Interview with Kevin Chapman

Kevin Chapman is currently starring along side Jim Caviezel & Michael Emerson in the new TV series “Persons of Interest”.  Media Mikes had a chance to chat with Kevin about his new show and what he likes most about his character Detective Lionel Fusco.

Mike Gencarelli: What do you like most about playing Detective Lionel Fusco on “Persons of Interest”?
Kevin Chapman: He is a club cop running with a club crowd. Each week you start to see Lionel coming back more and more to life. You start to see the fire in his eyes as to why he became a cop. Each week is a gradual progression. Lionel still has some questionable qualities but he is progressing back to the right side of the law.

MG: How has it been working with Jim Caviezel & Michael Emerson?
KC: Jim and I have worked together before. We were in a movie together called “Unknown”. I had also worked on “Lost” however I didn’t have any scenes with Michael. It’s a great show and it just has the great pedigree. We have great writers as well as J.J. Abrams watching over everything. Jonathan Nolan is really amazing as well. I think he is going to have a great career in this business.

MG: What do you look for in a role when you approach a project?
KC: I look for truth in the character. I want the people watching to be able to identify with the character I am playing. I think anytime I look at a role that is exactly what I am looking. With the Lionel character the redemption side of things is very enticing. It does up to the viewer wither or not he is a good guy or a bad guy. I try not to personally judge the characters I play and leave that to the viewers.

MG: You have done a bunch of TV and movies, do you have a preference?
KC: I like quality. I have done films for other reasons but quality is a big thing.

MG: What the upcoming plans for your involvement with the show?
KC: We don’t ever know what’s going on with our characters from week to week. That is something I like. I like to be able to go on the journey with Lionel from week to week. I’m not the type of guy who suggests things to the writers. That’s not me as I am an actor. If I wanted to write I would have become a writer. I really enjoy not knowing what’s going to happen and just watching the show. If I am not in a particular scene then I generally am not there and don’t know what’s going on. When the shows is on you can find me at my house with Chinese food and a bunch of people watching the show.