Film Review “Vamperifica”

Director: Bruce Ornstein
Stars: Martin Yurkovic, Dreama Walker and Creighton James
MPAA Rating: Not Rated
Running Time: 95 minutes

Our Score: 1 out of 5 stars

I am not really sure how to describe this film. It tries to be serious at first but then switches gears goes campy. I am not sure it is able to handle both ends. The first thirty minutes are decent but then falls short in the second half. Honestly the acting isn’t even that bad. Martin Yurkovic  and Dreama Walker is are good in there roles.  It is Martin’s first role in fact and he does ok. There is some decent gore in the second half but it doesn’t make up for the story falling short very quickly.

The story is about a flamboyant college student that wants to be in a stage production though he finds out that he has the soul of a great vampire king. He has to choose between his friends, his destiny…and a musical number. He also has mommy issues that he is dealing with. Sounds fun…right? No. The idea of him being a “vampire king” gets lost in the shuffle, which could have made this better. Don’t even get me started on the end of the film which sealed the deal on how bad this was.