Five ways to protect yourself from snakes during a hike

There certainly are plenty of different types of snakes in the world. During a hike, it’s not uncommon to come across various species, with some hikers not being too educated on how to avoid such a scenario. After all, while some snakes are capable of killing us with one injection of venom, they’re ultimately going about their business and would rather be left alone.

Depending on where you are on Earth, you’re likely to have various snakes that occupy your favorite hiking routes. The same types of snakes in hit movies like Anaconda and games like King Cobra that you can play here may be encountered during a long hike up a mountain or a long walk in some grassland. Thankfully, while most snakes don’t need to be feared, we should still be careful when we’re walking in their habitat. With that in mind, below are five ways to protect yourself from snakes during your hiking escapades.

Always follow open trails

While it can be tempting to go off the beaten track and explore a relatively untouched area, you’re probably asking for trouble. In areas that have been created for hikers and feature open, well-defined routes that are easy to navigate, snakes are less likely to be present there. Snakes tend to occupy areas that are quiet and offer places for them to hide, such as bushes. They’re also typically near to a water source, be it a river or a swamp.

Wear lightweight long-pants

The type of clothing we wear can also add another layer of safety to our hiking missions. While wearing long pants can also stop us from getting stung by various plants and provide comfort while

we’re out and about, they’re also worth wearing as they might protect you should you come into contact with an aggressive snake. Although some items of clothing in this area aren’t cheap, you’re essentially investing in a pair of pants that will keep you safe, but can also be detached to be worn as a pair of shorts when the weather’s too hot, and you’re in a safer environment that potentially isn’t filled with snakes.

Don’t be afraid to make noise

When you’re around other animals, it’s worth staying quiet so you don’t aggravate them and cause them to potentially come charging at you, be it a bear or even a moose. With snakes, though, it’s worth making noise in order to scare them off but also to make sure that they’re aware of your presence. Most snake bites occur when a hiker catches a snake off guard and then their natural reaction is to attack and defend themselves as they simply aren’t aware of their presence. To avoid this scenario, make noise and any nearby snakes will make way.

Keep tabs on snake season

Of course, depending on where you’re based, snakes are more prevalent at certain times throughout the year. For example, for any Australian hikers among us, snake season and when people are most likely to be bitten is around October to January. Hikers down under still enjoy their rural adventures at these times of the year, but they might take more precautions and be extra cautious when walking in certain areas. As we’ve already touched on, snakes aren’t interested in us humans and would much rather be left alone, but it’s still worth keeping tabs on their habits as we’re essentially in their home.

Gaiters add a layer of protection

If you’re still worried about snakes on your routes, then wearing gaiters is also recommended. Worn around the ankles, they’ll keep you safe from any snake bites.

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