Film Review: “Into the Deep”


  • Starring:  Scout Taylor-Compton, Callum McGowan and Richard Dreyfuss
  • Directed by:  Christian Sesma
  • Rated:  R
  • Running time:  1 hr 30 mins
  • Saban Films

Our Score:  3.5 out of 5


The ocean is a pretty scary place.  Especially if you’re a young girl just learning to swim.  While treading water with her father, young Cassidy (Quinn P. Hensley) is getting mad, as her father keeps kicking her legs.  Only dad is several yards away.  Uh oh!


Well-acted, with some equally good effects, “Into the Deep” tells the story of the now grown up Cassidy (Taylor-Compton) and her boyfriend, Gregg (McGowan) as they prepare to dive to recover a rumored sunken treasure.  Thanks to the constant guidance of her grandfather Shamus (Dreyfuss), Cassidy has conquered her fears to become a marine biologist.  When the pair, and their friends, are taken captive by modern-day pirates searching for 80 kilos of heroin that has been lost at sea, it will take every bit of Cassidy’s will to stay alive.


Of course, any shark-themed film will be compared with “Jaws,” and “Into the Deep” is no exception.  Even with Dreyfuss aboard, it’s not “Jaws.”  But then again, it doesn’t try to be.  If I compare the film to a Peter Benchley story it would be “The Deep.”  The film’s suspense comes from the interactions with the pirates.  They are bold and ruthless and not above executing innocent boaters or the coastal authorities.  The sharks ramp up the suspense even more, and the attacks are well staged.  Nothing over the top.  Very perfunctory and quick.  In this day of CGI overuse, it is a credit to the filmmakers that they don’t go overboard, so to speak.

The cast is strong, especially Taylor-Compton, who displays the silent toughness she will need to survive.  Kudos also to Jon Seda, who plays the leader of the pirates.  He takes a character that could be played over the top and keeps him grounded, making him even more menacing.  And what a great bit of casting to have Mr. Dreyfuss in the cast.  He has always had a way of holding the audience with just his words, and as we listen to his advice, shown through flashbacks, you hang on every word.  “Remember,” he tells the young Cassidy, “this is their world.  You are a visitor.  You are a guest.”  The film is well-paced, and moves along swiftly.  Production values are strong and the musical score, by Andy Fosbery, sets the tone well.


The final credits run alongside a very heartfelt PSA from Dreyfuss on the importance of sharks in our world and how to assist in shark conservation, something that was very important to “Jaws” creator Peter Benchley.


On a scale of zero to five, “Into the Deep” receives ★★★ ½  

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