Interview with Jasper Cole

Jasper Cole has been in the movie business for since the early 80’s. He has done everything to movies to television. He is recently featured in the upcoming SNL sketch action comedy “MacGruber”. MovieMikes has the pleasure to talk with Jasper about his career and his upcoming movies:

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Mike Gencarelli: Tell me about your character you play in the upcoming “MacGruber” movie?
Jasper Cole: Zeke Pleshette is his name and he is one of the evil henchmen sidekick for Val Kilmer’s character in the movie. We are on this mission to take over a nuclear submarine mission that could destroy the earth. There is a history with MacGruber and Val’s character, whose name is Cunht. There’s myself, the character Hoss (Andy Mackenzie) & Constantine (Timothy V. Murphy), and we are the three henchmen sidekicks for Val Kilmer’s character.

Mike Gencarelli: Are you familiar with the original SNL sketch?
Jasper Cole: I am a fan and have been watching it throughout the years. I thought it was funny. I was dying to read the script because I was curious how they were going to make it into a feature.

Mike Gencarelli: How do you think the “MacGruber” SNL sketch translates to the big screen?
Jasper Cole: I think it is great, director Jorma (Taccone) made it sort of like a montage to 80’s action movies. You’ve got real drama and action, plus the Vicki and MacGruber comedic stuff, it plays out real well.

Mike Gencarelli: How does it feel to be established as Hollywood’s bad guy?
Jasper Cole: Well the truth is it’s been a long journey and it’s been a great 25 years. I have gone through different phases. It’s all about hanging in there and the longevity of the career. I hope to keep plugging away and playing these characters, that would be fantastic.

MG: You were featured in an episode of the “Friday the 13th” TV show and “Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan” movie, was this planned? Any connection?
JC:I think it is a total coincidence, the film was not the same director. If it did help me get the part I didn’t know anything about it. There is a real big fan base for those “Friday the 13th” movies that go on forever.

MG: Do you have a following from your role in the “Friday the 13th Part VIII”?
JC: I get letters and stuff from horror fans from that genre.

MG: Have you ever done any conventions and met any of your fans?
JC: As of now I haven’t, I had a couple of chances and it just didn’t work out with scheduling. I totally would, I would love to. I have a horror film I did called “Road Kill” and hopefully it will soon see the light of day. It is in the whole horror genre. It would be cool to attend the shows after that comes out.

MG: You worked on many TV shows, “Prom Queen”, “Everybody Hates Chris” and “The Forgotten”, what has been your favorite show to work on?
JC: I would say more recently “Prom Queen” is one of my most recent favorites, only because it was in the beginning of me playing these character parts. It has kick started a lot of these character work I have been getting. Years before, I was younger and played more boyish boring characters. “Prom Queen” gave me a nice boost. It is seen worldwide and have Michael Eisner behind it. It was a great character to play.

MG: How do you compare working on TV to making movies?
JC: Other that the pay and the time you put in, most one hour shows are shot almost exactly like a film. It’s just with film you generally have much more time so you are shooting, half the number of pages a day. Put in terms of the process for me, its seems pretty much the same. The only difference is sitcom which is a three camera shoot with an audience. The one hour jobs are like a film and that is what I love about them.

MG: Do you more plans for TV shows?
JC: I have more recently doing comedy sketches on Jay Leno’s “The Tonight Show”. There are a couple of pilots in the works and hopefully more guest spots to come.

MG: How about movies, besides “Road Kill”?
JC: I am attached to a feature that unfortunately I am unable to even talk about yet. It has been one of those that is on and off for a while but should be announced soon.

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