Book Review “The Gingerbread Bear” by Robert Dennis

Author: Robert Dennis
Illustrator: Tammie Lyon
Age Range: 3 – 5 years
Paperback: 32 pages
Publisher: Cartwheel Books
Release Date: August 27, 2013

Our Score: 3.5 out of 5 stars

Run, run, try if you dare, try and catch this Gingerbread Bear! This is a childhood classic told in a new way starring a gingerbread bear. This story takes place in Woodlands National Park and lends itself to a very cute retelling of the story of the Gingerbread Man.

The illustrations are cute, the story is cute and the ending is cute. It’s an enjoyable ride through a national park. Maybe it will be a fun read while teaching about the great outdoors or before going on a camping trip. The repetition will help younger readers stay engaged and enjoying their reading time.

Book Review “The Gingerbread Pirates”

Author: Kristin Kladstrup
Illustrator: Matt Tavares
Reading level: Ages 4 and up
Hardcover: 32 pages
Publisher: Candlewick
Release Date: September 11, 2012

Our Score: 5 out of 5 stars

When I saw a book titled “The Gingerbread Pirates”, I couldn’t help but   request it.  It also combines three of my favorite things: gingerbread, pirates and Christmas. Did you see that coming? Reading this book is sure to become a new family tradition each year, and knowing myself throughout the year.  I am also see myself if not many others  baking & decorating gingerbread pirates after reading this.

Premise: “It’s Christmas Eve, and Jim and his mother are making pirate gingerbread men to leave for Santa. Jim’s favorite is Captain Cookie, who carries a gingerbread cutlass and has a toothpick peg leg. The captain is much too good to be eaten, so Jim keeps him close by his bed. But late that night, when Jim is fast asleep, Captain Cookie steptaps away on a daring adventure to find his pirate crew — and rescue them from that mysterious character he’s heard about: a cannibal named Santa Claus. At once contemporary and timeless, suspenseful and joyous, this masterfully illustrated tale is destined to be a new holiday classic.”

I love me some cookies as the big man in red but I love the idea of what would happen if a brave cookie stood up to Santa.  It is a very unique and funny story.  It also delivers some wonderful Christmas cheer. The illustrations are delightful and very colorful. Overall, I just need to say that I love this book. Author, Lristin Kladstrup and illustrator Matt Tavares are now on my must-have list now and will be keeping an eye out for future releases.


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