Brittania Nicol talks about her role in “The Wicker Tree”

Brittania Nicol stars in the film “The Wicker Tree” which is the sequel to the classic 1973 Robin Hardy film “The Wicker Man”. Media Mikes had the chance to talk with Brittania recently about her work on the film.

Adam Lawton:  What can you tell us about the film?
Brittania Nicol: This film is the sister film to the 70’s film “the Wicker Man”. It is sort of in the same genre as the previous film and has the Christian vs. Pagan battle going on. The first film was more of a creepy film and this film is more of a comedy. It looks at the lighter side of things.

AL: What is your role in the film?
BN: I play Beth Boothby. She is a teenage pop star who has left the business to explore her faith as a born again Christian. She and her fiancé decide to give a year of their lives to the church in order to preach the message across the world.

AL: What was it that interested you about this role?
BN: When I read the script I really identified with this character. I knew her and grew up with girls that were like her. I knew I could play the part and was attracted to the role in that way.

AL: What was the audition process like?
BN: We had several auditions. I went in to read first and then they had to find out if I could sing. I had a singing audition with the composer to see if he could get the voice he wanted out of me. I then had a final audition with the guy who was going to play my fiancé just to see if there was any chemistry between us. It was during the final audition that they told us we had gotten the parts. It was a very exciting day.

AL: Was there anything difficult about the role?
BN: I found it difficult to make the character likeable. A lot of people are very turned off by religion. You need to love this character. I had to make sure that while the character was preaching and pushing religion on people that she was still someone that you wanted to win.

AL: Will the DVD/Blu-Ray release of the film include any bonus material?
BN: I know we did a lot of filming of on-set interviews and behind the scenes stuff. There were also some interviews done with the films composer as well as with Robin and the other actors. You will also get to see the Wicker Tree being built.

3 Replies to “Brittania Nicol talks about her role in “The Wicker Tree””

  1. I just caught the last portion of this film on a movie channel. I had no idea
    it was a horror movie, & had to wait for the story to reveal itself.
    I was drawn to the very attractive young lady and also wanted her to get
    back with the young man. I was severely bummed out when the young man
    didn’t discover the “group’s” intentions until they had grabbed him. At this
    point I figured if the writers let this “good guy” get eaten, then, hot babe
    gets semi-taxidermied and ends up dying, too.
    movie sucks.
    acting was ok.
    Writing sucks the most.
    I hate when the A-holes get away with murder. Leaves me wishing
    I hadn’t wasted my time to see the depressing ending.
    now I have to watch a comedy to lift my spirits.

  2. I agree with most of what he said. depressing ending, watched once , never again.

  3. I only saw the last part of this movie but I plan
    to tune it in again on Starz to see it in full. Bc I was very impressed with the young leading actress at the ending where she was not afraid to take a stand against what seemingly was a wicked group of people who garbed or killed her fiancé and she wasn’t afraid to avenge his death
    and honor him by setting the obviously disturbed leaders
    of this cult on fire until he perished and she did it right in front of the entire group. A real heroine!

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