Blu-Ray Review “Exporting Raymond”

Directed by: Philip Rosenthal
Distributed by: Sony Pictures
Rating: PG
Running Time: 86 min

Film: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Extras: 4 out of 5 stars

Are you a fan of the show “Everyone Loves Raymond”? If you are then you should Phil Rosenthal, the writer and executive producer for the show. This documentary follows the creator of “Everybody Loves Raymond,” as he documents his journey to Moscow to try and make a Russian version of the popular sitcom. You can only imagine that hilarity ensues on this journey. It is fun to watch Phil run around Russia because he is very funny in front of the camera. At points throughout the film, Phil finds himself looking at the camera during meetings and you can’t help but to laugh. He faces are just priceless. Phil Rosenthal should be in front of the camera more often.

I hate to admit this but I was never an avid watcher of “Everyone Loves Raymond”, nothing against it just never watched it. After watching this show, I think I will be picking up a few seasons to check out. Besides that the film being really funny, it also shows the serious issues with trying to “export” a hit show to a foreign country. There is a lot of things that go wrong and array in this process and it is interesting seeing how it comes together. You do not need to have watched “Everybody Loves Raymond” to enjoy this film. I got to tell you though I am definitely a fan of Phil Rosenthal now after watching this film.

What I liked most about the extras on this disc is that it actually includes episodes “Everybody Loves Kostya”, the Russian version. That is cool but what is even better is that it also includes the same episodes of “Everybody Loves Raymond” to compare. I think that is a great feature and is worth this Blu-ray to be purchased alone. Of course the disc also includes a commentary with Phil Rosenthal. The deleted scenes are decent and worth a watch but the film was cut well so they aren’t missed. Lastly there is a featurette called “Old Jews Telling Jokes”, including “Restaurant” by Max Rosenthal. Overall great extras on this disc.