Interview with David Giuntoli

David Giuntoli is the star of NBC’s new series “Grimm”. The show is described as “a cop drama—with a twist…a dark and fantastical project about a world in which characters inspired by Grimm’s Fairy Tales exist”. The show co-stars Russell Hornsby, Bitsie Tulloch, Silas Weir Mitchell, Sasha Roiz and Reggie Lee. Media Mikes had a chance to chat with David about his role in the show and also what he has planned next.

Mike Gencarelli: Can you give us some background on your new show “Grimm”?
David Guintoli: The show is a cool mix of genre and procedural. It’s “CSI” meets “X-Files”. There is crazy stuff going on but it’s based here in the real world. It’s about a regular guy trying to sort out some new rules he has learned about. The show has some action mixed with some horror. It’s really neat in those ways.

MG: What drew you to the character of “Nick”?
DG: Most roles in Hollywood you are playing are an attorney, cop or doctor. This role right of the bat is one of those gems where the lead character starts his quest immediately. In the pilot episode the main character has something happen to him and the following episodes will be how he is dealing with his new identity. This is one of those special parts that if you are lucky comes around maybe once or twice in a lifetime.

MG: How was it for you taking the lead in the show?
DG: I was completely nervous. On one end I was ready but at the same time it was the first time taking the lead. It was a big responsibility.

MG: What can you tell us about the episodes that have aired so far?
DG: My character Nick has come to terms with this new world where characters from the Grimm fairy tales are trying to kill him. Nick has very few resources to find out about what is going on. Nick does have his aunt (played by Kate Burton) and a small library where he goes to try and figure out his responsibilities. The character Eddie Monroe played by Silas Weir Mitchell also helps my character navigate this new world. You will see me learn how to decide who is good and who is bad. Each episode has a crazy crime going on.

MG: How do you feel this show differs from shows like “Supernatural” and “Fringe”?
DG: They are all quality shows. I think “Grimm” will push the gore factor a little more. The more of these types of shows the merrier since I believe Friday night is a perfect night for these shows.

MG: What can you tell us about your upcoming film “Caroline and Jackie” which also stars Bitsie Tulloch?
DG: We filmed that prior to us working together on “Grimm”. We played boyfriend and girlfriend and we had good chemistry. The film is kind of like a Woody Allen comedy, where an intervention goes completely awry.

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