If you would like to win one of these great prizes, we have a Media Mikes first, YOU ARE ALLOWED MULTIPLE ENTRIES WEEKLY!!!, post your favorite moments below or send us an email from the Mashup Clip Countdown as the new videos get unlocked! Also you can enter by taking the “Which Friend Are You Most Like” quiz and post their results! This giveaway will be open until November 30th at Noon, Eastern Time and is only open to residents of the United States. Only one entry per person, per household; all other entries will be considered invalid. Once the giveaway ends, Media Mikes will randomly pick out winners and alert the winners via email.
Be sure to check out the 30 Days of Friends: Trivia Challenge Blog App and Video Player below and come back to the video player every Thursday to see the new unlocked Friends Mashup clips running throughout November starting with an exclusive clip featuring Friends fan favorite Janice!!
30 Days of Friends: Trivia Challenge! Come back everyday to earn a different Friends character badge, unlock hidden badges, and earn awesome Friends content along the way.
Mashup Clip Countdown! Relive all your favorite Friends moments in these fun clips. Each week a new clip will be unlocked. Let your readers know so they come back week after week to check them out!
Which Friend Are You Most Like Quiz! Everybody loves the characters of Friends for their distinct and quirky personalities. Chandler’s wit, Monica’s OCD, and Phoebe with her free-spirit. Take this quiz to find out what Friends character you are most like!
I got 56% Joey on the quiz!
I got a 56% like Ross score.
Most like Rachel!
My favorite moment has to be when Ross tells everyone that Rachel is pregnant because condoms are only 99% effective. Then Joey brings out of his pocket an entire strip of condoms to read this percentage of effectiveness. I laugh everytime because it is to funny to see him panic about the effectiveness of condom usage.
I am most like Joey! How you doing?
i am most like joey
I’m a Chandler
I am most like Chandler.
I can’t recall a favorite moment. But Phoebe is my favorite character. I love her dizzyiness.
couldn’t listed all MY favorite moments … the writers and cast just made the show work.
smelly cat
One of my fav moments is when Joey puts the book in the freezer cause he is afraid of the story.
My favorite is when Chandler and Rachel start stealing the old lady from downstairs cheescake, then later they start fighting over it and evetually eat it off the floor because hey drop it, and joey joins in lol.
I am 33% Phoebe and 22% Joey and 11% everyone else … lol
Most like Monica! I can’t think of a favorite moment from the show.. such a great show!
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com
MUST i choose just one … bummer … ’cause there were SO many.
One of my favorite moments is the competition Monica and Rachel have w/ Joey and Chandler for the apartment. We find out all kinds of interesting/funny tidbits about them; my fave being that Chandler gets a TV Guide addressed to Chanandler Bong. I love this show and still watch reruns.
I’m mostly a Monica w/ a little Rachel thrown in (Monica is my fave so that’s cool.)
Nap partners where Ross and Joey fall asleep together watching “Die Hard” and they get caught by the rest of their friends.
I’m mostly a Phoebe with a little bit of Monica thrown in.
I am most like Joey
Another favorite scene is the “pivot” couch to Ross’ apartment. I crack up every single time I see that scene.
Joey…final answer.
When Joey finds out about Chandler and Monica
I am 44 percent Joey and 22 percent Rachel!
I earned the type A badge.