Concert Review: Tommy James and the Shondells


  • Tommy James and the Shondells
  • The Kaufman Center
  • Kansas City, Missouri 


I’ve said in the past that the “oldies” groups often put on the best shows.  Tommy James was no exception.


An AM radio staple in the 1960s, James and his group, the Shondells, gave the world such amazing songs as “Hanky Panky,” “Crimson and Clover,” “Crystal Blue Persuasion” and many more.


Looking much younger then his 75 years, James and his band played an amazing set of familiar hits and newer material.  As the music played, the audience sang along loudly.  The power of James’ music is that it is well known by many generations.  Not only was James and his music huge when I was a youngster, but three of his songs gained a new legion of fans in the 1980s.  Joan Jett hit #7 in 1982 with her version of “Crimson and Clover” while Tiffany and Billy Idol had back to back #1 hits with “I Think We’re Alone Now” and “Mony Mony,” respectively.  Don’t quote me but I believe this was the first time that back to back #1 songs were performed by different artists but written by the same songwriter (Ritchie Cordell wrote “I Think We’re Alone Now” and co-wrote “Mony Mony”).


James was in fine voice and his band was tight as any recent group of musicians I’ve seen.  Not only did they play the hits, they also put new spins on some old classics.  Talking about an upcoming film about his life, James played a sweet acoustic version of “I Think We’re Alone Now” and a spot on rendition of a cover version of “Hanky Panky” done by the Raindrops.  The music took me back to my youth, which is always a nice place to visit!


SET LIST:   Draggin’ the Line, Crystal Blue Persuasion,Say I Am, I Think We’re Alone Now (Acoustic), Tighter, Tighter, Crimson & Clover, Hanky Panky (The Raindrops cover), I Think We’re Alone Now, Do Something to Me, Mony Mony, Sweet Cherry Wine.   ENCORE:  Mirage/Mony Mony.


For tickets and information about Tommy James on Tour please click HERE.

Kansas City Theater Review: “Tootise – the Musical”


  • TOOTSIE – the Musical
  • Starlight Theater
  • Kansas City, Missouri


While men often played female characters in the time of Shakespeare, it didn’thappen a lot in the late 20th Century.  Then came the 1982 film “Tootsie” which is often regarded as one of the funniest films ever.   The story:  Michael Dorsey is an actor who overthinks everything, from the smallest stage direction to the back story he has created for a character.  His reputation is such that he can’t find a job.  Until one day he puts on a dress and some makeup and is hired as an actress.   The rest, as the saying goes, is history.


Michael Dorsey (an excellent Drew Becker) is celebrating his 40th birthday with his two closest friends, former girlfriend Sandy (Payton Reilly) and his roommate Jeff (Jared David Michael Grant).  He is also celebrating his being fired from another show.  As he works with Sandy for an upcoming audition she has, he bemoans the fact that people don’t understand his talents.  When his agent tells him that no one will hire “him” he auditions for the role Sandy was up for and gets the job.  And the fireworks begin.


It’s had to believe that four decades after it premiered the ordeals of women working in male dominated roles continue.  As newly cast Dorothy Michaels, Michael has to deal with the sexism that exists in pretty much every aspect of his chosen profession.  However, that doesn’t stop “Dorothy” from interjecting her ideas into the new show – a musical based on the story of Romeo and Juliet, with Juliet survivng and falling for Romeo’s brother, Craig – from updating the time period to changing the costumes.  However, where Michael’s input would be seen as meddling, “Dorothy” has the support of the show’s femiale producer and soon the show is built around her.


“Tootsie – the Musical” won the Tony Award for its book, and deservedly so.  The story is altered enough from the film that it seems fresh, combining the best jokes from the film with some hilarious new bits.  The songs are well constructed and move the story along.


The show is well cast, with Mr. Becker pulling double duty as Michael/Dorothy.  Not only does he have to speak as both characters, but he has to sing also.  He is able to make both characters come to life as if you are watching two different performers.  Comedically the standouts were Mr. Grant as Jeff and Adam Du Plessis as Ron, the show director.

“Tootise – the Musical” continues in Kansas City through Sunday, May 21.  For tickets to these performances, or future shows on the tour, please click HERE.

Kansas City Theater Review: “Les Miserables”


  • Music Hall, Kansas City, Missouri
  • May 2, 2023


It is often referred to as one of the world’s most popular musicals.  And it is, with good reason.  In 1985, “Les Misérables,” a musical adaptation of Victor Hugo’s novel, premiered.  Full of brilliant music, amazing production design and a cast for the ages, the show became a phenomenon wherever it played.  That includes the current National Tour, which opened in Kansas City this week.


After 19-years of hard labor, Jean Valjean (Nick Cartell) is released from prison.  His crime?  He stole a loaf of bread to feed the hungry children in his family.  Free, but on parole, he clashes with one of his guards, the strict Javert (Preston Truman Boyd).  Once released, Valjean quickly steals again, but an act of kindness leads him to change his life.  And his name.  He becomes a prosperous businessman, but soon finds he will never escape the vengeful Javert.


Javert (Preston Truman Boyd) confronts Jean Valjean (Nick Cartell) (photo by Johan Perrson)


I’ve seen the show a few times, but this is the first opportunity I’ve had to review it.  And where do I start?  From a fan’s perspective, it is pretty much the perfect musical.  Not a false note – no pun intended.  The show is scaled back some from previous tours, but it is still a spectacle in every sense of the word.


The show is carried by the performances and amazing voices of it’s two leading men.  Both Mr. Cartell and Mr. Boyd put their own touch on roles that have been played the world over, taking the familiar and making it their own.  They successfully mix raw emotions and musical skills in two extraordinary performances.  Other stand outs include Haley Dortch as Fantine, Christine Heesun Hwang as Eponine and audience favorites Christina Rose Hall and Matt Crowle as Madame Thenardier and her crooked husband.


To sum it up, this production of “Les Misérables” is an amazing night at the theater, one that you will never forget.  

“Les Miserables” receives a score of 5 out of 5 stars.


To read my conversation with actor Preston Truman Boyd, please click HERE.


“Les MIserables” continues in Kansas City through Sunday, May 7th.  For informtion and tickets for this and future shows, please click HERE.  

A Conversation with “Les Miz” actor Preston Truman Boyd


For Preston Truman Boyd, music runs in the family.  His grandfather was an opera singer so when the young man showed some talent in church, people noticed.  Eventually he made his way to New York City, appearing in “Sunset Boulevard” with Glenn Close as well as featured roles in the National tours of “Young Frankenstein” and “Jersey Boys.”


He is currently appearing in the National tour of “Les Misérables,” where he plays the “misunderstood” police inspector Javert.  I spoke with Mr. Boyd while he was in Washington D.C., performing at the Kennedy Center. 




MIKE SMITH:  “Les Miserables” is an iconic show, and Javert is a truly iconic role.  How do you prepare to tackle a role that so many people are familiar with and may have preconceived ideas on how it should be played?


PRESTON TRUMAN BOYD:  I try to bring as much gravita as I can to the role.  It IS an iconic role in an iconic show and I know there are fans who have their own ideas in how the want to see it done.  It’s the added pressure of people having their favorite Javert.  You definitely want to be the pivotal Ying to the Yang of Jean Valjean, which is not only important to the story but important in supporting the theme of the show.  The survival of the human spirit.  Javert is often referred to as “the bad guy” but I like to think he’s “the misunderstood guy.”  At the end of the day, he’s just a guy doing his job.  If you’ve fled your parole, I’ve got to come get you.  That’s just how it is. (laughs)


MS:  Javert the Bounty Hunter!


PTB:  Exactly, yes.


MS:  You mentioned that some people have a pre-conception of the role.  Do you try to model portions of your performance on how others have played the role?


PTB:  A lot of us in this business grew up listening to this show.  We’d seek it out whenever it came to town.  I was always a Philip Quast fan.  I’d like to think I sound a little more like him then other Javerts. (NOTE:  Philip Quast originated the role of Javert in the original Australian production of “Les Miz,” later playing the role on the West End in London.  He also appeared in the hugely popular  “Les Miserables: the Dream Cast in Concert).  His voice stuck with me.  That’s the beauty of our show.  So many people have seen the show in so many incarnations and in different companies.  The directors have looked at it from another angle.  It’s the same story but you can really push certain themes a bit more.  Even in the design.  Some of Victor Hugo’s paintings are now projected on stage. (NOTE:  Hugo wrote the novel “Les Misérables”).  


Javert (Preston Truman Boyd) confronts Jean Valjean (Nick Cartell) (photo by Johan Perrson)


MS:  What got you into musical theater?


PTB:  I grew up in the church singing and once I heard from people that weren’t my parents that I might have a gift I began to seek out other opportunities in the community.  I grew up in Fargo/Moorehead (North Dakota).  I got involved in school programs and did a lot of speech and debate.  A couple predecessors from my hometown ended up moving to the City and had some success so it didn’t seem like an absolute pipe dream.  I sought out scholarship programs and what schools to attend.  I did a program called The National Foundation for the Advancement of the Arts.  They bring in (10) kids from each discipline every year and I went down to Miami for opera.  We spent a week studying voice with Placido Domingo, which was absolutely incredible.  After that I had a few people seek me out for different programs like voice and theater and I ended up at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, where I did four years and a lot of great roles.  The show moves you out to New York where you put on  Senior Showcase for all of the casting directors and agents, who come each year to scout new talent.  I signed with an agent there and the rest is history!


MS:  Roger Maris left Fargo and went to New York.  He did well.


PTB: (laughs)  Exactly.


MS:  Was there a show you saw that kind of triggered the bug?


PTB:  Yeah.  I think the very first show I saw was a production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis.  I had never seen production value like that.  Ever.  I was just in awe at how good the show looked.  And once I was over that, I realized how much fun it looked like the people were having.  One of my teachers added, “and their getting paid.”  I realized I could live in New York , which sounded fun.  I think it was just me realizing that I could have a good time in a show.  That my job would be a really good time.  I’ll get to tell stories and, hopefully, at the end of the day change some lives. 


MS:  What was your first professional gig


PTB:  It was at the Muni in St. Louis.  When I was in college I got my Equity card and I sang “Beautiful Girl” in “Singing in the Rain.”  I did “Peter Pan” there.  I did “Oklahoma there.  I think I’ve done thirteen different shows at the Muni, mostly when I was in college, but I’ve been back a couple times since then.  That’s where I got my start.  When I moved to the City I went out on the National Tour of “Young Frankenstein.”  A week after that contract was up I signed up for the National Tour of “Jersey Boys.”  When that contract ended I went back to New York and did seven shows on Broadway.  I haven’t been back on the road in quite some time so it’s been fun to get my tour legs again. 


MS:  Is there a role you’d like to play?  Too bad “Phantom” just closed.


PTB:  (laughing) Maybe in four years when it comes back.  I’d love to play Sweeney Todd actually.  It’s back and it’s on Broadway.  Josh Grobin is doing it.  Maybe when he’s out of there I can get seen for it.  That would be great.  I’d also love to play George Seurat in “Sunday in the Park with George.”  I guess ultimately, I just want to do a Sondheim show!  I’ve never done a Sondheim show and I’m really itching to do one. 


“Les Miserables” opens in Kansas City on Tuesday, May 2.  For tickets and information about this and futurte shows, please click HERE.

Kansas City Theater Review: “Annie”


  • Kauffman Center, Kansas City, Missouri
  • April 18, 2023

The first professional musical I saw was the first National Tour which came to Kansas City in 1981.  Reid Shelton, who had originated the role of Oliver Warbucks on Broadway, was in the cast along with future Tony Award winner Gary Beach, who played Rooster.  I had played the album endlessly for years so it was an amazing opportunity to see the show live.  42-years later, the show returned to Kansas City and I made sure I was there!

If you are not aware of the show “Annie” or the song “Tomorrow,” you definitely were not around in the late 1970s.  The show took the world by storm, running for an amazing 2,377 shows and was so popular that the name of the Alvin Theater, where the show ran, was temporarily changed to the ANNIE.  For those not familiar with the show, it tells the story of Annie, an orphan in depression-era New York City who lives in an orphanage with other parentless children.  The place is overseen by Miss Hanigan, a woman who really has no reason to be raising children.  When billionaire Oliver Warbucks decides to have an orphan spend Christmas with him, Annie is chosen.  The rest, as the saying goes, is history.

Like any musical, the show is only as good as the people in it, and here “Annie” did not disappoint.  From the ragtag orphans to FDR, they did not miss a beat.  As someone that knows the score by heart, I was pleased at how the performers made the songs their own, adding an additional pause or small nuance to familiar songs, giving the show a new, but familiar, feel. 


Among the standouts – Christopher Swan as Warbucks, Stefanie Londino as Miss Hannigan, Julia Nicole Hunter as Grace Farrell and, of course, Ellie Pulsifer, who plays Annie with a little more street smarts then usual.  I also enjoyed the comic performance of Aidan Ziegler-Hansen, who played radio host Bert Healey. At least I hope it was Mr. Ziegler-Hansen.  On the cast board it was noted that the role of Bert Healey was being played by a different actor.  I didn’t write the name down becuase I expected a little note to be inserted in the Playbill.  Unfortunately, non-of the Playbills had one and by the time the show let out the board had been taken down.  Mr. Ziegler-Hansen is listed as the understudy for the role so that is who I’m tipping my hat too.

In 1993 I caught an early performance of the short-lived “Annie Warbucks,” a sequel to the original show, with a cast that included Donna McKechnie, the original Cassie in “A Chorus Line.”  Though well received, the show never made it to Broadway.  Oh well.  Maybe Tomorrow…it is only a day away!

I give “Annie” 5 stars out of 5.  A fun night at the theater for young and old!


“Annie” runs in Kansas City through April 23rd.  For tickets to this or future shows, click HERE.

“Annie” plays kc through.  buy tix here.

Blu-Ray Review: Cocaine Bear

Starring: Keri Russell, O’Shea Jackson, Jr. and Ray Liotta
Directed by: Elizabeth Banks
Rated: R
Running time: 95 minutes

Normally when a film is advertised as “based/inspired by a true story,” you think to yourself, cool. However, when I first heard this comment used about “Cocaine Bear” I had to chuckle. Really? A beat that goes on a cocaine bender? Yeah, right. Then I spoke with a friend of mine who lives in Knoxville, Tennessee. She knew all about the story BECAUSE IT’S TRUE!

It’s sometime in the 1980s. America is in the middle of a huge drug epidemic. “Just say no,” is the message related by everyone from Nancy Reagan to Pee Wee Herman. Sadly there are no television in the woods.

A plane flies overhead in the darkness. Aboard is a man packaging up bundles of cocaine to drop into the woods below for his associates to recover and put on the street. An onboard mishap causes the plane to crash, with the wreckage (and drugs’) strewn all over. Anyone could come along and find the illicit cargo. Hikers. Kids. A bear.

A film that mixes dark humor and horror perfectly is indeed a rarity, but “Cocaine Bear” pulls this mixture off almost seamlessly. Director Banks and screenwriter Jimmy Warden have woven together a film that is both funny and terrifying.

The cast is full of colorful characters, ranging from Russell’s frantic mom searching for her daughter to Jackson’s almost too responsible drug runner to Margo Martindale as a park ranger with romance on her mind. Throw in recent Tony award winner Jesse Tyler Ferguson as a local wildlife expert and the late Ray Liotta in one of his final performances and you have a group of actors who, instead of going for camp, play the situations straight. And don’t forget the bear, who shows an amazing range of emotions. Add a soundtrack consisting of some of the era’s greatest hits and you have the formula for an entertaining night at the movies.

It is now available to own on digital, Blu-ray and DVD.
The ‘MAXIMUM RAMPAGE EDITION’ has the following features:
Alternate Ending
Deleted & Extended Scenes
Gag Reel
All Roads Lead to Cokey: The Making of COCAINE BEAR – Meet the hilarious ensemble brought together to bring the movie of what is soon to be the world’s most famous bear to life.
UnBEARable Bloodbath: Dissecting the Kills – From rigging to special effects makeup, to some of the actors doing their own stunts, we’ll get a bears-eye view into some of COCAINE BEAR’s hilarious and gory kill scenes.
Doing Lines – Cast and filmmakers read lines from the script to COCAINE BEAR, which was a work of art unto itself.
Feature Commentary with Director/Producer Elizabeth Banks and Producer Max Handelman

Film Review: “AIR”


  • AIR
  • Starring: Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Viola Davis
  • Directed by: Ben Affleck
  • Rated: R
  • Running time: 1 hr 53 mins
  • Amazon Studios
  • (Five stars out of Five)

It’s been 26 years since a couple of kids named Ben Affleck and Matt Damon took Hollywood by storm when they won an Oscar for their original screenplay “Good Will Hunting.” In the time since winning, the two have battled through career ups and downs and today are among the most respected people in Hollywood. Especially Affleck, who went from being a punchline to becoming one of the best directors in the business. His non-nomination for directing the Oscar winning Best Picture, “Argo,” is a true mystery that I don’t even think Scooby Doo and his pals could solve.

Not including a brief appearance on the “set” of “Good Will Hunting 2’ in Kevin Smith’s “Jay and Silent Bob Save Hollywood,” the two have no appeared on screen together since GWH. That all changes now with the release of “Air.”

It may be hard to believe, but there was a time when Nike was almost an afterthought when it came to sneakers. Back in my youth the popular brands were Adidas and Puma. Sure, Nike was big with runners but, where I once as a kid asked my parents to buy me a pair of Lou Brock-model Keds, I cannot remember ever asking them for a pair of Nikes. Enter Sonny Vacarro (Damon), hired by the Beaverton, Oregon company to help increase the brand.l The 1984 draft has just been held and he is charged with finding three players to hopefully sign sponsorship contracts and get the word out. But Vacarro, going against everything he has been told, decides to put all of Nike’s eggs in the baseke of a certain young man from the University of North Carolina, one Michael Jeffrey Jordan.

Packed with great performances and backed by a killer soundtrack of 1984 tunes, “Air” asumes the audience knows that Jordan and Nike now go hand in handl, but are curious to know how they got together.


Damon is his usual solid self, giving Vacarro an empathy that you might not normally have for someone in his position. It is his persistance, as well as his genuine belief that Jordan is truly a once-in-a-lifetime talent, that keeps the film moving. Damon is joined by director Affleck, who plays Nike founder Phil Knight as a man who must balance his employee’s beliefs with the wishes of his stockholders. Also contributing: Jason Bateman, Chris Tucker and Chris Messina, who plays Jordan’s agent, David Falk. Messina’s scenes with Damon are comic gold, somehow making characters who should be unlikable anything but. And I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the award-worthy performance by Viola Davis, who plays Jordan’s mother, Deloris. Her quiet strength, and true belief in her son’s ability, give the film a great compass.

The script is tight and Affleck has given the film a quick, but even, pace. I’d put “Air” on the same shelf as “Argo” in both style and execution.

I know it’s only April, but I am not afraid to state for the record that “Air” is – nd will be – one of the best films of the year.

I Was RIGHT About Adam Sandler


Let’s take a trip back in time.  It’s 2011 and this site was still known as MovieMikes.  I posted a review for the Adam Sandler film Jack and Jill and all hell broke loose.  The reason?  I had rated it as positive on Rotten Tomatoes.  Let me go more in depth.  I was the ONLY critic to give Jack and Jill a positive rating.


If you’ve learned anything about me in the 13-plus years this site has been in existance, it’s that, even though I’m now 62, inside I’ll always be a 13-year old boy.  I love Adam Sandler’s goofy brand of comedy.  Yes, some of his films are pretty, well, not-good, but I usually laugh at them.


That was the case of Jack and Jill.  Yes it was durmb, but come on….you had Al Pacino singing and dancing for Christ’s sake!  I gave it 2.5 stars out of 5, but instead of rating it as “Rotten” on RT I rated it “fresh.”  And the madness began.


I received so many negative comments on the post on RT that they stopped allowing people to comment.  I received a bunch of horrible emails, many of which I can’t quote here.  What I thought was odd was that these comments began piling up the moment I posted my review.  The day before the film even opened.  These people were criticizing me for liking a film they hadn’t even seen.  However, there is a certain silver lining to this adventure as Adam Sandler recently was awarded the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor.  That’s right.  Richard Pryor.  Steve Martin.  Carol Burnett.  ADAM SANDLER!!



As the ONLY critic to give Jack and Jill a “fresh” rating, this site was not only mentioned nationwide on the “Opie and Anthony” radio show, but was mentioned on “E!” Entertainment Television.  Adam Sandler, and Mike G’s series of “Walking Dead” interviews that same year put us on the map!  Thirteen years later we continue to be one of the most popular entertainment sites out there.  And for that I say, “thank YOU, Adam Sandler!”


And thanks to all of yolu for your continued support!

“Everything Everywhere All at Once” is big winner at the 95th Annual Academy Awards


Everything Everywhere All at Once went into Oscar night leading the pack with (11) nominations so it should be no surprise that the film took him (7) Academy Awards, including Best Picture, at the 95th Annual Academy Awards.  The film also took home both awards in the Supporting categories, Best Actress, Best Original Screenplay, Film Editing and Best Director.
The other major award of the evening was won by Brendan Fraser, who captured Best Actor for his incredible work in The Whale.  Germany’s All Quiet on the Western Front was named the Best International Feature Film and also scored awards for Original Score, Production Design and Cinematography while Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio was named the year’s Best Animated Feature.  Sarah Polley won the award for Best Adapted Screenplay for Women Talking.
As someone who has watched the awards religiously since 1975, I can say that for the first time in several years, the show delivered.  The night was full of many pure emotional moments.  From Ke Huy Quan’s moving acceptance speech as he accepted the trophy for Best Supporting Actor to his Everything Everywhere All at Once co-star Jamie Lee Curtis’ tearful tribute to her Oscar-nominated parents, the show had many more high points then in previous years.  The evening was capped off by Quan capturing his former Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom co-star Harrison Ford in a bearhug as the latter awarded Everything Everywhere All at Once the night’s final award, Best Picture.
All in all, an enjoyable night with just enough surprises to keep you interested until the end.
Here is a list of the night’s winners:
Everything Everywhere All at Once
Jamie Lee Curtis, Everything Everywhere All at Once
Ke Huy Quan, Everything Everywhere All at Once
All Quiet on the Western Front, Germany
The Elephant Whisperers
“Naatu Naatu” from RRR
Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio
Women Talking
Everything Everywhere All at Once
Brendan Fraser, The Whale
Michelle Yeoh, Everything Everywhere All at Once
Daniel Scheinert and Daniel Kwan, Everything Everywhere All at Once
All Quiet on the Western Front
All Quiet on the Western Front
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Top Gun: Maverick
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse
An Irish Goodbye
All Quiet on the Western Front
Avatar: The Way of Water
Everything Everywhere All at Once
The Whale

Remembering Author Edith Blake


Edith Blake outside the “Spielberg” cabin on Martha’s vineyard. (photo by Dana Goudreault)
A lot of what I’m going to say about author Edith Blake, who passed away over the weekend at the age of 97, I wrote in my introduction to the 45th Anniversary edition of her much-loved book, “On Location – On Martha’s Vineyard:  The Making of the Movie JAWS,” which I had the humbling opportunity to update for new generations of fans. 
Edie’s obituary will surely mention her favorite activities, among them photography, writing, sailing, tennis (she played actively until she was 90) and animals of all types.  But it was her up-close experiences on the set of JAWS that endeared her to fans the world over.  Referring to herself as “the girl photographer,” Edie spent hours on end documenting with her camera the day-to-day activities on a major motion picture film set.  From milling around with the extras to being knocked backwards by the exploding shark, her words and photos painted a picture of an amazing story, one that brought thousands of fans – maybe even hundreds of thousands – the world over to Martha’s Vineyard.
Edie self-published her book in June 1975, the same month the film opened.  The success of the film led Ballentine books to reprint the paperback.  Over the years the book has sold millions of copies in many languages.  The book, like Carl Gottlieb’s “The JAWS Log,” was one of the first to give film fans a real inside look at how a movie is made.
I first “met” Edie in September 1976.  After reading her book I took a chance and called directory assistance for Martha’s Vineyard.  I asked for the number of Edith Blake and soon I was speaking with her.  I told her how much I loved the book and mentioned my association with Richard Dreyfuss’ official fan club.  Before we said goodbye she asked for my address.  Soon I received in the mail (3) photos of Richard she had taken on the set that hadn’t been in the book.  I was overwhelmed by her act of kindness.
Of the phonts Edith sent me, this was my favorite. Both Roy Scheider and Richard Dreyfuss laughed at the image when I showed it to them (Photo by Edith Blake)
It wasn’t until the first official JAWSFest in 2005 that I officially met her.  To my surprise she seemed to remember the kid from Florida who called her.  She marveled at how her book had influenced so many people and always seemed puzzled when people would seek her out for an autograph or a quick “hello.”  The fans loved her, and she loved the fans.  Sadly, that affection was betrayed when one fan, Michael Roddy, stole her JAWS-period negatives from the local museum, where she had donated her archives when she retired.  It took time but, after the authorities were called in, the negatives slowly began to return.  I was visiting with her at the museum in 2006 when a batch arrived, mailed in an envelope with a Universal Studios return address. 
In late 2019, Donna Honig asked me if I would be interested in helping Edie bring her book to new generations.  In 2005, the Bunch of Grapes bookstore in Edgartown had, without Edith’s knowledge or permission, reprinted her book.  It was terribly reproduced, with many of the images too dark for fans to enjoy.  The idea was to not only release an authorized edition (the Ballentine edition was long out of print), but to update it for fans.  It was one of my greatest honors to be allowed to contribute not only an Introduction to the book, but an additional chapter, looking not only at the people that had made the film but the people the film influenced.  The book was released on Edith’s birthday in 2020 and was well received, earning a Book of the Year nomination in the annual Rondo Hatton Horror Awards.
I last spent time with Edie in September 2021.  Surrounded by fans I had the privilege of joining her for a book signing at Edgartown Books.  Afterwards we joined a large group for dinner at the Wharf.  It was a surreal moment for me.  Not only was I having dinner with an author that had so influenced my youth, but we were joined by guitarist Michael Haydn and Alex Kintner himself, Jeff Voorhees.  When dinner was over, I walked with Edie to her waiting car.  It was raining and I held an umbrella over her head.  I opened her door and when she got inside, I thanked her again for allowing me to be a part of her book and I wished her a good night.  It was certainly a great one for me.
Rest well, dear lady.  Your work will live on forever.  

Win Passes to This Year’s Planet Comicon Kansas City


Long before Media Mikes was created – we just cerlebrated our 13th Anniversaryl – I have been a huge supporter of the amazing Planet Comicon Kansas City.


That being said, I’m happy to announce that we have once again teamed up with our KCPC friends and are giving five lucky readers (2) passes to the event.  


The best show in the Midwest, hands down, this years celebrity guests include William Shatner, Richard Dreyfuss, Jeffrey Kramer, Jonathan Frakes, William Daniels and Giancarlo Espisito.


All you have to do is comment below and let us know who you would like to see at a future show.  It’s that simple.


Fi ve random comments will be chosen and those picked will receive (2) passes to this year’s show.


This contest runs through midnight on Wednesday, March 15th.  Winners will be notified by email.  GOOD LUCK!


Take a few minutes to see this great highlight video from last years show HERE

FIlm Review: “Puss in Boots: the Last Wish”


  • Starring the voices of:  Antonia Banderas, Salma Hayek and Harvey Guillen
  • Directed by:  Joel Crawford and Januel Mercado
  • Rated:  PG
  • Running time:
  • Universal


Ah, to be a cat.  I mean, sure, we can all lap up milk and, if we so desire, play with a ball of yarn.  But we only live once.  Cats have nine lives, which gives them the unique opportunity to be a little more reckless than you and I.  That is, of course, unless they only have one life left.


An off-shoot of the very popular SHREK series, “Puss in Boots: the Last Wish” brings us the swashbuckling cat (the always smooth Banderas) at his most vulnerable.  He is now overwhelmed with the one feeling he’s never had.  Fear.  Genuine fear.  With a long standing bounty on his head, he is now running from a very large wolf and a “family” gang made up of Goldilocks and the Three Bers.  Deciding to play it safe, he strips himself of his boots, lets his fur grow out and goes to live with a woman who LOVES cats.  There he is befriended by Perro (Guillen), a dog who has disguised himself as a cat in order to eat.  And, despite Puss’ protests, a true friendship is developed.


Well animated, and ever more well voiced, “Puss in Boots: the Last Wish” is a nice return to the screen for the boastful feline.  The script is full of some great lines, most of them aimed at Puss who now really is more of a pussy cat then a lion.  The story is a little dark, with one villain chuckling while his minions – no, not those guys – are sent to their death.  One in joke is that this baddy is known as Big Jack Horner, having grown from Little Jack Horner due to his love of pie.


Things begin to get exciting when Kitty Soft Paws (Hayek) arrives on the scene.  It seems everyone concerned is searching for a magical map that will take them to a place where they can have a wish granted.  The enjoyment in this adventure comes from the fact that the map reacts to the person holding it.  Bears and other baddies are sent through fire pits and thorn infested forests.  Those good at heart get to romp through fields of posies! 

As with most of the films in the SHREK universe, the performances are first-rate and the animation is beaufiul.  Here’s hoping this cat has more lives in him.

Win a Blu-ray copy of ‘Violent Night”


Meida Mikes has teamed with their friends at Universal Home Video to give one lucky reader an opportunity to win a Blu-ray copy of the surprise holiday horror hit “Violent Night.”

All you have to do is let us know in the comments your favorite Horror-themed Holiday film.  As easy as that.  One random comment will be chosen and that person will receive a Blu-ray copy of “Violent Night.”  Winner will be notified by email.  This contest ends at midnight on March 3, 2023.  Good luck!

Film Review: “A Man Called Otto”


  • Starring: Tom Hanks and Mariana Trevino
  • Directred by: Marc Forster
  • Rated: PG 13
  • Running time: 2 hrs 6 mins
  • STX Entertainment

Otto (Hanks) is a man set in his ways. Every day he arises and make his rounds through his small neighborhood, doing his best to keep his neighbors united in not selling to a large property management firm. When he’s not picking up trash or yelling at people to slow down as they drive past, Otto mourns for his late wife, the only person he feels understood him. When a new family moves in across the street, Otto learns that maybe his way isn’t always the right way.

Based on “A Man Called Ove,” a 2015 Swedish film, “A Man Called Otto” is well intntioned but a little too heavy handed at times. Hanks plays Otto as if he is the mellower brother of Clint Eastwood’s Walt from “Grand Torino.” His way is the way it should be and all others be damned. The new family across the street, headed by Mom Marisol (Trevino) begin to wear Otto down until he’s actually giving driving lessons and trying to make amends with friends he has wronged. Otto is keepoing a secret from everyone, one that we slowly begin to learn. He’s not a bad man. He’s just lonely and wishes to be in what he thinks is a better place.

As the seasons go by, from the warmth of spring to the fresh snow of winter, the characters become more familiar to the audience and each other. Otto may not be a saint, but he is a good man at heart, and heart is what this film is all about.

Film Review: “80 for Brady”


  • 80 FOR BRADY
  • Starring: Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Sally Field and Rita Moreno
  • Directed by: Kyle Martin
  • Rated: PG 13
  • Running time: 1 hour 38 min
  • Paramount

For years I lived under the illusion that Tom Brady was a cheater. Then he went to my Tampa Bay Buccaneers and brought them a Super Bowl victory so now I see he was just misunderstood. Brady has since retired (again) but his legend lives on in “80 for Brady.”

Every Sunday a group of friends gathers in the home of Lou (Tomlin) to get their game on. Football that is. It’s been a tradition for these women for years, and started when Lou was battling cancer. The other women also have some issues. Trish (Fonda) cannot accept the fact that she is getting old, Maura (Moreno) is recently widowed and Betty (Field) is tired of doing everything for others and nothing for herself. When the Patriots once again advance to the Super Bowl in 2017, Lou gets them all tickets to the game so that they can celebrate in person.

A an almost too-sweet story held together by a group of actres with (5) Oscars and (12) nominations between them, “80 for Brady” is, in reality, a story about following your drams and never giving up. Football fans may recall that Super Bowl LI featured a game where, at one time, the Patriots were down 28-3 only to score (31) unanswered points to emerge victorious.

Along the way the ladies learn more about themselves then they expected, as they conspire to get as close to the action as posible. Brady, also a producer, shows up a few times on screen and has a natural screen presence, also featured in “Ted 2.” Nice to see he has a sense of humor.

For football fans, the film is a must see thanks to the incredible game footage shown on screen. Angles and highlights not seen on television are amazing to follow when they’re 40 feet high. Besides, now that the NFL season is over, “80 for Brady” is a way to get in a little more football before baseball season rolls along.