Kristin Carey plays the sexy cougar Aunt Meg in the upcoming Farrelly Brothers film “Hall Pass”. Movie Mikes had a chance to talk with Kristin about her role in the film as well as some of her other projects.
Adam Lawton: Can you tell us about your lastest film, “Hall Pass”?
Kristin Carey: It’s an adventure of two guys played by Owen Wilson and Jason Sudeikis who receive hall passes from their wives…which is good for one week off from marriage. We always think that the grass is greener on the other side, however once these two guys start out on their adventure…they start to realize that this might not really be the case.
AL: Can you tell us about your character?
KC: I play Aunt Meg who is a crazy cougar with an insatiable sexual appetite [Laughs]. I hear about the hall pass through my niece who is Owen Wilson’s characters babysitter. Aunt Meg decides that Owen’s character is going to be her pray. I am one of many characters that the two guys encounter on their adventure.
AL: How was it working with the Farrelly Brothers?
KC: This was my second time working with them, as I had done a Sprint commercial with them previously. They are amazing! They are very down to earth and are interested in getting to know each person they work with on a personal level. We bonded over our love of the Boston Red Sox. It was like working with family but without the arguing. They like to hear your input on the character and scenes. It’s a very democratic set.
AL: How did you become attached to the film?
KC: When I met the Farrelly brothers for the first time, we just really bonded. They wanted to know everything about me…which was great. I had kept in touch with them after the Sprint commecial shoot was done. One day I got a call out of the blue to test for New Line.
AL: Had you seen the entire script prior to your audition?
KC: The night I was set to fly out for my test something had happened with the computer and I was only able to see part of the script. I went to the test knowing only a small portion of the script, but after I got the role I read the entire script. I very rarely laugh out loud when I am reading but this script was really funny!
AL: From your work do you have a role that sticks out as a favorite?
KC: I really love my role in “Hall Pass”. You always hear that there is a little piece of us in each character we play and I think there is a little bit of Aunt Meg in Kristin [Laughs]. I also got to play a National Security Advisor in a play called “The War Room” that I enjoyed. I liked the politics in that play and the role was feisty and intelligent which I loved. I was actually the only female in that cast and I produced it. That play was just a great experience. Another role I did that really sticks out for me was I played an Irish singer in a small indie film. I actually got to go into a studio and record a CD which was a pretty intense experience.
AL: Can you tell us about some of your upcoming projects?
KC: I am attached to an untitled film right now where my character is sort of a younger and sexier version of Jane Lynch. I play a college professor who is sort of a militant lesbian (Laughs). The film revolves around the experiences my character has with her students. It’s still in the planning process but we should be underway around spring time.