Book Review “Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Episode Guide”

Author: Jason Fry
Reading Level: 8 up
Book Length: 232 pages
Release Date: June 3, 2013
Publisher: DK CHILDREN

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

While I am excited to see this book it also reminds me that this series is over and that makes me sad. This book is really the ultimate episode guide since it covers everything important from the show from episode one to the very last episode. DK Children has released another fantastic high quality release here. The images looks great and there is tons of fantastic information about each major event from the show. Even though it is aimed at kids, this should easily satisfy fans of all ages. If you are a fan of “Star Wars: The Clone Wars”, this is the book that you’ve been looking for.

Official Premise: A comprehensive guide, Star Wars®: The Clone Wars™ Episode Guide details every episode from the highly popular animated series, The Clone Wars, featuring plot points, key characters, and the spaceships, weapons, and gadgets. Each of the 108 episodes is showcased with a stunning visual spread. For the first time, all of the episodes will be presented in story order, making this the definitive chronology of the beloved television show, The Clone Wars!

Jason Fry is the author of this book and he has done tons of great “Star Wars” books including “Star Wars: The Phantom Menace: The Expanded Visual Dictionary”, “Star Wars: The Secret Life of Droids”. He has also worked with “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” with the books “Star Wars: The Clone Wars – The Visual Guide” and “Star Wars: Clone Wars – Character Encyclopedia”. So I think it is safe to say that this book is coming from one of the best sources available for the franchise. I look forward to future releases from DK and definitely from Jason as well. Just because the “Clone Wars” series is done doesn’t mean it needs to disappear all together!  Keep ’em coming guys!

Book Review “Angry Birds: Hatching a Universe”

Author: Danny Graydon
Hardcover: 162 pages
Publisher: Insight Editions
Release Date: June 4, 2013

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

“Hatching A Universe” is a perfect name for this book. In late 2009, the first “Angry Birds” gave was released for the iPhone and I remember I bought it and haven’t stopped playing since. This game has not only spawned four sequels including “Angry Birds Seasons”, “Angry Birds Rio”, “Angry Birds Space” and (my favorite) “Angry Birds Star Wars” but also clothing lines, action figures and much more. These “Angry Birds” are everywhere right now. This game has also changed the face of mobile gaming. It just happened to be the right time for “Angry Birds”, it received a success that I am sure every game developer hopes for but not every one gets. This book does a great job of looking into the world that has been created around this game and it is a must buy for any fan of the series.

It is hard to believe that this “little” mobile game has become the giant entity that it has in terms of all media not just mobile gaming. In “Angry Birds: Hatching a Universe” we get to go to see what happens inside of the creative process of this game and backed with some amazing artwork, never-before-seen sketches, concept art and more hidden treasures. If that is not cool enough there is also some interviews with the key players at Rovio. Insight Editions is known for some of the best companion books and this one is just another great example of why I look forward to each of their latest releases.

The author, Danny Graydon, is no stranger the “art of” book genre, though his last one was in 2009 with “The Art of Planet 51”. He really captures the phenonomon of “Angry Birds” and will leave fans satisfied. There is also an encouraging word from the CEO of Rovio Entertainment, Mikael Hed, who gets to tells his story of success. If you are a “Angry Birds” junkie like myself and looking for more in between new updates and games there is a current TV series based on the game, “Angry Birds Toons” and will consist of 52 short 2-3 minute episodes airing through the app, online and through some cable providers. Of course then there is also the upcoming CGI film announced for release on July 1, 2016, which will be developed, produced and financed by Rovio and distributed by Sony Pictures. This franchise is expanding it’s universe every day, so get ready cause there is much more to come!


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Book Review “Rush: The Illustrated History”

Author: Martin Popoff
Hardcover: 192 pages
Publisher: Voyageur Press
Release Date: May 30, 2013

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

I am not sure what it is about Rush but they are just flat out amazing.  They are easily one of my top favorite band ever. They has been kicking ass and taking names in music for the last 45 years…and yet they are better than they ever have been! Plus 2013 is the year of Rush since they not only released on of their best albums “Clockwork Angels” but they also got inducted into the Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame (finally). This “Illustrated History” book is timed just right and is a must for any Rush fan out there.  So get ready to crank those old vinyls up to 11 and air bass (or drum, whichever is your preference) and enjoy this amazing book.

Official Premise: Now, for the first time, Rush is treated to the epic visual celebration they so richly deserve in a beautifully designed and profusely illustrated history following the band’s entire career. A chronological overview history written by noted music scribe and Rush authority Martin Popoff spans the band’s entire career from 1968 to today. A complete Rush discography chronicles all their albums, from the debut album to 2112, Moving Pictures, and Signals to Grace Under Pressure, Vapor Trails, and more. The authoritative text is complemented by album reviews written by well-known music journalists from around the globe, commentary from fellow musicians, a discography, and hundreds of photographs and pieces of memorabilia, including picture sleeves, gig posters, rare vinyl, handbills, ticket stubs, and much more.

This book is authored by the perfect man for the job, Martin Popoff.  He has been called “the world’s most famous heavy metal journalist” and if anyone can put out a kick-ass music book it would be him.  Plus he also worked with the band on the film “Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage”. The book itself contains over 420 color & black and white photos spread out all over the nearly 200 page book. When it is called “history” that should not be taken lightly. We go back to the early days of the band to the current “Clockwork Angels” tour.  We are talking a full discography cover from end to end! There is everything here from concert tickets, posters, vintage programs to candid backstage shots.  So if you are a veteran fan or a brand new Rush fan this book has something for everyone and will not disappoint!

Book Review “William Shakespeare’s Star Wars”

Author: Ian Doescher
Hardcover: 176 pages
Publisher: Quirk Books
Release Date: July 2, 2013

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

“In a time so long ago begins our play, in a star-crossed galaxy far, far.” – William Shakespeare

Where it is “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” or “Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters”, the mash-up titles have become very popular in recent years. Well Quirk Books has been behind these releases and I have been a fan of them since day one. After working with the literature of Jane Austen, what next then William Shakespeare. And of course what better to blend the unique language of Shakespeare with than the world of “Star Wars”. When I heard about this book, I honestly couldn’t have been more excited. Now I have to admit that I am not the biggest Shakespeare fan to be honest.  But what I am is a huge “Star Wars” geek and I had a feeling this was going to be epic…and guess what…it is! What I loved most about it is that it has that certain Shakespeare feel but you didn’t have to major in classic literature in order to dig it! Since this book is subtitled “Verily, A New Hope”, we can only hope that this will be the first in a series.

Official Premise: Return once more to a galaxy far, far away with this sublime retelling of George Lucas’s epic Star Wars in the style of the immortal Bard of Avon. The saga of a wise (Jedi) knight and an evil (Sith) lord, of a beautiful princess held captive and a young hero coming of age, Star Wars abounds with all the valor and villainy of Shakespeare’s greatest plays. ’Tis a tale told by fretful droids, full of faithful Wookiees and fearstome Stormtroopers, signifying…pretty much everything. Reimagined in glorious iambic pentameter—and complete with twenty gorgeous Elizabethan illustrations–William Shakespeare’s Star Wars will astound and edify Rebels and Imperials alike. Zounds! This is the book you’re looking for.

I have to point out how much I love the author’s intro on the back cover flap “Ian Doescher has loved Shakespeare since eighth grade and was born 45 days after Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope was released”. That cracked me up. This is his first book and he really does solid job of blending these two very different worlds. They are so different but yet this blend works so well together. I originally thought that this was going to be a laugh riot, parody book but let me tell you I was quite wrong.  The book is quite humorous but it is in no way a joke.  This is some serious literature here with an ever so subtle smile smirked behind the words. It may not be for everyone, since we all know that Shakespeare style of writing is not the easiest to digest but it is definitely different, unique and very entertaining.  I have a feeling that this is going to satisfy both “Star Wars” fans and also fans of Shakespeare’s work as well.  Hell it might even convert a few classic literature fans to the world of “Star Wars”.

Book Review “The Guild: The Official Companion”

Paperback: 160 pages
Publisher: Titan Books
Release Date: July 16, 2013

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

If you are a nerd…they you love “The Guild”. Plain and simple. Especially if you are a gamer nerd. Then it should be almost required. I remember “The Guild” dating back to when XBOX Live was just getting into hosting indie video and clips. I started watching it out of the blue and became completely hooked.  The show has come such a long way and has developed so much over it’s last six seasons.  Thanks to Titan Books, who are the best when it comes to fandom, they are hooking us guildies up with the first ever official companion to this amazing web series. They really know how to give the fans what they are looking for because I am sure that they are fans themselves and that is key! I have been following this show since it first started and I was still able to pull new content out of this book. So for me that is a real key factor for enjoying this. So I would have to say that this is a must for any fan of the show.

Official Premise: Since launching in 2007, the comedy web series The Guild has become an Internet phenomenon, with over 150 million views. Created, written by and starring Felicia Day, it follows the story of a Guild of online gamers who finally meet in real life. Here at last is the official companion to the show that fans have been waiting for, featuring an Intro from Felicia, in-depth interviews and scores of photos.

Felicia Day really hit it big co-starring in Joss Whedon’s Internet musical “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog”. Since then she was really taken off and really became a leader of the geek world. She gives a create intro to this book and really stands behind it and to me that is important.  This is not just a cash-in for the series, it is backed by the shows own creator. “The Guild” was a web series but it also paved the way for the future of other web series’. The book really gives great insight into each of our characters, each of the seasons and the fun and craziness that has come out of this show since 2007.  The images in the book range from great to just ok but the overall impressive and very jam-packed layout makes up for any slight resolution issues. Fans will definitely be impressed with this companion book. Hopefully Titan is planning future volumes like they did with other fan favorite show “Firefly”.  Hint Hint!

Book Review “Strangers” by Michaelbrent Collings

Author: Michaelbrent Collings
Paperback: 372 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Release Date: June 5, 2013

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

Move over Stephen King…Clive Barker…fuck it…even R.L. Stine, Michaelbrent Collings is taking over as the new king of the horror book genre. I am have to admit, I am not the biggest reader.  When I read a book, it really has to draw me in VERY quickly in order to keep my interest.  Well, there is something about the way Collings writes that grabs you by the neck and pulls you in immediately starting with the damn Preface.  In fact, this is the second book that I have completed from him in the last month, the last being (another great book), “Darkbound”. I am a sucker for a good horror/thriller, so maybe that is the case here but I need to highly recommend this book to everyone since I could not put this book down!

Here is the official premise of the book: You wake up in the morning to discover that you have been sealed into your home. The doors are locked, the windows are barred. THERE’S NO WAY OUT. A madman is playing a deadly game with you and your family. A game with no rules, only consequences. So what do you do? Do you run? Do you hide? OR DO YOU DIE?

The book contains over 100 chapters, but don’t freak out since they are super tight and literally each chapter makes you race to turn the page to see what happens next. Having read this on the Kindle app for my iPhone, when they would include an extra black page between chapters I thought that was very clever since it made you want it even more.  The story is slow to unwind, which is perfect to create the fantastic suspense that literally last to the very last page of the Epilogue.  There are constant twists and turns throughout.  When you think you have it figured out there is another curve thrown at you. If you haven’t of Collings work, I urge you to check it out! He is now one of my favorite authors and I can’t wait to see what he has planned next.


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Book Review “Man of Steel: Inside the Legendary World of Superman”

Author: Daniel Wallace
Hardcover: 184 pages
Publisher: Insight Editions
Release Date: June 18, 2013

Our Score: 3.5 out of 5 stars

When I saw “Man of Steel”, I spent the 2.5 hours in awe of what a visual film it was. I love Zack Snyder’s style and I think it was very clear and sharp in this film.  Insight Editions has always been consistent with releasing great Art of and Visual Companion books. This book is a bit of both and continues the excellent trend.  It is pretty awesome and definitely will leave any fan satisfied.  It doesn’t deliver any new or hidden secrets of the film but it does represent the visual aspect quite well. If you are a fan of Superman, this would be highly recommended but be warned be sure to see the film first cause it is chock filled of visual spoilers.

Official Premise: In Man of Steel, director Zack Snyder (300, Watchmen) and producer Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight Trilogy) have delivered a stunning new vision of Superman that is both fresh and familiar. Man of Steel: Inside the Legendary World of Superman explores the remarkable creative process behind the movie and showcases the exceptional concept art that shaped its unique visual style. From the stark alien vistas of Krypton to the down-to-earth warmth of Smallville, this book uncovers the intensive world-building process that makes Superman’s universe both thrilling and believable. Also featuring in-depth interviews with the cast and crew, and candid on-set photography, Man of Steel: Inside the Legendary World of Superman is the ultimate insider’s look at one of the most electrifying movies in recent memory.

“Man of Steel: Inside the Legendary World of Superman” starts off looking into the “Modern-Day Mythmaking” of the film including a look at the new suit. There is a big section on the film’s casting, which was critical (and successful) aspect of this reboot. Then from there we get to take a trip to Krypton and see the marvels that Snyder gave us that has never been shown before on that planet. Lastly we get to go to Earth and visit Metropolis and Smallville. The only aspect missing that I would have liked to see is chapter on the “Tornado” scene. The author, Daniel Wallace, is a comic book expert and self-labeled geek (like us all). He is no stranger to comics with having authored “DC Comics Year by Year” and “The Marvel Encyclopedia”.  We also get a great foreword by Christopher Nolan (“The Dark Knight”) and an awesome intro by director Zack Snyder.  There was a lot of love given to this project to satisfy fans and it is shown in this book.


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Book Review “World War Z: The Art of the Film”

Paperback: 160 pages
Publisher: Titan Books
Release Date: June 18, 2013

Our Score: 2 out of 5 stars

If you’ve seen the film or even the trailers to “World War Z”, you see it is epic. It should be for costing nearly $200 million dollars. Unfortunately, when you read ”World War Z: The Art of the Film” you get the complete opposite results. First of all let’s address the obvious, the book is called “The Art of the Film” yet 90% of the book is the screenplay with a few piece of art and stills thrown in as filler. I may be wrong but that is not what makes up an “Art of” book. Titan Books also released similar books for “Firefly” (which are amazing) and those were not called “Art of” books. If you loved this film and are interested in the screenplay and a few images scattered her and there then this is for you. Hardcore “Art of” fans steer very clear.

Now that we are over this initial “what the hell”, as a companion to the movie, besides the (most up to date at the time of publishing) shooting script, there is some production art, design sketches and storyboards. The art was mostly based about the cities and locations in the film. In terms of quality the images are not high quality at all and are very rough around the edges. Also unlike the above mentioned “Firefly” books from Titan, they were packed with great interviews from the cast and crew. Well, that is also missing from here Like the film’s troubled production, this book seems to follow that trend of the need for rewrites. Oh well, I guess they can make it up with inevitable sequel companion book.

Book Review “Pacific Rim: Man, Machines & Monsters – The Inner Workings of an Epic Film”

Author: David S. Cohen
Hardcover: 160 pages
Publisher: Insight Edition
Release Date: June 18, 2013

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

Guillermo del Toro is my absolute hero! This guy should be making every single movie in Hollywood.  “Pacific Rim” is any guys dream come true. Giant monsters and giant robots going head-to-head…I need a minute to myself.  Ok, I am back! I seriously can say that this is my most anticipated film of the entire summer.  Yes, I know that action heroes are the hottest thing right now but you cannot put that up against monsters and robots. This book is also one of my favorite companion books from this year. It is part art book, part visual companion.  Best of both worlds!

Official Premise: When legions of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanity’s resources for years on end. To combat the giant Kaiju, a special type of weapon was devised: massive robots, called Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge. But even the Jaegers are proving nearly defenseless in the face of the relentless Kaiju. On the verge of defeat, the forces defending mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes-a washed up former pilot (Charlie Hunnam) and an untested trainee (Rinko Kikuchi)-who are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the past. Together, they stand as mankind’s last hope against the mounting apocalypse.

You can also imagine that a $200 million dollar film is going to be backed with some amazing artwork and pre-production planning.   This book contains some really amazing images, all displayed in super high quality.  There is some amazing detailed set photography, along with great commentary from the film’s creative team. I also liked insights into the battle-torn world of 2025 CE depicted in the movie, so it takes you behind the story as well as behind the scenes. One aspect I loved about this book is that it is also very hands on, there are multiple sketches, blueprints and various tabs to enhance this experience. There are also two pull out posters in the back of the book.

David S. Cohen has been writing for Variety for over 10 years and is the author of “The Ballad of Rango: The Art & Making of an Outlaw Film”, which is another great companion book. There is an awesome foreword from director Guillermo del Toro.  He really is so passionate about his films and I loved reading what he had to say about this film. Some of the art in the book might be considered to be a bit of a spoiler since all of the monsters and robots are not show in the trailers but I couldn’t care less, I loved every page of this book and now I just want to see the film more!

Book Review “Who’s Hiding?”

Author: Sebastien Braun
Board book: 16 pages
Publisher: Candlewick; Brdbk edition
Release Date: April 23, 2013

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

I would like to say that “Who Hiding” is easily one of my favorite kids books of the year.  I can also say that it is my daughters favorite.  She absolutely loves this book. I am not sure what it is but she goes crazy for it and runs around the house.  I love the color scheme of the book.  It is very simple and cute.

Official Premise: Who could that be, just peeking out from under the leaves? And what’s behind the watering can? How about in back of the flowerpot? Or hidden inside the bush? With the help of large, easy-to-lift flaps, the youngest readers are invited to join a group of adorable babies as they discover the critters that may be found wiggling, crawling, hopping, and purring right in their own backyards.

I have been look up author-illustrator’s Sebastien Braun past work and I have also found that he did “Peekaboo Baby”, which is easily amazing. If you like search and find books, this is a great one to check out for sure. I look forward to future installments in this series and future books from Sebastien as well.  Keep ’em coming!


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Book Reviews “Peppa Pig and the Busy Day at School” & “Peppa Pig and the Muddy Puddles”

Age Range: 2 – 5 years
Hardcover: 32 pages each
Publisher: Candlewick
Release Dates: April 9, 2013 / June 11, 2013

Our Scores: 3.5 out of 5 stars

If you have a kid then you will know Peppa Pig. Well this year we get two new adventures starring the beloved, award-winning U.K. sensation. Both of these latest books are very cute and fun.  The illustration is very easy on the eyes and the stories are very cute. Candlewick has been behind this series and it is consistently fun for kids. My daughter loves Peppa Pig and I am sure that as she grows up she is going to enjoy these books much more.

“Peppa Pig and the Busy Day at School” Official Premise: Peppa is having a busy day at school — learning numbers and letters, painting, making music, and playing outside. Peppa can’t wait for Special Talent time, but her excitement turns to worry when all three of her special talents are chosen by others! Luckily, Peppa can revert to her true specialty: jumping in muddy puddles!

“Peppa Pig and the Muddy Puddles” Official Premise: There’s so much rain! When Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig tuck them into bed, Peppa and her little brother, George, dream of all the puddles there will be to jump in the next day. Little do they know that the rain is turning their house into an island surrounded by water — making for a different kind of adventure for everyone!

If you enjoy the Peppa Pig book series, then I am sure that you will enjoy the animated series as well. In fact if you like “Peppa Pig and the Muddy Puddles”, there is a recent DVD called “Peppa Pig – Muddy Puddles” to enjoy this book animated. I prefer it to the books to be honest.

Book Review “Farm”

Author, Illustrator: James Brown
Board book: 16 pages
Publisher: Candlewick; Brdbk Rep edition
Release Date: April 9, 2013

Our Score: 3.5 out of 5 stars

“Farm” is a simple book for all kids ranging from babies to toddlers. It draws you in with the cute illustrations and fun patterns. My daughter is only 1 and yet she already knows what various animals are including cows, dogs, ducks, etc. I attribute this to book like this “Farm” grabs kids attention and I highly recommend this! Also if you are looking for more be sure to check out the other books in its set “Ocean” and “Zoo”. 

Official Premise: Introduce babies to the animal residents of a farm in a bright, graphic, nearly wordless board book that will grab their attention as it fosters developing visual skills. Each right-hand page features a simple white shape of a pig, sheep, dog, horse, goose, or cow against a vivid background, while the facing page features the same shape in a charming, folk-art-style pattern.

Book Review “Where’s Waldo? The Totally Essential Travel Collection”

Author: Martin Handford
Paperback: 172 pages
Publisher: Candlewick
Release Date: March 12, 2013

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

Who doesn’t love Waldo? This compact compilation features all seven of his renowned excursions in one nice travel collection. Included are: “Where’s Waldo?”, “Where’s Waldo Now?”, “Where’s Waldo? The Fantastic Journey”, “Where’s Waldo? The Wonder Book”, “Where’s Waldo? In Hollywood”, “Where’s Waldo? The Great Picture Hunt!” and “Where’s Waldo? The Incredible Paper Chase”. This book is a must own for any fan of Waldo. In terms of kids, the font is very small so I wouldn’t say under 5 years old.

I can see this book very handy when taking long road trips with the kids. It is compact and each to pop in your page on the way out.  Martin Handford, who is the man behind these Waldo books and these books have never aged. They are still just as fun and entertaining even for the adults. I would love to see new version of Waldo in the future. Candlewick has been the company to keep this series going.

Book Review “I Dare You Not to Yawn”

Author: Helene Boudreau
Illustrator: Serge Bloch
Age Range: 4 – 8 years
Hardcover: 32 pages
Publisher: Candlewick
Release Date: March 12, 2013

Our Score: 2.5 out of 5 stars

The idea of “I Dare You Not to Yawn” is cute but the final product doesn’t really convey that cute feeling.  When I pick up a kids book, I would like to be entertained just as much as the child does because when it comes down to it we read it more than the kids.  Plus also the age range on the book definitely stands true.  This is not a book for kids younger than 4-5 at the youngest. But older kids might get a few giggles out of following the challenges of the book. I just wasn’t taken in with the story and the illustrations.

Official Premise: A yawn can land you in your pj’s and under the covers before you can blink and say “Baa baa black sheep.” So clamp your mouth shut and look away from your sleepy dog, stay away from your cuddly blanket, and whatever you do, don’t think of baby orangutans stretching their long arms out for a snuggly hug. Otherwise, you might find your mouth opening wide and letting out a great big yawny yaaaaaawn — hey, you were supposed hold it in! A hilarious read-aloud that is so much fun, kids will beg for it again and again, whatever the consequences.


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Book Review “Maisy Grows a Garden”, “Maisy Learns to Swim” & “Maisy’s Fairground”

Author: Lucy Cousins
Age Range: 2 – 5 years
Hardcover: 16 / 32 pages
Publisher: Candlewick
Release Date: February 12, 2013 / February 26, 2013

Our Scores: 5 out of 5 stars

If you would like to know “What makes Maisy’s garden grow?” Well, “Maisy Grows a Garden” has the answer for you.  Kids can help Maisy by pulling the tabs and helping Maisy plant and grow a tasty vegetable garden. “Maisy Learns to Swim” exploures Maisy as she is learning to swim. I can see this book becoming very popular with my daughter as she gets a little older, even though she is already our little water bug and never wants to leave the water.

When it comes to the Maisy series, my daughter will surely have every possible book released.  I absolutely love this series and it gets better with each new release.  “Maisy’s Fairground” is a Maisy Pop-up-and-Pla​y Book.  This is a little different from the typical Maisy book and it literally feels like you are at the carnival.  Did I mention that this has a spinning pop-up Ferris wheel? Wow, it is completely amazing and had my daughter screaming “Wow”, as well as her daddy.

I absolutely love this “Maisy” series. They is educational yet still very interactive and entertaining.  I love anything where you need to interact with the book.  My daughter absolutely loves grabbing the tabs and playing with this book (and she is only 1).  Also keeps the parents busy As she grows, I am sure she will continue to enjoy these great books.

Official Premise: Maisy loves to try new things, just like her young fans. This interactive science story invites toddlers and preschoolers to help Maisy dig, sow seeds, water the earth, and weed the garden. Little ones will love seeing the carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, and beans spring from the pages as they take the first steps to develop a green thumb with Maisy and Panda.

“Maisy Learns to Swim” Official Premise: Today Maisy is going swimming for the first time, and she is a little nervous. Good thing Eddie and Tallulah are coming, too. Eddie is a natural, but Maisy and Tallulah get into the pool slowly — ooh, it’s freezing! But soon they are kicking and floating and even blowing bubbles with the rest. Whether water-shy or raring to go, young readers will find much to relate to as Maisy experiences another childhood first.

“Maisy’s Fairground” Official Premise: Come one, come all, and take in the bright colors and excitement of a day at the fair with Maisy and her pals. Just pull a tab or spin a wheel to make the bumper cars bump (bash! crash! ), see the friends having fun on the bouncy castle (up! down! ), or set the roller coaster in motion (screeeeaaammm! ). But nothing compares to the giant, interactive 3D Ferris wheel just waiting to spring to life on the final spread!

Lucy Cousins has become one of my favorite children’s author. She is the creator of the “Maisy” series. “Maisy Grows a Garden” is a Maisy First Science Book and “Maisy Learns to Swim” is a Maisy First Experiences Book.  I am very glad that I happened to come across one of these book a year ago and since then we have about 5-10 books from this series. Keep ’em coming Lucy!

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