Playmonster Delivers Creativity and Inspiration in their New Products for 2016!


Playmonster has a line of toys called Roominate and I just love the tagline for these, which is “Switch on Your Imagination!” I simply love that! Having a 4 year old daughter, there is nothing I love more than watching her light up when she thinks or when watching her stick out her tongue like daddy when she is problem solving. Nothing makes me happier! So when I heard of these new toys from Playmonster, I knew that they were going to not only entertain my child but also help her grow and learn.

Here is a little information about the line before we get started “Roominate® is an award-winning and customizable line of wired building systems that inspire open-ended, hands-on play, all while showing girls that creativity and engineering are fun! Using circuits, motors and cottoncandy-carnivalmodular building pieces, girls can build and create their own unique and original structures or vehicles that can be joined together or taken apart and remade into something completely new and different! Then, they can decorate and play!”

There are two of the products that I wanted to showcase from this new Roominate line. The first is the Roominate® Cotton Candy Carnival, which looks guaranteed to spark huge major creativity. Girls used to play with dollhouse, which is fun I’m sure but could get old personally. This makes you build your toy and enjoy and learn through the whole process and then get to spend time enjoying it after. Honestly, these are the type of toys that kids should be playing with these days. Something that is going to get them stimulated and assist in developing their mind and brain!

Here are the official details for the Cotton Candy Carnival: “Snap the pieces together to start your creations…if you can imagine it, you canemmatownhouse make it! Design your carnival, and try other things, too. Arrange the food and game play pieces, along with the stickers, or add your own accessories and artwork! Then, bring your creations to life with the circuits and motors! Requires 4 AAA batteries, not included.”

Another great item from Playmonster is Roominate® Emma’s Townhouse. Like the Cotton Candy Carnival set, this is another one creative gift for kids to keep them busy for hours learning and using their brains. I can’t wait to see my daughters eyes light up while she is sticking out her tongue thinking and putting together this unbelievably amazing toy.

Here are the official details for Emma’s Townhouse: “Snap the pieces together to start your creations…if you can imagine it, you can make it! Design your townhouse vertically or horizontally, and try other things, too. Arrange the food, tools and toiletries, along with the stickers, or add your own accessories and artwork! Then, bring your creations to life with the circuits and a motor! Requires 2 AAA batteries, not included.”

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