Book Review “Prometheus: The Art of the Film”

Author: Mark Salisbury
Hardcover: 186 pages
Publisher: Titan Books
Release Date: June 12, 2012

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

Out of all the films in the summer of 2012, “Prometheus” is easily one of my most anticipated. I really enjoyed this film and I was hoping that this book was going to deliver the goods just as well.  Author Mark Salisbury is also know for his work on the fantastic “Alice in Wonderland A Visual Companion” book. I really enjoyed how in depth he is able to cover his films. Like “Alice in Wonderland”, “Prometheus” is a very visual film and it deserves an amazing “Art of” book. This does not disappoint at all. In fact, this is one of the finest “art of” books that I have ever read.

This book which is an amazing tie-in to the film and includes some amazing never-been-seen content, including newly released production art. Since my site focuses on interviews, I was very excited to see that this book also includes various interviews from cast and crew. If you have seen this amazing film you will also go crazy at the enormous wealth of behind-the-scenes material included. I mean literally every aspect of the film is covered in this book ranging from the planet, to the costumes, to the pyramids. Top that off with very encouraging send-off intro from director Ridley Scott and you have one perfect book.

The presentation of the book is also impressive as in the content.  It comes in glorious hard cover with no slip sleeve as it is printed on the hardcover.  This is a great decision to avoid ripping or damage to the cover.  The quality of the images throughout are just out of this world (get it?) and look crystal clear while perfectly capturing the visual feel from the film. If you are a fan of the “Alien” franchise, this book supersedes the intrigue and design from that film and really allows you to journey into the film “Prometheus”. Titan Books succeeds again in not disappointing, the public needs to know that their books are the delivered with the highest quality and satisfies even the most demanding fans.

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