Book Review “Disney Fairies: Meet Periwinkle”

Age Range: 4 – 8 years
Grade Level: Preschool – 3
Series: Passport to Reading Level 1
Paperback: 32 pages
Publisher: LB Kids
Release Date: November 4, 2014

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

If there is one Disney Fairy that my daughter loves outside of Tinker Bell, it is easily Periwinkle. We have either weekly or monthly viewings of “Secret of the Wings”. “Disney Fairies: Meet Periwinkle” is the latest Passport to Reading Level 1 book and it is coming at a perfect time as my daughter is learning to read.

Official Premise: Meet Periwinkle! Periwinkle is a frost fairy from the Winter Woods. When Tinker Bell and Peri meet, the two fairies discover a very special bond, but they are kept apart for the safety of their wings. However, when snow appears all over Pixie Hollow, Periwinkle and the frost fairies must help save the day!

The story is cute. It is a sort of abridged version of “Secret of the Wings”. The illustrations are colorful and vibrant. If you love Disney Fairies, I mean what little girl doesn’t, then this is a great buy for you. Plus at a price of less than $4 dollars on Amazon, I mean can you really go wrong here?


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Author Naomi Novik Talks “Temeraire” at NYCC

Naomi Novik has in the past several years taken her readers literally across the globe in her best-selling Temeraire novels. Beginning with the first, His Majesty’s Dragon, the fantasy series is set during the Napoleonic Wars in an alternate history where talking dragons comprise a valuable aerial force for their respective nations. More specifically they follow the adventures of William Laurence, a British naval captain whose capture of an enemy ship bearing a rare dragon’s egg leads him to a new life as an aviator with this hatchling he names Temeraire. Novik’s dragon is intelligent, witty, intensely loyal to his human captain and often defiant of the society of his time. And he is just one of many in a hugely diverse cast of humans and dragons. Such vivid characters thrown into Novik’s rich reworking of actual history really make this a standout story.

The books are scheduled to wrap up with its ninth installment,  League of Dragons, hopefully sometime next year while director Peter Jackson currently holds the screen rights to the series (More on that below). With all of the above going for it, and the fact that it’s a personal favorite book series of mine, I was so excited to get to speak with Naomi at New York Comic Con while she signed books for her fans.

Lauren Damon: When planning the novels, because they’re centered around the Napoleonic Wars, do you have an outline of what history is going on or do you start with your plot?

Naomi Novik: Oh I definitely check the history first and sort of look into the details. I have a general sense of where the plot is going because I know where the Napoleonic Wars go and I know how I modify the Napoleonic Wars so in that sense I know before I go in. But in terms of figuring out how the details of my plot are going to dovetail the details of history, it’s sort of like a back and forth. I generally get the broad strokes of the historical events first, make sure my plot works with that and then as I write, I generally check on the more specific details to make sure that I’m not contradicting something.


LD: Have you ever hit a snag because history went a different way than your plot?

Novik: You know I’m sure that happens on a routine basis and I just don’t remember all of them…I can’t think of a specific historical event example, but what I can remember is one time I was writing a scene set in Istanbul describing a place and it turned out that that place just didn’t kind of exist. But while reading about that I discovered about a location called the cistern—which was sort of this underwater cistern of the Byzantine era that used to store water for the city and then later on was abandoned and people would still be able to reach it through the basements of their homes. And would occasionally throw things down there. Sometimes bodies disappeared down there and I thought, that’s fantastic! So I put it in. So it actually worked out for the best.


LD: When it comes to the battles sequences, which read as hugely cinematic, how do you plan out just the logistics of those?

Novik: The battles are almost always heavily influenced by actual Napoleonic battles. I mean it depends. The actual battles that take place in the course of a military campaign, then the individual scenes that are about sort of—you know there’s the battles in a war and there are fights that are sort of an adventure sequence, right? And those are more just out of my imagination and the battle scenes are—I have a wonderful book called The Military Atlas of the Napoleonic Wars which basically shows…you can watch the movement of all the companies. It breaks up battles over several days. So you see here’s how they were, sort of setting themselves up, here’s where they were this day, here’s the terrain they were moving on, here are the ways that this person didn’t know what this person was doing and they misunderstood one another. And they got bad information from their spies. And all sorts of details like that which I tend to use as kind of, not exact—because of course my battles are quite different—

LD: They add the aerial level.

Novik: Yes, exactly, because there’s a third dimension going on which changes the tactics and  also just the historical locations but yeah, I mean I try to keep that same scope. That scale.


LD: When it comes to certain characters, fans love to pick up on certain expressions or character tropes that repeatedly pop up in your stories—Like Laurence’s concern for his neckcloth or Iskierka [a truly fiery fire-breathing dragon] saying “See if I don’t!”—When you become aware of fans grabbing onto these things, or sort of catchphrases, do you get self conscious about it?

Novik: No, not really. You know, I feel like that’s part of theIn a way I feel like finding those things is part of the pleasure as a fan. I like it myself as a reader. I like recognizing a character’s vocal tics, the character’s all definitely have their own, quite distinct voice in my pen. And I feel like if I tried to…if I became self-conscious and tried to muck with that in a way, I’d probably lose my own internal sense.


LD: Are there certain characters that you really enjoy writing their voice, their dialogue?

Novik: Yeah, I mean Temeraire, obviously. Temeraire is just always fun. Iskierka is always fun. I love writing the dragons voices. I feel like the dragons voices are always really cool. And there’s that pleasure of writing a voice that’s not quite human so I really like to do that.


LD: I love how you even include sexuality into the discussions that the dragons and the humans have because I feel like you don’t often see that associated with the fantasy genre:

Novik: I do feel you know it’s an interesting thing, that in that period there was simultaneously more prudery in a certain sense. Like you didn’t talk about certain things. But at the same time you lived with it a lot more. You lived with death a lot more. And in a way, living with death, I mean you lived in much closer quarters—especially on ships and you sort of had to pretend it wasn’t there. But it really was. And I mean, with dragons especially, I feel like dragons don’t have shame in the same was that human beings have shame. You know, they don’t cover themselves for warmth, so they don’t have any of that body stuff going on. So Temeraire just kind of doesn’t get what’s going on a lot of the time. So his perception is very fun. But I feel like it’s very much that that’s a thing that happens that’s part of life and I don’t know…I feel like I don’t want to pretend that’s not there.


LD: Iskierka in particular in regards to her Captain, Granby’s homosexuality is just kind of  like ‘Yeah, of course that’s how he is!’

Novik: I mean to a dragon it’s like what’s the difference between these two—it’s like two action figures, you know?

LD: Or dress up dolls? [Note: The dragon’s frequently make fashion decisions for their humans.]

Novik: Yes, exactly, that’s from Iskierka’s point of view absolutely!

LD: Peter Jackson holds the filming rights to these books—what’s happening there?!

Novik: Basically what happened was you know, after Guillermo Del Toro dropped out of The Hobbit and [Jackson] took over, that essentially put a stop to all his other projects. He’s finishing up the last Hobbit now, and I know he’s going to take a well deserved break and then we’ll see, you know?

LD: Did you see the giant Smaug up on the floor and think eventually?
I hope so. I hope so. I mean it’s amazing.


LD: Now you wrote the first one in 2006?

Novik: I wrote the first one in 2004 and then they didn’t publish it until 2006 because they asked me to write two more so they could bring them all out one month after another. So I wrote the first three in like 2004-2005, so it’s been about ten years writing it.


LD: So back when you were writing it, or at any point since,  have you ever head-cast actors you’d like to see in any of the parts?

Novik: No, no…I don’t. Although I will say I thought at one point—I actually think Tom Hiddleston could make a great Laurence.

[Note: At which point I showed Naomi my Loki iPhone case as a sign of support.]

Excellent! I mean I say that like I’m a huge Tom Hiddleston fan, I mean I love Loki he’s such a fantastic character, I love him…But there are many actors of whom I’m a huge fan who I would say would not make a good Laurence. But I think he actually would.


Famously fan-friendly, Naomi is a co-founder of the Organization for Transformative Works, “a nonprofit dedicated to protecting the fair-use rights of fan creators” and has written her own fan fiction.

LD: Being here at NYCC and just kind of in general are you happy to see that fan fiction is something you hear more about in public discussion, do you think it’s coming sort of out of just something you see online?


Novik: I hope so. You know, in fact we had this panel about fairy tales and of course 95% of fairy tales and fairy tale retellings are fan fiction. It’s the same impulse as fan fiction. It’s using characters that other people recognize to tell your own stories in a way that allows you to communicate and form a community around fiction. So there’s nothing actually new about the fan fiction impulse, it’s just that we’re doing it about media of a different form, right? Which is quite interesting.

LD: Speaking of fan communities–you just opened your own fan forum, is that a convenient way to consolidate your fans?

Novik: It’s not even that, it’s more that you know there are a lot of fans who don’t feel like they know where to find the place to talk. And I love giving them a place to talk now. And a lot of people said that they wanted one, so we went ahead and put it together. But I love–one of the things that I love about the fannish community in general is that it’s so widespread. There’s so many different places and proliferating conversations and I love that. It’s not like, I would never want everybody to come to feel like that they had to come to my site. It’s more like here’s another place to talk if you want to hang out and talk about Temeraire.


LD: Do you have a memorable first fan encounter, or when you became aware or your series having fans?

Novik: I fortunately, the year the Temeraire books came out, I went to like seven conventions that year. And I went to a lot of smaller science fiction conventions first which was a good kind of ramp up. And I mean it’s just really wonderful you know. For me it’s a completely positive experience. I mean I get tired and sometimes I lose my voice. There’s just something wonderful about coming out here and feeling this kind of fannish energy all around you. And it’s not a sort of, I don’t know, it’s such a thing that I myself would do. I feel like I’m just meeting my people from the other side!

The 9th and final Temeraire novel, League of Dragons, is aiming for a release sometime next year while Novik will also be releasing an entirely new fantasy novel, Uprooted, on June 30th 2015.


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Book Review “DC Comics: A Visual History”

Author: by Daniel Wallace
Hardcover: 376 pages
Publisher: DK ADULT
Release Date: September 29, 2014

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

DC Comics is becoming much more relevant recently following the success of Marvels. Especially with the bunch of new films announced by DC including “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”, fans are going to be looking for history of these characters in preparation for the films. This updated and expanded edition of “DC Comics: A Visual History” is a must have for any comic fan. It includes 16 new pages to cover 2010-2014 and an amazing new slipcase design along with two NEW prints packed inside. This has everything any fan would want to find out. It is detailed as hell and jam-packed with amazing information.

Official Premise: Trace DC’s fascinating story: the company’s beginnings as National Allied Publications in the 1934, and its subsequent change to Detective Comics, Inc. in 1937. The book details all the major DC publishing landmarks and more, displayed clearly, month by month. Highlighting the debuts of iconic super heroes like Superman and Batman, the geniuses that invented them, and the real-life events, like the Vietnam War, the atom bomb, and the Space Race, that shaped the atmosphere of the times, DC Comics: A Visual History follows the characters’ foray into the real world through TV series and blockbuster movies.

There is a solid foreword from former president of DC Comics (2002-2009), Paul Levitz. I have to admit, even though I have been a huge Batman and Superman fan since I was a kid, I have never been too big on the rest of the universe that was surrounding them. After reading this book, I understand that it is quite massive and really exciting to see what is set to come in the future. DK did an amazing job on this release, it is a literally a marvel (no pun intended) to look at and is so detailed, colorful and there is not an inch wasted throughout as it is filled with amazing images and facts.


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Book Review “Batman: A Visual History”

Author: Matt Forbeck
Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: DK ADULT
Release Date: September 29, 2014

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

Wow! When they say that this is the “definitive guide to the world of the Dark Knight”, they are not exaggerating. “Batman: A Visual History” is easily one of the best books that I have received in recent years along with the DK released “DC Comics: A Visual History”. This book follows Batman from his first appearance in 1939 right through today, which is it’s 75th anniversary. The book also includes two original prints! If you are a Batman fan, this is the ultimate book for any fan, young or old.

Official Premise: “Batman: A Visual History” follows the DC Comics hero from his 1939 origin as a vigilante created by Bob Kane to his present status as a worldwide cultural icon. The book features Batman’s greatest stories and charts the careers of the Super Heroes and super-villains associated with the Dark Knight, including Robin, the Justice League, the Joker, and Catwoman.

I literally just stared at this book when I received it. It is absolutely stunning. It is also large as hell. It comes in this beautiful slipcase with specially commissioned artwork by a top DC Comics artist. I have been a Batman film since I was about 6 years old when Tim Burton’s “Batman” hit theaters. This book is just perfect. I do not think words can honestly do it justice. When you open the book is jam-packed with so much information and there is not a inch of space wasted on any page. Cannot recommend anymore!

Book Review “Disney Princess: Perfect Princess Christmas”

Age Range: 3 – 5 years
Grade Level: Preschool – Kindergarten
Series: Disney Princess
Hardcover: 96 pages
Publisher: Disney Press
Release Date: September 9, 2014

Our Score: 3 out of 5 stars

“Disney Princess: Perfect Princess Christmas” features four Christmas-themed stories with our favorite Disney princess: Ariel, Aurora, Cinderella, Tiana. I am surprised but my daughter, who is two, was not terribly blown away with this. She loves Ariel and Tiana but still didn’t really latch on to this one. The stories are cute and certainly get you into the Christmas spirit. The illustrations are colorful and looks great. The book also comes with a free download of the Royal Christmas app for iPhone and iPad. Maybe we’ll try again next year and see if anything changes. I am sure others will love this book though.

Official Premise: Now little girls can celebrate the holidays with the Disney Princesses! From crackling fires and snowy sleigh rides to beachside gatherings and New Orleans feasts, each princess does Christmas her own way. These four Christmas-themed stories star Ariel, Aurora, Cinderella, Tiana, and their family and friends as they deck their castle halls. With gorgeous illustrations on every page, plus a foil-stamped jacket, this 96-page storybook is sure to be an instant classic.


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Book Review “Disney Christmas Storybook Collection”

Age Range: 3 – 5 years
Grade Level: Preschool – Kindergarten
Series: Storybook Collection
Hardcover: 304 pages
Publisher: Disney Press
Release Date: September 9, 2014

If you are a fan of the “Storybook Collection”, this is a third edition of this series. The holidays are just around the corner and what better way to spend it then with your favorite Disney and Pixar characters. This updated edition includes brand new Christmas-themed stories including new films like “Frozen”, “Wreck-It Ralph”, and “Tangled”. These films just so happen to be three of my daughters favorites. Also included is Cars, Monsters Inc and a Mickey Mouse story.

“Disney Christmas Storybook Collection” features 18 stories focusing on the magic of Christmas. The book is just so colorful and really well done. It is over 300 pages and a nice sturdy hardcover. The illustrations are beautiful and the stories are a lot of fun. I noticed a repeat with the “Frozen” stories from previous releases but my daughter doesn’t realized and still loves all of them. This has become a must read in our household and will continue through the holiday season.


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Book Review “Disney’s A Merry Christmas Cookbook”

Age Range: 6 – 8 years
Grade Level: 1 – 3
Hardcover: 64 pages
Publisher: Disney Press
Release Date: September 16, 2014

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

First of all, words cannot express how much I love this book. I show my wife this book and we literally sat and read through each page of this book with our daughter. We ended up dog earring every single page of this book since each of the recipes are absolutely amazing. Whenever you get a cookbook, there are always a bunch of rrecipesthat you say “Ewww, this not for me”. Well I hope you do not read this book hungry because every single one listed here are outstanding (trust me we have already tried almost every one!). The book also has pull out recipes to give to your friends and family.

Official Premise: Treat your taste buds to a feast of traditional holiday delights! With simple step-by-step instructions, helpful cooking tips, color photographs, and charming character art, this book is the perfect way for parents and children to make holiday magic in the kitchen! A rating system lets kids know how difficult the recipes are, and cooking tips are sprinkled throughout.

Firstly, this is a Christmas cookbook, which is a major draw for our family because we simply love the holidays. Throw in our favorite Disney and Pixar characters and it just sweetens the deal. I love that these rrecipesare not difficult either. They are fun and very easy. Plus they are just plain cute like Olaf English Muffin Pizzas. My daughter is obsessed with the Sugar Rush Popcorn Gumdrop Garland from “Wreck it Ralph” and if you love “Frozen”, they have Anna’s Frozen Ice Candy!  I cannot recommend this anymore…and I have already purchased numerous copies as gifts.


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Book Review “Happy Holidays! From the Avengers”

Age Range: 6 – 8 years
Grade Level: 1 – 3
Series: Marvel: Avengers
Hardcover: 48 pages
Publisher: Marvel Press
Release Date: September 16, 2014

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

Having a daughter, I have to try and cross her over from Princesses as much as I can while keeping the balance. She is already big on Star Wars, which is a score for daddy. So next to tackle is superheros. “Happy Holidays! From the Avengers” is a great way to start because my daughter loves the Holiday season and these characters are animated very well in this book to welcome a younger audience.

Official Premise: It was supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but after battling monsters and villains, the mighty Avengers just weren’t in the holiday spirit. Not even gifts form the Wasp could make their day merry. But who was that dashing through the snow? Could he save the Avengers and their holiday season?

The book also includes a read-along CD with none other narrating it than the voice of Stan Lee! This may not do anything for the younger kids but it is sure to grab the parents attention and get points in their book. It will also allow parents to share the information about Stan Lee to future get the younger kids involved in the history of the creator and the characters. Great book for younger kids, looks to enjoy the holidays with their favorite superheros.


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Book Review “Doc McStuffins: A Very McStuffins Christmas”

Age Range: 3 – 5 years
Grade Level: Preschool – Kindergarten
Series: Doc Mcstuffins
Paperback: 24 pages
Publisher: Disney Press
Release Date: September 16, 2014

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

Like the also recently released “Minnie’s Winter Bow Show”, “Doc McStuffins: A Very McStuffins Christmas” is a wonderful story about Christmas with the lovable gang of the Disney Junior hit series. This book is a favorite for my two year old, who loves pointing out all the characters like Santa and his toys. I love that Doc McStuffins is celebrating Christmas in the series since we celebrate the holiday and my daughter is a huge fan of that time of the year. Plus the book also comes with 50 special sparkly stickers!

Christmas Eve is full of surprises at the McStuffins house! When the toys sneak downstairs to leave Doc’s present under the tree, they find Tobias, one of Santa’s elves, delivering toys. But Tobias accidentally drops Donny’s robot toy and breaks it! Doc and the gang head out on a magical rescue mission to the North Pole to visit Santa’s workshop and fix the toy before Christmas morning.


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Book Review “Disney Minnie: Minnie’s Winter Bow Show”

Age Range: 3 – 5 years
Grade Level: Preschool – Kindergarten
Paperback: 24 pages
Publisher: Disney Press
Release Date: September 16, 2014

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

It is getting to be that time of the year! Fall is already here and we are entering the Holiday season. My two year old daughter loves nothing more than Minnie Mouse and especially Minnie’s Bowtique on Disney Junior. “Minnie’s Winter Bow Show” is the latest book in the series and is based on a movie event airing on Disney Junior this Winter (or on DVD November 4th). This is already going to be an instant classic in your house. The book is so incredible colorful and come stocked with 70 special sparkly stickers!

Official Premise: Minnie’s Winter Bow Show is quickly approaching-Minnie needs to make preparations, but she also needs to keep an eye on her two rambunctious nieces, Millie and Melody. One morning, the twins are playing in the glove balloon when it suddenly flies off with Minnie in tow! The balloon takes them on a wild winter wonderland adventure all the way to the Clubhouse North Pole! Will Minnie be able to make it back to her Bow-tique in time for her Winter Bow Show?


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Book Review “Disney Sofia the First: A Gift from Sofia”

Age Range: 3 – 6 years
Grade Level: Preschool – 1
Series: Sofia the First
Board book: 16 pages
Publisher: Reader’s Digest
Release Date: September 30, 2014

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

“Sofia the First” is easily one of my daughters favorite shows. She is two years old and has been watching this show forever. Mix that with our favorite holiday season and you have an instant winner. “A Gift from Sofia” is a great story about Sofia getting ready to celebrate her first Wassailia in Enchancia. Talk about a colorful book, this book will easily make you smile and get into the holiday spirit real quick.

My daughter is currently potty training and this book sits right next to your potty and it is read every time she goes into the bathroom. She loves it. There are also three press-out glittery ornaments–a heart, a star, and a wreath featuring characters from Sofia the First! These were first to come out the minute she finished the book the first time. This is a must own for sure if you enjoy the holidays and “Sofia the First”.


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Book Review “Disney Frozen Melt My Heart: Share Hugs with Olaf!”

Age Range: 2 – 5 years
Grade Level: Preschool – Kindergarten
Series: Hugs Book
Board book: 10 pages
Publisher: Reader’s Digest
Release Date: October 7, 2014

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

Right from the trailers of “Frozen”, I had a feeling that Olaf was going to be a instant favorite. Of course, I wasn’t wrong. Who didn’t see this movie and just fall in love with Olaf, a lovable snowman who loves hugs! This book is so cute and interactive. You are able to guide Olaf’s plush arms to hugs and pat those he loves. This book has given many hugs and even to myself by order of my two year old.

Official Premise: Olaf loves warm hugs! In this specially shaped board book featuring favorite quotes from Disney’s Frozen, Olaf has two plush arms to interact with every spread. With lots of hugging, patting, blowing kisses and waving, kids ages 2–5 will happily return to this adorable book over and over again!

The book is short but my daughter loves the idea of being able to control Olaf’s arms. The only issue that she had was turn pages where the arms got stuck in the pages but after a few times she was quickly able to figure that out as well. If you love “Frozen”, this yet another very fun companion book to this film. I can’t wait to see what Reader’s Digest comes out with next for this amazing film.


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Book Review “Disney Frozen: Elsa’s Gift”

Age Range: 6 – 8 years
Grade Level: 1 – 3
Series: Disney Frozen
Board book: 24 pages
Publisher: Disney Press
Release Date: October 7, 2014

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

“Elsa’s Gift” is a brand new story is the world of “Disney Frozen” that is going to leave fans very happy. This book is a great follow up to the movie. It is cute, funny and features all of our favorite characters from the film. It is an oversized board book also so I love that it has some weight to it and it is not a flimsy book since it is guaranteed to get a lot of use with my daughter. This is must read almost nightly and it never fails to make my daughter laugh.

The story takes place during preparation for the Winter Ball. Elsa is trying to show how much she appreciates Anna. But can she find the perfect gift? There is one part in the book where the girls have a snowball fight and it always cracks my daughter up and she laughs so hard. This book also includes a free downloadable the Frozen Storybook Deluxe App for iPhone & iPad. We want more Frozen Disney! Keep them coming!


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Book Review “Disney Learning: Reading Adventures – Sofia the First – Level Pre-1 Boxed Set”

Age Range: 3 – 5 years
Grade Level: Preschool – Kindergarten
Series: Reading Adventures
Paperback: 160 pages
Publisher: Disney Press
Release Date: November 4, 2014

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

I simply love “Disney Learning: Reading Adventures” series. Want your kids to not only have fun but also learn this is it. Talk about getting your money’s work…this book includes ten, 16-page books, 86 stickers, parent letter, and achievement certificate. Plus what little girl doesn’t love “Sofia the First”?! The topic of the books include “Numbers are Everywhere”, “How Do You Feel”, “What Does Sofia Know” and “Sofia Feelings”. These are great learning topics. Throw in some fun stickers to play with and you have a great mix of learning with the ability to have fun.

Official Premise: Disney Reading Adventures is a curriculum-based, leveled reading program that offers children the support and guidance they need as they progress on the reading continuum from emergent readers to independent readers who read for meaning. Thoughtfully crafted and engaging stories contain key features that develop children’s reading comprehension and vocabulary skills. The stories are highly predictable with repetitive sentence structures and easy-to-read sight words designed to inspire a sense of mastery and confidence.


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Book Review “Disney Frozen Let It Go”

Age Range: 2 – 5 years
Grade Level: Preschool – Kindergarten
Series: Disney Frozen
Board book: 12 pages
Publisher: Reader’s Digest
Release Date: October 14, 2014

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

“Disney Frozen Let It Go” is a very simple and neat book. If your kids love the song “Let it Go” from “Frozen” (I mean who doesn’t?) They will love this book. This story is based around the song but it is not just a boring story book, since it features a spinning Elsa that transforms from her Queen’s attire into her icy gown. Small but very effective

Official Premise: Relive the enchanting moment when Queen Elsa finally accepts who she is and transforms herself — and then the world around her. Turn the spinner and watch as she creates her ice castle, makes a snow cloud for Olaf and skates with her friends.

So if you want to hear something cute, when my two year old daughter plays with this book, she has to open it page and when she spins Elsa, she sings out let “Let it Go…Let it GO!” So I think that this is a very effective book. She looks the characters and the interactive ability to read the book along with playing with Elsa as well.


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