Crispin Nathaniel Haskins talks about his book “The JAWSFest Murders”

When first time author Crispin Nathaniel Haskins took pen to paper he combined two of his greatest passions: mysteries and the film “Jaws.” The finished product is the recently released “The JAWSFest Murders.” Haskins took time out while promoting his novel to sit down with Media Mikes.

Mike Smith: When did you come up with the idea for the book?
Crispin Haskins: I have always wanted to be a writer. As far back as I can remember I thought it would be cool. Last August, just before I went to Martha’s Vineyard for JAWSfest, I had a job interview for a sales position at work. I didn’t really want the job but I thought that I needed a change. I decided that if I didn’t get the job, I would use the time that I would have spent in the sales job finally writing my book. I thought of Paul McPhee (Artist), Jim Beller (Author) and Erik Hollander (Filmmaker), friends of mine using “Jaws” as a vehicle for their creative output. It’s the best thing to do. When people are frustrated about their life I have always said, “Follow your heart and the money will follow.” So, I did. Two of my favorite things are “Jaws” and mysteries. That’s how “The JAWSfest Murders” came to be.

MS: The book is very in-depth as to where things are on the Vineyard. Did you have to appeal to any of the islanders to use their places of business in the book?
CH: I didn’t. In fact, I didn’t even tell anyone that I was writing a book until I was about sixty pages into it. It was a very personal thing for me. It still is. As for the in-depth Vineyard descriptions, I am really happy with people saying that they really felt like they were on the island. I am really touched by that. People also say that they can tell that I really love Martha’s Vineyard and that’s true. I guess the two are part and parcel. I had just returned from JAWSfest so it was still fresh in my mind. Any gaps I had, I called friends on the island or used Google Maps. That street view feature was awesome for answering questions in my head like, “What the heck was across the street from the Edgartown bus stop??” I love the Internet. I used the Internet for a lot of my research into the history of the island too.

MS: The book has a lot of inside references to the “Jaws” film series that fans will spot. Was that an intentional tip of the hat to the readers?
CH: Absolutely!! Do you think you got them all Mike? (NOTE: I thought I did but the challenging way he asked me tells me I’m do for a second reading) Some were more obvious than others. When I was writing I thought that I may as well have some fun with it. My immediate audience would be “Jaws” fans so “Jaws” references would be a must. My main character is a fan of the film so he would obviously be thinking about “Jaws” locations as he walked or drove past them but I thought why not take it one step further? Why not put a few in there that ONLY hard core “Jaws” fans would get. Like a secret language
 That was fun.

MS: As a fellow member of the “Jaws” fan community, I found that several of the characters seemed very familiar. Were any of them based possibly on someone you might know with an entertainment web site?
CH: (laughing loudly) Did you see yourself in a character or two? Well, I haven’t divulged all of the character’s identities exactly. Some are a little more obvious than others and some are amalgamations. Some are completely fictitious of course. It is a novel after all! The villainous characters are completely fictitious and one character is named after a friend who asked me to name a character after them.

MS: How has the book been received by readers?
CH: I can’t get over the positive response and reviews on Amazon! The book is selling well and the reviews have been overwhelmingly great. It really means a lot. It’s one thing to write a book but then to put it out there to be pecked by birds is quite another. It was nerve wracking. My worry seems to be for naught though. I’m very thankful for that.

MS: Is there a new book in the works?
CH: There is. Or rather, there are! I am working on two books right now. One is a follow up to “The JAWSfest Murders.” Charles is back on Martha’s Vineyard to visit Chief Laurie Knickles and it’s not long before there is blood in the water again! I’m really enjoying writing this series. The second book is a collection of horror short stories. I love reading short stories so I’m slowly working on putting a collection together. I have no idea how many stories there will be. I’m playing that one by ear. You’ll get the first copy Mike!

Check out our review of “The JAWSFest Murders”, here

To order your copy of “The JAWSFEST Murders” please visit


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Book Review “The JAWSfest Murders (A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery)”

Author: Crispin Nathaniel Haskins
Paperback: 281 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Release date: April 7, 2013

Our Score: 4 out of 5 stars

Summer on Martha’s Vineyard is always hectic. It’s been that way for almost four decades thanks to the island being the home location of the popular film, “Jaws.” This summer is especially busy because the fictional Amity Island is hosting the 2nd JawsFest and thousands of fans of the film are expected. Chief of Police Laurie Knickles is already planning on her staff being stretched. But when an apparent shark attack victim shows up off shore she must rely on an old friend for help.

Smartly written, “The JAWSFest Murders” is a tidy murder mystery that is thoroughly entertaining, even if you’ve never heard of the movie “Jaws.” Our hero, Charles Williams, is a fan of the film who plans to meet up with his fellow “Finatics” to celebrate the film they love. Charles is surprised to find that an old friend is now the top cop on the island. An amateur sleuth himself, Charles is intrigued when the Chief tells him about a body that appears to have been attacked by a shark. The irony that it happened during “JawsFest” is not lost on either of them. Only later do they discover that the victim had been shot prior to being dumped in the drink. The Chief captures Charles’ total attention when the name of the victim is announced: Karl Bass, one of Charles’ on-line “Jaws” pals. The plot intensifies as more fans, and friends, mysteriously die.

Part of the joy of “The JawsFest Murders” is exploring the island of Martha’s Vineyard. Author Haskins is so descriptive of the layout of towns like Oak Bluffs, Vineyard Haven and Edgartown that the book almost reads like a Fodor’s Guide. Like I mentioned, you don’t have to know anything about “Jaws” to enjoy the book. However if, like me, you’re a fan of the film, you can look forward to several inside bits, some that sneak up on you. I was 50 pages in before I realized that the majority of the characters were named after the kids featured in “Jaws” and “Jaws 2.” Haskins doesn’t hit you over the head with “Jaws” but gives readers enough information to make them understand the passion of the fans.

“The JAWSFest Murders” is something the actual 2012 JAWSFest wasn’t – Entertaining!

Check out our interview with Crispin Nathaniel Haskins, here

To order your copy of “The JAWSFEST Murders” please visit

Mike’s Behind the Screen: “JawsFEST: The Tribute”

On a movie scale, if the original 2005 “JawsFEST” was the fan equivalent of “Jaws” then the recent “JawsFEST: The Tribute” was more like “Jaws: The Revenge!”

I took some time off between the end of the Fest and writing this because I wanted to make sure that other fans shared some of my feelings about the event.  Some did.  Some didn’t.  Some were pleased.  Some were pissed.  Some were downright angry.    The quotes that I include in this piece are real.  And before I list the Top 5 Reasons “JawsFEST: The Tribute” was not well received I want to point out that this is not an indictment of the people behind the event.  They did what they could with what they had.  In my opinion (and a majority of those I spoke with) there just weren’t enough hands to go around.  There was some fan input (mine included) but a lot of things were either dismissed at the beginning or fell off during the planning stages.  The people in charge were nothing but great to deal with, both as a fan and as a member of the media.  I was proud to have some of my memorabilia on display and even prouder to host one of the “Location Bus Tours.”  That being said, here we go:

  1.  EXPENSIVE! (Part One)

If you’ve ever been to Martha’s Vineyard you know things are just a little bit more expensive than elsewhere.   Never is that statement truer than during the month of August, the busiest (and most expensive) time of the season.  Like the fictional town of Amity, the island needs summer dollars.  The same hotel where I’ve stayed in early June for $145.00 a night was renting for $450.00 a night during the Fest.  My wife and I were lucky to have found a nice 1BR studio to rent for the time we were there, averaging $225 a night.  A little more than what we were used to but it had a kitchen where we could make breakfast before we headed out for our day.  Even still, we spent almost as much on food as our airfare from Kansas City and back cost.  Lunch and dinner routinely came to $30-35.00, including tip.  And this was for what I would call “simple” food:  sandwiches and such.  We did have one “nice” meal which came to about $100 with tip but if you can’t splurge on a romantic dinner while overlooking the water on Martha’s Vineyard when can you?

  1.  EXPENSIVE (Part Two)

From the $295.00 VIP bracelets to the $20.00 programs, it seemed that every time you turned around you were opening your wallet.  Let me be up front here and inform the reader that because of my assistance with the Fest, the fact that I was also there as a member of the media and that I had actually won a free general admission for winning a contest describing my best original 2005 “JawsFest” memory, neither myself or my wife had to pay for our bracelets.  Those that did were disappointed to find that not everyone was checking them.  “I feel so bad for people who paid for the gold bracelets,” said one fan.  “People with red bracelets got into things meant for gold bracelets, people with no bracelets got into things meant for people with bracelets period. Things were sold at outrageous prices and then just handed out for free on the same day.  I’m pretty sure my $50 red bracelet wasn’t worth the free keychain (that wasn’t even like…given to us… we had to go find them) and the foam fin hat that Discovery channel pushed at us.”    Said another, “gold bracelets basically got nothing for their money.  I had an absolutely amazing time but it had nothing to do with “JawsFest.”  If anything, it was in spite of it. The screening was a disaster.   I can’t imagine people that paid $75 for the kayak to the movie + gold bracelet and they had to leave because the movie was bounced. Just seems like everything was very disorganized and very poorly laid out. You want to say ‘Well it was a labor of love, they did what they could.’  Then you realize people were dropping hundreds of dollars on bracelets and then the sympathy goes out the window.  It’s not hard.   Clearly define what you get for the bracelets and then make sure people get it.  One worker said gold (bracelets) got free bags.  Other worker said they didn’t but got a special bag.  A third worker said the special bags were for special bracelets above gold.  No one had a clue what you got and the answer was really nothing.  Red bracelets got a free key chain bottle opener that can’t open bottles.  That’s it.  $50 for a $1 key chain? You could say they got to see the movie in the park but IT WAS IN THE PARK and I was sitting next to people without bracelets.”

In my opinion, the Fest was a cash grab.  Autographs were $20.00 each.  They were free at the 2005 JawsFEST.  Having done many celebrity events in my lifetime I’ve always tried to include the guests signing fee in their appearance fee.  Maybe limit autographs to (2) per person per guest so as not to take advantage.  I have no problem with the celebrity guests charging for their autographs.  For some of them that is how they make their living and I certainly don’t fault them.  For a brief time they were charging $10.00 for admission to the memorabilia display, even though it was advertised as free.  . One woman told me, “the red bracelet got me nothing but $50.00 lighter
it almost seemed like it cost money to breathe the air!”  One of the main problems I saw was that “JawsFEST: The Tribute” was NOT sponsored by the Martha’s Vineyard Chamber of Commerce as 2005’s event was.  It was put on by a private promotional company and the goal in putting on an event is to make money.

One of the questions I’ve been asked constantly is “where did the money go?”  I really don’t know.  I know that money put in the donation cans is earmarked for the SHARK SAVERS organization and that money will continue to be raised into September.  I’ve sent out a couple of emails but haven’t heard if any of the proceeds from the sale of bracelets, T-shirts, etc was going to anything but to offset the cost of the event.  Perhaps if there is a profit some of that money will go to SHARK SAVERS.


Another complaint registered by many of the fans who had attended the 2005 event was that Edgartown looked exactly like
Edgartown!  Unlike the original Fest, the sign on the city hall still read “Edgartown,” there were no welcoming banners (Amity Island Welcomes You) and several of the businesses that still had their “Amity” business signs neglected to hang them.


Though a final confirmed guest list was posted on line in early June, several earlier promoted appearances never occurred, including Brenda Scheider (widow of Roy) and Virginia Shaw (widow of Robert) and their children.  As I was working on a charity event in Roy Scheider’s memory and had wanted Brenda’s input I was informed that she would not be attending.  But even though these family members were originally listed as attending nothing was posted to say they wouldn’t be.  In fact, if I hadn’t overheard “The Shark is Still Working” director Erik Hollander speaking with her I never would have known that Mr. Shaw’s sister, Joanna, was in attendance.  She was included on the V.I.P. list but it was virtually unknown to “Jaws” fans that she was indeed there.  One fan had hoped to share a tragic coincidence with Brenda Scheider.  Sadly, her father had not only passed away from the same cancer that took Roy Scheider from us all too early, he had been under the care of the same physician and passed away in the same hospital as Roy had.   Tragic, yes, but a tragedy that had touched both of them similarly and one she’d hoped to share.


What happened to “the Tribute” part of “JawsFEST:  The Tribute?”  Fans were promised a “multi-media tribute to Peter Benchley, Roy Scheider and Robert Shaw.”  Due to my past relationship and association with Roy Scheider I had asked to be a part of whatever tribute was being prepared for him.  My understanding was that “the Tribute” was to be presented prior to the outdoor screening of “Jaws.”  The original screening planned for Saturday evening was moved inside the Old Whaling Church due to the threat of rain that evening.  It was re-scheduled for Sunday evening at the park in Oaks Bluff.    Again, from a fan, “there were two guys playing some weird instruments and a poet laureate from the island read a poem about sharks and Wendy Benchley spoke for two minutes. No “tribute” whatsoever.”  Another asked, “(you mean) they couldn’t find some college kid to ‘intern’ and edit together some sort of tribute montage of people who had passed away?”  And a final comment on the screening pretty much summed up the event in total:  “A large group of obnoxious full grown adult men and women were sitting WITH NO RED BRACELETS AT ALL next to us at the film screening. When they were asked to leave the VIP area by the soccer mom security JawsFest 2012 representative, they basically started yelling at her that (and I quote verbatim) “We ain’t goin’ no place!” So what did the JawsFest 2012 rep do? She GAVE them (for FREE) a handful of red bracelets (that I had to pay $50 each for) and told them to “just flash these if anyone else asks to see your bracelets”.  We literally sat there and witnessed this first hand. If that wasn’t a kick in the balls to those of us who played by the rules and trusted that the event planners had this all under control, I don’t know what was.  If it matters to anyone, the woman who gave away the red bracelets (that we had to pay $100 for) was walking around the film screening wearing the JAWSFEST 2012 banner over her shoulders like it was James Brown’s cape. She was also the person I heard yell to the angry fans who DID pay to sit in that area that “Hey, I told them (the non-payers) to leave. What more do you want? Call the police if you want to.” This was the level of professionalism our hard-earned dollars got us. It was essentially an “Amateur Night at the Apollo” free-for-all and we (the fans who actually paid) were footing the bill.”


On the positive side, many of us who have been “Jaws” friends for years got to spend time with each other.  Old friendships were rekindled and new ones fostered.  Which makes sense because Amity, as you know, means friendship.  I was able to put a face to so many people I had only known via the computer and I began new friendships that I hope will last forever.

So where do we go from here?

2015 will mark the 40th anniversary of the release of “Jaws.”  This gives the powers that be, if they are so inclined, to start planning.  One of my friends on the island stated that the original “JawsFest” had “caught lightning in a bottle.”  And he was right.  Everything fell together perfectly.  Maybe it was because the people in charge weren’t planning on a huge turnout.  My understanding is that they had hoped 500 fans would show up, not the 3,000 plus who came from literally all over the world.  And I mean ALL OVER THE WORLD.  I shared a house with fans who had traveled from New Hampshire, California, Kansas, Great Britain and Australia!  Many of us have held our own “Fests” since the first “JawsFest.”  50 of us spent a week at Camp Amity for the exciting “NOFest” of 2006.”  A Tom (“Smallville”) Welling sighting was one of the highlights of RestFest in 2007.”  Even as I write this many fans are already talking about getting together unofficially next year in Amity.  Should the island undertake another “Official ‘Jaws’” event, I’m hoping the Chamber of Commerce will not only be involved but will invite some fans to help plan some of the events.  And hopefully it will be in June, the month the film originally opened and when the rates are a little more reasonable.  It will give us a chance to not only celebrate our favorite film but to celebrate our friendships.  Which is really what “JawsFEST” should be about.

JawsFest: The Tribute ends with a bang!

JawsFest: the Tribute, the second official “Jaws” event to be held on Martha’s Vineyard, ended in high style when the new and improved Blu-ray version of the film was premiered under the start with an outdoor screening at Ocean Park in Oak Bluffs on Sunday night. The outdoor screening had been scheduled for the night before but the threat of rain moved the screening to the Old Whaling Church in Edgartown. It was my pleasure to sit behind Lee Fiero (Mrs. Kintner) during the screening. Each time she appeared on screen the audience would break into wild applause, causing her to break into a big smile. To continue the tradition started at the first JawsFest, our group of fans at the screening went “Rocky Horror” during the film. During the scene where Chief Brody admonishes his son for sitting in his new boat, we all yelled, “Get out of that boat!” in unison.

The past few days have been a whirlwind of activities. On Friday, I visited Menemsha for an exclusive lunch interview with Jeffrey Kramer (Deputy Hendricks) and Susan Backlinie (Chrissie). That the interview was held directly next to the vacant lot that used to house Qunit’s shack made the time together perfect. Friday was also spent walking around Edgartown and being greeted by Media Mikes fans. For those of you that took the time to say hello I want to say thank you for your comments. This site is a labor of love for those of us who write for it and it’s your appreciation of our work that make what we do possible. On Saturday I had the great opportunity to interview Michael MacCormack, a co-producer and the composer of the soundtrack for the fan documentary “The Shark is Still Working.” I also spent a few moments with former Media Mikes interviewees Joe Alves, Carl Gottlieb and Greg Nicotero. Later in the day I met with author Tom Dunlop, best known in the “Jaws” world as having appeared as one of the teenagers in “Jaws 2.” I’m currently reading Tom’s new book for review and will be interviewing him shortly about his career, both on screen and off. Saturday ended with the exclusive screening of “Jaws” on Blu-ray and then a night out in Oak Bluffs with many of our “Jaws” friends.

Sunday morning came early as I was asked by the organizers of the Fest to host a “Jaws” location bus touraround the island. The tour was sold out and the people on board had plenty of questions. They also got an extra thrill when, after arriving at the South Beach location where the film’s opening scenes were filmed, we ran into Erik Hollander, director of “The Shark is Still Working.” Erik very kindly agreed to address the group for a few minutes, even showing the group where the film’s director, Steven Spielberg, had set up his cameras to capture the scene.

After the tour I stopped by the art exhibit of Paul McPhee, who has produced some beautiful items for this years festivities. McPhee is responsible for not only the official Festival poster but also sculpted the shark heads which were featured on the “Shark Preservation” barrels which were available across the island. Also featured were several of McPhee’s original “Jaws” inspired paintings. Another artist well represented was Bill Wieger, who did a beautiful sculpture of the Big Three!


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2012 JawsFEST Kicks off on Martha’s Vineyard

JAWS fans from around the world descended upon Martha Vineyard (aka “Amity Island”) to kick start JAWSFEST: The Tribute on Thursday, August 9, 2012. The annual, four-day, fan-driven event takes place August 9-12, 2012, to celebrate the legacy of Steven Spielberg’s film and how it has impacted the lives of those who came to Amity in 1974. The tribute event also pays homage to the men and women of JAWS who have passed with a special focus on Peter Benchley, Roy Scheider and Robert Shaw.

The event coincides withUniversal Studios’ 100th Anniversary celebration and the August 14th release of JAWS on Blu-rayTM. Featuring an all-new, digitally remastered and fully restored picture, as well as 7.1 surround sound, the JAWS Blu-rayTM includes over 4 hours of bonus features including an all-new documentary “The Shark is Still Working.”

Check out a clip from JAWSFEST:


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MediaMikes helps usher in JawsFEST: The Tribute

9:00 a.m. came early on the island of Martha’s Vineyard this morning. But that didn’t stop Dave Picton and I from covering the opening ceremonies of “JawsFEST:The Tribute,” a salute to the film “Jaws,” which was filmed here in 1974.

The day began with a mob of people assembled in front of the Old Whaling Church in Edgartown, waiting for their chance to purchase their admission bracelets. As the purchases began a buzz went through the gathering as an old-style fire truck approached, transporting many of the special guests that the masses had come to see. Among those on the truck: Production Designer Joe Alves, co-screenwriter and co-star Carl Gottlieb, co-stars Jeffrey Kramer and Susan Backlinie and Hollywood make up master (and Media Mikes pal) Greg Nicotero. My day got off to a great start. A special batch of Media Mike’s t-shirts had been printed for the event and the first recipient was Wendy Benchley, whose late husband, Peter, had written the original “Jaws” novel. Several people in the crowd were Media Mikes fans and clamored for the shirts. Thanks to everyone there, especially those of you that complemented our site. Several of us with media credentials were allowed an early peek at what is sure to be one of the event’s most popular attractions, a display of memorabilia entitled “Behind the Screams.” Inside fans will be greeted with various items detailing the making of the film. I’m happy to say that several items from my own collection are prominently featured and I couldn’t be prouder. But what fans are going to fall in love with is a group of lifelike character sculptures of Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw and Richard Dreyfuss greeting them from the transom of the ORCA. The sculptures are the work of Greg Nicotero, who had built a full size mock up of the mechanical shark’s head for the first JawsFEST in 2005. These sculptures are truly works of art and are so realistic and lifelike that many fans found themselves doing double takes.

One of the highlights of my day came when I had the opportunity to meet and chat with Ms. Virginia Shaw, whose late brother Robert played Quint in the film. I also had the chance to talk with Erik Hollander, director of the fan driven “Jaws” documentary “The Shark is Still Working,” which will finally be released next week when it is included on the upcoming “Jaws” Blu-ray DVD.

As the day went on, fans spent their time touring the exhibit, attending a book signing with Matt Taylor, Jim Beller and artist Paul McPhee, who collaborated on last year’s award winning book, “Jaws: Memories from Martha’s Vineyard.” They also took a (2) hour bus tour around the island visiting various locations where the movie was filmed. There are three more tours planned for the rest of the event. Friday’s tour will be hosted by Lou and Yana Pisano, whose “JawsFest” film series is popular among fans. I’m very proud to say that I will be hosting Sunday’s bus tour. For tickets visit


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Win Tickets for Martha Vineyard’s “JawsFEST: The Tribute” [ENDED]


Da-dum.  Can you hear it? Da-dum, Da-dum   It’s getting closer!  DA-DUM, DA-DUM, DA-DUM!

“IT” is the upcoming “JawsFEST: The Tribute,” which in less than two weeks will be taking over the island of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts from August 9 through August 12.  MediaMikes’ Mike Smith and Dave Picton will be there from beginning to end to bring you non-stop coverage of all of the exciting events.  And they want to take two lucky readers with them!

That’s right.  Thanks to the fine people behind “JawsFEST: The Tribute,” is giving away two (2) General Admission bracelets to get you into the greatest celebration of all things “Jaws.”  Winners will have access to the opening ceremonies, a chance to tour the “Behind the Screams” display of photographs and memorabilia from the filming of the movie, an afternoon of fun activities at “Shark in the Park,” the opportunity to see “Jaws” on the big screen at Ocean Park and much, much more.   Also included will be special tributes to author Peter Benchley and stars Roy Scheider and Robert Shaw

For the opportunity to win one of these bracelets, just do the following:

“LIKE” our Facebook Page. Once there, in three sentences or less, tell us who your favorite “Jaws” character is and why.  If you’re already a Facebook friend, just visit our page and let us know your favorite “Jaws” character.

This contest is open until 12:00 a.m. (Midnight) Sunday, August 5, 2012.  Winners will be notified no later than noon (12:00 p.m.) on Monday, August 6, 2012.

This contest prize only consists of General Admission Bracelets to “JawsFEST: The The Tribute.”  Please note, it is the winner’s responsibility for travel and hotel accommodations.

For more information on “JawsFEST: The Tribute,” please go to

JAWSFest: The Tribute General Access Bracelets Now on Sale!

For fans planning to attend the upcoming JAWSFest: The Tribute on Martha’s Vineyard this coming August, General Access Bracelets are now on sale.  The current “early bird” cost is $45.00 for adults and $35.00 for youth (ages 13-18).  Children under 13 will not require a bracelet to attend General Access events.  On June 1st the prices raise to $75.00 and $50.00 respectively.

The General Access Bracelets INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING:

OPENING CEREMONY: Bracelet Holder Access to JAWSFEST opening ceremony on the front steps of the Old Whaling Church with VIP’s and special guests.

BEHIND THE SCREAMS: A museum-quality display of private collections of JAWS photographs and memorabilia from the filming, including items from the private collection of Robert Shaw and other never before seen items.

SHARK IN THE PARK: Join the fun at our Shark in the Park fan and family reception where VIPs, family and crew will join with fans and the MV Sharks baseball team for collegiate baseball, family games, autographs, and more. Followed by ‘The Making of JAWS’ presented by Jeffrey Kramer, Joe Alves & Carl Gottlieb.

SHARKS, ARTS & CONSERVATION: This 2-day “event within an event” includes the opportunity to meet with globally recognized shark experts including Dr. Greg Skomal and members of Discovery Channel Shark Week. Leading conservation organizations, including Shark Savers, join with Wendy Benchley and conservationists from around the country, to teach us about sharks in our oceans today. Artists, who share a love and appreciation for the beauty and importance of sharks, display their work and share stories of inspiration. Based in Oak Bluffs, Sharks Arts & Conservation will include interactive displays, exhibits, educational videos, science demonstrations, kids’ activities and much more.

THE TRIBUTE & JAWS ON THE BIG SCREEN AT OCEAN PARK: Our grand-finale on beautiful Ocean Park, Oak Bluffs, with very special intros and our full roster of VIP’s present. General Admission bracelet holders will have a forward reserved area in the park (behind VIP bracelet holders, sponsors and cast & crew).

Tickets are on sale now at
This link takes you directly to the GA Bracelets

JawsFest: The Tribute Announces First VIP Guests

JawsFest: The Tribute, the second official “Jaws” celebration scheduled for this August on Martha’s Vineyard, announced it’s first list of celebrity attendees.  Scheduled to appear at the celebration:

Wendy Benchley, widow of “Jaws” author Peter Benchley

Brenda Siemer Scheider, widow of “Jaws” star Roy Scheider (Chief Martin Brody)

Virginia Shaw and the Shaw Family, widow and children of “Jaws” star Robert Shaw (Quint)

Carl Gottlieb, co-star and co-screenwriter of the film.  Mr. Gottlieb is also the author of the popular book, “The “Jaws” Log”

Susan Backlinie, who played Chrissie Watkins, the sharks first victim.

Greg Skomal, Marine Biologist best known as the “Shark Guy” on the Discovery Channel

Greg Nicotero, award winning Hollywood make up and special effects artist.

Edith Blake, local journalist/photographer and author of “On Location on Martha’s Vineyard: The Making of the Movie ‘Jaws'”

Susan and Lynn Murphy, whose work behind the scenes during the filming of “Jaws” was invaluable.

MediaMikes writers Mike Smith and Dave Picton will be covering the event from beginning to end with up to date reports and exclusive interviews with those in attendance.

Also this week Universal Studios announced that, in conjunction with the studios 100th Anniversary, they will be restoring thirteen classic films for possible theatrical re-release, including “Jaws.”  Other films scheduled for restoration include “All Quiet on The Western Front,” “The Sting,” “Out of Africa,” “Frankenstein,” and “Schindler’s List.”  The studio announced late last year that “Jaws” would be released on Blu-Ray this coming August, hopefully to coincide with JawsFest.”

JawsFest: The Tribute will be held on Martha’s Vineyard from August 9-12, 2012. For more information go to

JAWSFEST Tribute Event Hits Martha’s Vineyard August 2012


October 26, 2011. Martha’s Vineyard, MA – In 2005, thousands of fans of the Universal Studios’ movie JAWS flocked to the island of Martha’s Vineyard to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the blockbuster movie at JAWSFEST ‘05. Since the day the inaugural event ended, fans have been clamoring for more. In August 2012, JAWS fans will get what they’ve been asking for at JAWSFEST: The Tribute. An event in the making for nearly seven years, JAWSFEST: The Tribute will honor the talent, dedication and determination of the men and women behind the making of JAWS and celebrate how Steven Spielberg’s telling of Peter Benchley’s story has forever made Martha’s Vineyard ‘Amity Island.’

For the first JAWSFEST, fans traveled from as far as Australia for the event and media outlets from around the world flocked to the island to cover the festivities. “Our 2005 event was incredibly successful and had a much greater reach than we ever anticipated with fans showing up en masse from around the world—many in character,” said Susan Sigel Goldsmith, event co?director from 2005 and producer of the 2012 event. “As JAWS continues to entertain new generations of audiences around the world, we’re thrilled to give fans a unique event experience in Martha’s Vineyard that they will never forget.”

JAWSFEST: The Tribute will take place August 9?11, 2012 and will explore how the making of JAWS impacted the lives of those who came to Amity in 1974 and how the blockbuster film they created continues to impact fans and the island of Martha’s Vineyard. Preliminary event plans include:

  • LIVING JAWS: A series of lively and engaging discussions with cast, families, crew and locals on the making of JAWS, including how the film has impacted lives and families in the 1970’s and beyond.
  • JAWS TRIBUTE: A multimedia tribute to Peter Benchley, Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw and members of cast and crew who have passed.
  • JAWS: MEMORIES FROM MARTHA’S VINEYARD: Presentations from Matt Taylor, author of the exceptional new book and many Island locals whose expertise and resourcefulness ultimately made the filming possible.
  • BEHIND THE SCREAMS: A museum?quality display of private collections of JAWS photographs and memorabilia from the filming.
  • IN THE SCENE: Live re?enactments from some favorite JAWS scenes—in some unexpected locations.
  • AMITY ADVENTURE: JAWSFESTTM TREASURE HUNT: Attendees will test their knowledge of the film as they explore Amity, collect items from the treasure hunt and return completed kits for great prizes.
  •  SHARK IN THE PARK: An all?American afternoon of fun and surprises in collaboration with the MV Sharks baseball team.
  • JAWS ON THE BIG SCREEN: Outdoor screening of JAWS under the stars and on the big screen.“This is an event that JAWS fans from around the world have been eagerly anticipating—they are going to be ecstatic when they hear that there will finally be another JAWSFEST on Martha’s Vineyard,” said Jim Beller, owner of the website. “I know for a fact that fellow fans from around the world that couldn’t make it in 2005 are going to be coming to Martha’s Vineyard this time around.”

    “The Martha’s Vineyard Chamber of Commerce is delighted to support JAWSFESTTM: The Tribute in August 2012. We look forward to welcoming JAWS fans from throughout the world to explore ‘Amity’ and all that the Vineyard has to offer,” said Nancy Gardella, MV Chamber of Commerce Executive Director.

    Event planning is underway. For event updates or travel information, please visit The event schedule will be posted when attendance confirmations are received from invited participants.