Blu-ray Review “Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax”

Directed by: Chris Renaud, Kyle Balda
Starring: Danny DeVito, Zac Efron, Taylor Swift, Ed Helms, Rob Riggle, Betty White, Jenny Slate
Distributed by: Universal Pictures
Release Date: August 7, 2012
MPAA Rating: PG
Running Time: 87 minutes

Film: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Extras: 3.5 out of 5 stars

Dr. Seuss has had a bumpy road on the big screen over the years. I really enjoyed “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” with Jim Carrey. Though Mike Myers’ turn as “The Cat in the Hat” was barely watchable. Similar to this film, “Horton Hears a Who” was full CGI and was decent but nothing special. “The Lorax” on the other hand is very enjoyable and perfect for kids to enjoy. I originally screened the film in theaters in 3D and I really did enjoy that experience, though watching it on 2D on Blu-ray was still a decent. I thought that this film looks “pretty” in theaters but damn…does it look even better on Blu-ray.

The voice cast is also very impressive. Danny DeVito seems absolutely perfect for the role of The Lorax and easily nails it. Zac Efron and Taylor Swift will both be a big draw to the film with the tweens. Ed Helms is basically the main character besides The Lorax or at least for the first half and he is fun but also easily unlikable. Rob Riggle plays a great baddie and get a lot of laughs.

The 1080p transfer really shines well and I don’t know how but looks so much better than my theatrical experience. Universal delivers a near-perfect video presentation within its original aspect ratio of 1:85.1. The colors were extremely sharp and just overall very pleasant to look at. The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 audio track is also very impressive with the score and just overall fun. Easily one of the best audio tracks, I have experiences this entire year! This release also comes in a Blu-ray combo pack covering all plays you can watch this film. It comes with a Blu-ray disc, a DVD disc, a digital copy disc and also an Ultraviolet digital streaming copy. Can’t ask for me in that department.

The special features are impressive as well like the film. The directors, Chris Renaud and Kyle Balda deliver one-hell of an extensive audio commentary, definitely won’t keep kids interest though and definitely for the adults. There are three new mini-movies, including “Wagon Ho!”, “Forces of Nature” and “Serenade”. “Making of Mini-Movies” looks behind the scenes on these three shorts. There is one short single extended scene, nothing special here. “O-Hare TV” is the ability to watch “The Lorax” with commercial interruptions advertising O’Hare products. I think this is really cute and fun feature. “Expedition of Truffula Valley” is an interactive tour of Thneedville and the Valley. “Seuss to Screen” is a very short, actually too short look at adapting “The Lorax” from the book to the big screen. There are three kids games called “Once-ler’s Wagon,” “Get Out of Town” and “Truffula Run.” They are all very cute. Lastly there is a sing-along for the song “Let it Grow”.

“The Lorax” Helps Celebrate Read Across America 2012

March 2, 2012 – The New York Public Library was filled with Truffala trees this morning in celebration of the kickoff of Read Across America 2012 and the release of The Lorax on Dr. Seuss’ 108th Birthday.

Three hundred NYC public school children, dressed in bright orange Lorax shirts and his trademark yellow mustache, were treated to a reading of the original Dr. Seuss classic by the film’s stars Danny DeVito and Zac Efron at the event hosted by the National Education Association (NEA).

Since 1998, Read Across America has motivated kids of all ages to continue reading every day as research shows those children who do so wind up becoming better students at school. DeVito, who plays the Lorax himself, spoke at the event about the importance of reading at home, “We should encourage youngsters and their parents, and their aunts, their uncles, grandfathers, to read to them. And let them read to you. It’s a really great way to broaden your horizons and it’s a stepping stone to a better life.”

In addition to a reading of The Lorax, the audience got a sneak peak at the film which opened today. In it Efron plays Ted, a 12-year old boy who sets out to impress his dream girl Audrey (played by Taylor Swift) by finding her a real live tree. There are no more where they live, and in flashbacks we learn of the Lorax who had fought to save them. DeVito recalled another one of his movies when talking about the story’s positive environmental message: “I did a movie called Death to Smoochy and Smoochy was a very big environmentalist and he used to say when they were commercializing him, ‘You can’t save the world,’ one person can’t save the world, ‘but you could make a dent!’ You know? You can really start it. So one boy or girl or adult or anybody who just clicks in and thinks, ‘I can make a difference, I can shut the lights in the house, I can plant seeds, nurture the garden. I could take care of other people…’ You take from the Earth, you take from each other, but you give back. It’s a two way street.”

The curious students at the library were also given the chance to ask questions of the two cheerful actors, such as:

Third Grader: How do you make the characters look so real?
DeVito: Okay, well the first thing we do is we read the script. Zac and I read the script…and we perform in front of a video camera the way we read the lines.
Zac Efron: Then they take all the crazy things that he does when he reads his lines–
DeVito: And he does!
Efron: He gets really crazy when he reads his lines.
DeVito: And then they use those to draw with the computer and they try to capture the movements of the actors in the movie, so it looks real.

Third Grader: How do you think Dr. Seuss came up with The Lorax?
DeVito: Well I think that Dr Seuss wrote this book forty years ago and it’s still current and going on today because he probably–I’m just guessing now–he probably was looking around at what was going on in the world and saying a lot of people are doing certain things like taking the rain forests down and wasting things…and what he was looking for was a champion. The trees can’t speak, they have no voice, so he was looking for somebody to be the speaker for the trees and a champion for the trees…I think that’s where it all comes from, The Lorax. And then he just figured it couldn’t be a Lorax going out speaking for the trees, but it needs to be a human being…who cares enough for the trees.

Third Grader: Why is the Lorax so hairy?
Devito: Well the thing about it, in the forest even though it looks like it’s always summer, sometimes it gets a little cold. And that’s why he has the mustache and all the fur on. He also does live down underground, under that stump, so it’s pretty chilly at night down there. Especially when he’s eating, he likes to keep his mouth warm!

At the conclusion of the event, all of the students recited the NEA’s Read Across America Pledge and the costumed Lorax character joined NYC’s PS 22 chorus in performing the song “Let it Grow.”

You can read more about Read Across America, including the NEA’s Lorax Student Earth Day, at their website:

All article photos by Mike Sonesen

Film Review “Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax”

Directed by: Chris Renaud, Kyle Balda
Starring: Danny DeVito, Zac Efron, Taylor Swift, Ed Helms, Rob Riggle, Betty White, Jenny Slate
Distributed by: Universal Pictures
MPAA Rating: PG
Running time: 95 minutes

Our Score: 3.5 out of 5 stars

Dr. Seuss has had a bumpy road on the big screen over the years. I really enjoyed “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” with Jim Carrey. Though Mike Myers’ turn as “The Cat in the Hat” was barely watchable. Similar to this film, “Horton Hears a Who” was full CGI and was decent but nothing special. “The Lorax” on the other hand is very enjoyable and perfect for kids to enjoy. I screened the film in 3D and I really did enjoy that experience. It wasn’t overbearing but did add a lot of depth to the film. It is also one “pretty” film, very colorful and vibrant. Overall great family fun and impressive 3D.

The plot definitely aims to deliver a real environmental message but still makes it fun to watch. We follow Ted (Efron), a 12-year-old young boy, who sets out try and win the love of Audrey (Swift) by fulfilling her wish to see a real tree. The city they live in is called “Thneed-Ville”, which does not have any real trees and only artificial. While trying to find a tree for Audrey, Ted meets Once-ler (Helms) who tells him the story of the Lorax. Through the stories we find out what happened to the trees and if there is still hope for this city.

The voice cast is also very impressive. Danny DeVito seems absolutely perfect for the role of The Lorax and easily nails it. Zac Efron and Taylor Swift will both be a big draw to the film with the tweens. Ed Helms is basically the main character besides The Lorax or at least for the first half and he is fun but also easily unlikable. Rob Riggle plays a great baddie and get a lot of laughs.

My main issue with the film is that it has quite a down period where its tone get a little dark.  I understand its purpose due to the film’s message.  Otherwise, it is fun and entertaining throughout. Illumination Entertainment is really showing their muscles and off to a decent start. “Despicable Me” was one of the best films of 2010 and even though “Hop” was a terror to watch, it made money. I am really looking forward to their next film “Despicable Me 2” next summer.


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