8 Best Public Colleges and Universities in the State of New York

The state of New York has several landmarks that make it famous worldwide. These are a bustling Big Apple city and the stunning natural landscape. Among its many prominent features is the most extensive system of higher education in the country.

With over 64 campuses, the state welcomes thousands of students every year. A large percentage of these schools found their place in the US top public universities. 

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Here are your best options for public colleges based on academic expertise and other aspects of student life. 

Binghamton University – SUNY

Binghamton University has the perfect blend of history and modernization. It is ranked as the top public university in the state of New York. Sprawling across 930 acres, the campus offers a suburban setting. 

The undergraduate enrollment rate is over 14,000 students per year. Its location in Vestal, N.Y, also makes it home to a nature preserve. It includes a forest and landscape that encourages students to participate in outdoor activities. The university’s most coveted departments include History, Public Administration, and Psychology. 

The college hosts more than 200 student organizations. These include several organized sororities and fraternities. Along with a focus on the academy, the university is equally renowned for embracing sustainability on the campus. 

Stony Brook University – SUNY

Stony Brook is another public institution tied with Binghamton University in the US News list of top New York Universities. The campus sprawls for over 1450 acres. The university is also home to the magnificent Ashley Schiff Park Preserve. 

With its campus on the North Shore of Long Island, it is fairly accessible from the city, only 60 miles away. The institute’s most regarded department is the Stony Brook University Medical Center. It also has branches in Southampton and a Manhattan classroom. The university houses the only undergraduate journalism academy in the New York state system. 

University at Buffalo – SUNY

Founded in 1846, the University at Buffalo is the largest institution in the SUNY system. It focuses on research-based studies. The campus is located close to the Canadian border in upstate New York. The North campus resembles the classic architecture. The newest downtown campus is dedicated to the university’s research centers. 

This multi-campus institution is organized around 13 separate schools and colleges. They range from arts, medicine, law, business, social studies, education to many more. The college has a student-faculty ratio of 13:1. Students can take their pick from graduate programs, doctoral degrees, or professional courses. 

SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

SUNY ESF is one of the most distinguished environmental schools in the country. Though relatively small in size with a city campus of 12 acres, it remains high-rated for its niche education. 

The institute is known for its 20 short Bachelor of Science programs. These extend from fisheries to aquatics. There are also professional degrees, such as paper engineering and landscape architecture. The college partners with Syracuse University. It gives students access to shared facilities and other organizations. The enrollment to this college is competitive, with an acceptance of 61%. 

Baruch College – CUNY

Baruch College’s location in Manhattan is one of the students’ incentives. It offers quick access to unparalleled internships and career opportunities. The college is highly rated. It has one of the most ethnically diverse student bodies among the American Universities. 

The academics of Baruch are offered through the Zicklin College of Business. Apart from the graduate and undergraduate programs, there are also Executive, as well as Ph.D. programs. The courses cover business, finance, analytics, data science, taxation, and real estate. 

University at Albany – SUNY

UAlbany is among the oldest universities under the SUNY program. The institution offers over 50 undergraduate majors and 120 graduate programs. The college is also renowned for its education and business schools. Among its most highly ranked courses are social work, criminal justice. There are also specializations provided at the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy. 

The suburban campus has an area of 610 acres and holds a high zeal for associate history. The students have more than 200 clubs, sports teams, and organizations to explore. 

John Jay College of Criminal Justice – CUNY

John Jay College holds the reputation of being one of the first liberal arts colleges focused on criminal justice. A part of the City University of New York system, the institute prepares students for public service. 

There are 41 undergraduate majors in total. They include forensic psychology and criminology along with criminal justice. There are also 16 master’s programs that offer research opportunities as well. The campus is situated in Midtown Manhattan. 

Geneseo – SUNY

This residential liberal arts college attracts brilliant students from across the state. Its reputation holds in being highly selective that maintains high standards of education. The acceptance rate is 65%. The college offers majors in psychology and communications, among other programs. Geneseo is also one of the leading producers of physics bachelor degrees in the US. It has a high number of alumni with doctorates in the STEM fields. 

Wrapping Up 

New York state has a wide array of public institutions with diverse specializations. You can choose between the urban and the rural setting. Or opt for a campus with feet on the two boats to make the best of both.

Why Colleges Will Benefit from Implementing Tech Solutions in Classes

The world of education expects the biggest changes soon. Now, when society finally understands the benefits of technologies, colleges worldwide start implementing various digital solutions across the globe. Tutors experiment with new approaches to educating their students.

63% of K-12 teachers apply technologies in the classroom every day. This number keeps on growing with each year. No one knows how far it will go, but here are the main reasons for implementing tech in class.

Getting Ready for the Real World Cases

It is hard to imagine an industry nowadays that survives without technologies. They are everywhere! Digital literacy has already become a part of the overall literacy. Often, technical skills that students obtain in their IT lessons are not enough to meet the real-world cases. Only 40% of adults in the US today answer questions on digital literacy correctly.

If digital devices can be added to the general curriculum, students will obtain more chances to get ready for their future careers in almost every sphere. To succeed beyond school, it is recommended to attend extra courses in computer science or programming. Some of the basic skills to master include:

  • Crafting PowerPoint presentations
  • Using Microsoft Word
  • Mastering Photoshop
  • Creating emails
  • Setting up online campaigns
  • Developing profiles in social networks
  • Editing videos, etc.

More Skills That Will Serve in Real Life

Students can develop not only tech skills when implementing digital tools in class. With the help of computers, tablets, smartphones, and an instant internet connection, they can gain and improve communication, time management, decision-making, adaptability, problem-solving, and collaboration.

Some classes like English 101 and literature are aimed to train such abilities. However, teachers will benefit from allowing students to use various devices during the class. It will make the students work as the team easier. All of the contemporary recruiters expect applicants to have a set of both soft and tech skills. Thus, mastering some digital devices will help with the job application process.

Ensuring Full Participation of the Class

It is impossible to keep an eye on every student in the class, especially when it is a class of 40 or even more people. Some students may be yawning or even falling asleep, and, as a result, their productivity will fall. Tutors can control the situation in class with the help of digital devices and special programs.

One of the effective methods involves online polling and various questionnaires and fun quizzes for class engagement. Some learners may simply feel shy and unsure about answering and performing in front of the class. Different apps will help them to become more confident or, at least, to avoid the stress associated with responding in front of the class.

Many colleges today have successfully implemented interactive engagement systems. Also, they have added grading rubrics and online evaluation for simpler estimation of test and exam scores. Some software is there to collect student’s feedback to understand which type of homework is not effective or seems too complex for young people. It allows adjusting the assignments as well as the entire study plan quickly and effectively.

Student response systems assist young people with detecting weaknesses in the learning process and make their studies more efficient. Most of the systems like that offer multiple-choice questions or simply “yes-no” answers. In a single click or few, a student, as well as their teacher, may retrieve plenty of useful information and correct the educational program.

Getting Acquainted with Different Types of Software

To use different software for education and training, students should have instant internet access and the ability to use their digital devices. As admitted above, many applications assist in studying and grading students. Many free online tools today even allow creating personal websites and blogs without having to know how to code.

On the web, students can find help and support that they need but cannot get from their teachers or families for different reasons. The main one is the lack of time. On the Internet, learners may always find homework assistance by entering keywords like “write my essay” or quick counseling on basically any subject.

Remote Education to Replace Traditional One

On the whole, it is not even necessary to attend physical schools to obtain certification. Students can even receive MA and Ph.D. degrees online, living in a completely different region of the world. Most often, you can find online programs for MBA as business degrees are extremely popular nowadays. They also include plenty of computer-oriented subjects. It is possible to simply combine courses in programing, SMM, and copywriting with the basic business disciplines.

Gamification Element for More Fun

The apps used for learning should not necessarily be serious, and all about academics. Some fun apps like games motivate the educational process as well, but it is hidden. Students may learn a lot when playing various games that improve strategy and logic.