Film Review: “The Buildout”

Starring: Jenna Kenall, Hannah Alline and Natasha Halevi
Directed by: Zeshaan Younus
Rated: NR
Running Time: 71 minutes
Ethos Releasing

Our Score: 1.5 out of 5 Stars

It took me a while to figure out why “The Buildout” wasn’t clicking with me. On paper, it has a lot going for it: two strong lead performances, a mysterious cult with bonus UFO potential, and a vast desert setting filled with existential emptiness—a playground for a horror fan’s imagination. But it’s not that I dislike character studies. It’s that for me to enjoy one, the characters need to actually be interesting.

This low-budget indie follows Dylan (Hannah Alline) and Cameron (Jenna Kenall) on a sort of re-bonding trip into the Southern California desert. Dylan is set on joining a cult, while Cameron tags along as emotional support for the motorcycle-bound pilgrimage into the unknown. The extra bizarre caveat? Despite embarking on this trip together, the two haven’t spoken in years—ever since the death of Cameron’s sister. With a setup like that, “The Buildout” has plenty of backstory to sink its teeth into. But it never really does.

From a setting perspective, we should feel a creeping sense of isolation, of impending doom. Instead, the desert ends up as little more than a silent backdrop, lacking presence or atmosphere. The cult, which may or may not have some otherworldly connection, never feels as ominous as the word “cult” would imply. In fact, when we finally meet them, they’re about as forgettable as the latest conspiracy theory making rounds on social media. And while Dylan and Cameron’s personal revelations feel genuine, they’re overshadowed by the film’s disjointed execution. The result is two stories—one about fractured friendships, one about a shadowy belief system—that feel fundamentally incompatible.

As much as I wanted to enjoy it—especially since it touches on universal anxieties about friendship and how it evolves over time—I just never felt invested. Not because the themes weren’t compelling, but because the film itself didn’t seem invested in telling a fully realized story. The subject matter is fascinating, but “The Buildout” only engages with it on a surface level. And while complex questions don’t always require answers, it’s frustrating when a film doesn’t seem to answer any of the ones it presents. Which makes me wonder if we’ve been handed a sandwich with nothing between the bread.


Film Review: “Little Bites”

Starring: Krsy Fox, Jon Sklaroff, and Elizabeth Caro
Directed by: Spider One
Rated: NR
Running Time: 105 minutes

Our Score: 2 out of 5 Stars

I’ve been following Spider One’s directorial career since he debuted “Allegoria” at Panic Fest. It’s been an interesting journey, marked by a slow yet confident evolution—not necessarily for Spider One, but for Krsy Fox, who has appeared in every one of his films so far. While she’s been integral to his prior work, “Little Bites” is a tour de force simply for her performance alone. Unfortunately, everything else seems stuck in a rut.

“Little Bites” follows single mom Mindy (Fox), who allows a demon-vampire creature (Jon Sklaroff) to bite, nibble, and drain her of her blood and flesh in an effort to distract him from the fresh meat that is her 10-year-old daughter. The daughter is safely at grandma’s, so most of the film’s runtime is spent with Mindy and an indie-looking Nosferatu. Their interactions aren’t just a series of repeated feastings; the creature mentally and emotionally abuses Mindy on top of the physical harm. The film is a blunt metaphor for parenthood—how parents keep their own personal demons at bay while raising children. But despite all the visual meat being devoured on screen, there isn’t much meat on the script.

For a film that pushes close to two hours, it’s hard to justify some of the vignettes that pop up throughout. A child protective services worker (played by the magnificent Barbara Crampton) makes a visit for no apparent reason, as does horror icon Heather Langenkamp, in a scene that feels equally unnecessary. The only encounter that really works is when Mindy brings a man (Chaz Bono) back to her home to appease the ever-thirsty vampire. But even that scene doesn’t land as well as it could, because the film’s themes are so blunt and obvious that they invite scrutiny. It led me to wonder whether the narrative and direction were akin to a dog chasing a car—running full speed toward something without really knowing what to do once it catches it.

While “Bury the Bride” was a tight thrill ride, “Little Bites” feels more like a bloated episode of “Tales from the Crypt”—without the satisfying twist or payoff. Because the film is so personal to Spider and Fox (it’s literally about raising their daughter), I wondered if it was harder for them to be as self-critical in the editing process as they were with their previous films. Like his prior work, there’s a lot to admire and enjoy, but “Little Bites” is disappointing because it feels like a strong, powerful film is buried within its meandering narrative. It could have been another progressive step forward for Spider, but it never finds its footing.

That said, as I mentioned at the start, Fox delivers a performance that deserves serious attention. Her horror acting chops are on full display, and without her, the film might have been a complete disaster.

Blu-Ray Review: “Nosferatu”

Starring: Bill Skarsard, Lily-Rose Depp and Nicholas Hoult
Directed by: Robert Eggers
Rated: R
Running Time: 132 minutes
Focus Features

Our Score: 4 out of 5 Stars
Blu-Ray Score: 4.5 out of 5 Stars

One of the biggest questions for me heading into Robert Eggers’ “Nosferatu” was how he would handle the undead title character. Would we see a harkening to the quiet evil of the 1922 version or something akin to Werner Herzog’s nuanced version in 1979? Having recently watched both in the past year, I realized as soon as Nosferatu was spotted that Eggers had done his homework, adding a dash and splash from each into Bill Skarsard’s version of Count Orlok. Thankfully, that isn’t the only storytelling blend that Eggers attempts, along with some fresh takes in the story of the undead.

Unlike prior imaginings, the 2024 version opens on Ellen (Lily-Rose Depp) who already senses Count Orlok’s impending arrival deep in her soul, and probably her pants. This sense of dread could also be because her darling Thomas (Nicholas Hoult) is to actually meet the cryptic Count Orlok for a real estate deal. Thomas’ story is retread as we watch him travel to Orlok’s castle and experience horrors beyond his imagination. But the film does something curious, it constantly cuts back to Ellen, as she slowly loses sense of reality and has nightmare after nightmare of Orlok. Although at a certain point, as I hinted at earlier, you could make that argument that the nightmares become wet dreams.

If you haven’t sensed by now, the biggest change in Eggers’ vision is just how horny this film is. The sexual tension has always been there, but it’s never been this overt. The film notes that Nosferatu not only has a thirst for blood, but innocent virginal nude blood, although I doubt he’s too picky when he’s hankering for a midnight snack. The film also serves us a reminder that women weren’t generally believed, on anything, for centuries. Ellen’s treated with whichever weird medicinal practices of the time and when Professor Albin Eberhart Von Franz (Willem Dafoe) shows up he, he actually believes Ellen, but tends to view her as a pawn in his chess battle with Count Orlok.

The film follows the originally closely enough that if you aren’t paying attention, you wouldn’t notice the subtle, yet profound differences in how the story unfolds. Fans of the originals will surely spot and mark the changes. Obviously, based on the trailer and Eggers’ other films, we weren’t about to see a more colorful and visually vibrant vampire film like the 1979 film. However, he really takes a few pages out of the Herzog vision of plague arriving in Europe. While “Nosferatu” doubles down on the darkness and the haunting shadows of Germany and Transylvania, Eggers vision is filled with evil in every nook and cranny.

It’s hard not to heap copious amounts of praise on Eggers, who has solidified himself as a modern voice in horror. While being quite longer than its predecessors, Eggers makes use of every frame, finding ways to crawl under our skin, suffocating us in Gothic horror imagery. The biggest weakness, which isn’t necessarily a flaw in the film, but is just enough for me to mention it as a reason this isn’t rated higher, is that the acting doesn’t leap off the screen as much as Count Orlok’s claw-like fingers. That’s not a huge knock against the film because so much of the film is told through visuals.

“Nosferatu” is surely going to be talked about for years, but in a year with lots of fantastic horror, it simply has to take a spot on the 2024 Mount Rushmore of horror films instead of standing tall like a monument to scary cinema. However, “Nosferatu” is Eggers best film, so far, as he takes the best components of his prior films, like “The Witch” and “The Lighthouse,” to craft a menacing film that Bram Stoker himself would surely be inspired by.

Special Features:

  • NOSFERATU: A MODERN MASTERPIECE – A look behind-the-scenes
  • BREATHING LIFE INTO A DREAM – A talk with Robert Eggers about bringing his vision to the screen
  • BECOMING COUNT ORLOK – A look at nailing Count Orlok’s look in the film
  • CAPTURING THE MOOD – A look at the Oscar-nominated cinematography of the film
  • RECREATING 1838 – A look at how the film captures the look of 1838.
  • DRESSING THE PART – A look at the film’s wardrobe
  • THE END IS JUST THE BEGINNING – A look at the film’s visual effects

Film Review: “Clone Cops”

Starring: Phillip Cordell, Ravi Patel and Quinnlan Ashe
Directed by: Danny Dones
Rated: NR
Running Time: 96 minutes
Freestyle Digital Media

Our Score: 3 out of 5 Stars

I couldn’t pass up “Clone Cops.” The title and image at the top of the press release alone sold me. I didn’t need to read the synopsis or any of the other information in the press release. I just knew I had to watch something that looked like an incredibly low budget version of “Smoking Causes Coughing” that would worm its way into the brains of select audiences at 3 a.m. on Adult Swim. So, does it live up to the hype that I’m currently pumping it full of? Kind of, but I also think what it does is perfectly fine and fun.

With a backdrop that looks like whatever abandoned buildings were in the director’s neighborhood, “Clone Cops” introduces us to a world run by NefariCorp, a company that operates like a spite baby made by Amazon, Meta, and Pfizer. If you’re running the world, you need your own law enforcement, right? Enter the clone cops, who are all played by comedically self-deprecating and scenery chewing Phillip Cordell. The clones are made in a lab out of continuously recycled pink slime because they’re about as useful at stopping criminals as Stormtroopers are at stopping the Rebel Resistance. They’re deployed en masse, over and over again, to bust some criminals participating in a heist. Sounds like a great excuse to watch slapstick gore, but just when you think you’re about to watch a film on a 21st century version of the Keystone Cops, the movie flips on its head.

The silly bad acting action does unfold like an episode of “Power Rangers,” but the film manages to twist the story consistently while wedging in commentary on the social media age and the cruelty that inhabits it, the cutting corners ineptitude of corporate run public services, the idea of endless content to feed humanity, and how Earth may just now be where poor people inhabit it to provide for the rich on the Moon. However, all of that may be the film’s biggest problem because it really does way too much on top of the inherent comedy. I’m not saying it didn’t tackle these topics in fun ways, but it seems to overinflate the runtime and break up too much of the comedy and moments where we learn more about these absurd characters. It is a fun giggle-filled ride, but it could have been a low budget “The Other Guys” with some more fine tuning.

The film appears to pay homage to sci-fi genre amongst the laughs while developing a low-budget Troma charm (although not as gross out). Sometimes it leans into those low budget charms while other times it just does look and feel like a low budget film. I haven’t really talked about the plot, but that’s because so much relies on the twists which evolve over time. “Clone Cops” is just fun, and honestly, that’s all you can really expect, want and need out of a film that barely passes the hour-and-a-half mark.

Film Review: “September 5”

Starring: Peter Sarsgaard, John Magaro, Ben Chaplin, Leonie Benesch
Directed by: Tim Fehlbaum
Rated: R
Running Time: 95 minutes
Paramount Pictures

Our Score: 4 out of 5 Stars

There’s one key criticism I’ve heard about “September 5” from people who’ve seen it and people who haven’t seen it yet are hearing me describe the film, and that is that it’s ethically repulsive. I wouldn’t make that criticism, but several people have told me that the film sounds like ignorant glorification of violence. There’s actually a term for this, “media contagion.” It’s the idea that coverage of violence can beget violence. In “September 5,” an ABC sports broadcasting team, led by Roone Arledge (Peter Sarsgaard), Geoffrey Mason (John Magaro) and Marvin Bader (Ben Chaplin), attempt to cover the unfolding act of terrorism against Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Summer Olympics.

Viewers are transported into the smokey ABC control room as the production crew grapples with covering the event via several cameras, witnesses and a young Peter Jennings (Benjamin Walker). As a journalist and former news producer, it’s a familiar scene, not so much the smoke and ashtrays. I immediately felt immersed because of my background, which I’ve told people, implies that I’m biased towards liking this movie. The big issue is when the control room realizes that terrorists may be figuring out their next steps because of the ABC live broadcast. This is exemplified in a scene where the cameras watch the armed forces encircle the building while realizing that the terrorists inside the Olympic village are tuning in to ABC to see where those pesky snipers are. It’s something that we would all, in the 21st century, state is obvious not to do.

But that’s where I defend “September 5.” While this isn’t the first time media covered violence live, it’s easily the earliest instance of live coverage of a terror attack. The film dives into the real-time decision making over ethical dilemmas that materialized second-by-second. It’s a watershed moment in how crisis situations are handled and yet throughout the film, we see how much of its handling has become the news product we digest now. The film artfully highlights moments of brevity and times of clumsiness on the ends of these individuals handling this incident. There is no time to reflect on the decisions, the decisions are made and it’s now onto the next media quandary.

“September 5” highlights the frenetic nature of a newsroom during a crisis. It tactfully shows how good and bad decisions happen all the time, but the people know that as long as the story is still unfolding, there’s no time to reflect, redact or change what has happened. Geoffrey does most of the decision heavy lifting while Roone serves as his parachute in case those decisions aren’t ethically sound. The tight editing and brisk 94 minutes add to the palpable tension, even if you know the tragic outcome of the hostage situation.

“September 5” doesn’t look to make some grandiose stand on news media’s past, present or future. It’s a fly-on-the-wall, reminding people that journalists are just people who have elected to work in a high-stress field. It’s easy to forget in today’s digital news day that human beings are still working hard to confirm facts, chase down leads, ask the difficult questions and follow the most dangerous stories until their bitter end. Sure, my love of this film is biased, but I hope that others love it for humanizing those who are constantly demonized for covering the burning world.

Jeremy Werner’s Best Films of 2024

I’m not a fan of ranking my top movies of the year. I haven’t done it for MediaMikes since 2019. Looking back, I would have switched out like three films on my best of that year, and years before, because, in general, your favorite films will sometimes reveal themselves over time. However, the ones I listed as the worst that year are still pretty damn bad and have aged like Demi Moore towards the end of “The Substance.”

Movies sometimes take a while to resonate. They need to marinate. Sometimes what we loved at the time loses it’s luster. Just ask the Academy how they feel about “Shakespeare in Love,” “Crash,” or “Green Book.” But 2024 has become a different beast entirely. I’m sure there’s various years like this past one, but 2024 has been weird because I’m not sure if I could rank my favorites film, much less condense my favorite films down to 10, which I generally feel like I can do soundly most years. Yes, you can call it a cop out or say I’m not doing my critical duty.

So, when I decided to make a top films of the year list for 2024, I felt like I needed to try and include a muddled mess because overall it was such a good year for film. It really was, I didn’t walk away from too many movies feeling like I had completely wasted my time or wanting to punch the director. The list below is made of films that deserve to be talked about or mentioned, but may not deserve the top spot. But honestly, would any of these films deserve the top spot? Which ones would muscle out others in a duke ’em out battle for the top 10? Seems unfair to me. So, without a futher ado…

Best Films of 2024 in No Particular Order:


What the hell happened to this? “Furiosa” came and went, and now it’s not even being mentioned in most critics groups or awards shows. Did we forget that Chris Hemsworth played a perfectly delusional wasteland emperor? Did we forget that George Miller is still an action scene aficionado that speaks volumes in chaos? If you need the perfect prologue to Miller’s magnum opus, “Fury Road,” then you need to sit your butt down and watch “Furiosa.”

“September 5”

In my review (which hasn’t been published yet) I mentioned my bias for this film, being a journalist and reporter. From the opening scene, my eyeballs were absolutely glued to the screen, so much so that I couldn’t pry them off until the credits began to roll. It’s not a film with stellar performances that will leave your jaw on the floor, or a story that you don’t know already, but it’s the riveting nature in which it tells the daily, if not minute-by-minute, ethical choices made in newsrooms everyday.

“Memoirs of a Snail”

I’ve never seen Adam Elliot’s prior films, but now I need to. I didn’t think it was possible for a stop motion animated film to not only spiritually break me, but build me back up again. “Memoirs of a Snail” is for the little guy, the weirdo, the outcast, the person that doesn’t feel like they fit anywhere in society. It speaks to us, and everyone actually, that we will find that person, thing or belief that will keep us going in a cruel world. Easily the most heart felt film of the year.

“Late Night with the Devil”

Part possession horror, part found footage, part late night parody, and part what in the hell just happened, “Late Night with the Devil” is David Dastchmalin’s feather in his cap. Shot like any bad late night talk show in the 70s/80s, this film keeps you guessing and has you biting your nails alongside Dastchmalin’s character. It drew headlines this year for it’s use of AI, but that’s just background noise, check this one out.

“Sing Sing”

I’ll go ahead and spoil something for you, (not the film) you’re not going to see “The Brutalist” on this list. I got what it was going for…art…the artist…humanity…but to me, “Sing Sing” was what “The Brutalist” was going for, with on-par performances and a runtime that didn’t leave me needing to piss twice. “Sing Sing” is compassionate, beautiful, and heartbreaking. Unlike “The Brutalist,” I left “Sing Sing” with a sense of hope that art could truly make the world, even if it’s just our own, a little bit better.

“Cannibal Mukbang”

Did this movie come out this year? Did anyone see this? Hell if I know. I saw it this past year at Kansas City’s Panic Fest this year, so it’s going on the list. You hear about how “no one makes films like this anymore.” That’s become so cliche I roll my eyes, but that is “Cannibal Mukbang.” It’s a genre blend that can make the case for not only being the best cannibal film of the year, but the best film about love this past year. Brave performances, a bold script, and a perfect reason to watch gooey gory schlock.

“The Wild Robot”

Just when you think you know what “The Wild Robot” is, it evolves. Without spoiling a single thing, I wasn’t expecting this movie to morph and shapeshift throughout its brief runtime so much. For a kid’s movie, this is pretty damn intelligent without boring the kiddos. Not only is the animation style incredibly gorgeous, but it’s the kind of film Pixar wishes they could still make. This and “Memoirs of a Snail” would have to duke it out for best animated film of the year.

“Nickel Boys”

In a year of memorable films, “Nickel Boys” carves out its own special place in your brain. Its visual storytelling is unique enough to be memorable, but it’s a story you won’t forget. It’s a tragic film about the human spirit and how optimism and pessimism both have a place in our world view. I do hope that a film like “Nickel Boys” not only reminds of America’s dark past, but how we’re still dealing with and handling those repercussions in our modern landscape.

“The Substance”

You know a film’s good when it’s lengthy runtime, in this case 141 minutes, feels brisk. “The Substance” isn’t just Demi Moore’s comeback, it’s a wild middle finger to society’s beauty standards. Sure, it’s about a Hollywood starlet, but Moore’s performance and role feels applicable to everyone. Sure, it’s ridiculous body horror in the vein of Cronenberg, but just like “The Fly,” it’s humorous and relatable, even when the guts come spilling out like a viscera volcano.

“Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes”

Just when you think the franchise couldn’t exist without Andy Serkis, a fourth installment comes along and continues its mind boggling effects and pertinent storytelling. While at first, it does feel like it’s missing a vital piece, this new tale with new characters pick up the slack and take us on a journey that’s filled with new moral quandaries, heart and a fresh sense of wanting to see where this story goes.


Of course this is on here. It’s this year’s “Barbie.” While not as magnificently made as Greta Gerwig’s Mattel vision, “Wicked” is still a magnificent vision. Yes, I’m a sucker for a well-made musical, but this film really found that sweet spot between mainstream likeability and powerful messaging. I wasn’t even sold on the idea of this film, but about 30 minutes in realized I was dead wrong that anyone could bring the story to life in such a fantastic, rich way.

“In a Violent Nature”

As I stated in my review, is it possible to reinvent the slasher genre? It is the wheel of horror. While it doesn’t reinvent said wheel, it comes pretty damn close. It not only tells a great new slasher story, but deconstructs the slasher genre itself in a quiet foreboding way. In those long moments of silence and stalking, we’re able to reflect on the whys of the genre and why it continues to stand the stabbing test of time. Also, we get to watch some incredibly brutal kills.

“A Real Pain”

Me and my partner took away different interpretations of the ending as we left the theater. I’m not sure that was the film’s intention, but I think we both kind of reached the same conclusion without actually reaching that conclusion. This film is about the enduring power of love and humanity, and how it not only rings true in all our hearts, but echoes throughout time and generations. Also, Kieran Culkin is an absolute delight and deserves all the awards.

“I Saw the TV Glow”

Remember how I said time reveals your favorite films? While not initially sold as a great film after completing it, the film creeped into me over time. The aesthetic is a total fast ball pitch to Millennials like myself, but that wasn’t what stuck with me. Just like the main character, the movie poked at my regretfullness and how I perceive my own sense of personal growth. I’m middle aged and should have it all figured out…right? My nostalgia, my prior friendships and my unanswered questions continue to mold and shape me.

“The Apprentice”

I say this as apolitical as I can, but this might be the most glowing film about Donald Trump. Yes, the film still shows the Trump we all know, the adultering degenerate real estate tycoon who bullied his way to the top. But throughout the film’s runtime, we watch as Sebastian Stan becomes the man we all know, implying that Donald may not have always been the asshole we now know him as. It’s a shame Hollywood decided to hide this one because it’s legitimately good and the performances are next level.


Sean Baker, the co-creator of “Greg the Bunny,” has knocked it out of the park again with “Anora.” His slice of life films are some of the best in recent memory and this one ranks right up there with one of my other favorites of his, “The Florida Project.” I don’t know who Baker has for casting, but he’s always finding absolute diamonds in the rough. The cast, led by Mikey Madison, is absolutely flawless and the story is wild and melancholy.

“Joker: Folie à Deux”

I know what you’re thinking, “The shitty Joker sequel is on this list, but not “The Brutalist?”” Yes. Shoutout to John Waters for making me consider watching this film after it was absolutely review-bombed by critics and audiences. However, Joaquim Phoenix remains brilliant and Lady Gaga should probably play my insane ex in a film. Simply put, it’s an audacious toe-tapping middle finger to anti-heroes that makes us reflect on why we like them in the first place.

Honorable Mentions in No Particular Order:


“Alien: Romulus”

“Beetlejuice Beetlejuice”




“Hundreds of Beavers”

“Dune: Part Two”




“Deadpool and Wolverine”

“Monkey Man”


“My Old Ass”



Final Thoughts

Horror is the real winner of 2024. Never have I seen such a quality range of widely released horrors ranging from bodily, slasher, aliens, ghosts and everything in between. Of course there were some stinkers, but that happens every year. It’s a topic for another day, but horror is simply a reflection of where we’re at as a society or culture. We see that horror leaking into other films on this list like “Memoirs of a Snail,” “Real Pain” and even “The Brutalist.” The horrors of reality, the horrors of our past, the horrors of those around us, the horrors of ourselves; the horrors of everything. 2024 is us screaming into the void trying to make sense of it all, just like this year’s best films.

Other than that, I’ll admit, there’s some controversial shit on my list. But you’re going to find that on everyone’s from 2024. It wasn’t necessarily a year where a handful of films rose above the rest to shout “Pick me! Pick me!” There’s films I didn’t watch and films that just didn’t click with me (yes…like “The Brutalist”). I do think 2024 will be a year where the Academy makes a selection that will not stand the test of time. The thing that does stand the test of time though…what resonated with you in these tough times.

Film Review: “Nickel Boys”

Starring: Ethan Herisse, Brandon Wilson and Hamish Linklater
Directed by: RaMell Ross
Rated: PG-13
Running Time: 140 minutes
MGM Studios

Our Score: 4 out of 5 Stars

For the first 15 minutes or so, I wondered what was going on. That’s because the camera begins in a first-person point of view in “Nickel Boys,” showing us the African-American life in 1960s Florida. Through a young boy’s eyes, we see family and friends playing cards, parents doing mundane household tasks and the unfortunate, casual racism surrounding them. “Nickel Boys” is simply warming up, as it prepares to continue this first-person perspective into a historical nightmare that creatively tells a fresh, yet old story about racism in the U.S.

The eyes we see through are Elwood’s (Ethan Herisse), who is looking to further his education at a black college during the Civil Rights Movement. Unfortunately, his story truly begins as he hitchhikes to campus. He’s picked up by a man driving a stolen car and when he’s caught by police, Elwood is assumed to be the man’s underage accomplice. As punishment, Elwood is sent to Nickel Academy, a reform school that may as well double as a brainwashing labor camp. Even though Elwood eventually finds comfort and comradery with another student, Turner (Brandon Wilson), the duo will endure a gauntlet of various tortures and violent incidents at the hands of their abusive academy leaders.

The first-person point of view in “Nickel Boys” flips back and forth between Elwood, Turner, historical images and video, and even present day to tell a harrowing chapter of Americana that isn’t quite known to the vast majority of the public. The way it’s shot not only puts us in the boys shoes, but makes us feel just as helpless as they do. When the physical, mental and sexual abuse rears it’s ugly head, all we can do is suffer through it as the boys. Not all is doom and gloom though, Elwood channels the Civil Rights Movement in the belief that morality ultimately bends towards justice. Turner, though, believes the world is a crumbling mess and that Nickel Academy may be their final stop in life.

While these conversations give us insight into Elwood and Turner, we sometimes are unable to fully connect with either because of the way the film is shot. Yes, we know hear them externalize their feelings, but the lack of physical cues through their faces sometimes leave us lukewarm about the emotional messaging of our characters. Despite being in their shoes, I didn’t feel like I was being fully immersed in this miserable experience, but instead found that some parts of the movie left me emotionally detached. However, I do believe the stylist choices of this film ultimately benefit even if it did dampen that aspect of the viewing experience. “Nickel Boys” is a sensory experience that wants us to live this dark chapter of American history, rather than relate to it.

Director RaMell Rose, who’s only prior experience is the documentary “Hale County This Morning, This Evening,” is near masterful in his crafting of “Nickel Boys.” What originally was a film I had never heard of or knew anything about turned into easily one of my favorite films of the year and led me down a rabbit hole of Nickel Academy articles. The biggest takeaway for me in the way Rose tells his story is how we have yet to learn from our own history. While we dig up the skeletons of our racist, abusive past, we find ourselves still trapped in this hateful treatment of children. The Agape Boarding School in Missouri opened in 1990 and operated for nearly three-and-a-half decades before death and sexual trafficking allegations plastered headlines across the Show-Me state. We haven’t learned anything, unfortunately. “Nickel Boys” asks society if we want to remain helpless to the demons among us, or, like Elwood, do the right thing and remain hopeful that others will.

Film Review: “Get Away”

Starring: Nick Frost, Aisling Bea and Sebastian Croft
Directed by: Steffen Haars
Rated: NR
Running Time: 86 minutes

Our Score: 3 out of 5 Stars

Thanks to “The Witch” and “Midsommar,” there’s a fresh new take on folk horror. For those who don’t know, folk horror is like a fish out of water, if the fish was an English person and the water was that white person traveling to another predominantly white rural area where they discover peculiar and dated beliefs, traditions and terror. Enter “Get Away,” a film about the British Smith family traveling to a remote Swedish island, that carries a dark cannibalistic past involving the imperialistic British.

“Get Away” sees the usual tropes of the genre, unwelcoming locals with an axe to grind, rituals that make no sense to anyone outside those taking part in the ritual, and of course blood and guts. What “Get Away” offers is deadpan comedy and a tongue firmly planted deliciously in it’s own cheek. The Smiths, made up of Richard (Nick Frost), his wife, Susan (Aisling Bea) and their kids (who you can’t tell if they’re young adults or very old adolescents) seem comically oblivious to the creepiness around them. They also don’t seem to mind the “piss off” attitude of the tiny Swedish community. So why are the Smiths there? To watch a play about the horrific cannibalistic event I mentioned.

The tone of the film is off, but the comedy helps balance it from time-to-time. The comedy is along the lines of what we witnessed in Frost’s older films like “Hot Fuzz,” a film that could also be considered a mockery of folk horror if it wasn’t straight up lampooning action films. Because I mentioned “Hot Fuzz,” I almost feel obliged to say that everything feels off because there’s a few twists that “Get Away” has tucked away in it’s back pocket. Thankfully those twists are cheeky and stop the film from descending into a meandering mess.

While I enjoyed myself, I did find myself wondering if the jokes came before the story. I say that because the film flips between the narrative of the Swedish islanders and the Smiths, killing the possibility of more mystery and intrigue about what the other is actually up to. You’d think that switching narratives would mean there’s a lot of juicy meat in there, but there’s a few seemingly pointless moments. They’re made even more pointless when you consider the whole film. It’s one of those rare moments where the bloodsoaked finale not only saves the film, but weakens the first hour.

Anytime I see Nick Frost or Simon Pegg I think to myself, “Why aren’t they in more?” I’ve seen them in at least a dozen TV shows and films together, but it seems like I rarely see them without the other in anything good. I wonder if it’s like a Trey Parker and Matt Stone dynamic where they just don’t click if they’re apart. While “Get Away” is enjoyable, it feels like it could have been way better, especially if Simon Pegg or Edgar Wright had a say in the final product.

Film Review: “Nosferatu”

Starring: Bill Skarsard, Lily-Rose Depp and Nicholas Hoult
Directed by: Robert Eggers
Rated: R
Running Time: 132 minutes
Focus Features

Our Score: 4 out of 5 Stars

One of the biggest questions for me heading into Robert Eggers’ “Nosferatu” was how he would handle the undead title character. Would we see a harkening to the quiet evil of the 1922 version or something akin to Werner Herzog’s nuanced version in 1979? Having recently watched both in the past year, I realized as soon as Nosferatu was spotted that Eggers had done his homework, adding a dash and splash from each into Bill Skarsard’s version of Count Orlok. Thankfully, that isn’t the only storytelling blend that Eggers attempts, along with some fresh takes in the story of the undead.

Unlike prior imaginings, the 2024 version opens on Ellen (Lily-Rose Depp) who already senses Count Orlok’s impending arrival deep in her soul, and probably her pants. This sense of dread could also be because her darling Thomas (Nicholas Hoult) is to actually meet the cryptic Count Orlok for a real estate deal. Thomas’ story is retread as we watch him travel to Orlok’s castle and experience horrors beyond his imagination. But the film does something curious, it constantly cuts back to Ellen, as she slowly loses sense of reality and has nightmare after nightmare of Orlok. Although at a certain point, as I hinted at earlier, you could make that argument that the nightmares become wet dreams.

If you haven’t sensed by now, the biggest change in Eggers’ vision is just how horny this film is. The sexual tension has always been there, but it’s never been this overt. The film notes that Nosferatu not only has a thirst for blood, but innocent virginal nude blood, although I doubt he’s too picky when he’s hankering for a midnight snack. The film also serves us a reminder that women weren’t generally believed, on anything, for centuries. Ellen’s treated with whichever weird medicinal practices of the time and when Professor Albin Eberhart Von Franz (Willem Dafoe) shows up he, he actually believes Ellen, but tends to view her as a pawn in his chess battle with Count Orlok.

The film follows the originally closely enough that if you aren’t paying attention, you wouldn’t notice the subtle, yet profound differences in how the story unfolds. Fans of the originals will surely spot and mark the changes. Obviously, based on the trailer and Eggers’ other films, we weren’t about to see a more colorful and visually vibrant vampire film like the 1979 film. However, he really takes a few pages out of the Herzog vision of plague arriving in Europe. While “Nosferatu” doubles down on the darkness and the haunting shadows of Germany and Transylvania, Eggers vision is filled with evil in every nook and cranny.

It’s hard not to heap copious amounts of praise on Eggers, who has solidified himself as a modern voice in horror. While being quite longer than its predecessors, Eggers makes use of every frame, finding ways to crawl under our skin, suffocating us in Gothic horror imagery. The biggest weakness, which isn’t necessarily a flaw in the film, but is just enough for me to mention it as a reason this isn’t rated higher, is that the acting doesn’t leap off the screen as much as Count Orlok’s claw-like fingers. That’s not a huge knock against the film because so much of the film is told through visuals.

“Nosferatu” is surely going to be talked about for years, but in a year with lots of fantastic horror, it simply has to take a spot on the 2024 Mount Rushmore of horror films instead of standing tall like a monument to scary cinema. However, “Nosferatu” is Eggers best film, so far, as he takes the best components of his prior films, like “The Witch” and “The Lighthouse,” to craft a menacing film that Bram Stoker himself would surely be inspired by.

Film Review: “Babygirl”

Starring: Nicole Kidman, Harris Dickinson and Antonio Banderas
Directed by: Halina Reijn
Rated: R
Running Time: 114 minutes

Our Score: 4 out of 5 Stars

Without knowing it, mainly because I was a child, I grew up during the peak of erotic thrillers like “Basic Instinct,” “Disclosure,” “Fatal Attraction” and “Wild Things.” It’s a fascinating genre because sex is still one of the most taboo things in society. In an age where our media drips in murder porn, shocking live footage of incidents, and true crime, we still can’t have frank discussions about the things that make us horny.

Enter “Babygirl,” a film about robot AI company CEO Romy (Nicole Kidman) who seemingly has it all, a loving wife, some kids that seem tolerable, several places to call home in the city and countryside, and of course the job of running what appears to be a multi-billion dollar company. Only problem? She can’t orgasm. Her husband Jacob (Antonio Banderas) just can’t get her off, so much so that after sex she wanders off after sex to masturbate to porn in secret. Samuel (Harris Dickinson), a blunt intern at Romy’s company, request Romy be his mentor in the internship program. Sparks…don’t fly, but the pants definitely come off.

“Babygirl” is interesting because there isn’t the traditional passionate build-up with romantic cliches. Instead, the two immediately sense each other’s horniness and it’s not long before Romy is on the floor, acting like a dog for Samuel. The sexual encounters increase and amplify, flirting with revealing the whole hook-up to Jacob, the robotics company and others. It’s the kind of film where the sexual powder keg hinges on how well the blow-up is.

Without spoiling anything, “Babygirl” really plays into the notion of dominant and submissive, and even how that dynamic isn’t as black and white. The film says a lot and will most likely speak to everyone’s perception of sexuality, without it coming down to just a blanket statement on men versus women, or bosses versus employees, or #MeToo, or whatever societal battle one wants to wage. While it says things about all those, it ultimately speaks to a personal level. To me, it’s about the nature of humans and how it’s difficult to pigeonhole or categorize us. Sex is a big part of our lives and yet it doesn’t define us.

Kidman and Dickinson play really well off each other, but for some reason the same magic doesn’t happen when other characters, like Banderas, come on-screen. It makes the film drag a little bit in spots because we have such high octane sexual thrills to soak in. That being said, the intensity of the affair lingers throughout like a scent your nose can’t escape. If there was ever a need to rejuvenate the erotic thriller genre, “Babygirl” has given us reason that it can be more than just late night trash, but an engaging commentary that resonates with those willing to have a frank viewing experience with it.

Film Review: “The Invisible Raptor”

Starring: Mikes Capes, David Shackleford and Caitlin McHugh Stamos
Directed by: Mike Hermosa
Rated: NR
Running Time: 114 minutes
Well Go USA Entertainment

Our Score: 2.5 out of 5 Stars

“That’s a pretty cost effective way to make a creature feature.” This is everyone’s immediate thought when hearing about or seeing advertising for “The Invisible Raptor.” While the horror-comedy does make use of that gag, to the point of it being a bit unfunny and tired by the end, it makes up for that belief with a lot of practical effects, gore and violence. So, if the title alone is enough, you may just be the audience for “The Invisible Raptor.”

A secret lab is working with a genetically modified raptor that can’t be seen and has the intelligence we’ve come to recognize with the creature from “Jurassic Park” films. Of course the invisible and highly intelligent creature escapes, after making mince meat of stunt casted Sean Astin in professor garb. The invisible predator sets its sights on a nearby town, neighborhood, county, whatever and creates havoc. Unfortunately for the set of townspeople we meet, Dr. Grant Walker (Mike Capes), a shamed paleontologist who now works at an amusement park, is ready to believe in and save the day from the invisible raptor. Helping on this journey is his bumbling doofy co-worker Denny (David Shackelford) and his ex-girlfriend who still kind of wants him, Amber (Caitlin McHugh Stamos).

The likeable nature of our characters, the over-the-top nature of the story, combined with the over-the-top violence, should make this the kind of film that’s beloved by the few who watch it like “Wolf Cop.” But the film is way too long and struggles to connect it’s opening and closing acts. While Dr. Walker and Denny make a fantastic raptor hunting duo, there’s only so many times we can watch them show up when it’s too late or hear another story about Dr. Walker was shamed from his profession or why Denny is the laughing stock of the town, neighborhood, county; whatever. I’m very much in the firm belief that you have to have a damn good reason to make a horror or comedy that’s longer than 80-90 minutes. It can be done, but “The Invisible Raptor” is not one of them.

As much as I’d like to recommend “The Invisible Raptor,” based solely on charm and childish comedic wit, the film begins inhaling fumes before the credits even begin to roll. That being said, I think about all the times I’ve been trapped watching a comedy that doesn’t manage to land a single good joke, (the director/writer duo of Friedberg and Seltzer made at least a dozen of these) and I kind of warm to the idea of “The Invisible Raptor” still being a decent gore rid with comedic chops. Ultimately, “The Invisible Raptor” is up to how much you’re willing to stomach the comedy-horror genre or how much you love creature features. I’m not disappointed that I watched “The Invisible Raptor,” I’m just disappointed it wasn’t better.

Film Review: “Whiteout”

Starring: James McDougall, Douglas Nyback and Joel Labelle
Directed by: Derek Barnes
Rated: R
Running Time: 91 minutes
Saban Films

Our Score: 2.5 out of 5 Stars

Movies don’t always have to have plots. In fact, there’s the saying that too much plot gets in the way of the story, which basically means the film’s vibe. Some people’s favorite films are all about the vibe, more than it is the actual story. A lot of coming-of-age films are about relating to the character or movies like “The Big Lebowski” thrive on it’s characters, as opposed to the rug and kidnapping mystery. So, when a film like “Whiteout” comes along, you have to wonder, “What does it thrives on??

The film hooks you immediately by opening with Russian men kidnapping several individuals from an office complex. The men from the office are sent to labor camps while the few women we see in the background at the office…are probably sent to something worse. “Whiteout” follows Henry (James McDougall), who quickly, after the opening, ends up being involved with the escape plans of two other different prisoners, Kurt (Douglas Nyback) and Anthony (Joel Labelle). While the trio survive a labor camp gun battle, they quickly find out they might not be able to survive the snowy, rocky elements of Mother Russia.

So, why were Russian men raiding the office complex? I don’t know. Why was Henry captured and sent to a miserable labor camp? I don’t know. Who are these two who’ve picked Henry for their escape? I don’t know. Why does everyone we encounter seem to be a sharpshooter? I don’t know. “Whiteout” is a vibe. That vibe is non-stop action, although it does reveal a little as the film progresses, but not enough to add stakes to the overarching plot. Which is unfortunate because it’d be nice to care about Henry’s plight, more than feeling bad for the out of shape tubby guy who has to deal with the worst from Old Man Winter and the lack of trust from those he’s escaped with. That being said, the movie isn’t as predictable as you might think as the third act delivers a few decent shocks.

While I wouldn’t necessarily recommend “Whiteout,” if you were to tell me you were going to watch it, I wouldn’t stop you from watching it. That being said, you really have to enjoy some mindless thrills and actions because you’re not going to get much in the way of thought provoking content. There’s a lot to enjoy from Derek Barnes in his debut feature. He really does capture the vast emptiness of the wilderness and some of the more unforgiving aspects of it. And even with a low budget, the action is incredibly choreographed and the suspense keeps you engaged even if Barnes didn’t know how to write anything beyond a basic plot.

Film Review: “Dream Team”

Starring: Esther Garel, Alex Zhang Huntai and Isabelle Barbier
Directed by: Lev Kalman and Whitney Horn
Rated: NR
Running Time: 91 minutes
Yellow Veil Pictures

Our Score: 1.5 out of 5 Stars

As a product of the 90s (technically born in the 80s, but predominantly remember the 90s), I feel like I know what “Dream Team” is going for. The movie bills itself as an “absurdist homage to 90s basic cable TV thrillers.” That triggers memories of “La Femme Nikita,” “The Pretender,” and “The X-Files.” The 90s is also considered the golden age of erotic thrillers with films like “Body of Evidence,” “Basic Instinct” and “Wild Things.” I’m sure I’m name dropping a lot of content that conjures fond memories, but “Dream Team” isn’t able to.

“Dream Team” is about two INTERPOL agents, played by Esther Garel and Alex Zhang Hungtai, investigating mysterious deaths which may or may not be linked to gaseous coral. That’s the plot in a nutshell, but because this is a mysterious 90s thriller, the film is filled with non sequitur character introductions, soap opera subplots, bad practical effects, cringey dialogue, and a lot of unspoken hornyness. This isn’t really a movie though. The film is presented like a VHS of recorded episodes, with the film broken up with episode title cards. It looks and feels like an homage, but it never comes full circle.

The biggest problem in “Dream Team” is that the movie doesn’t seem to know what to do in between some of the more clever moments of the film, like the antiquated technology jokes, incompetent investigation skills and the intentionally shoehorned unsexy sexual moments. The problem is, there’s not an interesting bare bones story to follow along with. There are also long moments of B-roll like waves crashing on the shore, sea creatures just derping about, or shots of the beach. Some of these scenes last for several minutes, almost as if it was begging me to check my latest phone notification.

The movie is tackling 90s erotic thrillers in a way that’s reminiscent of “NTSF:SD:SUV” or “Children’s Hospital,” a bonkers reality where everyone is Leslie Nielsen in “Airplane!” But the problem is that there isn’t a cast and crew stocked with comedic chops. There were moments where I wondered if the cast was interpreting the script correctly because of the different approaches. At other times I felt like the film was telling an inside joke that I wasn’t privy to. It’s also quite possible I’m not a connoisseur of bad 90s like directors/writers Lev Kalman and Whitney Horn. While I’m sure there’s a niche audience for this,  “Dream Team” is, like most of my dreams, forgettable.

Film Review: “He Never Left”

Starring: Colin Cunningham, Jessica Staples and James Morris
Directed by: James Morris
Rated: NR
Running Time: 89 minutes

Our Score: 2 out of 5 Stars

Gabe (Colin Cunningham) is on the run. The escaped federal convict is hiding in a motel, waiting for some of his old criminal pals to help him further escape. Passing the time in the motel, Gabe leaves the TV on but never watches, talks with his ex-girlfriend over the phone but has no immediate interest to reconnect, and listens to strange noises from the room next door but no explanation as to what they could potentially be. With no one to trust, little to understand, and nowhere to go, Gabe may have found himself in the crosshairs of the town serial killer, Pale Face.

There’s a lot of interesting moving parts in “He Never Left.” Well, moving parts in that there’s a lot of interesting exposition for a film trapped inside the confines of a motel. Probably not this much since “Identity.” The film opens with on-screen text about Pale Face, a slasher whose kills have haunted the town for decades, coming, killing, and leaving without any rhyme or reason. Without revealing more, Gabe hogs the screen time with his criminal uncertainty. How these two plots are connected isn’t immediately clear. That should be a great way to keep a movie flowing, but after the film’s opening act, it becomes less and less interesting.

While a slasher doesn’t necessarily need a lot of exposition, or even a killer’s motive, it’s odd that “He Never Left” sets up all these dangling threads, only for Pale Face and Gabe’s plots to pay off lazily. As for Gabe, he turns out to be the most interesting piece of this film’s puzzle. The other issue, still, is that Pale Face’s story kind of derails what’s working for the film. In a lot of ways, “He Never Left” feels like two ideas struggling to take charge of the film.

While the film maintains steady suspense, it undermines its own enjoyment with overwrought explanations that feel repetitive. For instance, the film mainly takes place at this motel, which allows for some creativity in revealing more about Gabe and Pale Face, but it’s when the film jumps narratively through time and location that the film feels like it’s simply overexplaining what it’s clearly explained prior at the motel.

I really wanted to enjoy “He Never Left” because there is a good movie, somewhere in the narrative mess. It leans heavily on its influences while attempting to tell a fresh slasher story, but it never seems confident enough to stop leaning on those cliches. The acting is good, the direction creates a tense atmosphere, but the script prevents everything from excelling.

Film Review: “Let’s Start a Cult”

Starring: Stavros Halkias, Wes Haney and CM Punk
Directed by: Ben Kitnick
Rated: NR
Running Time: 90 minutes
Dark Sky Films

Our Score: 3 out of 5 Stars

You ever had an annoying person in a friend group, but you can’t get rid of them? Chip (Stavros Halkias) is kind of like that friend, but instead of being in a friend group, he’s in a cult. In fact, he’s so annoying, the cult commits their mass suicide without him. He’s about to resign back to a life at home, where his own family doesn’t want to be around him, when he finds out that the ex-cult leader, William (Wes Haney) is actually still alive. In frustration, Chip tracks down William, and forces William to reboot the cult so they can commit ritualistic suicide the right way.

Wacky comedies used to be a dime a dozen, but now they feel more like a lost art, if you consider mid-2000s films like “Strange Wilderness” or “Grandma’s Boy” a lost art. “Let’s Start a Cult” doubles down on absurdism at every turn, starting with the film’s lead, Chip. He would actually be an obnoxious individual to be around, but as the film progresses, it peels back layers to reveal this relatable softness which undercuts his chaotic spirit. It’s a lot like a 90s Adam Sandler character, without access to endless pools of money or having some kind of insanely unique talent.

We learn, fairly early on in the film through dialogue and interactions, that Chip joined the cult in search of a family. He really doesn’t seem to have any friends and his family seems to view him as some kind of unwanted adoption. Even around strangers, he’s frequently vulgar for no reason, which is off-putting the every day individual. Eventually this plays into Chip’s charm, especially when sandwiched with William, who may be the most cowardly cult leader in cinema history. Of course, the cast of characters they meet and recruit to their cult, are also broken down souls that have been rejected by friends, family and society.

The film has a subtle, let your freak flag fly, morality to it, which plays into Chip’s odd nature. As for the laughs, they don’t come a mile a minute and they sometimes mistake simple crassness for humor, but the film finds itself tickling the funny bone in several inspiring moments; thanks to Halkias performance. It’s hard to imagine anyone else taking this self-deprecating material like Halkias and elevating it to such dizzying heights. The film is mercifully short, meaning that it does run out of steam with minutes left to spare on its somewhat inspired sketch comedy premise.

It seems like the only comedies I’ve watched this year have been blends or attached to other genres, like “Deadpool & Wolverine,” “Didi,” “Lisa Frankenstein” and so forth. Because of that lack thereof, I think I enjoyed “Let’s Start a Cult” more than I normally would. Very few studios or artists are willing to take a leap on a pure comedy, so props to Director Ben Kitnick, as well as Halkias and Haney, for pulling the trigger on something that isn’t as bankable as it used to be. You told a story worthy of comedies from 21st century heydays.