5 Things to Ensure If You Are Starting a Movie Reviews Blog

Search for a movie review and you will find numerous websites and blogs each offering articles on that movie. Over the years, thousands of websites have propped up; each dedicated to reviewing movie releases. Like many budding bloggers, you might have the same idea to start a blog writing movie reviews and then converting the blog into a registered website when you gained plenty of regular visitors. It is a good idea and many have used their writing skills to earn money this way.

Here are some tips I want to share if you are thinking to start a Movie Reviews Blog:

  1. Be A True Movie Buff– You must be a movie buff; that goes without saying. You will not be able to write about movies if you are not a cinephile and are not passionate about it. There are a number of articles on blogs titled such as ‘7 Movies like Good Will Hunting’; one wouldn’t be able to mention 7 movies like good will hunting if he/she hasn’t watched coming-of-age feel-good movies about a guy finding his way in life. I suggest you pick out the famous directors and watch all their movies to begin with.
  2. An Interesting Style of Writing– Every movie review you read, there is plenty of use of the words ‘must-watch’ ‘great’ ‘good’ and that becomes repetitive as you scroll through each of the reviews. You will need to create an interesting style of writing so to keep the visitors hooked to your content. If you have read Roger Ebert’s reviews, you will see that he always had something sensible to say and he always wrote it in an interesting way. You can take help from sites like Paperdoers, Essaywriter4u, TFTH or Upwork (to name a few) to get a review written for your blog, which will surely help you understand the way it should be written.
  3. Proofread the Content– This one relates to the first point too; you must have watched plenty of movies before starting a movie reviews blog. You should have original and unique content to write about the movie. There might be an issue if you have watched five movies in a day that you really liked; you might have the same thoughts about them and similar content to write. You can pay experts at Top Assignment Experts and OnlineAssignmentWriting and ask them to write a review for you keeping in view the writing style you have. You could also use Grammarly to proofread the review yourself.
  4. A Plethora of Movie Types– You must not only write on the popular weekly releases but also on indie movies, documentaries, and blu-ray releases of old movies. Movie buffs love cinema that is new and different from the previous ones they have seen; if you put that content on your blog, it will naturally attract genuine movie buffs who always looking to find a gem among it all.
  5. Rating System– Every movie blog or website has a way of rating the movies it is reviewing. It is usually out of 5 stars or a rating out of 10. IMDB is the most popular movie rating website; you will find each movie reviewed out of 10 based on critic and viewer reviews. You should also create a rating system based on points given for acting, directing, screenplay, and soundtrack among other criteria you might want to rate the movie on. You can take help from websites such as AAHR or BestOnlineAssignmentHelp to figure out different ways of creating a rating system for the movies; they will help you at a cheap price.