Is “Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ” written by Daniel Goleman a masterpiece?

We are all aware of the fact that having high IQ is important. It helps us understand a lot of things faster, makes us better learners at school, college or university and comes in handy when we are trying to land that new job. However, we do not know much about EQ or emotional intelligence. This is the subject which the book ‘Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ’ is dedicated to.

Why will reading this book be so useful to everyone? Well, you will find out more about emotional intelligence, as well as figure out a way to develop your EQ. In other words, you will definitely be learning a lot while reading this book. What is more, having acquired all this new knowledge, you might start teaching your friends about emotional intelligence as well.

Daniel Goleman has managed to acquire a lot of valuable knowledge in such fields as psychology and neuroscience to be able to come up with an impressive and a very detailed book on the issue of emotional intelligence. Our mind is both rational and emotional. So far, we have managed to find out as much as possible about the rational side. However, the potential of the emotional side is not as widely discussed as it should be.

In his book, Daniel Goleman presents five key skills of emotional intelligence and provides vivid examples to support his theoretical findings. Viewing the issue of emotional intelligence in detail helps us understand how is determines our relationship with other people, the steps we take to achieve success, as well as how it influences our physical well-being. It may sound rather unconventional but there is a direct link between our thoughts or emotions and our physical health. The happier you are, the healthier you will be. Therefore, being smart does only only represent the ability to get excellent grades and demonstrate quick wit. It means the ability of a human being to understand their emotions and feelings, to talk about them to others, as well as to explain why a certain emotional situation influences what the person is feeling at that particular moment.

The good news is that the so-called emotional literacy is not fixed. It may be something you have not been born with but you are luckily able to work on it during your whole life to develop your emotional literacy. Any human being on the planet has the possibility to develop their EQ to any level they want. It will take time and a lot of effort but it is possible.

All in all, the book ‘Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ’ by Daniel Goleman covers the topic of emotional intelligence and highlights the fact that it is a much more reliable indicator of intelligence than IQ. A detailed description of every emotion we feel and its influence on our actions helps a reader better understand why they act a certain way. What is more, the experiences a person has had during their childhood and infancy years are of great importance when it comes to defining one’s EQ. Being able to analyze our emotions and feelings, as well as learn from those findings will definitely give a person more advantages not only in the business world, but also in personal life as well. One cannot say that this book is a masterpiece but it is definitely very useful to every single person on the planet.

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