “Phantasm Exhumed” anymore. It is the best (and only) Unauthorized Companion to this series.

I have no idea why it has taken this long to get a book about the making of “Phantasm” series made but author Dustin McNeill has done it. And done it well that is. I literally received this book in the mail and honestly didn’t but it down till I was done with the last page. The book kicks off with an amazing  introduction by the Tall Man himself, Angus Scrimm. There are more than sixty new interviews with cast, crew, effects creators and studio executives. Dustin takes us deep into the behind the scenes of this franchise and history of Phantasm that starts with “Jim the World’s Greatest” to “Kenny & Company” and right through “Phantasm: Ravager”. No that is not a typo BTW, Dustin actually includes the new fifth film that was secretly filmed over the last two years. Some of the long lost production stories are amazing to read in this book and have never before told by the filmmakers.

There are more than 250 rare photographs, many never-before-seen. There is information on deleted scenes and script changes. There is some rally in-depth research and insight into the series’ effects, props & set construction. There are also rare letters, memos, production artifacts and even excerpts from Angus Scrimm’s personal 1977 set journals. This is worth the purchase alone of the book since it has never been released before. What I also love about this book is that besides the films that we know and love. There is also a section focusing on sequels that never came to be like “Phantasm 1999”, the 2005 remake and “Phantasm Forever”. It is cool to be able to get the inside scoop on these as well since there isn’t too much available on those. I would love to someone get Don Coscarelli to somehow release that recorded table reading with the added special effects, this would make many fans very happy.

If you are wondering, how Dustin McNeill has was able to gather all this information about this franchise, he has been a long time fan and he also launched the popular website “Phantasm Archives”. He worked with actor Michael Baldwin personally to return to the convention scene for several cast reunions. He authored an article for the 30th anniversary “Phantasm” retrospective in the best horror magazine of all-time, Horrorhound and much more. This book is literally a half a decade of research but the work pays off in every amazing page of this book. This is Dustin’s first book and I can’t wait to see what he covers next. If you are a fan of “Phantasm” and are looking for an amazing glimpse into the mind of this franchise, pick up “Phantasm Exhumed” and be sure to recommend to your friends as well!

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Book Review “Planes: Fire & Rescue – Dusty’s Big Job”

Age Range: 3 – 5 years
Grade Level: Preschool – Kindergarten
Series: Planes
Board book: 24 pages
Publisher: Disney Press
Release Date: June 3, 2014

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

Today I have completed three reviews on various new releases all focusing around “Cars” and “Planes”. I know that I love this franchise because I could easily do ten more! “Planes: Fire & Rescue – Dusty’s Big Job” is a dive into the new film in the series, which comes out this July in theaters. This hardcover book is only 24 pages but it is still a great read for kids, who love the series.

The pages have that hard stock, so it is great for little flyers as well without worries of ripping the pages. This book follows the thrilling adventures of Dusty Crophopper and all his pals. Also includes with this release is the “Planes” Storybook Deluxe app for iPhone and iPad! I love how Disney includes these bonus app because they are really nice addition and make the book only more worth wild to pick up.

Book Review “Disney’s Minnie: Wishing on a Bow”

Author: Sheila Sweeny Higginson
Age Range: 3 – 5 years
Grade Level: Preschool – Kindergarten
Paperback: 32 pages
Publisher: Disney Press
Release Date: June 3, 2014

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

When these word come on the TV…”Welcome to my new bow-tique”, my daughter will literally drop everything she is going and run over to the TV. “Minnie’s Bow-Toons” are a fantastic addition to Disney Junior and a way to give Minnie Mouse a chance to shine. Plus, they are nice and short and I can easily watch them over and over (as my daughter loves to). “Wishing on a Bow” is a cute story and has already become a bed time must read for my daughter. So if you kids love Minnie and her Bow-Toons, this is a must own.

Here is the official premise: Business is booming at Minnie’s Bow-tique, and Minnie finds herself struggling to keep up! A special delivery comes to the Bow-tique just in time: a magical genie in a lamp named Teeny who will grant three wishes. Minnie and Daisy think they have found the answer to all their problems, but they soon learn that it’s better to give than to receive!


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Book Review “Jake and the Never Land Pirates: Cubby’s Mixed-Up Map”

Age Range: 3 – 5 years
Grade Level: Preschool – Kindergarten
Series: Jake and the Never Land Pirates
Paperback: 32 pages
Publisher: Disney Press
Release Date: May 20, 2014

Our Score: 3.5 out of 5 stars

“Climb aboard, Me Hearties, and be a pirate true…Yo ho lets go!” I do not think there is a day that goes by that myself, my wife or my daughter sings the theme song to “”Jake and the Never Land Pirates”. This show and it’s music are tons of fun. This latest book “Cubby’s Mixed-Up Map” is another cute story for fans of the show.

Here is official premise for the book: Cubby and his mateys are on a hunt for the Golden Dinghy, but Captain Hook steals the map to reach the treasure first! With only his memory and a crayon, can map master Cubby re-draw the treasure map and beat Captain Hook to the Golden Dinghy?

This swashbuckling storybook following the adventures of Jake and his crew also includes two sheets of stickers for even more pirate fun. Right away after finishing this book, daddy had about five stickers all over his shirt, so this was a nice bonus for sure.


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Book Review “Doc McStuffins: Doc’s Mobile Clinic”

Author: Marcy Kelman
Age Range: 3 – 5 years
Grade Level: Preschool – Kindergarten
Board book: 12 pages
Publisher: Disney Press; Brdbk edition
Release Date: June 3, 2014

Our Score: 3.5 out of stars

It seems like every month, I turn around and there is a new board book available. Luckily that is not a bad thing since my two year old daughter absolutely loves this show. This show is a lot of fun and this book is another great addition to the series. We have two copies of this book actually one for the house and one for the car, since it is in high demand with our daughter.

“Doc’s Mobile Clinic” focuses on the Doc-Mobile, which is Doc’s clinic on wheels. This was introduced in the beginning of the show’s second season. I think this is a great addition to the show. The board book is even shaped like Doc’s mobile clinic, which is really cool. If your kid is a fan of the show they are going to love this book and want to take it whenever they go, like Doc!

Book Review “Cars / Planes: Fly-and-Drive – Read-Along Storybook”

Age Range: 6 – 8 years
Grade Level: 1 – 3
Series: Read-Along Storybook and CD
Hardcover: 136 pages
Publisher: Disney Press (June 3, 2014)

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

The World of “Cars” is such a vast world created by Disney and Pixar. When “Cars” was released, I do not think that anyone knew how popular this franchise would be well beyond the films itself. When they expanded that world into the sky with “Planes”, I guess you can quote the saying “The sky was the limit” but in this case it really wasn’t. “Cars / Planes: Fly-and-Drive” is a combo of the two franchises into one Read-Along Storybook and CD.

This action-packed set includes four thrilling stories narrated with sound effects and character voices: “Cars”, “Cars 2”, “Air Mater”, and “Planes”. These stories are fun and if your kids love “Cars” and “Planes”, they are doing to love this book for sure. I do not think that I can get enough of these two franchises right now. Plus with the release of “Planes: Fire & Rescue” coming this July, I say keep it coming! As an added bonus, you also get a new eBook for “Planes: Fire and Rescue” includes as well.

Book Review “Junior Encyclopedia of Animated Characters”

Age Range: 6 – 8 years
Grade Level: 1 – 3
Hardcover: 144 pages
Publisher: Disney Press
Release Date: June 3, 2014

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

Being parents that are huge fans of Disney and having a two year old, there is nothing more important than getting her exposed to the world that we love with Disney and their amazing characters. I have been exposed to Disney since I was a kid and I want to do the same for my child. “Junior Encyclopedia of Animated Characters” is a fantastic way to introduce your kids to the world of Disney. To be honest, my daughter already knows tons of these characters just from watching the films over the last two years. This is a fantastic encyclopedia of characters and I recommend this to every parent who wants to introduce their kids to Disney.

The encyclopedia gives the low down on every character from A-Z or in Disney terms from Ariel to Zurg. There are over 150 Disney heroes and villains included in this. Even though my daughter knows a lot of characters already, it was great to introduce her to a few new ones as well (or actually older ones from classic Disney films). What I also love is that it isn’t just pictures of the characters, it also features fun facts, trivia, and quotes for each one. Plus this book is extremely current and up-to date with the last latest Disney and Disney*Pixar films including “Wreck-It Ralph”, “Frozen” and even the upcoming “The Good Dinosaur” and more! If that still isn’t cool enough the book jacket reverses to reveal a poster! This is a must buy!


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Book Review “Disney’s Planes: Meet the Planes”

Age Range: 6 – 8 years
Grade Level: 1 – 3
Series: Storybook Classic
Hardcover: 128 pages
Publisher: Disney Press
Release Date: June 3, 2014

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

I know some people aren’t the biggest fans of the “Planes” movie in terms quality. But it is a really fun movie for the kids and a merchandise beast for Disney. Like the “Cars” franchise, kids have been eating this series up and Disney has a gold mine on their hands for sure. With “Planes: Fire & Rescue” coming to theaters this July, there is “Planes” merchandise everywhere you turn in Disney. “Meet The Planes” is the latest book release and a very impressive one at that. If your kids love the characters of “Planes” or just being introduced to them, this is a great book for kids!

This book comes with a really sharp jacketed hardcover that introduces the reader to the characters from the “Planes” franchise. Everyone is showcased here from Dusty to El Chu to Skipper. “Meet the Planes” also gives detailed descriptions of each planes along with fun trivia and facts on more than 100 characters. I had no idea there were that many characters to be honest. This book is fun to either flip through and take your time and dive into this next work of characters. Plus as an added bonus the book jacket reverses to reveal a poster of all the characters. Must have for any “Cars” or “Planes” fan…or any young boy in general 😉


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Book Review “Sofia the First: Princesses to the Rescue!”

Author: Catherine Hapka
Age Range: 3 – 5 years
Grade Level: Preschool – Kindergarten
Hardcover: 40 pages
Publisher: Disney Press
Release Date: June 3, 2014

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

This book couldn’t have come at a better time. My family and I went on a Disney Cruise last Christmas and my daughter discussed the movie “Mulan”. Now we watch the film at least once a week (if not more) and she is in absolutely love it the character of Mulan. Put that together with her favorite show on Disney Junior, “Sofia The First” and this is easily the coolest thing that my daughter has ever seen.

The first time she saw this book it was like mind blown. If you could have read her face it was like “Sofia knows Mulan?…WOW!!” So I highly recommend this book to all fans of the two characters and I can’t wait for the new special episode featuring Mulan to airing on Disney Junior this Summer 2014.

Official Premise: While visiting the Kingdom of Wei-Ling, James and Prince Jin set off to search for the legendary treasure of the Jade Jaguar but soon find themselves trapped in the jaguar’s den. It’s up to Sofia, Amber, Princess Jun, and a very special Disney Princess to rescue their families!

Catherine Hapka, who also authored the New York Times bestselling picture book, Sofia the First, is back for this book and she delivered yet another amazing companion to the “Sofia The First” series. The book is wonderful illustrated and so colorful and vibrant. Also as an added bonus this comes with a bonus downloadable song, “Stronger Than You Know,” from the episode!

Book Review “Planes: Fire & Rescue (Read-Along Storybook & CD​)”

Age Range: 6 – 8 years
Grade Level: 1 – 3
Series: Read-Along Storybook and CD
Paperback: 32 pages
Publisher: Disney Press
Release Date: June 3, 2014

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

I remember Read-Along Storybook releases but they were not on CD. I had a few when I was a very little kid on Vinyl and then after that cassette tape. I remember having “Mickey’s Christmas Carol” and “The Little Mermaid”. Now with a daughter of my own, who is starting to start reading, I am able help her read and at the same time have fun. “Planes: Fire & Rescue (Read-Along Storybook & CD​)” follows the thrilling adventures of Dusty Crophopper and all his pals. It is action packed with with music, sound effects, and character voices. Now only did my daughter love this but it was a real treat for daddy as well.

My daughter has watched the first “Planes” many times already now and she has a Dusty plane toy as well, so she is quite familiar with the characters. This was not only my first experience with Read-Along Storybook & CD since I was a kid but also my daughters. She really enjoyed listening to the book and being able to follow along. The character voices also help out a lot because she kept calling out “Dusty” when listening and following along. This was such a great experience and I am sure we will be revisiting this quite often over the next few month before we see the new film “Planes: Fire & Rescue” in theaters this Summer!

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