The Firefly 2 – If Q Made a Vaporizer, This Would Be It


Quitting your highly paid Silicon Valley job as a software developer for Apple might seem like insanity. But that’s just what Matt Williams did. Along with his partner, Sasha Robinson, who also packed in a highly-paid Silicon Valley tech job, Williams set out to change the vaping industry.

A High-End Sleek Design

They resolved to build a better vaporizer. Some would even call it the “Q” of vaporizers, after the James Bond tech geek who supplied the British super spy with all his gadgets. They wanted to do for smoking what MP3 players did for music.

They wanted to create a sleek, aesthetically sensual device that would fit in the palm of someone’s hand. There were all sorts of problems to solve: most importantly how to create an oven that would heat to 400 degrees without exploding in the user’s face.

By tinkering in Robinson’s basement with different materials for coils and power sources, the concept of the Firefly was born. And it was wildly successful. Released in 2014, it was soon on back order for 5,000 units.

Williams and Robinson, like many entrepreneurial inventors, didn’t rest on the laurels of the Firefly 1. They aimed to create a lighter, sleeker, and faster model than its predecessor. They also wanted this upgrade to handle cartridges of concentrates.

Their efforts gave birth to the Firefly 2.

Is Firefly 2 Worth the Price?

Many would balk at the $329.95 price tag, but that would be a mistake. The Firefly 2 is wholly worth the price. Once you delve into the features that the Firefly 2 packs, the price is oh-so-worth-it.

The Firefly 2 just might be the future of portable dry herb and concentrate vaporizers. The features that come with this handy little gadget are nothing to be sniffed at, even if you are a novice to vaporizing your herb.

Less than half the weight and 1/3 smaller than its predecessor this vape fits easily into a back pocket. Better yet, it heats in seconds, all while delivering consistent vapor quality. More importantly, it works via convection heating, which some argue is better than conductive heating. Proponents of convection heating say it results in a purer, better tasting inhale.

Explore The Firefly 2 Smart Features

The model charges in as little as 45 minutes. It also comes with 2 batteries, so you never have to worry about running out of power as long as you keep at least one charged. If you do need a recharge, a handy 3.0 USB cable that comes with the charging cradle can connect to any cell phone or tablet charger. Battery life is phenomenal as well.

Available for both iOS and Android phones, the optional (and free) Firefly app puts you in charge of the temperature. It allows you to choose from 6 preset heating profiles, depending on your preference and what you’re vaping. Several temperature settings are available. All are easily configured via your phone and the app and by pressing the side buttons. The app also provides a convenient way to get tech support when needed.

Need that hit and need it now for pain relief, frazzled nerves, or just to relax? No need to worry with the Firefly 2. It can heat up to 400 degrees in 5 seconds. Your preferred herb or concentrate only heats when you inhale, so there is no waste.

Even considering the $330 price tag, the Firefly 2 is well worth the price. Sleek, efficient, and providing quality vapor, it is sure to be on many a vaper’s wish list.


Michael is a marketing and creative content specialist at with primary focus on customer satisfaction. Technology and fitness combined healthy lifestyle obsession are his main talking points


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