Magazine Review “Full Moon Presents: Delirium” Issue #1

delirium“Full Moon Presents: Delirium”
Issue: #1
Genre: Horror
Publisher: Charles Band
Pages: 50

Our Score: 3.5 out of 5 stars

Charles Band…this guy is a legend. He has not only been making the movies that he wants to make for the last 30 years but now he is also being a magazine publisher. You really got to give it to this guy for non-stop work in order to deliver to the large appetite of this fans. Flashback to early 1990-1991, I remember I used to walk up and down the horror section in the local mom and pop video store, Royal Video in Long Island, NY, looking for killer horror titles. I found myself in front of “Re-Animator” and my life was changed. Fast forward many years, I have a copy of issue #1 of Charles Band’s hororr magazine, “Full Moon Presents: Delirium”, in my hands and I am transported back to that aisle in the video store. Thanks Charles! You the man! All I have to ask is when is issue #2 coming out?

Inside this beautiful magazine is filled with everything Full Moon and horror from Blu-ray advertisements to convention promotions. There are some great featured interviews including a nice focus on one of my favorites “Re-Animator”. There is a Q&A with Stuart Gordon about his beloved horror cult classic. The gorgeous Barbara Crampton chimes in about her titilating role in “Re-Animator”. Of course the man that ties it all together, composer Richard Band talks about the music for “Re-Animator”. There are also interviews on newer projects including Douglas Aarniokoski talking about directing “Nurse 3D” and his start at Full Moon and also Olivia Alexander talking about her role in Full Moon’s “Killer Eye 2”. Lastly there is a great feature “Red, White and Blue Underground” which has Full Moon taking a look at the company’s amazing titles.

Besides features, there are some other great columns included. The issue kicks off with “Delirious Words” which is love letter to Band’s Full Moon from the editor. “Full Moon Rising” takes a look into the ganja versions of classic films “Trophy Heads” and “Head of the Family”. “Bring me the Head of Stuart Gordon” has the director talking about his adventures in filmmaking. “Wizard Studios” is an amazing piece on the newly revival of the microbudget imprint within Fill Moon and their first three films. “Grindhouse Flix” has legendar actress Celeste Yarnall reflecting on her role in “The Velvet Vampire”. “The Vault” takes a look back into the cult classic “Tourist Trap”. Wrapping this up is “Bandwidth”, which is a closing words from publisher Charles Band.

I think this magazine has great potential for us horror fans. Currently my favorite horror magazine has to be Horrorhound and this reminds me a lot about it. Fangoria gives away too many spoilers. Rue Morgue is too wordy and not very fun to read. My only comments again Delirium would be for them to figure out a common font size and style for each article and stick to it since there is a lot of jumping around and it is distracting. The only other thing would be the price point $45 dollars for a subscription, which is not terrible since I think Horrorhound is $35 but my issue is that shipping is not included. But either way, if you love horror and Full Moon’s contribution to it, I would recommend checking this out. It is not available in stores either so head over to and subscribe you. Tell them send you!


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