CBD Treats for Dogs & Pets Buying Guide & Review

If you’re here, you’re no doubt a dog lover that absolutely adores your Fido. You also probably know a little bit about CBD, or cannabidiol.

If the latter isn’t true, however, that’s just fine. This guide will be a quick primer on what CBD is, how it can help your beloved pet, and what to look out for when you’re considering purchasing Simply Pets CBD Biscuits.

First, let’s talk about what CBD is all about and why it works so well.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of the compounds within the cannabis plant.

First off, it’s important to not confuse CBD with THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the compound that has psychoactive effects and is known for creating a feeling of “highness”. For the record, hemp itself has very low levels of THC. While CBD derived from the marijuana plant will have higher levels, all legitimate pet products that are derived from the hemp plant will carry a note regarding THC levels, which are regulated down to a practically non-existent presence.

CBD is beneficial to dogs,cats, and humans alike. It’s a nontoxic, completely natural solution to a variety of ailments, which we’ll get to in a moment.

What can CBD do for my dog?

The most common reason that pet owners choose a CBD product to give to their pet is general pain or anxiety.

Especially for dogs with significant chronic pain, CBD can be a game changer. This could include neuropathy or nerve-related pain, as well as joint and bone issues. The biggest benefit is related to potential inflammation, which CBD is known for helping to reduce.

Of course, less inflammation invariably leads to less overall pain. And reducing inflammation is the No. 1 thing that CBD products work to do in pets. It isn’t just joints, bones, and external issues,either, but CBD can help with internal organs and other parts of the dog’s body that might be inflamed.

There is even quite a bit of research to suggest that CBD could help fight cancer, and while this hasn’t yet been proven definitively, there are plenty of ancillary benefits.

What should I look for in CBD dog treats?

The majority of CBD dog treats that you’ll find on the market are 100 percent natural, and that’s the first thing to look for as you’re exploring your options. If it isn’t promoted as completely natural, then you’re probably looking at a product that was exposed to pesticides and things of that nature.

You’ll also want to ensure that the product you select has been lab tested. As mentioned earlier, knowing the THC content is vital, too. Make sure that nothing you’re giving your dog has high contents of THC.

And again, the majority of CBD dog treats will have the above traits noted on the packaging but be sure that you’re paying close attention to it.

Are CBD treats the right choice for my dog?

Probably! Of course, these types of decisions are entirely up to you as the pet parent, but there isn’t any research to suggest that CBD dog treats or other CBD products could be harmful to your dog, so why not find a natural, holistic solution to whatever ails your beloved puppy?

Make sure to do all of the research mentioned above and go ahead and get to helping your dog feel better!

What to Look for When Buying CBD Oil

The use of CBD has gained popularity in the past few years. This can be attributed to the many proven health benefits CBD oil packs for users. With this in mind, there has also arisen businessmen who are all about minting money and not providing a pure product. This is a comprehensive CBD review to help you understand what to look for when purchasing your precious oil.

Do Your Own Research

Don’t just look at the cheapest CBD oil and decide that’s what to buy. It’s wise to research about the particular CBD product you want to purchase as well as the store that’s stocking the product. Weigh the benefits against the side effects to determine if you should proceed with the purchase.


If a product sounds too good to be true, tread carefully. Settle on a product that’s been proven to be effective for your particular needs. Another thing you need to look at is the pricing. In this case, cheap is expensive. If a product is too cheap, chances are it’s substandard.

CBD concentration

This is the most important aspect you should examine. Look at the labeling in a product. You should opt for a product that contains a high level of CBD because it will be more effective.

Extraction process

Different manufacturers use different methods to get their final product-CBD oil. Companies that want to make a quick buck will go for the cheapest method which may be through use of harmful solvents. Before making any, purchase do research to find out whether the method of extraction as well as storage facilities are up to the set standards.

Check the source

Cannabis is grown in either organic or inorganic soil. The type of soil where the cannabis will be grown will determine the quality as well as safety of the CBD oil. Cannabis grown in organic soil will contain little or no health effects and vice versa.

Lab testing

A company that has followed all the laid down procedures of manufacturing and storage won’t be afraid to display their findings on their website on product label. As opposed to taking a blanket approach, each batch of oil should be tested independently.

Source of the oil

Depending on the type of oil you choose, they will have different origin. Some come from flowers and others marijuana. If you’re looking for a product with a higher percentage of CBD, go for one obtained from flowers.

Compare the products and pricing

Before making the final decision on purchase, visit different manufacturers or suppliers to compare what each has to offer. There are awesome brands with awesome deals. For example, CBDistillery coupon codes and reviews help you save on products that are high quality and 3rd party lab tested.

Don’t believe in false claims or medical claims about CBD oil. These aren’t approved by the FDA and don’t follow guidelines. It can be a tedious process searching for quality brands but there’s great resources out there.