What should you do before switching to a new games console in the coming weeks?

To say that it is an exciting time for gamers right now is an understatement. With both the new Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 ready to drop soon, all gaming fans are getting revved up. Each machine boasts more power, better graphics and better features than before – this sees them set to make a real splash. However, if you are planning to make the switch to one of these new consoles over the coming weeks, you should first think about what you need to do beforehand.

Of course, for some, this could be trying out online gambling Florida wide or enjoying fun casino games in other states while they wait. Just remember to check out the BonusSeeker site first to find the most reputable sites to game at with the best bonuses. As well as playing online games, you could pass the time waiting to enjoy your new console with music, sports, exercise or movies. While this is fine, there are actually some key tasks related to gaming and your old console to sort out.

What are they?

Enjoy the last few weeks with your current console

However long you have had your current machine, why not spend the last few weeks before you switch saying farewell in style? For some users, this could actually be quite a big thing, as they may have had their current console for many years. Even someone who purchased a PS4 when it came out in 2013, for example, will have spent seven glorious years gaming on it.

The Xbox 360 launched in 2005, and if you still game on an older machine like this, you could have been playing on it for even more years! With this in mind, take some time to go through your favorite games on it and relive some of those memories you spent years building up. This will leave you ready to move on when the new console arrives.

Clear your diary

If you are planning on picking up an Xbox Series X or PS5 (or both!), then you will naturally want to have plenty of time gaming on it. You cannot do this if you have a lot going on in your life in the weeks after you have brought it home.

A sensible thing, therefore, is to clear your diary, tell your friends that you will not be out for a while, and unplug the phone. This will mean that you get to enjoy your new console fully and in peace. Of course, if you want to arrange an online gaming session with friends on the new machine, then that is entirely acceptable!

Think about making your old console safe

Whether you plan to simply put your old console in the loft, sell it, or trade it in for the new one, you must make it safe. Modern consoles contain a lot of sensitive, personal data. You do not want to leave it on there for other people to steal. Most consoles now will make formatting the hard drive and wiping off your personal details pretty easy.

The PS4, for example, lets you delete any data stored via the Initialization option in System Settings. Once you’re in this, you just select Restore Default Settings to make it safe. If you own a different console, then a quick search online will throw up how to go about it.

Consider sorting out your storage and saves

One key thing is making sure that any old saved games make it over to your new console. You do not want to lose any saved progress that you have spent many hours, if not years, building up when you make the switch. Luckily, this is also pretty simple for most consoles now. If we stick to the PS4 as an example, it is wise to check that Online Storage is where saves go. This means that they are then easily accessible if you upgrade to a PS5.

It is also worth making sure that you have gone through what is stored on your old console if you plan to transfer the data over to your new machine. In simple terms, the more data you transfer, the longer it will take. It is worth clearing out any screenshots your console has taken over its lifespan that are not really needed.

Getting ready for your new console is key

There is currently much speculation about what to expect from the latest Xbox and PlayStation. This level of excitement means that you might be eager to get playing as soon as you buy one. Making the switch to a new machine is best done with some planning in place though. This will ensure that you are fully ready to make the move and that the whole process does not take too long.