Book Review “World War Z: The Art of the Film”

Paperback: 160 pages
Publisher: Titan Books
Release Date: June 18, 2013

Our Score: 2 out of 5 stars

If you’ve seen the film or even the trailers to “World War Z”, you see it is epic. It should be for costing nearly $200 million dollars. Unfortunately, when you read ”World War Z: The Art of the Film” you get the complete opposite results. First of all let’s address the obvious, the book is called “The Art of the Film” yet 90% of the book is the screenplay with a few piece of art and stills thrown in as filler. I may be wrong but that is not what makes up an “Art of” book. Titan Books also released similar books for “Firefly” (which are amazing) and those were not called “Art of” books. If you loved this film and are interested in the screenplay and a few images scattered her and there then this is for you. Hardcore “Art of” fans steer very clear.

Now that we are over this initial “what the hell”, as a companion to the movie, besides the (most up to date at the time of publishing) shooting script, there is some production art, design sketches and storyboards. The art was mostly based about the cities and locations in the film. In terms of quality the images are not high quality at all and are very rough around the edges. Also unlike the above mentioned “Firefly” books from Titan, they were packed with great interviews from the cast and crew. Well, that is also missing from here Like the film’s troubled production, this book seems to follow that trend of the need for rewrites. Oh well, I guess they can make it up with inevitable sequel companion book.

Book Review “Pacific Rim: Man, Machines & Monsters – The Inner Workings of an Epic Film”

Author: David S. Cohen
Hardcover: 160 pages
Publisher: Insight Edition
Release Date: June 18, 2013

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

Guillermo del Toro is my absolute hero! This guy should be making every single movie in Hollywood.  “Pacific Rim” is any guys dream come true. Giant monsters and giant robots going head-to-head…I need a minute to myself.  Ok, I am back! I seriously can say that this is my most anticipated film of the entire summer.  Yes, I know that action heroes are the hottest thing right now but you cannot put that up against monsters and robots. This book is also one of my favorite companion books from this year. It is part art book, part visual companion.  Best of both worlds!

Official Premise: When legions of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanity’s resources for years on end. To combat the giant Kaiju, a special type of weapon was devised: massive robots, called Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge. But even the Jaegers are proving nearly defenseless in the face of the relentless Kaiju. On the verge of defeat, the forces defending mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes-a washed up former pilot (Charlie Hunnam) and an untested trainee (Rinko Kikuchi)-who are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the past. Together, they stand as mankind’s last hope against the mounting apocalypse.

You can also imagine that a $200 million dollar film is going to be backed with some amazing artwork and pre-production planning.   This book contains some really amazing images, all displayed in super high quality.  There is some amazing detailed set photography, along with great commentary from the film’s creative team. I also liked insights into the battle-torn world of 2025 CE depicted in the movie, so it takes you behind the story as well as behind the scenes. One aspect I loved about this book is that it is also very hands on, there are multiple sketches, blueprints and various tabs to enhance this experience. There are also two pull out posters in the back of the book.

David S. Cohen has been writing for Variety for over 10 years and is the author of “The Ballad of Rango: The Art & Making of an Outlaw Film”, which is another great companion book. There is an awesome foreword from director Guillermo del Toro.  He really is so passionate about his films and I loved reading what he had to say about this film. Some of the art in the book might be considered to be a bit of a spoiler since all of the monsters and robots are not show in the trailers but I couldn’t care less, I loved every page of this book and now I just want to see the film more!

Book Review “Who’s Hiding?”

Author: Sebastien Braun
Board book: 16 pages
Publisher: Candlewick; Brdbk edition
Release Date: April 23, 2013

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

I would like to say that “Who Hiding” is easily one of my favorite kids books of the year.  I can also say that it is my daughters favorite.  She absolutely loves this book. I am not sure what it is but she goes crazy for it and runs around the house.  I love the color scheme of the book.  It is very simple and cute.

Official Premise: Who could that be, just peeking out from under the leaves? And what’s behind the watering can? How about in back of the flowerpot? Or hidden inside the bush? With the help of large, easy-to-lift flaps, the youngest readers are invited to join a group of adorable babies as they discover the critters that may be found wiggling, crawling, hopping, and purring right in their own backyards.

I have been look up author-illustrator’s Sebastien Braun past work and I have also found that he did “Peekaboo Baby”, which is easily amazing. If you like search and find books, this is a great one to check out for sure. I look forward to future installments in this series and future books from Sebastien as well.  Keep ’em coming!


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Book Reviews “Peppa Pig and the Busy Day at School” & “Peppa Pig and the Muddy Puddles”

Age Range: 2 – 5 years
Hardcover: 32 pages each
Publisher: Candlewick
Release Dates: April 9, 2013 / June 11, 2013

Our Scores: 3.5 out of 5 stars

If you have a kid then you will know Peppa Pig. Well this year we get two new adventures starring the beloved, award-winning U.K. sensation. Both of these latest books are very cute and fun.  The illustration is very easy on the eyes and the stories are very cute. Candlewick has been behind this series and it is consistently fun for kids. My daughter loves Peppa Pig and I am sure that as she grows up she is going to enjoy these books much more.

“Peppa Pig and the Busy Day at School” Official Premise: Peppa is having a busy day at school — learning numbers and letters, painting, making music, and playing outside. Peppa can’t wait for Special Talent time, but her excitement turns to worry when all three of her special talents are chosen by others! Luckily, Peppa can revert to her true specialty: jumping in muddy puddles!

“Peppa Pig and the Muddy Puddles” Official Premise: There’s so much rain! When Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig tuck them into bed, Peppa and her little brother, George, dream of all the puddles there will be to jump in the next day. Little do they know that the rain is turning their house into an island surrounded by water — making for a different kind of adventure for everyone!

If you enjoy the Peppa Pig book series, then I am sure that you will enjoy the animated series as well. In fact if you like “Peppa Pig and the Muddy Puddles”, there is a recent DVD called “Peppa Pig – Muddy Puddles” to enjoy this book animated. I prefer it to the books to be honest.

Book Review “Farm”

Author, Illustrator: James Brown
Board book: 16 pages
Publisher: Candlewick; Brdbk Rep edition
Release Date: April 9, 2013

Our Score: 3.5 out of 5 stars

“Farm” is a simple book for all kids ranging from babies to toddlers. It draws you in with the cute illustrations and fun patterns. My daughter is only 1 and yet she already knows what various animals are including cows, dogs, ducks, etc. I attribute this to book like this “Farm” grabs kids attention and I highly recommend this! Also if you are looking for more be sure to check out the other books in its set “Ocean” and “Zoo”. 

Official Premise: Introduce babies to the animal residents of a farm in a bright, graphic, nearly wordless board book that will grab their attention as it fosters developing visual skills. Each right-hand page features a simple white shape of a pig, sheep, dog, horse, goose, or cow against a vivid background, while the facing page features the same shape in a charming, folk-art-style pattern.

Book Review “Where’s Waldo? The Totally Essential Travel Collection”

Author: Martin Handford
Paperback: 172 pages
Publisher: Candlewick
Release Date: March 12, 2013

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

Who doesn’t love Waldo? This compact compilation features all seven of his renowned excursions in one nice travel collection. Included are: “Where’s Waldo?”, “Where’s Waldo Now?”, “Where’s Waldo? The Fantastic Journey”, “Where’s Waldo? The Wonder Book”, “Where’s Waldo? In Hollywood”, “Where’s Waldo? The Great Picture Hunt!” and “Where’s Waldo? The Incredible Paper Chase”. This book is a must own for any fan of Waldo. In terms of kids, the font is very small so I wouldn’t say under 5 years old.

I can see this book very handy when taking long road trips with the kids. It is compact and each to pop in your page on the way out.  Martin Handford, who is the man behind these Waldo books and these books have never aged. They are still just as fun and entertaining even for the adults. I would love to see new version of Waldo in the future. Candlewick has been the company to keep this series going.

Book Review “I Dare You Not to Yawn”

Author: Helene Boudreau
Illustrator: Serge Bloch
Age Range: 4 – 8 years
Hardcover: 32 pages
Publisher: Candlewick
Release Date: March 12, 2013

Our Score: 2.5 out of 5 stars

The idea of “I Dare You Not to Yawn” is cute but the final product doesn’t really convey that cute feeling.  When I pick up a kids book, I would like to be entertained just as much as the child does because when it comes down to it we read it more than the kids.  Plus also the age range on the book definitely stands true.  This is not a book for kids younger than 4-5 at the youngest. But older kids might get a few giggles out of following the challenges of the book. I just wasn’t taken in with the story and the illustrations.

Official Premise: A yawn can land you in your pj’s and under the covers before you can blink and say “Baa baa black sheep.” So clamp your mouth shut and look away from your sleepy dog, stay away from your cuddly blanket, and whatever you do, don’t think of baby orangutans stretching their long arms out for a snuggly hug. Otherwise, you might find your mouth opening wide and letting out a great big yawny yaaaaaawn — hey, you were supposed hold it in! A hilarious read-aloud that is so much fun, kids will beg for it again and again, whatever the consequences.


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Book Review “Maisy Grows a Garden”, “Maisy Learns to Swim” & “Maisy’s Fairground”

Author: Lucy Cousins
Age Range: 2 – 5 years
Hardcover: 16 / 32 pages
Publisher: Candlewick
Release Date: February 12, 2013 / February 26, 2013

Our Scores: 5 out of 5 stars

If you would like to know “What makes Maisy’s garden grow?” Well, “Maisy Grows a Garden” has the answer for you.  Kids can help Maisy by pulling the tabs and helping Maisy plant and grow a tasty vegetable garden. “Maisy Learns to Swim” exploures Maisy as she is learning to swim. I can see this book becoming very popular with my daughter as she gets a little older, even though she is already our little water bug and never wants to leave the water.

When it comes to the Maisy series, my daughter will surely have every possible book released.  I absolutely love this series and it gets better with each new release.  “Maisy’s Fairground” is a Maisy Pop-up-and-Pla​y Book.  This is a little different from the typical Maisy book and it literally feels like you are at the carnival.  Did I mention that this has a spinning pop-up Ferris wheel? Wow, it is completely amazing and had my daughter screaming “Wow”, as well as her daddy.

I absolutely love this “Maisy” series. They is educational yet still very interactive and entertaining.  I love anything where you need to interact with the book.  My daughter absolutely loves grabbing the tabs and playing with this book (and she is only 1).  Also keeps the parents busy As she grows, I am sure she will continue to enjoy these great books.

Official Premise: Maisy loves to try new things, just like her young fans. This interactive science story invites toddlers and preschoolers to help Maisy dig, sow seeds, water the earth, and weed the garden. Little ones will love seeing the carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, and beans spring from the pages as they take the first steps to develop a green thumb with Maisy and Panda.

“Maisy Learns to Swim” Official Premise: Today Maisy is going swimming for the first time, and she is a little nervous. Good thing Eddie and Tallulah are coming, too. Eddie is a natural, but Maisy and Tallulah get into the pool slowly — ooh, it’s freezing! But soon they are kicking and floating and even blowing bubbles with the rest. Whether water-shy or raring to go, young readers will find much to relate to as Maisy experiences another childhood first.

“Maisy’s Fairground” Official Premise: Come one, come all, and take in the bright colors and excitement of a day at the fair with Maisy and her pals. Just pull a tab or spin a wheel to make the bumper cars bump (bash! crash! ), see the friends having fun on the bouncy castle (up! down! ), or set the roller coaster in motion (screeeeaaammm! ). But nothing compares to the giant, interactive 3D Ferris wheel just waiting to spring to life on the final spread!

Lucy Cousins has become one of my favorite children’s author. She is the creator of the “Maisy” series. “Maisy Grows a Garden” is a Maisy First Science Book and “Maisy Learns to Swim” is a Maisy First Experiences Book.  I am very glad that I happened to come across one of these book a year ago and since then we have about 5-10 books from this series. Keep ’em coming Lucy!

Book Review “Peep and Ducky”

Author: David Martin
Illustrator: David Walker
Hardcover: 32 pages
Publisher: Candlewick
Release Date: February 12, 2013

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

When it comes to kids book anything that is able to be read-aloud and literally rolls off your tongue is good for me. “Peep and Ducky” is very cute and fun. It backs some very colorful and bright illustrations from David Walker. David Martin tells a perfect story for little kids about friendship and does it well that it is able to be enjoyed even for adults with some clever rhyming. This book was originally put on my daughter desk until she gets older (she’s 1) but every day she pulls it out to look through.

Official Premise: Ready, set, go! Whether you’re playing pretend games (beep, beep) or flying off the slide (ka-thump), flopping into a puddle (splish, splash) or running around a tree (“Can’t catch me!”), an afternoon at the park is so much better when your best buddy is there. Peep and Ducky share giggles and tickles and bumps in this sweet excursion from David Martin and David Walker.

David Martin has written many kids books that we have enjoyed including “The Magic Christmas Tree”. David Walker has also illustrated several children’s books, including “Flip, Flap, Fly!”.  I like both their styles and will be keeping an eye out for their upcoming books.  I could also see them turning “Peep and Ducky” into a franchise…may I suggest “Peep and Ducky Go to the Zoo” etc.


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Book Review “Doctor Who: Character Encyclopedia”

Author: Annabel Gibson, Moray Laing, Jason Loborik
Age Range: 7 and up
Hardcover: 208 pages
Publisher: DK CHILDREN
Release Date: April 1, 2013

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

If you are a fan of sci-fi, it is almost impossible not to love Doctor Who. Since the long-running series was revived in 2005, this series is only growing stronger and stronger with each new year. DK Books has been behind some of the best Visual Dictionary and Character Encyclopedia for various series including “Harry Potter” and “Star Wars”.  Doctor Who: Character Encyclopedia” is timed perfectly for the series’ fiftieth anniversary and is one hell of a perfect book.  I huge fan of “Doctor Who” and this is the ultimate companion book for the show covering all 11 doctors to date with more than 200 friends and foes included.

Official Premise: A cult favorite around the world, Doctor Who is the longest-running science fiction television show of all time. Perfect for fans of the popular BBC show, the Doctor Who Character Encyclopedia has been created in full collaboration with the producers of Doctor Who, and shares detailed profiles of all eleven incarnations of the Doctor, as well as in-depth looks at his many companions, enemies, and adventures through the years.

Even though this book is released under DK’s Children label that doesn’t mean that this is any less impressive for the series’ adult fans. The book ranges over 200 pages and high quality beautiful images of every character spanning from this series. The book is split into sections including “Alien”, “Companion”, “Cyborg”, “Earth Creature”, “Entity”, “Human”, “Robot” and of course “Time Lord”. They are all intertwined together and makes this a real page turner.  I think I knew everything about this series and even I was impressed with the amount of new information that I discovered. Each character from this show is extremely  detailed and classified, so we get to meet them, find out about them, what doctors they have met and their role in the show.  I am not sure what more you can ask for as a fan of “Doctor Who”.  Keep ’em coming DK!

Book Review “The Art of Turbo”

Author: Robert Abele
Hardcover: 150 pages
Publisher: Insight Editions
Release Date: June 18, 2013

Our Score: 3.5 out of 5 stars

I have to admit, I was not too excited for “Turbo”. I do have a sweet spot for DreamWorks’ animated films though, since they have never let me down. Well, the day I received this book was also the same day I finally saw a trailer for this film. After seeing the trailer, I was excited to get home and cut right into this book. I have to say I was pretty impressed and now I am excited to jump the light and catch this film (Get it? A little racing humor…Hello?) The film itself looks extremely fun and very visually impressive. What else would you expect from the studio that brought us the “Shrek” and “Madagascar” films. So if you are expecting that from the film, “The Art of Turbo” will not let you down as it comes stocked with some amazing artwork from the industry’s top talents and an impressive look behind-the-scenes at this new CG-animated feature.

Here is a quick premise of the film, so you know what to expect “Turbo is a snail with big dreams. Obsessed with speed and all things fast, he is an outsider within his slow snail community and a constant embarrassment to his cautious older brother, Chet. Then one fateful day a freak accident suddenly vests Turbo with the power of incredible speed. So begins his extraordinary journey to achieve the impossible: racing against the best that IndyCar has to offer.” I was impressed to see that this book kicks off with a foreword by the voice of Turbo himself, Ryan Reynolds. Also the director of “Turbo”, David Soren, gives an encouraging Preface to this book as well. The setup for the book itself is split into four sections. The first is “Characters”, with focus on over 15 characters from the film. Second is “Locations”, which covers 10 different places from the film like “San Fernando Valley” and “Indianapolis Motor Speedway”. The last two sections are “Vehicles” and “Building a Sequence”.

I feel that the book is a very easy read and since it is split into a few sections, it is also easy to navigate through the behind-the-scenes process of the film. Since the film is very visual and colorful, the artwork really gives a very diverse collection of character backgrounds, concept art, design inspirations, and tons of great information about the production. I think that if you considering seeing this film, this would be a great way to lock in the deal and great some great anticipation.  On the other side, this would be a great follow-up to check out after actually seeing the film as well.  The author Robert Abele is a film critic for the Los Angeles Times.  His only other companion book to date is “The Twilight Saga: The Complete Film Archive”. So I was a little concerned about this one but he delivered a very entertaining book and I most definitely will keep an eye out for his future releases.

Blu-ray Review “Atlantis: The Lost Empire / Atlantis: Milo’s Return”

Actors: Michael J. Fox, James Garner, Cree Summer, Don Novello, Claudia Christian
Directors: Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise
Number of discs: 3
Rated: PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Studio: Walt Disney Home Video
Release Date: June 11, 2013
Run Time: 176 minutes

“Atlantis: The Lost Empire”: 3 out of 5 stars
“Atlantis: Milo’s Return”: 1.5 out of 5 stars
Extras: 3 out of 5 stars

Last year Disney started flooding the market with their less than par animated films on Blu-ray in these 2 Movie Collection sets. A few of them that we got “The Rescuers”/”The Rescuers Down Under”, “Pocahontas”/Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World” and “Mulan”/”Mulan II”. This month we are getting a few more to add to our collections including “The Emperor’s New Groove”/”Kronk’s New Groove”, “Lilo & Stitch”/”Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch” and this release “Atlantis: The Lost Empire”/”Atlantis 2: Milo’s Return”. “Atlantis: The Lost Empire” is not the best thing that Disney has every made, it is watchable and put not one of my favorites.  The sequel is another story, it was original made as a TV show “Team Atlantis” but failed and ended up being pieced together as a film. It is quite the failure in terms of Disney. I would say this release is for the hardcore Disney fans only.

Official Premise: Set a course for adventure as Milo Thatch and his fearless crew dive into the mysteries of the sea.  The group’s underwater expedition brings them face-to-face with gigantic sea monsters, spectacular spirits and the mythical land of Atlantis while they discover the power of friendship and teamwork.  Loaded with thrills and stunning visual effects, this sensational 2-Movie Collection takes audiences on an unforgettable voyage they’ll want to experience over and over again!

The 2-Movie Collection release of “Atlantis: The Lost Empire / Atlantis: Milo’s Return” is a 3-disc set. Which includes both films on one Blu-ray with each film also included on their own DVD. In terms of Blu-ray presentation, the 1080p transfers are great for “Atlantis: The Lost Empire”, which really looks clear and the colors are beautiful. “Atlantis: Milo’s Return” is not the greatest, especially since it really has that made-for-TV feel to it. Just doesn’t work for me overall. Both films come stocked with a standard, yet impressive DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 audio tracks, same thing applies here also as the video transfer. The first film sounds stunning and very epic, while the sequel does not reach that same level at all. Decent but no wow factor.

The best thing this Blu-ray has going for it that “The Emperor’s New Groove”/”Kronk’s New Groove” and “Lilo & Stitch”/”Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch” doesn’t is that it actually has special features on the Blu-ray disc. There is an audio commentary on the first film from producer Don Hahn and directors Gary Trousdale & Kirk Wise.  I actually thought it was quite interesting and informational. “The Making of Atlantis” is a sweet hour long extensive ten-part documentary, which covers all aspects of the production. “The Lost Empire Deleted Scenes” includes four unused scenes. There is one deleted scene from “Milo’s Return” running thirty-two seconds long…really? Lastly there is “How to Speak Atlantean” as a faux news reel, “Atlantis: Fact or Fiction?”, which is fun for the kids and Theatrical Trailers included.

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Book Review “The Art of Monsters University”

Author: Karen Palik
Publisher: Chronicle Books
Book Length: 172 pages
Release Date: June 1, 2013

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

When it’s comes to “Monsters Inc.”, it stole our hearts and of course laughs (spoilers alert, haha). Over the last decade or so the film continues to entertain and stands as one of Pixar’s most impressive films and we have been waiting to see more adventures with Mike and Sulley. Twelve years later, we are getting a prequel to the animated hit titled “Monsters University”, which follows the duo in school before they were on the scare floor. This book is being released by Chronicle Books, who handles most of the art of books for Disney and Pixar. They were also the publisher behind the art of for “Monsters Inc”. If you were a fan of that book, this is another gem from Chronicle. If you have never seen that book, this one really takes you into this film’s universe and makes you want to rush out and see this new film immediately.

The layout of the book is great and really has that college campus feel. I enjoyed the fact that you also get to see aspects of “Monsters Inc.” that were not shown in the first film. There is tons of great concept art, which I am a big sucker for. All the images are super crisp and high quality. Additionally there are various character profiles, sculptures, storyboards and more. Even though our lovable Mike and Sully are still the main characters, there are tons of new faces and they get some time to shine in this book as well. When I see a movie, I like to have some surprises so I usually won’t go too deep before seeing it but this was a nice introduction to get us ready to meet them. “The Art of Monsters University” also includes some very informative behind-the-scenes interviews with the film’s artists. I like that they get to step away from the drawing board and speak out.

The book is authored by Karen Paik, who works in the development department at Pixar. She has worked on various projects including “Ratatouille”, “Up”, and of course “Monsters University”. If you are questions her work as an author she also authored the wonderful companion book “The Art of Ratatouille”, as well as “To Infinity and Beyond!: The Story of Pixar Animation Studios”. So she not only brings her inside view from working at Pixar. She was also involved with this film hands on and allows us to get that inside view. There is also a great preface from John Lasseter, the head honcho for Disney*Pixar films, along with Pete Doctor, the director of “Monsters, Inc.”, “Up” and writer of “Monsters University”. The foreword is by Dan Scanlon, the director of Monsters University, also a great ending to a great book. Don’t miss this!

Book Review “Darkbound” by Michaelbrent Collings

Author: Michaelbrent Collings
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Release Date: January 19, 2013

Our Score: 3.5 out of 5 stars

Let’s travel back to September 2012, I was asked to review a DVD for a film titled “Barricade”. Pretty damn good flick, produced by WWE Studios (yes the wrestling company). I got asked to have my review appear on WWE Raw, which was a huge honor. Due to that exposure, I was contacted by the writer of the film Michaelbrent Collings with praise for my review. Since then I have been in contact with him and asked to check out his other works of horror literature. He offered me to check out “Darkbound” and right from the first chapter, I was hooked!

Official Premise: The New York subway system has: 656 miles of track… 468 stations… 31 thousand turnstiles… and 1.64 BILLION fares yearly. For six of those fares, the trip is going to be one they will never forget. Six strangers will board a subway. But this subway is unlike the others. This subway doesn’t take you where you want or where you need. It takes you where you fear. This subway…is DARKBOUND.

Michaelbrent’s writing is super easy to read.  It is intelligent without trying to ask like it is smart.  It is also crazy-ass graphic with the gore. I just kept thinking to myself this would make a killer movie but there is no way it could be filmed with an R-rating. The book is split into six different parts focusing on the each of its passengers. So we get like 6-9 chapters per section and then it restarts the count, at first I found this aspect a little confusing but after the first few it flowed pretty smoothly. I found myself literally hanging on each chapter. There is also quite a few nice twists thrown in, just when I thought I figured it out, I was thrown a loop.  I am looking forward to checking out Michaelbrent’s latest novel, “Strangers”, which was just released June 4th, 2013. Keep me coming!

Book Review “Exploring the Deep: The Titanic Expeditions”

Author: James Cameron with Don Lynch, Ken Marschall, and Parks Stephenson
Hardcover: 252 pages
Publisher: Insight Editions
Release Date: June 4, 2013

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

Who isn’t completely obsessed with events of the Titanic. James Cameron really did a number on us not only with delivers us his 1997 mega hit but also continuing to make this topic relevant. This expeditions are unlike any other of the sunken ship and the mysteries surrounding it. “Exploring the Deep: The Titanic Expeditions” is a great companion to his work over the years, it gives us a detailed look into his expeditions and more than thirty dives that he and his team has made with special robotic vehicles. We get to explore the interiors and exteriors of the Titanic wreck and get a great inside perspective our the teams voyages.

Director James Cameron, since directing “Titanic” has become the go-to person for anything relating to the sinking of that ship. This deluxe coffee-table book, coming just after the hundred anniversary gets to tell the complete story of his work with exploring the wreckage and also diving into many new technological advances to assist in capturing more information. There are tons of previously unpublished images and revelations about the wreck. The book itself is a powerhouse. Insight Editions really strives to deliver quality releases and they have most definitely succeeded here. My only main issue is the size of some of the images used. Since we are talking underwater images of a hundred old wreck, the quality is not perfect. But then again, I understand that but maybe I wouldn’t have blown the image up to a full page then. That was my only main issue, otherwise the content and visual feel is fantastic.

Even though James Cameron is the man, we can’t forget his team. This book contains contributions from three of the world’s foremost Titanic experts, Don Lynch, Ken Marschall, and Parks Stephenson. It really feels like a team effort also. If you still want more there is also Cameron’s exclusive dive journal and previously unpublished images include dive maps and personal photographs. That also adds a sort of human and emotional feel to the book, which is why I also feel that should recommend it. Overall, the book is very informative and impressive, any history buff or Titanic buff should want to jump all over this book.

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