Adventure Time’s Jake vs Finn Mimobot Designer USB Flash Drive Giveaway [ENDED]


Media Mikes is teaming up with Mimoco to bring you the ultimate MIMOBOT giveaway. What time is it “Adventure Time” fans? Media Mikes wants to you decide who will win in a Jake vs Finn best quote battle. This is for hardcore fans of “Adventure Time” only. The best quote will be chosen and the person will be awarded either a Jake or Finn MIMOBOT Designer USB Flash Drive. If you would like to enter for your chance to win one of this prizes, please leave us a comment below or send us an email with either your favorite Jake or Finn quote. This giveaway will remain open until March 19th at Noon, Eastern Time. This is open to our readers in US and Canada only. One entry per person, per household. All other entries will be considered invalid. Media Mikes will randomly select winners. Winners will be alerted via email.


Finn from Adventure Time is way more than just a little kid with a dog, a sword, and a hat, and Finn MIMOBOT is way more than another flash drive. Armed with his ‘awesome hat’, backpack and sword, there is no evil too scary for him to face, no adventure too big to be adventured, and for Finn MIMOBOT, no file too important. Oh yeah, and when you whip Finn MIMOBOT out, everyone will know that you are King Awesome.

Adventure Time’s Jake is not your average dog- he’s, well… stretchy. as in flexible. And he can talk, too. But he’s still loyal and loving and Jake MIMOBOT can be just as good a friend and just as flexible. Store a small file on Jake MIMOBOT. Go on, store a big file… whatever you want! He can hold up to 64GBs of your stuff, and he won’t complain. Jake MIMOBOT is there in a pinch and will proclaim to your friends and coworkers that yes, you love Adventure Time, and no, you will not let them down.


Also “Adventure Time” fans keep an eye out for the upcoming BMO BatteryBot that’s available for pre-order now, here. Who knows maybe this Summer we will be giving away one of these beauties as well, so stay tuned!

39 Replies to “Adventure Time’s Jake vs Finn Mimobot Designer USB Flash Drive Giveaway [ENDED]”

  1. “If you weren’t a figment of my imagination, I’d wanna have your baby.

  2. Finn – Imagination is for turbo-nerds who can’t handle how kick-butt reality is!

  3. You know what they remind me of? Well-dressed pickles. My son loves Adventure Time! well, we all do 🙂

  4. “You’re nuts, man. And I can’t help you. Probably because I’m just a simple dude!” -Finn

  5. “Makin pancakes, makin bacon pancakes. Take some bacon and you put it in a pancake. Bacon pancakes that’s what it’s gonna make, bacon pancakes!” – Jake

  6. No! Because no matter how messed up and lumpy I get, this guy never turns his back on me! (turns into Lumpy Jake) Oh yeah. Right behind ya. Just gotta turn my back on this guy.

  7. Let me explain some junk about dating. Right now you’re at tier one, which is hugging, but pretty soon you’ll be at tier two, which is smooching. Then down the road you’ll reach tier five, when she’ll let you discover all fifteen feet of her long, beautiful stomach. And after a while you’ll make it to tier eight where you touch her horn for the very first time. Very special.

  8. Sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something


  9. Jake: Bad computer! No! No! Go sit in the corner, and think about your life.

    Finn: Easy as childbirth.

  10. “You’re nuts, man. And I can’t help you. Probably because I’m just a simple dude!” -Finn

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