Matt Maiellaro is the co-creator of “Aqua Teen Hunger Force”, titled “Aqua Something You Know Whatever” this season. Matt was also the producer/writer on such Adult Swim shows as “Space Ghost Coast to Ghost”, Sealab 2021 and “12 Oz. Mouse”. Media Mikes had a chance to chat with Matt about the new season and what we can expect.
Mike Gencarelli: Tell us about the title change for this season to “Aqua Something You Know Whatever”?
Matt Maiellaro: We had four baskets filled with pieces of paper with one word on them. We just reached into each basket and whatever we picked was going to be the title [laughs]. Our ratings have been so incredibly high that we’ve been embarassing the other shows. So we decided to change the title of the show and no one will be able to find it, which would cause our ratings to drop. It didn’t work though, we are still doing good. People are seeking us out despite the title change [laughs].
MG: What we can expect from this season of show?
MM: Just making fun of everybody’s stuff [laughs]. Seth MacFarlane was going to re-imagine “The Flintstones” and we did a whole parody on that. We did a parody of “Titus Maxium”, because we love the show. We are spoofing “The Human Centipede”. We are kind of all over the map but we they are really good this year. It is the first time we reached out and messed with other peoples material but we are having fun with it.
MG: After 100 episodes, what did you find was your biggest challenge to overcome this season?
MM: There is no challenge. This show is so easy to make. Well, the biggest challenge is actually what hotel I am going to stay at when I fly into Atlanta to meet with Dave (Willis) [laughs]. That is pretty much it.
MG: What is your favorite episode this season?
MM: Shoot man, everyone is so good. We got to work with Queensryche and Mastadon, so that was pretty cool. That is a hard call though honestly.
MG: What has been your favorite voice to do for the show to date?
MM: Well, doing Err is pretty fun because he is just drunk and yells stuff. He has really bad ideas. In fact when we write a show we don’t even write Err in the script. I just go in and hell stuff out. I haven’t done the Cybernetic Ghost in a while. My fee has gone up enormously for that character, since it really hurts my throat [laughs].
MG: What can we expect from the future of the series?
MM: We are just going to continue making the thing till America realizes that they don’t want to watch it anymore. We are digging it.
MG: Are you shocked that it has been on for so long?
MM: I do, when I tell someone about it and they go “Shit, 12 years?!” I am just glad we are still at it. It is fun to do. Whatever makes Dave and I laugh we just do it and it’s been successful. It is one of the longest running shows…I mean we beat “M.A.S.H” [laughs].
MG: Any update on the second “Aqua” movie “Death Fighter”?
MM: It is all written and great. We are just trying to convince the network do it again. The first one was such a cash cow for them, not just box office but also ad sales in the movie. So it is kind of a no-brainer. So hopefully one day.
MG: What else do you have planned upcoming?
MM: I have a pilot with Disney XD that is real kid friendly. My show is broke the mold with pilots, it is went really well. So right now it is testing and it is called “Shred Force”. So keep an eye out hopefully.
Bring ATHF back NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m 59, getting very close to 60 ( WTF??). I love this show!! Watched it for the 1rst time in 2015, instantly

addicted!! Now I know there was a movie, I’m going to
have to find it !!! Great show! My favorite characters
are the Mooninites, since they are such a-holes.
Thank you so much to the creators