Exclusive Interview with Jenny Wright

Jenny Wright made her film debut playing Cushie in “The World According to Garp” in 1982. That same year she appeared in “Pink Floyd The Wall”, playing one of the American groupies. Jenny also appeared in “St. Elmo’s Fire”. In 1987, she starred in the cult horror classic “Near Dark”, which became her most known role. She also was featured in “Young Guns II”, with Emilio Estevez again and also “The Lawnmover Man”. Jenny’s last movie to date was “Enchanted” in 1998. She is recently returning the convention scene after stepping out of the spotlight. Jenny took time to do her FIRST interview, since returning, with Movie Mikes to discuss her work on her well known films.

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Mike Gencarelli: How was working on the film “Pink Floyd: The Wall”?
Jenny Wright: It was great, it was only my second film. I had done “The World According to Garp” after I got my SAG card. I was working on a soap opera called “The Doctor”. “Pink Floyd: The Wall” was really first big movie. Alan Parker met me and hired me right away and sent me to England.

Mike Gencarelli: Did you get to meet the band? Any cool stories?
Jenny Wright: I met the whole band. They were all great, really great. They come to the set and they were very encouraging and enthusiast. Bob Geldof was great. I had so much fun in London. I met a lot of people and went to The Alternative Miss World Contest. It was just so much fun, London is such a great town. “The Wall” might come around again since Roger Waters should be touring with it again this year.

MG: “Near Dark” was overlooked in it’s original release but has since become a classic, how do you feel about the film’s success over the years?
JW: I think the movie was made with the idea of making a good movie, than making a box office hit. Everyone’s part was in the right place and there was really creative element on the set. With Kathryn getting the Oscar, the film might be revisited again, who knows? It is like a lot of good movies they find there audience. The people that know “Near Dark” love it and appreciate it for what it is.

MG: Did you enjoy playing Mae in “Near Dark”?
JW: I loved playing that character. I identified with it a lot. I just got into it and got comfortable with it and kind of let it come alive for itself.

MG: Kathryn Bigelow, just won an Oscar for “The Hurt Locker”. How was she on the set of “Near Dark”?
JW: She was very confident. She co-wrote the script with Eric Red for “Near Dark”. Sometimes there’s conflict between what the writer wants and what the director is going to give them. I think they were in agreement on what the film should be like and she created a very safe, creative environment for her actors. We worked in sort of an ensemble way with each other. Of course Bill Paxton, Lance Hendrickson and Jenette Goldstein have all worked together on “Aliens” again. We were like a little family.

Click here to purchase Jenny’s movies

4 Replies to “Exclusive Interview with Jenny Wright”

  1. Well done Mike on getting that interview! Jenny Wright has been off the radar for years so cool you got to interview her 1st on her return. Nice job 🙂

  2. I had such a girl crush on her after Near Dark, what a beautiful woman. That’s one of my top 5 vampire movies ever. I’m glad she’s still around, I was just reading her IMDb page and it said no one had been able to locate her for a Near Dark commentary. I was afraid to read she had died or something.

  3. Jenny Is Best !.. It is amazing to see a recent photo of her in this article!… We were friends back in the late 80’s in L.A…. She is a tremendous actress and I wish that she would make more films! We used to ride around Hollywood in her Alfa Romeo… I lost touch with her in the early 90’s. If anyone knows how to get in touch with her, ask her to send me an email at http://www.redballs.com / Veggie@redballs.com

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