7 Trending Topics to Write About for Your Technology Essay

It seems that the world around us has interwoven technology in every sphere. From healthcare to education, politics to engineering, there is always a new and interesting technological development that affects our lives in one way or the other.

Your teacher or instructor will undoubtedly require you to write an essay on or related to technology at some point. You’ll have to think about an insightful topic to write about, then go about researching, gathering sources, and creating a mind map, before you embark on your writing. If writing isn’t your forte, or if you are not particularly inclined toward technology, you would do well to have professional essay writers write your paper for you.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, and the first step is a great tech topic to write about. Here then, are seven fresh and insightful topics to write about for your tech essay.

  • Open-source software versus “freeware”: differentiate between these two types of license agreements

The terms “open-source software” and “freeware” are often used interchangeably. However, this usage is incorrect. Open-source software is software whose source code adheres to the license agreements under the Open Source Initiative (OSI). Amongst some of the criteria to be adhered to include that the software should be freely redistributable and that the source code can be modified into a different format and software all together.

Freeware, on the other hand, refers to software that is commercially available at no cost, but whose source code isn’t necessarily available. Your essay can highlight the major differences between these license agreements, with examples of existing software.

  • Does gaming improve or diminish a learner’s IQ?

There has been a raging debate about whether gaming can improve a learner’s IQ. Research has shown that skills such as spatial cognition, concentration, strategy, and collaboration are improved significantly in children who participate in gaming. However, research also shows that there is a 16% chance of gamers getting addicted. It not only has the potential of reducing their focus on their academic work but also slowing down other cognitive functions.

  • Debate the underlying effects of gaming on learners through an argumentative essay

Have the underlying advantages of blockchain been overtaken by mass speculation and profiteering on bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies?

Bitcoin was touted as a revolution to transacting, and as a means of decentralizing currency. However, most people don’t understand why something that was touted as freedom from mass financial regulation and as a solution to free trade has been monetized and betted upon, with only the elite few having access to it.

Deliberate on the benefits of the concept of blockchain and how this can be harnessed aside from cryptocurrencies.

  • 5G: is faster transfer speeds worth the health risks?

Debate on the benefits of faster data transmission through 5G versus the inevitable health risks posed by higher frequencies of electromagnetic transmission and radiation through the new technology.

  • Has social media revolutionized product marketing completely?

Can companies survive without having some sort of social media marketing strategy in this day and age? Have influencers taken over content marketing? How can a new company without a significant marketing budget and social media following grow its reach organically in the age of social media?

How is social media marketing interwoven with e-commerce, and how are companies that have existed for decades transition to social media marketing if their products are not necessarily sellable to a millennial social media market?

  • Should Facebook be allowed to characterize users’ political leanings?

Facebook has been collecting data on its users for quite a while and selling it to advertisers. It has caused quite an uproar within the worldwide community, especially after the Cambridge Analytica scandal of 2018. Facebook characterizes users as conservative, moderate, liberal, or very conservative. While users can choose their political labels and affiliations, Facebook’s AI automatically does this based on collected data, which itself is a breach of trust. Should this feature’s AI be entirely removed and regulated?

  • Does Donald Trump’s new executive order on social media content policing increase or curtail free speech?

The president is expected to sign an executive order that all but repeals “section 230” of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, which gives companies operating online forums the right to moderate content on their platforms. Social media companies, through this act, have the right to take down content that breaches their terms. However, this is also seen by some quarters as an attack on free political speech, which doesn’t align with the leanings of these companies.

Debate on the potential effect on the repeal of Section 230 and what it would mean for political commentary on social platforms.

Best Essay Writing Advice for College

While juggling forms, dates, transcripts, and other things, you may brush off the college application essay with ease as another part of the application. It is true that your college application essay is not the only thing that is of importance to college admission officers. But, a perfect college paper can compensate for less than prodigious or exemplary grades. On the other hand, a bad college paper can surpass all your other achievements. In general, a college essay is the only part of your application where you have to wow the admission officers by showing them who you are. Most of the other parts of the article are just statistics and lists: voluntary experiences or work, GPA, extracurricular activities, and your courses. All these are crucial. However, they do not make you stand out.

It is fundamental to note that if you are intending to join a very competitive school, each individual applying will be having a high GPA, may have been president of a student organization, or may have a list of innovative classes among other things. Hence, you need to treat your college application essay as a tool for transcending or outshining in manners a robot cannot. Your college application essay is not similar to a cover letter. So, take this opportunity and reveal the person responsible for the statistics and achievements. Below are some tips you can use to learn how to write a good college essay.

Getting started on the college essay

An ideal time to start working on your college application essay is the period when assignments and extracurricular activities are not consuming much of your time. Beginning your essay early will not only give you a lot of time to work on many drafts before the deadlines but also enable you to understand how to make it unique and exceptional. But, knowing how to start a college essay can be quite difficult more so if you did not write many articles while in high school. However, that should not bother you. You can always seek professional writing help from a cheap essay writing service and get to have their enthusiastic team of proficient authors helps you out. They can provide you with ideas you can use to begin your college paper. Nonetheless, you need to understand what the paper requires from you.

How to pick a college essay topic

Choosing a college essay topic is a challenging task for many students. This is because there are various essay prompts to select from in your college application. They are open-ended and broad thereby giving you the freedom to write about several topics. Nonetheless, to learn how to select a college essay topic, you need to narrow your focus and write about a particular experience, oddity, or hobby which discloses something personal, such as an aspect illustration of your background, how you think, what you value, or your strengths.

You do not need to discuss a major accomplishment in your paper. It only needs to be thoughtful and narrates a story which provides insight into who you are as a person.

Read essay examples

Whenever you are unable to start your essay or have no idea on how to go about it, purchase essay samples from writing services and have a look at them. Notice how these writers approach their articles and how they make them exclusive and exceptional. You can borrow some college essay tips from these samples and use them to write your paper.

Create a thesis statement

A thesis statement is fundamental in essay writing as it is the argument which the rest of your essay will be talking about. So, ensure you develop a top-notch thesis statement that will not only make your essay interesting but also unique and outstanding. If you do not know how to create one, seek professional help from CustomEssayOrder. The writers from this writing service can provide you with various thesis statements you can use in your paper.

How to write a scholarship essay

Writing a scholarship essay is similar to writing any other type of essay as it has the same college essay format. However, the purpose of a scholarship essay is different from that of other articles. A scholarship essay purposes to give the scholarship board an inkling or impression of who you are and your dedication to meeting your objectives or accomplishing your goals. Thus, when writing your college essay, you will want to ensure that it is as best as it can be. So, when writing your essay, remember to;

  • Read the instructions in a thorough manner and understand them.
  • Think about what you will write and how you will organize your thoughts and ideas in your outline.
  • Write your paper by expounding on every point in your outline.
  • Embrace clear, succinct, and simple language in the entire article.
  • When you are through, read the prompt and the article to ensure they correspond. Also, ensure that your paper is error-free.

Use writing examples

As aforementioned, writing a college essay can be difficult sometimes. But, you do not need to worry about anything. Purchasing custom essay samples from reliable essay writing services can go a long way. These articles contain tips and guidelines you can borrow and use to write your paper.

Editing and submitting the college essay

After you finish writing your college paper, ensure you revise and edit it before submission. This will help you to correct all the mistakes in your paper thereby making it error-free. Additionally, it will help you check to see if your essay has a smooth and systematic flow.

Follow usual essay instructions

One of the most fundamental steps in learning how to write a college essay is following the usual essay instructions. This will help you to stay on track and write your paper as per the requirements. Additionally, it will help you maintain the quality standards of essay writing. So, when writing your paper, ensure you do not incorporate any information which does not correspond to the writing instructions.

In conclusion, writing a college essay is a fundamental part of your academic career. This is because it helps showcase your writing skills and reveals who you are as a person to the college admission officers. So, when writing your college application essay, ensure you make it as unique and outstanding as possible. Treat it as a tool for outshining or transcending in ways through which a robot cannot. Ensure it does not incorporate the same details such as that of other students, for instance, your accomplishments. Also, remember to follow the essay instructions. Above are some tips you can use to learn how to write a college application essay.